I fast, but not intentionally. Many moons ago, when I was still in high school, I couldn't stand school lunches. My college didn't have great food, either. And I've never been much of a breakfast guy; breakfast is reserved for early days with big work ahead, like when camping or doing labor around the house.
So I naturally started doing what is now commonly called "One Meal A Day".
I would roll out of bed, drag myself to class, and sit through the day. It was easy to ignore lunch because the food was repulsive, so literal hunger was the easy choice. Get home and then grab a big meal, either takeout or home-cooked depending on the day.
Plus it saves so much time. I know some people do "meal prep" but I never could be bothered. I just make large meals and if I have leftovers I have leftover. Eat until I'm full. If I start packing on the pounds, I cut out desserts and start drinking water instead of milk, soda, or juice. Maybe start swapping some carbs out for more meat and fat.
I'm not super strict and I occasionally have calories outside my single meal in the form of soft drinks, if I'm reasonably skinny or getting exercise. But in general I only consume food once a day.
I've heard people say they struggle with it, but once you're on it for a bit it's not bad at all. Your body adjusts. I don't feel tired or out of it throughout the day like others describe. If I get hungry I just look forward to my dinner even more.
As far as gastrointestinal issues, I cannot comment. I have none. I do this because I feel better on it and I am used to it. But if you state your exact issues, maybe someone with similar irritation can say what works for them.