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Restaurant Thread Anonymous 11/16/2020 (Mon) 20:35:40 No. 598
Hey /ck/, I just wanted to make a thread about restaurants and recommendations for restaurants. Gonna start this one off with the Brooklyn classic Randazzo's Clam Bar. Heavily recommended, probably one of the best fish joints in Brooklyn. If you're new to the Randazzo's go for the Fried Filet or Filet Francese. You can't really go wrong with anything fish related.
Has anyone ever been to a Michelin starred restaurant? I've seen a few pop up on whatever Gordon Ramsey series, and their presentation always seems interesting. My concern is that the proprietors are always very haughty and too arty about what the food is, but the food itself looks interesting. I don't get out to eat at non-franchised places much and (Canadian, there aren't any Michelin starred up here) even so, I don't want to pay $80 for an entree to leave hungry and be wowed by the presentation.
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>>603 What you said goes for most, but not all Michelin starred restaurants. For example, pic related is a bowl of Ramen for 12.5 bucks from Tsuta. Occasionally, you get stories of Michelin inspectors just wandering into random eateries because they're hungry and ending up awarding them a star, which is how you end up with the occasional normal restaurant with a star.
>>603 Taking a date to Per Se has been on my bucket list for a while. It's probably going to stay there for a while. I also live near one of Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares, and I've been reluctant to eat there for obvious reasons.
>>603 >My concern is that the proprietors are always very haughty and too arty about what the food is I've been to one, but was in Asia and it wasn't crazy expensive, nor did they place utmost value on presentation. Still, I feel the same way when I look at Michelin restaurants in France, for example. Granted, doesn't even have to be a Michelin restaurant. I've been to "fancy" restaurants where I ordered fish and got maybe a 100 g, mediocre fillet. As for my recommendation, it isn't a restaurant, but a bar I went to when I visited Tulsa, Oklahoma. Place is called Valkyrie. They have a huge wall of different liquors, offering hard booze that can sometimes be difficult to purchase in the city itself. The servers were sommeliers for the different liquors, so even if you're clueless on what you want, they can happily recommend drinks.
>>603 Yeah, I've probably been to a bunch.
The pizza is heavily overrated, and the old man died recently. Mostly soggy pizza during the day and on the weekends, you have to wait over 45 minutes for an above average slice or two. If you're in Brooklyn looking for a pizza place, Spumoni Garden's is usually the better bet, or even (((Pizza Time))) is a superior option if you don't mind being surrounded by Jews.

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