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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Anonymous 03/19/2021 (Fri) 15:01:08 No. 10499
>Falcon is on a plane, people raid it. He gets out and does that dog fight with the choppers and shit. >Falcon is trying to help his sister through financial debt. Falcon's credit plummeting because he was blipped, scene at the bank. >Bucky has flashback of killing people. Seeing therapist for help. >Bucky constantly feels bad for this old Asian man cause he killed his son and is visiting his restaurant out of guilt. >Bucky goes on a date and can't relate to anyone cause he hasn't had a life since the 1920's. >Falcon decides to give the Cap shield to the Smithsonian. >Falcon is watching TV when a report comes out that they gave the shield to US Agent
>>12376 >Since the old testament You actually believe that lie?
>>12377 Sorry, before the old testament, when they were literal sand people still worshipping Moloch.
>>12375 >hus they promoted strength and honor etc, In other words the goal of superhero comics was probably to subconsciously put into our brains that it's a good thing to protect others WITHOUT A CAUSE >going so far with the kike connection that you believe that stories of powerful people in garish costumes who protect you unconditionally was a subversive jewish trick, and not an extension of shit that’s been going on since at least the fucking pulps. if not longer.
>>10712 >>10723 >Sam is racially profiled until the cops realize he's an Avenger It's as ridiculous as Kanye West or Oprah getting racially profiled. He is a major superhero that has been in news a lot lately, making him one of the most recognizable people in the U.S. Maybe even world. >>11725 >This reminds me a lot of a movie that was released last year I watched, it was some whodunit with Daniel Craig. Except it immediately reveals what happened 20 minutes in and it paints the main character as the unwilling culprit. The detective then moves heaven and earth multiple times pretty much going NO MAN IT'S NOT MARTA TRUST ME SHE'S A GUD GIRL SHE DINDU NUFFIN until a contrived set of circumstance somehow clears her of all suspicion. It was Rian Johnson's Knives Out. Pretty dumb all around, especially how the main suspect gets to tag along with detectives and is allowed access to critical evidence multiple times. As far as complaints go, double standard is the worst. Wakandans send their agents to foreign nations to apprehend or execute enemies of their state? It's all good. USA does the same by sending Walker out? It's evil, sneaky, unjust, and illegal. Did they even addressed why supersoldier serum does not make flag smashers grow a mountain of muscle? Cap went from malnourished manlet to a towering and ripped demigod. Same should happen to that young girl who leads Flag Smashers. >>12375 >Also if you look at the X-men Both Magneto and Charles Xavier are Jews. I only ever saw Xavier described as American protestant.
>>12387 Xavier's child legion was in tel aviv hospital in one of the stories. So unless he decided to mind control the Jews into helping his son I doubt it. Then again retcons in comics happen so often that it might have been changed.
>>12387 >Did they even addressed why supersoldier serum does not make flag smashers grow a mountain of muscle? It was a lazy throwaway line because they clearly didn't want to cast anyone who actually puts in any effort in a gym. You ready? >My serum's optimized. No meatheads and no clunky bionics
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>>12425 Xavier traveled the world after his time in Korean war. One of the places he visited was Israel, where he met catatonic Jewess, healed her with telepathy, fucked her, and then traveled elsewhere. He did not know that she got pregnant, so Legion was raised without Xavier. That visit was when he first encountered and befriended Magneto too. >>12426 >My serum's optimized. No meatheads and no clunky bionics That's just lazy and stupid.
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>>12375 >Also if you look at the X-men Both Magneto and Charles Xavier are Jews. Professor X is a jew?! Well, that might actually explain some things, now that you mention it. >took a bunch of kids away from their families for his own selfish purposes >didn't tell Scott about his brothers >lusted after teenaged Jean until he met Moira >ACTUALLY ERASED Hank from his parents' minds because it was easier >member of illuminati Fuck. No wonder they got Patrick Stewart to play him.
>>12387 >it's as ridiculous as Kanye West or Oprah getting racially profiled. ...even though they SHOULD be.
>>12387 >>12459 <Thanks for reminding me of this video
>>12460 >(((Michael Moore))) The only reason I haven't peacefully sunset myself in real life Minecraft is that I want to live long enough to piss on the swimming pool full of earth they'll have to bury him in.
>>12387 >Rian Johnson's Knives Out I had a friend recommend that one to me, and quit watching sometime after the will because I stopped caring about the plot and none of the characters were worthwhile in the first place. If I'd known it was made by Rian Johnson I wouldn't have bothered with it. That fag has never made a good movie in his life. Just looked up the ending and it's retarded >immigrant wondergirl accidentally gives the right medicine because it has the right viscosity >victim can't tell the difference between taking his meds and ODing on morphine, commits suicide for no reason >investigator did notice the spic was involved, but still put her in positions she could destroy evidence in
>>12521 I remember how badly the cast were sucking that faggot's cock in order to make sure the normals forgot who's fault The Last Jedi was. Rian Johnson needs to be fired out of a cannon into a brick wall. Never forget, /co/: "Rian makes me comfortable." He fucked a 70-year-old woman.
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>>12514 >in Minecraft
>>12521 I only started to enjoy the film once I turned my brain off at the: >She can't lie, or she'll start vomiting Because the REST OF THE FUCKING FILM HAS HER LYING ALL OVER THE PLACE AND FORGETS IT'S OWN RULES OR BENDS THEM BEYOND BELIEF.
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We interrupt this capeshit thread to bring you important capeshit news. *ahem* The current issue of Manbat was allegedly written by a man, but every indication seems to point to him actually having a vagina, instead. We now return you to your regularly scheduled jumping up and down and pointing out that capeshit is bad.
>>12560 >>12521 >>12387 What bothers me about Knives Out is what also bothered me about this shitshow, in that the show/movie is very insistent on claiming something without actually backing it up. Marta's just the protagonist in KO so the world will bend and break around her to show how virtuous she is. The writer says the family are all bad people so you have to feel like they all deserve getting shat on by the father, don't think about Michael Shannon's character they all deserve it. In this shit, Walker's just eviiiil and bad, don't think about it. That scene where he curbstomps a terrorist, it's meant to show how BAAAD he is, don't think for a second how a guy who just saw his best friend get punched through a column to death would think. Actually fuck Walker and his friend, he needs to give the shield back because that's whats important. Karli's misunderstood and everything, forget all the shit she pulled, look at falcon flying while cradling her body and the sad music playing she's such a tragic person woe is her. It's such fucking obvious framing of shit that simply doesn't match up with the events of the show/movie. But the writer wants to fit a character into a specific role or scenario so that's the way it is.
>>12565 What bothers you about the movie begins and ends with Rian "Fuck It, We'll Make It Up As We Go Along" Johnson. He's a hack and has delusions of adequacy.
>>12561 It could be intentional, Scarecrow is a pencil neck dweeb after all. It makes sense he'd try pushing gender studies bullshit after it wasn't enough to make him money without crime.
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>>12580 That only works if Manbat cuffs him across the face and tells him to quit being a fag.
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>>12561 >toxic-masculine Scarecrow is LITERALLY toxic. Wouldn't it be cool if SJWs just sort of took a few seconds to actually think about what they're writing?
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>>12561 >New issue of Man-Bat drops >the shitfuck writer doubled down I crave the day when it's legal to hunt these people.
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>>12611 >Manbat cuffs him across the face Nah it's just the way anybody would view manbat today. FEAR THE MASCULINE MAN BAT AND HIS MACHO LOVE OF POTASSIUM! FEAR HIM!
>>13641 If Manbat were real, the internet would wanna fuck him.
>>13642 Fuck at your own risk. Vampire bats contract and transmit more rabies than other species of bats. And if Manbat retains that unique feature, in which he urinates the blood he's consumed. Festus Infestus has nothing on in the watersports category.
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>>13643 Is Man Bat even made from a specific bat DNA?
>>13645 Well, at least he has sense enough to shake so as to not let it dribble and smell pissy. >>13648 Yes. It was stated that Langstrom spliced his DNA vampire bat and retains the usual vampire bat-like feeding habits. Manbat helped a lot with Gotham's homeless problem.
>>13656 What a hero.
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>>13648 >>13656 >Yes. It was stated that Langstrom spliced his DNA vampire bat and retains the usual vampire bat-like feeding habits. Manbat helped a lot with Gotham's homeless problem. Where is it stated? I went looking and I could only find vampire bat references to Elseworlds stuff like Batman Beyond and Justice League: Gods and Monsters. As far as I know, most versions of Kurt Langstrom are regular bat/man hybrids. No sucky-sucky.
>>13656 >It was stated that Langstrom spliced his DNA vampire bat Wouldn't that make him weaker?
>>13664 DuckDuckGo is a better friend than Google. Taken from the Arkham Wiki. Older comic logic is being phased out, anon. We have to adapt to the new. >>13667 >Wouldn't that make him weaker? I guess.
>>13669 >Taken from the Arkham Wiki. That's for the GAME, not the comic. The games are in no way canon.
>>13691 For now.
>>13691 >>13782 To be fair the arkham games character bios are full of "PEAK HUMAN PHYSICAL STRENGTH PEAK HUMAN MENTAL INTELLIGENCE, GRANDMASTER LEVEL MARTIAL ARTIST, MASTERY OF MECHANICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE, SAVANT INVENTOR, WORLD CLASS GYMNIST, WORLD CLASS COCKSUCKER" for every single character sans say the police officers and the reporters.
>>13782 >For now. In the games, the last I heard (as of Arkham Knight) was Bruce's identity was known by everyone and either Azrael or Bruce himself was running around scaring the living fuck out of minor criminals with Crane's fear toxin. That will never be canon.

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