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>live-action Avatar show Anonymous 06/11/2020 (Thu) 02:29:14 No. 1807
https://comicbook.com/anime/news/avatar-the-last-airbender-cabbage-man-live-action/ >Of course, fans would love to see Sie return as the character. The unassuming merchant became one of the best running gags of Avatar, and he is still talked about today. The Cabbage Merchant appears through the show with his stand of produce which always gets smushed by the Avatar and Company. The character, which was meant to be part of a one-off joke, became its own role after fans of Avatar championed the ill-fated merchant. How bad do you think the show will be? Legend of Korra bad? Even worse?
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>>16601 >>16605 Probably the only one who can pull it off as she's not over accessorizing and the dark colors match her hair and skin, bringing out her eyes.
>>16605 The girls look alright, the guys look like faggots
Legend of Korra was guaranteed to be shit once it was confirmed the protag would be a woman and a darkie. They made the first decently enough in that they made the actual protags (Aang and Zuko) men who were non-Jungle Asians or buffalo niggs. It's embarrassingly obvious that the showrunners are just Paul Feig style dweebs/fags who want to be divorced raped by/transition into domineering/cunt girlbosses. Don't believe? They made Korra and that twin Bolin who dated and that laser shooting girl in Zaheer's posse and Kuvira all have the same basic bitch butch traits (domineering, dyke hair, overly hostile or confrontational) you see in Soy Wars.
>>16617 I leftt out Zhu Li once they made Varrick start to "respect" her by her being domineering towards him and the comics turning her into Hillary Clinton.
gamesradardotcom/netflix-avatar-the-last-airbender-cast-reveal/ >Netflix has announced who will be playing Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Zuko in its upcoming live-action Avatar The Last Airbender series. >Gordon Cormier (Lost in Space) will play Aang, while siblings Katara and Sokka will be played by Kiawentiio (Anne With an E), and Ian Ousley (13 Reasons Why). Firebrand – and Fire Nation prince – Zuko will be portrayed by Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings actor Dallas Liu. thevulcanreporterdotcom/news/netflix-avatar-the-last-airbender-character-descriptions/ >Aang is a typical twelve-year-old boy. A bit goofy, a bit nerdy, restless in school, always eager to join his friends for fun and games. He’s nimble, energetic, and quick in the schoolyard. Adopted at birth, he’s struggled with questions of how he fits in, but his slaving parents have worked hard to make him feel accepted, and so he’s grown up to become generous, kind-hearted, and cheerful. He’s also been gifted with an incredible mystical power he doesn’t really understand, but it could be the key to saving the world from a global conflict. It’s a responsibility he’s reluctant to accept because it’ll take him away from his family, friends, and everything he knows. All he wants is to just be a regular kid. >In excellent shape, focused, and driven, Zuko has been driven to be an overachiever by his overbearing father, a career military man. Failure is never an option, and it doesn’t matter who you hurt to get to the top. Zuko has struggled to reconcile that philosophy with his kind-hearted nature, and that conflict has made him intense and guarded, which is why he comes off as brusque and arrogant. When he discovers he’s developed mysterious powers and is competing with Aang for a key role in their project, Zuko’s father tells him to stop at nothing to win. And if he doesn’t, he shouldn’t bother coming home. >>16556 Good luck finding non-Mutt/LARPer Injuns who aren't below 6 in the face
>>3998 >replying exactly a year later Fire isn't plasma, it's gases and solid particles that are glowing. Like when you heat iron and it goes red. Plasma requires ionization.
>>16337 >The reason this artbook is important is it was made in 2010, which would be a year from the live action movie in 2009 and 2 more years before Korra. If you read a few of the passages here though, particularly with Katara and Bryke wanting a "Strong female character" and Toph with "Wanting the female audience", you can clearly see how he drank more and more cool aid as the years went on, eventually resulting in Whorra. To me, this is a missing piece of the puzzle in what happened between ATLA and Korra. Late response, but I'm going to go into what it is that makes protagonists like Korra and Ruby Rose and Nu She-Ra not work. TLDR they're either more or less trannies or they showrunners don't go far enough to make the plot/setting fit for such. Characters like Korra are female power fantasies shoehorned into series or genres meant to be male power fantasies. You can have female protagonists in works like Alien or Terminator or Gunmn/Alita if they're either designed for titillation first and little of the plot depends on them being women or them being women with womanly thinking is key to the plot with suitable consequences (Sarah Connor being John Connor's mother who needs to be handheld, Aeon Flux's love/hate relationship with her nemesis, etc.). In shows like Korra and RWBY, the protagonists are written according to rules for properly female centric works like Twilight. In them: >the protagonist never really struggles or meets her match. Instead she always gets an easy out through DEMs or the villains screwing up/being ineffectual >it's reactive rather than proactive >things are given rather than seized >characters adore them easy enough even when they're plain or cunts or overall nothing special about them in character or looks >they're not only just amazing for what they are but are right/just for what they are >Threats can be neutralized by talking to them even without properly subduing them >Characters who oppose them are shown to be not just have different interests/priorities but are flat-flatout "evil" even when the plot doesn't support it at worst to pathetic/laughable/shameful at best In shonen manga, the protagonist takes on challenges and becomes stronger/more skilled/learns. If he gets a harem it's from being the toughest dude around or the otherwise best dude around. Power-ups like zenkais happen, but they need the protag to be mangled or otherwise face serious challenges. Korra and RWBY and etc. force shonen and other male centric works through the lens of the female power fantasy and it falls apart at close look. Conversely, something like Steven Universe has the opposite problem where it it needed a male protagonist for a female power fantasy except Steven is a shitty character.
Probably far too late to ask this, but what exactly is the point of a live action Avatar show?
>>18553 Or you're just mentally retarded Anon.
>>3669 >They're gonna implement that shit from Turf Wars where the fire nation becomes the anti-gay nation while most previous avatars were totally gay like Kyoshi. >make the expansionist japanese nation even more based >make it even clearer that the globohomo LoK run is the bad timeline where the Fire Nation lost and the (((white lotus))) enslaved the world with "democracy" Art imitates life
>>18944 Not an argument.
>>19622 >Not an argument. Oh, you're that same retard.
>>19623 >still no argument
>>18939 This is probably way to late in reply, but the point is obviously making money through nostalgia baiting and brand recognition.
>>29406 These shows normally flop though.
>>29414 Of course they do, let it never be said that Hollywood types are smart. They didn't learn their lesson with the Super Mario Bros movie, they didn't learn their lesson with Dragonball Evolutions, they didn't learn their lesson with Netflix Death Note or Cowboy Bebop, but because every once in a blue moon you get a movie like the '94 Mortal Kombat or the Sonic movie from a couple years ago that actually make money, it will keep encouraging them to try.
>>29415 >but because every once in a blue moon you get a movie like the '94 Mortal Kombat or the Sonic movie from a couple years ago that actually make money, it will keep encouraging them to try But that happens everywhere. Look at what happened to after Avatar: TLA. After being praise for writing "serious drama" for a children's show, ever other network tried to replicate that soon after, with almost zero success. Even the crew that made the show demonstrated how it was lightning in a bottle with LoK, Voltron, and The Dragon Prince.
>>29423 >Even the crew that made the show demonstrated how it was lightning in a bottle with LoK, Voltron, and The Dragon Prince. Well that's because they didn't have their tard wrangler around, you know the one that stopped them from turning the cartoon into love triangle bullshit when they were deciding to add Toph? Which is why they used LoK as an opportunity to hamfist in a love triangle.
Live action remakes of animation usually aren't good and I don't look forward to this Netflix adaptation. It also doesn't inspire much faith in this show either when Konietzko and DiMartino were originally involved and going to be showrunners, but then left over creative differences and Netflix not giving them the control over the series they wanted. It seems like an obvious "this is probably going to be terrible" when the original creators voluntarily left the project because they weren't allowed to run the show like they wanted. >>1831 I still don't get why people harp on LoK so much as being unwatchable and terrible. Yeah, it has flaws like focusing too much on character drama and romance, but I enjoyed it for the most part and it's not like AtLA didn't have flaws. The thing that bugged me the most about AtLA was the lion turtle and energy bending cop out so Aang doesn't have to directly kill someone while ignoring that he's already been involved with battles where people were certainly killed even if it wasn't on screen like knocking soldiers off a mountain in "The Northern Air Temple" and it's really doubtful that no soldiers or citizens were killed when they invaded the Fire Nation Capital during the eclipse. A lot of people who hate LoK just seem like they're wanting it to be AtLA too much. They take place in the same setting, but AtLA has an overarching save the world plot with a clear goal at the end while LoK's story is more about political issues and conflict arising in a world where spirits are tangible things and minority of people have super powers while the world is becoming industrialized and shifting towards science and capitalism being more common. Neither plot really seems bad to me, but they are tonally different and I can see why some people may not like LoK for that reason. >>3669 It's pretty bad. The setting for The Dragon Prince starts out interesting but the biggest thing that drags the show down is that the story has this weird vegan stance regarding Dark Magic that isn't adequately justified when compared with what we're actually shown. It's treated as evil to use it even though it's made clear that plants and non sapient animals can be used for components and while it can be dangerous for the user trained mages appear to have little to no issue with it. It's the only form of magic that humans can naturally use so it really comes off as just the Elves and Dragons (who have innate magic power) being racist against humans. It's just most people aren't going to object to what's no worse than how animals are used for food and resources in the real world. Dark Magic is clearly shown as being useful such as sacrificing a deer to cure quadriplegia and killing a lava monster that doesn't show any signs of sapience to avert a famine that would have killed tens of thousand at minimum. It also seems contradictory to the "Dark Magic = Evil" thing when the main character, Callum, only gets access to Sky Magic... because he used Dark Magic. Other than that there's weird diversity stuff in it too like there being a deaf human general on the front lines (and unlike Toph she has no powers to compensate), one of the kingdoms having two lesbian queens and no king without really explaining how heirs and succession works in that context (Rayla was also raised by a gay couple after the death of her parents), and a minor androgynous character with they/them pronouns.
>>29440 >the lion turtle and energy bending cop out so Aang doesn't have to directly kill someone while ignoring that he's already been involved with battles where people were certainly killed Aang was the one who killed Admiral Zhou through drowning during the siege of the Northern Water Tribe, probably a lot of other Fire Nation soldiers when he capsized their ships in the avatar state.
>>29449 That bugged me too, but it maybe gets a pass in regards to Aang not wanting to kill as I can't recall it being made clear how in control Aang actually was at the time? Aang hadn't mastered the Avatar state yet and Koizilla was the result of temporarily fusing with La. I mean, how much of that was just previous Avatars and La? We're shown previous Avatars who have much less of a problem with killing if they think its necessary. Even Yangchen tells Aang that the Avatar's duty to the world is more important than his personal morals and beliefs.
>>29424 who was that guy?
>>29454 Aaron Ehasz, the head writer for the original show.
>>29424 Something to clarify here this was also back when Toph was supposed to be a sixteen year old male Earthbender and the love triangle was supposed to be centered on Katara with Aang and Toph competing for her attention. I agree the show was better off without that, but the reason it didn't happen was mainly Toph's sex being changed as a suggestion from Ehasz (which was initially rejected) because he thought it was funnier and more interesting to have a twelve year old girl being a prodigy better than Earthbenders decades older than her. I don't think Ehasz was really responsible for the love triangle be removed except in an indirect manner by changing a character so much it wouldn't be viable. Another thing that got removed with Toph's sex being changed was that initially Toph was going to have a rivalry with Sokka due to a combination of Sokka resenting Toph taking a leadership role for the group and that Sokka didn't approve of Toph being around his sister. Toph had more more of ego in this version as well which I think may just be that if sex was the only thing different male Toph would probably be more aggressive and his parents would probably be less protective even if still blind. Aang and Sokka were supposed to work together to bring down Toph's ego. Also there is a lot of stuff that changed during production not just that. The end result was very different from the initial ideas like Iroh being evil and training Zuko wrong, instead of Energybending Aang would have used his own comet amplified fire bending to defeat Ozai (Aang was supposed to remove his bending even then but it was just an ability unique to the Avatar without explanation of Energybending or the lion turtle apparently), there would have been an epilogue showing Aang going off in search of any surviving Air Nomads that escaped the genocide as well. Toph wasn't even the only major character who's sex was changed. Azula was originally Zuko's brother, Azul. The show initially was conceived as a scifi series even(that appears to also have had post apocalyptic elements) with Aang being the last survivor of a technologically advanced civilization that collapsed a millennia ago, Momo was a robot, and the Avatar was supposed to literally be the "Spirit of the Planet" in human form. Originally Aang's pacifist traits were the result of coming from a much more technologically advanced and peaceful civilization and him being confronted with a world that is more violent than what he grew up with which got changed to him being raised by monks. >>29465 >Aaron Ehasz as tard wrangler This was also the guy who cocreated Dragon Prince so he's not without his own dumb ideas and, again, the love triangle plot got removed with Toph's change in sex which he did suggest, but I can't find indication that he was the one responsible for the love triangle specifically being removed just Toph's character being changed to the point it would no longer have worked or made sense.
>>29465 >>29467 Yeah, wanking Aaron Ehasz is kind of hollow ever since Dragon Prince. Not even the Erwige;Reich man himself does it anymore.
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>>29468 I don't even know what the dragon prince is.
>>29467 >the Avatar was supposed to literally be the "Spirit of the Planet" in human form Better than a kite.
>>29471 A bad Netflix show full of diversity for diversity sake & bad animation. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=PWEtCsi3Eo8
>>29473 So I guess on their own these shitheads can't write to save their lives, and TLA only worked because all three of them had to work off of one another.
>>29504 Pretty much. 3 idiots had to balance each other out & got lightning in a bottle.
>>29473 The only thing I really liked about the show was the Scottish elf girl. Overall I liked the horned elf designs and the magic system is kind of interesting, excluding the inconsistencies of what's shown of Dark Magic and what's told of Dark Magic. The bad writing and the seemingly random, and even at times nonsensical, diversity stuff thrown in is a disappointment. There's some decent porn with Rayla at least.
Well, that was a little surreal. Just woke up from a dream where Nick unironically greenlit and already produced a FIFTH season of Legend of Korra, where the series ends with Korra finding this cult of people who are trying to "transcend" their existence of the world and be above it, and Korra decides that she wants to become one of these people as well.
>>32828 Does it end with her helping to carry out a sarin gas attack in the Republic City subway system?
>>32839 No, but there was a part about one of these transcended who was dead, bleeding from every orifice, and had his body found in a twisted and contorted manner on the floor, with Korra's posse horrified by the discovery, but one of the zealots telling them to dismiss it as all over the "ascended" end up like that.
>>32828 That sounds awesome, too bad that's too interesting of a premise.
>>32828 Holy shit that sounds way better then what we got.

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