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HBO Apocalypse Anonymous 08/19/2022 (Fri) 06:27:00 No. 28400
The whole HBO purge is worse than anyone could imagine. Its a massive tax writeoff and now they're scrubbing the existence of all these shows with absolutely no remorse. https://archive.ph/11lKC Place your bets everyone, who's next!
https://archive.ph/wip/svLca 200 episodes of Sesame Street removed from HBO Max.
>>28404 Mao Mao didnt deserve it.
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>>28400 >Discovery does one of the largest tax write offs in Warner's history >Includes finished and unfinished shows, some relatively old shows like Uncle Grandma were not spared >All in the name of paying off debt Now this maybe a crazy idea, if the current CEO has no problem throwing cartoons into the woodchipper no matter how old they are just because they're not profitable, then what stops him from going further? We all know Steven Universe is not a good show, it barely made merch money and was only revived because of company nepotism plus elitism. Now with those old guard gone, if someone or some group can somehow convince the CEO that Steven Universe was and will never be profitable, then there's a damn good chance the show can be wiped from legal existence.
>>28433 God please, some justice in this world
>>28433 What is this law of writing entertainment properties as a loss anyways? I know it happened to Megas
>>28439 It's a tax law; where, if you lose a certain amount on a project, or lose money up to a certain amount of years, it can be written off on your taxes due to the fact that you're still contributing to the economy.
>>28433 >Now with those old guard gone, if someone or some group can somehow convince the CEO that Steven Universe was and will never be profitable, then there's a damn good chance the show can be wiped from legal existence. Yes, their foreign broadcast groups should tell them to fuck off. They probably getting tired of editing and dubbing. Nobody watch this cringe show overseas.
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Nature is healing.
>>28433 SU is an ok show, more watchable than uncle grandpa, that's for sure. >streaming media went from optimistic new frontier to worse than cable so suddenly >putting faith in legacy media companies who run cable TV whilst also having a streaming solution and then getting surprised when they act like big ugly legacy media companies and shit all over creators and their products for a dime, when they have done this time and time again whenever money men get involved, otherwise just oscillating into a nepotistic mess it's like people never learn from history. How many times do creators have to get fucked over whilst making shows before they get it?
Apparently the reason for such a sudden purge might be even simpler: Post-merger management had stuff removed from HBO Max to save money spent paying residuals on shows with low viewership statistics and don't sell subscriptions anyway. Though whether that's damage control spin remains to be seen. https://owendennis.substack.com/p/so-uh-whats-going-on-with-infinity https://archive.ph/yCINV https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/19/heres-why-hbo-max-is-pulling-dozens-of-films-and-tv-series-from-its-streaming-platform.html https://archive.ph/uMm7Q
>>28440 Yeah, but what's the actual statute (etc.)?
>>28445 >Steven Universe and Adventure Time still have slots Not yet >>28444 >Close Enough got cancelled I thought that one was doing well
Another one bites the dust.
>>28454 I dont know what an invincible fight girl is. But they should fucking cancel that.
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>>28400 Its escalating.
>>28458 With Gumball, the Adult Swim movies like venture bros and metaloclypse are safe but might be moved to different services.
>>28447 >>28446 >>28415 This is liable to have a industry wide effect that causes people to lose confidence in all streaming services. I hope.
>>28462 I doubt it, they still get their slop and most households have more than one apparently. Sad times.
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>>28400 >Shitty woke cartoons are gone The only thing I regret not watching was the Herve movie
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>>28454 For those who don't know that was gonna be made by the same guy who made these two.
>>28504 What in the fuck are those. Goddamn.
>>28435 ive come to the realization that we are god and if we dont do shit then "god" doesnt do shit because he works trough us because we're all connected and we all form part of god
>>28507 >>28508 Nigger what are you smoking?
>>28509 only drugs ive ever done are ritalin and alcohol WE. ARE. GOD.
>>28505 California mental poison
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>>28505 How do you not know what Thundercat Roar was? I get that it happened 4 years ago but that shit was everywhere being made fun of. King of Atantis at least makes sense no one pays attention to what happens on streaming as much as they did on tv.
>>28530 I haven't had a TV since 2010. So why would I know anything about it? The fuck happened. I mean you stop paying attention for one decade and everything goes to shit. What the fuck.
>>28507 Congratulations, you've discovered the idiom "The Lord helps the man who helps himself."
>>28531 Why do you think we are so angry and annoyed at everything?
>>28505 Everyone's a renaissance artist, there's no such thing as shitty cartoons only "weird". >>28400 I was expecting to Viacom to throw the towel first, literally the PlayStation of Netflix wannabes: FUCKING NOTHING
Now that the mases know about Anime, cartoons are completelly deprecated, escept for maybe toddler shows.
>>28584 I don't know, there are still late millenials and born pre-2000 zoomers who sing the praises of the early Nicktoons and CN Cartoon Cartoons.
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>>28400 >Its a massive tax writeoff and now they're scrubbing the existence of all these shows with absolutely no remorse. I've had to go to the hospital THREE TIMES now because my erections are lasting more than four hours >>28458 Cancelled Bruce Timm and JewJew "Penis-nose" Abrams show Is David Zazlav /ourjew/?
>>28530 TimeWarner execs have blood in their hands for fucking over mediocre cartoonists from tumblr and deviantart >>28593 Why the hell is everyone assuming Bruce Timm lost it due to the CURRENT YEAR trend? The guy is basically a horny 15 year old inside of a 45 year old body.
>>28617 >Why the hell is everyone assuming Bruce Timm lost it due to the CURRENT YEAR trend? Because he was willing to work with Kike von Cocknose to destroy YET ANOTHER beloved property?

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