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80's Cartoons Anonymous 09/05/2020 (Sat) 03:43:30 No. 4807
What are you anons currently watching? I've been re-watching The Transformers, TMNT and The Real Ghostbusters.
Reviving this thread because I decided to start watching the original Transformers cartoon, and it's actually very good. I have no nostalgia for it as the earliest TF media for me was Armada and Energon, but I'm surprised how much more serious and violent the tone of the show is. What the Hell happened?
>>20776 >What the Hell happened? Can you be more specific? But the answer is probably Transformers: The Movie, where the execs once again proved how pants-on-head fucking retarded they were.
>>20801 >Can you be more specific? Looking at the show, there are real stakes or problems that occur as a result of Deception's actions or someone else's. And, all the "silliness" (Like the planet of giants or time traveling to Camelot) are few and far between. >But the answer is probably Transformers: The Movie, where the execs once again proved how pants-on-head fucking retarded they were. How so? Just finished the first two seasons early this week, pulled out the movie, and just reveled in the 80's power metal mixed with top-budget Nip quality animation. That's also beside the fact that the movie does feel like one big pay-off for everything that happened over the previous two seasons.
>>20776 I could never get into the series once it rebooted. I like the original continuity best. With that said, I should admit that the one that got me really autistic as a kid was Beast Wars, not the original (though I did watch the original a lot, but it's not like it had enough continuity to get the autism going). If you think the original is dark, you gotta see Beast Wars and Beast Machines. I could never get into the ones after Beast Machines, since it was a full reboot and therefore I didn't care anymore, but I'm shocked to hear that somehow it's more lighthearted than even the original series. But yeah, The Movie is awesome. Not that there's much of a plot. And they killed all the characters you cared about. But the music is awesome. And the animation looks awesome, despite significant errors (clearly Thundercracker and Skywarp were supposed to become Scourge and Cyclonus, and the Insecticons were supposed to become the "Armada" and "Sweeps," but they fucked it up and the "Armada" disappeared and an Insecticon became Cyclonus). The movie is basically a cool feature length music video. And the regular series does have cool episodes, don't get me wrong, but too many are "filler," and the cool ones feel too far apart for my tastes now. Though as a kid I did like it a lot. But later, Beast wars has proper arcs and characters contemplating suicide over complex moral dilemmas. It's way better. But the original Marvel comics are the best version of Transformers anyway.
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>>26728 On a related note, is there any difference between the different versions of Devastation?
Once in a grand while, I'll dig into my archives and try to suffer my way through shows I liked when I was 6 years old, but Kidd Video and ALF are kinda' rough most of the time. >>26729 None that I'm aware of, but I just have the PS3 version.
>>26729 I mean they're both mediocre.
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Transformers: Rise of the Beasts trailer just dropped! https://yewtu.be/watch?v=WWWDskI46Js
>>30714 Didnt Acree die in the second one?
>>30715 Bumblebee is a reboot. This has no connection to the Bayformers movies.
>>30714 So it's Beast Wars characters but not the Beast Wars story? Why would I give a shit, then? They've tried this before and never seem to understand that it defeats the point. >>30716 Except it was only called a reboot after it was already made, because they realized everyone grew to hate the earlier ones. So really it's not a reboot, it's just a point at which they said "okay after this, you can ignore earlier continuity." It's even lazier and dumber than a reboot.
>>30714 What's the point of turning into animals whilst being massively bigger than the animal? You can't disguise yourself as a Cheetah whilst being 5 times the size of one.
>>30718 This is why it was a plot point in Beast Wars that Transformers went through an era where they all became smaller, to save energy. Because obviously a gorilla isn't the same size as a truck.
>>30717 It literally doesn't work in the Bayformers timeline so it was always a reboot to begin with.
>>30720 Nothing after Dark of the Moon works in the timeline. Age of Extinction introduces the dinobots and "Transformium" (The latter never seem again), establishing they're extremely important to Transformers existing, and that Transformers were made by a creator instead of the Allspark. Then The Last Knight throws things for an even bigger loop establishing that Transformers have been deliberately fapping about with Earth's history since the Fall of the Roman Empire (Which contradicts everything from the previous films), that there's a secret society of Templars working with the Transformers (That, at some point, initiated Sam despite him not knowing anything about his grandpas ramblings beyond being just that), and bringing Cybertron into Earth's orbit (Despite being destroyed in DotM, and managing to cause zero gravitational disturbances). I know the cartoons weren't exactly keeping things straight when it came to their time travel scenarios and origin stories, but at least there was some leeway where nothing directly contradicted itself.
>>30722 >It was a cartoon to sell toys <Its now movies to sell toys
>>30722 >I know the cartoons weren't exactly keeping things straight when it came to their time travel scenarios and origin stories, but at least there was some leeway where nothing directly contradicted itself. The original cartoon has tons of blatant contradictions, even if you discount things like animation errors. For example, the constructicons are given multiple different origin stories. There was no leeway, and it was a much more blatant contradiction than anything you described about the movies. The comics and Beast Wars were legit, though.
>>30724 >For example, the constructicons are given multiple different origin stories. Their origin, that I remember, was that they were original Autobots, until they experienced Megatron's brainwashing and became evil. But, that's only from watching G1, haven't progressed in Headmasters or later.
>>30722 Well yeah. They just made it up as they went along. It's why every movie the character designs changed & new characters were added with no explanation. Well bad on the fly writing AND the want to sell toys. Anyway, it's pretty blatant Bumblebee & TRoTB is doing it's own thing. I just hope they don't try to tie it into the Bayverse by saying the Maximals come from the future of that timeline where Unicron awakened.
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>>30714 https://archive.ph/KzUnD >In terms of how the seventh installment will elevate the franchise, Ramos feels the new characters, especially with Black and Brown people in leading roles, will play a factor.
Transformers G1 is just loved by people that grew up in the 80s. Nerds of a certain age are obsessed with it
>>30798 Can't have just simple fun entertainment anymore.
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>>30798 >calling Optimus Primal a nigger just because he's a gorilla
>>30798 Having a film with no human characters would greatly elevate franchise.
>>30824 >black and brown >no human characters Congrats. You're getting what you wanted.
>>30825 If I wanted to see a film about animals and advanced technology I'd watch Wakanda Fornever. But jokes and quips aside, the human-transformer relationship gets old fast. Which is why I can't bring myself to endure the first Bayfomer film. As the human characters start to make the whole thing campy.
>>30826 It's why Beast Wars is the best Transformers series. No humans. Those "Proto-Human" little monkey men were 1) funny little monkey men, and 2) only in a couple of episodes anyway.
Are there any GOOD /co/ related films coming out? I'm tired of talking about shitty ones.
>>30881 >sunglasses >no light up ear muffs IT'S SHIT
>>30883 They're not sunglasses. They're NERD glasses.
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>>30881 I hate it.
>>37043 I guess we could say that Jem is coal
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Jem has as much chance of coming back as /pol/ has of being right. Even Hasbro has conceded & moved on. >officially licensed product
>>38154 So you're saying Jem's coming back then?

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