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Anonymous 05/10/2021 (Mon) 02:54:35 No. 12771
how do i come up with dialogue/monologue/texts for my story
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>>12771 >how do i come up with dialogue/monologue/texts for my story Do what the greats did: steal them
Think about what you're trying to convey. Write it down. Now try to think of an interesting way to convey it. Write that down. Think about how that will work in the context of whatever you want to appear on the panel. Think of any way to break it up that may make it more interesting or meaningful. If what you end up with is a brick of text or Bendis-tier multi-panel filler, either take a hatchet to it or try again. Take a few passes until you get something eloquent that works well in your medium.
>>12821 OP, here. Thanks! Would you be interested in reading my work? It's an MLP fan doujin called "Hoofin' Around."
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>>12836 >Thanks! Would you be interested in reading my work? It's an MLP fan doujin called "Hoofin' Around." Sure lad give it a go.
>>12836 Were you joking? Please post it, I am genuinely curious, in a non-mocking way.
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>>12836 >MLP fan doujin >"Hoofin' Around" Cloppers get the bullet, too, but post it. I'm sure I've read worse.
>>12836 Does BoJack show up?
>>14037 that was Horsin' Around but nice reference
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>>14037 >Does BoJack show up?
>>14049 Ahhh, Bojack. A show that was good while it focused on his character but it was at it's worst while it wasn't.
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>>14108 I found the secret to loving Bojack. Don't watch the final season. Just let him be sober, gray-maned, and happy teaching. That's what I did and it was a great ending. And now someone will tell me what happened in the shitty final season and wreck my bliss
>>14111 hollyhock finds out about him -almost- fucking the deer teenager and how he gave the heroin to sarah lynn that led to her death, so she sends him a letter that bojack doesn't open until the last episode. when he reads the letter he tries to call her desperately but it turns out she decided to cut him out of her life entirely, blocking his phone, changing her number, and moving without warning. this sends him into a drinking spiral and almost kills himself on his pool, after a surreal episode where he's saved by diane at the last minute, he then goes to jail for something even though im not sure what and the last episode is he coming out of jail for some reason and just talking with Diane on the roof like they used to. bojack is now an old friendless, familyless man in his old age. frankly i dont know why people give him so much shit for the deer girl incident other than the fact that he left an alcoholized teenager outside of an hospital what people really seem to drill him about is the fact that he -almost-, but didnt, fuck a teenager, where the teenager was the one that advanced on him
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>>14143 >roll over spoiler >"Hollyhock finds" >mfw Evil, but expected.
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Still waiting on "Hoofin' Around."

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