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Kirby Comics Anonymous 06/04/2021 (Fri) 13:46:13 No. 13689
>Talented in both writing and drawing >Didn't drew in uncreative stiff 3DPD >Art style so gorgeous and fluid errors in construction and anatomy aren't bothering >Art style inspired and used as base for DCAU style and some of the Marvel cartoons >Tried to start his own comics company >Kept creating comics despite the bad conditions mostly thanks to the big two duopoly >Wanted to give proper endings to his stories instead of letting them become eternal milked cashcaow by corporations >Has an entire autistic dangerously geeky fanzine dedicated to him that ran for at least 25 years and still runs as far as I know >Contributed to San Diego Comic Con which sadly turned into cancer Discuss
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You forgot >Drew art for a botched film production/theme park that instead gets used for an actual CIA op
Fun thought, what would have happened if Kirby had just left the United States and was inspired by Robert Krumb to just continue working over seas away from Fear City New York in the 70's? And then starts making shit for Pilote and Humanoids Assocites? >Meets up with Young Jean Giraud >Suddenly discovers all the rights ownership and perks of working with Euro copyrights >Vows never to go back to work for the big two again >Commands respect from the French comics scene, and starts making real bank from working for Metal Hurlant in France >Gets healthier, eats betters, starts lifting, quits smoking, exercising more out in Euro Land >Finally does his version of the New Gods that he always wanted in Album form >Makes so much bank from it in the 80's, he comes back to save Marvel in the 90's with the goal of ending every single cape book and closing out the universe, to make room for new shit. One could dream.
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>>13785 That would be a nice dream but I do not see him coming to 90's Marvel. Particularly given the fact the culture in European comics would be vastly different, one that actually values artistic integrity, originality and quality storytelling. What would be fascinating would be if he met and collaborated with 2000AD artists like the late great Massimo Berlardinelli.

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>>13690 Holy shit! <CIAniggers dismantle the secular dictatorship in Iran to bring Democracy™ , resulted in mudslime tyranny turning Iran into a complete shithole <Basic bitch governmentniggers get entangled in this mess <CIAniggers repurpose and waste potential cool Sci-Fi movie/theme park which includes Kirby concept art, adding even more injustice and suffering in the world When will the glowmenace end? When will they pay for their sins? I wonder what would've Kirby thought about it if he knew... I didn't know about it, I haven't finish reading all Kirby comics and TJKC which BTW can only be found up to issue 78 and still runs. However, I do have my fair share of knowledge about Kirby awesomeness which I want to get into later after discussing his main work, aka comics. So far, I finish reading New Gods, The Demon, Mister Miracle, Kamandi, Forever People and OMAC. Currently I'm reading Ant-Man, Fantastic Four, Challengers of the Unknown and the X-Men. >>13785 >what would have happened if Kirby had just left the United States to Europe I doubt it ever had the chance of happening; Kirby was very patriotic American and also had very strong Jewish identity at the same time Don't you faggots dare to turn this thread into pol discussion about Jews! like all first and second generation of European-Jewish immigrants in the US. He was raised in an Orthodox household, his parents immigrated from Austria where they faced persecution. In addition, to that he also served during WWII. If anything, he most likely would've immigrate to Israel since he was a Zionist, and thank heavens he didn't, as he wouldn't be able to make comics in the extremely socialist Israel of back then meaning not many could've bought his comics and if he made ones, they would've been heavily censored at best, that's if it was allowed to make them and he had good connections with the leading party. >Gets healthier, eats betters, starts lifting, quits smoking, exercising more I think the main reason for him, sadly, getting cancer was the unhealthy work routine in which he worked late at night and slept during the day. >>Finally does his version of the New Gods that he always wanted in Album form A world with full-length New Gods but without The Demon and Kamandi...I don't like either option.

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>>13785 That's hard to imagine. Kirby had already left New York for California by 1970. He did not have the clout to negotiate a better contract at Marvel, let alone to move to France on a whim. And I doubt Kirby would've been inspired by the work of Crumb or his peers or vice-versa if they were ever made aware of each other.
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>>13801 Do they have science-fictiony streets in which to shit?

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