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Night of the Were-Ed: Yearly Boo-ha-ha Were-Ednon 10/28/2021 (Thu) 00:20:33 No. 19036
Welcome, welcome, phantoms and ghouls, hellhounds and hobgoblins, liches and wights of all ages I see you, /monster/, get your hand out of your pants. Another year has passed, 365 days since last the Ed-ifying tale of the WERE-ED graced this board. Even in this place, traditions must be maintained, and as such I have come to put the curse to rest once more by relaying to you the tale of friendship, love, humanity, and pacts with a pagan deity Without further adieu, /co/ presents A NINTENDO-NUT1 PRODUCTION NIGHT OF THE WERE-ED!
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>>19036 (For maximum enjoyment, picture all dialogue in the voices from the show. Also, rig a soundboard to play EEn'E sound effects as you read Our story begins, as it so often does, in the humble cul-de-sac, with our intrepid trio of scam artists preparing their next scheme to bilk the neighborhood children out of their hard earned pocket money in the name of those ambrosial orbs, jawbreakers (Which I don't think are actually mentioned once in all the comics). All seems normal (apart from Ed rocking that Tennessee top hat), until it is revealed that our lovable lummox has received an injury, one that causes him ceaseless misery and attracts him to the glow of the full moon.
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>>19037 The glow of the moon calls to something primal within Lumpy, a call he struggles to resist until confronted with a conveniently places VHS tape, a tape that awakens him to his TRUE FORM! The creature he becomes has NO FEAR! Not of man, woman, nor child, not even fear of his baby sister telling mom! Meanwhile, Eddy and Double D are planning their latest scam, when a panicked Sara rushes through the door, skin gouged and clothes torn by the monster that once was her brother. Look at sockhead sweat, lucky bastard She tries to warn our heroes, but Eddy, ever the skeptic, decides to prove her wrong.
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>>19038 The beast attacks his former friends, as uncaring of their bonds of brotherhood as he was of his bonds of blood with Sara. Our heroes flee, and the creature gives chase, trapping the three in a nearby junkyard. Ever the astute observer, Double D comes to the realization that the creature IS Ed, only changed, like some kind of WERE-ED! Edward attempts to reason with his transfigured comrade, but only receives a nasty bite. Eddy, being the quick thinker, moves to arm himself.
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>>19039 With the genre savvy we've come to expect, Eddy utilizes the series famous slapstick against the transformed Ed, beaning him in the head with a rusty pipe like his name was James Sunderland. This brings the other Cul-de-sac kids out to investigate, which leads them to finding and treating the two wounded Eds. In the morning, Ed is back to normal, and Double D is still injured, there is much confusion, until Plank, master monster hunter, bequeaths his wisdom, that the Eds are now creatures of the night, Werewolves. Kevin, being stone fucking cold, suggests killing them then and there, only for a plan to be hatched to kill the head vampire.
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>>19041 So the kids form their own Neighborhood watch/Hellsing organization to hunt the alpha werewolf and free their friends from the curse that has befallen them. Safety, however, must come first, as the two lycanthropic Eds are put under quarantine until the alpha is slain. Unfortunately, one unblocked window threatens to upend their plans.
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>>19042 As the pull of the moon courses through Sockhead, he stops to ruminate on the pain he feels, and the absolute power. Unlike Ed, Double D is able to maintain a slight semblance of control, a valuable skill in the fight to come. Meanwhile, the Cul-de--sac slayers arm up with... a cake server (Jimmy will always be fucking useless, except Keikaiku Jimmy from that one episode.) The kids go to confront the Alpha, bravely led by the Son of a Shepherd himself... who then jobs hard because the Worf effect is real. All seems lost for our heroes.
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>>19043 When all hope seems lost, the cavalry arrives in the form of Ed and Double D. Now more in control of their inner wolf (I will never not find it funny that Ed always beelines for Sarah when he's in were-ed form, all that repressed anger at that tattle-tale cunt.) Luckily, Double D is able to keep him in line, and turn him against the real foe. Plank is injured, but survives to fight another day, and at the end of the battle, who should get the honor of slaying the beast but Eddy Skipper McGee himself.
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>>19044 With a final strike, and a blaze of fire, the creature is cast back into hell. With its death, the curse is severed and our two Ed boys are returned to flesh. Double D awakens the next morning to his friends all around him (and his nipples too far down on his chest) while Ed reunites with his baby sister (after almost killing her twice)
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The curse has been sealed, but the call of the moon is inexorable for young Edward, and so while his friend's get their well won rest, he and Ed engage in a (completely heterosexual) nightwalk under the moonlight. But there are questions yet unanswered. Where were the Ed's infamous lovers/rivals the Kanker sisters during this event? Is the curse of the wolf eradicated, or merely dormant? These and more will be answered in the next Ed-ifying installment, NIGHT OF THE WERE-ED: SOLAR ECLIPSE See you tomorrow!
>>19047 Good seeing you again Anon.
>>19091 Thanks, good to be back. Hard to believe it's already been a year.
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>>19047 Welcome back, all you bugbears and boogiemen, to the next installment of NIGHT OF THE WERE-ED Time has passed since the slaying of the Alpha wolf, and the boys have mostly returned to their usual shenanigans of planning scams and shooting bull. The radio gives foreshadowing of a solar eclipse coming to Peach Creek, with double D remarking about the gravity such an event could bring, especially in the wake of their last escapade. On top of all of this, the Kankers are MIA, and the Eds are getting antsy that their nemeses have vanished, though sockhead brushes aside these concerns and instead chooses to moonwalk, this time without his companion.
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>>19166 Edd walks alone under the moonlight, running his internal monologue to recap the events of the last comic. We find that four whole years have passed since the last event, and ever since that night, the pull of the moon has not left Sockhead. Hoping that the curse does not reawaken, he is none the wiser to the trailer trash presence stalking him
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And I posted page six twice, lovely Sockhead is attacked by none other than Marie Kanker, who derides him as a filthy dog before launching her assault, fully intent on giving him a nastier suck than usual. However, upon speaking her true name, the vampire recoils, fleeing the scene and leaving Double D dumbfounded. The next morning, a tragedy occurs as one of Rolf's beloved chickens has been drained of blood.
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The Cul-de sac crew deliberates on what could have caused the death of dear Gustad, the kill being too clean for a werewolf. Once again, Plank saves the day by identifying the perp as a filthy bloodsucking vampire! Meanwhile, Marie is deliberating on her failure to engage Double D, and meets with her sisters, both clad in the garb of some 1970's pimp.
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Ed and Double D quickly go to research all they can about vampires, with Ed's B movie knowledge being supplemented by the every helpful Sci-Ficlopedia (because vampires are sci-fi, everyone knows that.) Several things are learned, namely that vampires and werewolves are mortal enemies, cursed to hunt each other's blood. But Double D makes an even more troubling discovery, one that requires the entire cul de sac to me marshaled.
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Double D informs the gathered warriors that yes, the menace is indeed a vampire, and worse he is hunting Ed and himself. On top of that, the Solar Eclipse is the time when vamps and wolves are at their most powerful. He then calmly tells everyone to suit up for Jihad and martyr themselves battling shaitan (but look at the little garlic necklace for Plank, daww.) While his jihadi's prepare to receive their 72 virgins, Double D goes to visit the one vamp he knows, Marie Kanker.
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Sockhead confronts the Camper van Carmilla in her abode, seeing firsthand her transformation as the sun burns her flesh, after that, she relays the tale of how the Kankers fell to an exotic vampire and his STANDO POWAH! charisma After which, Doubles (check 'em) D exposits the story of Night of the Were-Ed for the second time.
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>Somebody stole my dubs Goddammit. Anyway, Double D makes the observation that the Kankers are nothing more than pawns for the head vampire, using them as cannon fodder to wear down the were-eds and clear the cul-de-sac chaff. Here's the big twist, Sockhead has seen Underworld, and decides to have Skank Beckinsale bite him so that he can reach apotheosis as the Double Dracula D. With that wonderful expression on the last panel, I must say that this installment of Night of the Were-Ed is a cliffhanger. Will Double D's plan succeed? Will the kids be ready to face the vampire? What have May and Lee Kanker been up to? All this and more on the thrilling conclusion of NIGHT OF THE WERE-ED: SOLAR ECLIPSE
>>19181 Why does it look like Double D is being given the Double D in that last page?
>>19190 It does look like yaoi if you got rid of the side boob, doesn't it?
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>>19181 As was foretold, Double D takes on the power of the vampire, which mixes with his existing wolf powers to create a creature of much greater strength, A neckbeard A were-vamp-Ed! Just as Sockhead is receiving his mid-season shonen powerup. the kids are preparing for war with the bloodsuckers, by slowly carving Plank into a weapon of death. Meanwhile, Eddy raided his brother's closet for his supply of stylish long coats, surely this doesn't foreshadow anything, while Ed falls to his bestial form.
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>>19248 The Eclipse is upon us Because Jimmy activated his Behelit, the Cul-de-sac slayers vs. the transformed Kankers. With Eddy and Lee squaring off to trade barbs as is standard for this sort of encounter, all while their mysterious benefactor watches from the shadows.
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>>19249 Lee mocks Eddy for the sorry state of his wood, and dares him to plunge it right between her... okay yeah you've heard this innuendo before. Before Eddy can get it up fully, Ed breaks loose and makes a berserk charge at the two Kankpires, with May Kanker handling him easily. Their Edgy master reveals himself at last, fully intending to use the Kankers as meat shields while he feasts on blood both human and supernatural. Ed is nearly defeated, but Skipper makes a valiant stand to defend his friend.
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>>19250 The battle begins in earnest, with Double D fighting Marshall Lee the head vampire while the remaining Eds defend against the Kankers. Marie regains her humanity and defects, dispatching her sisters rather easily. Also these fucking faces, holy shit, is this a comic about Ed, Edd, & Eddy or a Hellsing omake?
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>>19251 Double D and Marie distract the head vamp long enough for Eddy to charge up a chidori his mighty stake and plunge it into the dark heart of the field, causing him to melt into shadows and lifting the curse from all those affected. But all victories are won through sacrifice, and it seems that in the end, Sockhead is...
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>>19253 Perfectly fine, as Rolf holds a funeral for his dead chicken Gustad. Don't you love these fakeouts? The Cul-de-sac kids celebrate their latest victory, while the now human again Kankers return to their usual business of sexually harassing the Ed boys, though this time, Double D seems to want more than just kisses.
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So, this is how it ends, Double D losing his virginity to a trailer park hussy in a filthy junkyard. What a thing to end on. But, for now, another evil has been banished, another curse overcome. The boys have survived the Night of the Were-Ed, struggled through the Solar Eclipse, but a final test is coming, a test that will shake them to their very core, a test occurring on All Hallow's Eve See you tomorrow for the longest one yet, 83 whole pages of Were-Ed goodness to carry us into Halloween. Look forward to it.
>>19255 They're something like 14 now, right? You'd think Double D wouldn't be the only one wanting some trailer park puss.
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>>19256 Here it is, two days and one massive comic remain. The Curse of the Were-Ed is reaching it's conclusion, and what better time to finish it off than on ALL HALLOW'S EVE
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So, a little timeline. The original Night of the Were-Ed takes place post Big Picture Show, and Solar Eclipse takes place four years after that. All Hallow's Eve takes place about 2-4 months after Solar Eclipse (Eddy mentions "This summer" which could be anywhere from June to August) whith that out of the way, we open to the Eds watching B-movie horror flicks while Double D exposits about the origin of Halloween (He also is confirmed the guy who pedantically points out "plot holes" when watching movies) , the supernatural connections and how the veil between natural and supernatural is thinnest. Ed worries another incident might flare up, but Double D is dismissive, rather, he feels a celebration, a normal Halloween party. If only he knew...
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>>19302 As Halloween night approaches, the festive mood is in full swing, things are fine, Jack o' Lanterns are being lit, and ultimately the mood is peaceful, though Sockhead has a feeling of impending doom he just cannot shake. For inviting "Everyone" it seems like only Jimmy and Sarah accepted, well them and the Kankers. Leave it to Double D to be so pussy whipped he invites his gf and her family to what was supposed to be a night with the boys. Not cool, Sockhead, not cool.
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>>19303 Obvious Bro code violations aside, the night actually proceeds fairly well, all things considered. Lots of games, laughs and other wholesome fun. Until Sarah vomits black ink on the carpet and turns into a Deadite. Yeah, it turns out Double D's danger sense was on point, as the night has truly become a horror show, as the whole of the Cul-de-sac (minus the characters who matter) have become zombies!
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The Eds run outside to avoid the undead onslaught and what should they come to see? BEHOLD! A PALEBLOOD SKY! What's worse is that the red moon seems to send the curse on Sockhead and Lumpy into overdrive, immediately putting them into their were-Ed forms (and Double Drac for Sockhead) all while ravens look on ominously (foreshadowing?)
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>>19305 However, the power of the Red Moon also has a strange effect, allowing Ed to control his werewolf form to a greater degree, no longer a mere mindless beast (well, it's Ed, so slightly less mindless) But before the boys can celebrate, a mysterious stranger flashes a gun in their face. With Eddy and the Kankers, it seems near everyone is a zombie, even Plank (who used the last of his humanity to call the mystery hunter) all seems lost, and then Johnny 2x4 gets his fucking head blown off. Brutal.
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>>19306 The mysterious hunter turns out to be none other than Eddy's Brother, who turns out to be something of a monster hunter himself (explaining the longcoats and crucifixes that Eddy kept finding) Knowing the zombies will inevitably respawn, he leads the crew to the old haunted house (from that one episode, and the video game but I think I'm the only person on Earth who unironically likes the Mis-Edventures.) Once they're safe, the group asks the million dollar question, why they should trust Eddy's Brother when he was such a piece of shit in Big Picture Show?
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>>19307 "Nah, I was just pretending to beat the shit out of you to keep my cover, it's all cool." I guess it's better than nothing, but beyond that Eddy's Brother gives a big exposition dump about how hybrid monsters like Chuck Mangione Double Dracula D UPSET THE NATURAL ORRRRRRDDDEEERRRRR! and cause shit to get real fucky on halloween, hence the zombies and the red moon. The Kankers are immune due to their time on the sanguinary diet, and Eddy is immune for killing one werewolf and one vampire (granted they were both alphas) Eddy's brother, chad that he is, wastes no time in wanting to waste Double D, but is quickly thwarted.
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>>19308 Big Bro's attempt to snuff out the root of the problem is thwarted by two screaming bitches keeping him from purging as God intended. Double D defuses the situation and decides that time would be better spent researching a true way to bring the eclipse to a close (also, did that bird just come back to life?) The boys have an hour to train, study, and prepare themselves for the final battle for Peach Creek's soul.
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>>19310 So yeah, here it is, the obligatory shipping arc, staring with Ed and May battling against the「Stand」wielded by the house, the jester skeleton ghost 「Silly Love Songs」with the power to establish chemistry between any two characters. After that, we cut to Edward and Marie studying the curse (Good thing this abandoned house has a library, huh?)
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>>19311 Double D and Marie reaffirm their relationship as Sockhead continues searching for a way to undo the curse. Meanwhile, Lee and Eddy go through a sex swapped version of the typical "teaching your partner to shoot" scene, cue the music from Ghost
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>>19312 Eddy proves to be quite the natural with a gun, unsurprising given his family history as monster hunters apparently. His Nii-san attempts to NTR him, but is quickly laid out by a single punch from Lee Kanker (which gives the greedy Ed boy a boner, no doubt.) After that little escapade, the gang regroups to discuss their final preparations, sans Ed and May. Who they find rolling around in the basement... and we get confirmed that May wants the Were-knot. What a lovely thing to leave off on. See you tomorrow for the thrilling conclusion!
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anon, I am so glad I found you again. Over three years ago my friend and I found one of your cringe EEE comics and it was the most hilarious shit ever. cheers, you magnificent bastard
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>>19313 Tonight is the night, Halloween. What better night for us to conclude the Night of the Were-Ed Trilogy. Continuing from yesterday, the Eds convene their war council, Double D explains that his death alone will not placate the spirits, but rather a whole burnt offering (anudda Holocaust, if you will). Double D also handwaves explains why Ed has more control and why the Kankers aren't vampires. In the end, the gang suits up and gets ready to slaughter those undead freaks.
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>>19358 A pretty standard were-ed action scene, shooting, biting, ripping and tearing. Eddy's brother is way to happy to be tearing through teenagers (and children, since Sarah and Jimmy can't be more than twelve) but then again, most good monster slayers go on a child murder rampage from time to time, just look at Guts Berserk.
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>>19359 With a single shot, the Ed boys send those flesh eating freaks to a clean burning hell with some pro-pain, I tell you H'wat. But the ritual is not over, the blood of the aberration must stain the ground to restore the natural order. Double D accepts his death and calls on Eddy to pull the trigger. And Eddy responds by shooting him in the head. Brutal. In the afterlife, a voice congratulates Edward on a job well done.
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>>19360 In the afterlife, Double D is confronted by the ominous ravens from before, as well as a great wolf. They tell him that his actions have restored the balance, and that if he chooses to, he and his friends will join the hunt eternal. Huh, ravens and wolves, norse words, I wonder who that could be...
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>>19361 Double D returns to life, and everything returns to normal. Don't miss the one panel that confirms the kids are all fine and the Ed boys did not, in fact, slaughter all their friends (and sister in Ed's case) There's more mushy shipping nonsense, which is far too gay for Eddy's brother so he decides to peace out. Eddy makes the typical shonen statement that he'll be a better hunter than his brother ever was. All in all, Halloween is saved, and the gang is going to the junkyard to have a spooky Org, Orge, n' Orgy Spookyville.
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>>19362 A month later, the Eds are walking the town together, talking about what the future will bring, as Double D monologues about their future as hunters for the All-Father. Yep, I bet you never thought that the goofy DevientArt comic about Ed becoming a were-wolf would end with Double D being a based Asatru Odinist were-vamp hybrid monster hunter. But beyond that, this is it, the end of the Curse of the Were-Ed for another 365 days. It was a wild ride, as it is every year. But to everyone here, I wish you a happy halloween and here's to another year on /co/.

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