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Star Wars Anonymous 07/05/2020 (Sun) 18:38:28 No. 2582
No Star Wars thread? Let's change that.
Is there any hope? I want to believe the Lucas faction will succeed in ousting the Disney trilogy.
>>2583 >Is there any hope? No. Ignore Disney Wars and enjoy the decades of good stuff we have.
>>2583 Current rumor is that Disney will use alternate timelines sent up in Star Wars Rebels to write off their stuff as non-canon/another universe. It won't save Star Wars but hey it'd be nice just to have the first 6 movies & both Clone Wars as the true experience. Then the old EU as the true continuation.
Realistically, how many padawans would have been raped by their master?
>>2586 >Current rumor is that Disney will use alternate timelines sent up in Star Wars Rebels to write off their stuff as non-canon/another universe. I am so tired of this multi-verse bullshit.
>>2589 Believe me I am too. It'd be easier just to say "it's non canon" instead of doing all these in universe explanations/excuses.
>>2582 Genndywars and Galaxy of Adventures are the only two decent Star Wars media from the last two decades.
>>2593 Nigga you got shit taste. Galaxy of Adventure is just cheap pseudo anime short recreations of the original movies that alter events drastically.
>>2591 > It'd be easier just to say "it's non canon" instead of doing all these in universe explanations/excuses. But they can't do that, otherwise it would exclude all the faggots who caused the series to do a swan dive in the first place.
>>2600 Fuck em!
>>2597 It's fine, I like the animation and battle scenes.
>>2604 You have autism.
>>2605 I understand it and I respect your opinion, but why?
>>2583 Yes. Prequels are becoming more and more popular.
>>2587 None.
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>>2593 Pleb harder.
>>2609 This cap better be from 8/tv/ motherfucker/
>>2610 >he can't tell the difference Go back to cuckchan. You're too retarded to be here.
>>2608 >>2587 Jedi are essentially monks so it's not impossible for something scandalous like this to happen. Not helped that Jedi are taken from their family from infancy and taught to live a life of dedication to their ways with little to do in the way of managing their desires. That's why some Jedi fall easily to the dark side because they're not too familiar with it's temptation and thus never develop a proper means of resistance.
>>2609 They keywords here are "from the last two decades"
>>2614 Prequel films are still younger than 20 years except for the first one.
>>2607 They were always popular. The only people that hated them were grumpy old men mad that they weren’t exactly like the original trilogy. All those fags that spent years crying about how bad the prequels are were sucking TFA dick because it was just ANH again.
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>>3705 >The only people that hated them were grumpy old men mad that they weren’t exactly like the original trilogy
>>2587 I see this kind of happening with the Sith a lot.
>>3705 >All those fags that spent years crying about how bad the prequels are were sucking TFA dick because it was just ANH again. to the contrary, a surprising number of them actually found new appreciation for the prequel trilogy just for being relatively internally consistent
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Star Wars is a cultural landmark turned a very very expensive embarrassment. I have no strong attachment to the series. Never have. Just a shame it's reputation is ruined. But at least the good stuff that's no longer canon in Disney's eyes but fuck em is still there & I have fond memories of it. Speaking of which, cute alien wolf dog people.
>>5578 The original Clone Wars animation is the only thing i actually like at this point, haven't watched the original trilogy is a decade though
>>5599 Both Clone Wars shows are what made me engrossed in Star Wars at all. I was introduced in the movies through Revenge of the Sith & watched the rest later through DVD rips because we were poor.
>>5569 That didn't come unil TLJ. When TFA came out everyone was sucking it's cock simply because George Lucas wasn't involved.
>>5776 >When TFA came out everyone was sucking it's cock simply because George Lucas wasn't involved. not true, TFA had mixed opinion amongst star wars nerds. Plenty of people disliked it as a retread of the first star wars movie. Alot of people liked the prequel trilogy more at the time because even if they disliked it, it mostly wasn't a retread and people already saw signs of politcal pandering.
>>5780 There's a strong case to make that the prequels weren't actually hated by the audience but by the media, critics, & of course fat alcoholics in Wisconsin.
>>5780 I was actually quite puzzled why TFA was so highly praised when I saw it. Everything looked and sounded like Star Wars, but the entire film was completely off. >>5781 The biggest sin of the prequel films is that everything is too drawn out with the politics and the drama. And, I'm one of the people who prefer the prequels to the originals.
>>5782 That's a fair complaint. But then you look at the sequel trilogy & one of the big problems is that there's no political landscape given. So the audience has no idea how the First Order rose to power, how the New Republic operates, why they haven't fully engaged against the First Order, or even how the galaxy is affected by several planets being obliterated. The prequels actually build the world & the politics are needed to show how Palpatine rose through the ranks to supreme chancellor then Emperor.
>>5781 >There's a strong case to make that the prequels weren't actually hated by the audience but by the media, critics, & of course fat alcoholics in Wisconsin. Don't think that's true either. Nerds like to argue and star wars was always prime space for arguments, it's not like the original trilogy was immune to this either. I've heard from older star wars fan's that their were arguements dating back to the second movie that the original movie was the only good movie, or that the other movies were fine movies but terrible sequals. People are always inventing narrativies and rewriting history when it comes to nerd shit. It's just that now you have a bunch of non-nerds who had no prior interest in the franchise rewriting shit.
>>5781 Jake Lloyd got driven out of acting because of the Phantom menace. Not that child actors last long in the industry to begin with. Jar Jar's VA was getting death threats to the point he considered suicide. So yeah, by Revenge of the Sith the hate had died down, but there was some genuine hatred for the prequels in their time. The one good thing about Disney Wars is that it made some people go back and re-evaluate the prequels.
>>5782 TFA was highly praised because JJ essentially remade A New Hope with the serial numbers filed off. >>5783 If JJ was going to rip off anything, he could have ripped off Zeta Gundam. >The Federation New Republic has created a new military organization the Titans to deal with the Zeon Imperial remnants, they do this by genociding colonies major population centers on imperial loyalist worlds. >Char Aznable Luke Skywalker, has been forced into exile due to the revelation that he was a famed Zeon pilot the son of Darth Vader, and though Amuro Ray Princess Leia is demoralized into inaction at the state of the Federation Republic Char Luke has created a resistance movement in the form of the AEUG new Jedi Order. >Meanwhile, Axis Zeon the First Order is marshaling Zeon Imperial remnants across the Earthsphere galaxy under the leadership of Haman Karn a mysterious imperial general heavily implied to be Thrawn to draw in the EU crowd who claims legitimacy by virtue of stewardship over the last Zabi Emperor Palpatine's heir I found the "Rey is Sheev's grandaughter" reveal so funny that I decided to keep it in, if only so we can keep Ma-Rey Sue as a delusional figurehead being puppeted by people more powerful than herself
>>5795 Gundam is unironically a better scifi fantasy franchise than Star Wars.
>>5796 All Star Wars really was is WWII in space, with the influences of Flash Gordon and John Carter.
>>5799 >All Star Wars really was is WWII in space Gundam did that better with actual nuance & something to say.
>>5796 Some of the best EU writers agree with you. Take a look at Thrawn and tell me he isn't just a blue skinned take on M'quve from Gundam.
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>>5851 That's actually really apt.
>>5852 Oh fuck for a second I thought that was Marge Simpson in a classic anime style.
>>5852 I cant believe a man of M'Quve taste would ever own such a shit vase >>5795 Even though its a ripoff its more compelling than what we got >>2587 >>5523 Swtor seems to imply quite alot
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>>5899 That's the vase he wanted to give to Kycilia Zabi. In the original series he had a second vase he kept for himself. I found this out on looking for images of the vase. I had only seen the movie trilogy cut of the original series.
>>5900 Thought that shit was made from jade it looks terrible irl
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>>5902 Jade is green. It was probably meant to be glass in the anime.
>>5905 It's also ranges from light green to white. Could of sworn it was light green. But these vids arent agreeing with me
>>5908 A light green but not like clear or white. I have some jade beans I got from a bracelet that broke. They're pretty light in color but clearly green.
>>5909 That can't be right, i remember having a discussion with a family member that deals in antiques about white jade.
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>>5926 Huh. Apparently.
>>5908 >>5926 >>5909 There's a couple different minerals that are called jade. Color can vary and can even stray into reddish tones or even almost black.
>>5578 Wait, I thought everybody hates the clone wars? I only have vague memories of the 3DCG one with no strong opinion on it.
>>5933 Not at all. Unless you mean the movie(s). Those aren't liked by the media & casual audiences. The Genndy animated series & the CG series are both well liked. Loved even.
>>5940 Is attack of the Clones the only prequel movie that people actually hate? I mean, The Phantom Menace is the meme hatred, "Lol, Jar Jar, Now this is pod racing." And Revenge of the Sith is begrudgingly admitted to actually be good. But the middle movie is kind of ignored.
>>5942 I really can't tell you how much prequel hate is genuine & how much is just parroting RLM or the media.
>>5942 >>5946 The prequels arent good films. The story for the films are great but are hampered because Lucas cant direct a decent film anymore and had legions of Yes Men telling him he could do no wrong while producing them. RLM over exaggerates for the sake of comedy but the points they made still stand. People dont hate the prequels as much any more because Disney basically showed what a true cash grab was. There was at least some love and originality in the prequels with various moments where people still recount to this day, the Disney sequels barely have anything memorable outside its controversy. The sequels are well made films but are nothing more than soulless corpses puppeteeried by the mouse.
>>5947 I can't call the prequels bad films but you're right. As movies they aren't anything amazing due the acting & too much talking about politics. Though like I said earlier in the thread, politics are needed to establish just how the empire came into power over the entire galaxy. Just watch Gundam.
>>5948 You're comparing a serialized animated show to a trilogy of 2 hour films originally based on traditional storytelling inspired by the hero's journey. Politics isn't Star Wars strong suit its Star Trek's territory. Nobody watches Star Wars for the politics, they watch for the characters and how they over come their obstacles. I mean there's always been some political banter in the original trilogy but that always took a back seat to the greater plot, all people needed to know is that there was an evil empire and the rebels were fighting them.
>>5949 The Hand of Thrawn duology did star politics well. If there's any real world application to be found, it's "internal squabbles are great for external enemies, and may have even been been created by one".
>>5950 Yeah but that wasn't Lucas and he said he's no fan of the EU.
>>5949 Nigga the character are more barebones than the premise itself. Star Wars is basic as it gets for telling a fantasy hero's journey story. There's nothing wrong with having world building to make sense of the setting. Were the prequels needed? No. Did they actually expand the universe? Yes. Would I still recommend UC Gundam over all of Star Wars? Darn tootin.
>>5981 Then why bring up Gundam at all, this is /co/ after all.
>>5982 BECAUSE IT'S THE BETTER FRANCHISE Do you have autism? You have a complete inability to understand things.
Bait Posting
>>5982 Animeniggers are insecure faggots who feel the need to bring up their hobby at every opportunity to try and legitimize it. They are furfag levels of obnoxious cunts shoving their shitty shows into discussions they don't belong in.
You aren't helping
>>5928 >>5930 Learning all this over a cartoon vase.
>>5988 Theyre all non canon anyway
>>5989 Yeah but they were still better than everything post Disney buyout.
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Disney being Disney, ripping off the EU again. https://archive.vn/RQlDM They showcased concept art for Din Djarin where he is saved by the Death Watch. Here's the thing: that mirrors almost exactly how Jango was saved by a Mandalorian in Jango Fett- Open Seasons issue 1 which came out in 2002 under Dark Horse. I think even what he was saved from was the Death Watch. If it ain't that, they are still trying to explain away Rey in additional books that confuse the whole sequel trilogy more. They confirmed that only Sith can use Force Lightning, which complicate things since Rey used it when she thought she accidentally killed Chewie when he was on that ship in the most goofy looking force tug-of-war ever. They now say that the force healing is part of the Dyad but in a previous book she learned it from trying to heal a broken Kyber Crystal in a Lightsaber. Star Wars is as much of a mess as Disney is right now where they are even defending filming Mulan remake near a concentration camp in China to be "authentic" when most of the film was done in New Zealand.
>>5994 This is nothing new. Disney copies a lot of concepts from the EU.
>>5995 Like how the chopped and pasted bits and pieces of Kyle Katarn's story for Rogue One?
>>6007 Exactly.
>>5949 The Starwars cartoons really flesh out the story more. Like Anakin constantly being lied to by the jdei council or Obi Wan pushing him to the darl side. Or Obi Wan knowing Anakin is lying to his face about padme but thinks its ok because everyone has secrets
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Why is this a thing? Also here is the cast: >Matt Lanter (Anakin Skywalker) >Tom Kane (Yoda, Qui-Gon Jinn) >James Arnold Taylor (Obi-Wan Kenobi) >Dee Bradley Baker (clone troopers) >Kelly Marie Tran (Rose Tico) >Billy Dee Williams (Lando Calrissian) >Anthony Daniels (C-3PO) Glad they didn't forget everyone's favorite character Rose Tico. The way she was sidelined in Rise of Skywalker was disheartening.
>>6011 That's a show that came out years after the movies helmed by completely different people with Lucas only there whether to say he'd allow something or not. Unless it was the original CW mini series but that was all Genndy's work and most of that is not cannon.
>>6153 >most of that is not canon Disney says everything isn't canon until they establish it. It's all bullshit. There's no true canon but what was made under Lucas' direction & Genndy's work is even referenced in the final Clone Wars season. As far as I'm concerned it's still canon & Disney's crap can die in a fire.
>>6011 Don't forget that Anakin is only not a "Jedi master" by RotS because the council fucked up: His padawan was completely ready for the knight trials (which would make him a master), but they fucked up and expelled her for something she didn't do before they could be completed. By all existing standards, he should have had the title if not for the council wrecking things.
>>6155 What if Windu was going to make him a master when he told him to wait in the council chambers while they arrested Palpatine? The youngling even calls him "Master Skywalker".
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>>6167 Apparently "master" is supposed to be how all knight+ jedi get addressed by non-Jedi. One EU writer got so frustrated with this and his editor adding it to everything, he named a Jedi character "Bayts" as a joke, only to have that particular publication go to a different editor who didn't add master in front of his name.
>>6185 I don't know if that's right considering clones address the jedi as 'general'.
>>6167 >What if Windu was going to make him a master.
>>6188 Ow... my heart...
>>6186 General may take preference.
So how's the mandalorian season 2 so far?
>>3711 I had an idea for Jar Jar. Assuming he didn't die during the events of the original trilogy, he and Ahsoka could very well be the only 2 people left in the galaxy that personal knew Anakin Skywalker. Of the two only Jar Jar wouldn't likely try to kill Ben Solo upon meeting him, and thus Jar Jar is the only character who could explain to Ben what his grandfather really was about and possibly set him straight.
>>6186 they were addressed as general in context of military operations. It was rank, whereas master is a salutation
>>7129 The EU took the superior version and just used hidden memories on R2D2 for Luke and Leia to learn more about their heritage.
>>7062 >The Mandalorian (((Fans))) Call For Gina Carano To Be Fired Over ‘Likes’ On Personal Twitter Account I fucking swear the only decent thing to come out of Lucasfilm and you have these retards trying to ruin it. https://archive.md/8mAVS
You think they tasted like caviar?
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>abandoned due to being too stupid to deal with human opposition I think TIE/D would have done much better if it was fielded as a supplement, not replacement, to traditional pilots. The numbers would defend valuable pilots by eating up enemy warheads and distract enemy humans so your humans could deal with them.
>>7292 The main advantage they had was the ability to be endlessly spawned from the factories on-board World Devastators from whatever world was being consumed, without that they were pretty much a waste since it's cheaper to make two TIE/LN fighters than just one of those droids. The TIE/LN is just 60k credits while the droids were 170k.
>>7062 First episode was really good. Lots of exciting stuff happening, and some cool hints to an old character you probably really like. Second episode was pretty good. Third episode was very boring and is nothing but set-up for the next episode or two, I really didn't like it.
>>7295 The pilot is a massive cost between his equipment, recruitment, training, wages, experience, room, board and life support. All that adds up to more than 25k credits. In-fact, just 70 credits a day (which is actually really low considering pilots are officers.) of wages exceeds that cost in a year. This doesn't even mention the morale hit his death creates. In the real world, using drones to eat up enemy AA missiles has been a valid, established, tactic since the 1970s, two decades before the droid TIE debuted in Dark Empire.
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>>7301 >implying the Empire cares about the pilots There is a reason they don't even add life support to the damn things, the pilots are expendable in the eyes of the Emperor. The pilots themselves also believe the lack of protection serves to test their skills thus they normally don't have a problem with these flying coffins.
>>7302 Even just on a pure money standpoint the pilot isn't totally expendable. Assuming 260 credits a day (number pulled from Star Wars d20 as income for a low level professional) over 368 days that's 95,680 just on a year's wages, over half the droid's costs. 10 credits a meal three times a day is 11,040. Flight suit+blast pistol is 2500. You've essentially doubled the cost of a TIE/ln even before you figure out how much Imperial academy training costs the empire.
>>7312 You have to also factor in pilot skill, the droids were only good in swarms and easily taken down by the veteran pilots of the New Republic. The only thing droids have over organic pilots is numbers, and when it gets too expensive to field those numbers it's not worth it. The CIS was able to field large numbers of droid fighters because they had the backing of various major corporate powers, one of which is the largest financial power in the entire galaxy throughout every era, the InterGalactic Banking Clan. The Empire drops projects left and right whenever cost vs effectiveness is factored in, the TIE Defender project while effective was too costly to mass produce at 300k per fighter, so they were only given to the most elite of pilots to justify the cost. In the end of the day a TIE/LN pilot will most likely provide a better value than the droid that will probably end up scrap in its first sortie. The Emperor ended up replacing those droid TIEs with those terrifying Shadow "Droids" anyway.
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>>7313 I, Jedi's opening establishes New Republic fighter tactics is to wipe out enemy fighters quickly with missiles at first contact and to only bother using guns when this has wiped out the majority of the enemy force. Having a wave of expendable ships waste the limited missiles of the opposition seems like a sane response, especially if their cost was lowered even further (make them unarmed, cut down their speed ect.). Shadow "Droids" don't really fill the same niche of totally expendable forces, and frankly pilots that have all three of intact brains, heavily wounded bodies and 3: can be retrieved safely seems like it would be enough of a rarity to render them novelties and not something practically fieldable. The idea of injured clones as unwilling cyborgs works because it's entirely plausible large numbers of ground troops are injured without dying entirely compared to pilots in a ship that operates out of atmosphere and tends to explode when critically damaged.
>>7279 I think they tasted like easily-triggered feminist tears.
>>7317 >easily-triggered Eternal summer strikes again.
>>7314 Im still pissed we'll never see a live action Dark Trooper, jet pack and all.
>>5781 >>5780 Episode 1 was insanely popular at the time. The hatred for the prequels stemmed initially from Jar Jar being incredibly obnoxious. After having watched the behind the scenes for Episode 1, it was apparent that the people around Lucas felt that his shit needed to be reeled in, but they turned into yes men. This is why the pacing for Episode 1 is so bad, and why Duel of the Fates kept getting interrupted by more Jar Jar. Episode 2 had great action scenes, but angsty Anakin was incredibly obnoxious and dragged the movie down with his love scenes. Episode 3 was considered the best of the prequel trilogy, because it seemed the best put-together and we finally got to the pig payoffs. All of the jedi die and Anakin get his shit pushed in by the immensely more popular Obi Wan. From the behind the scenes for Episode 3, I believe that Lucas actually hired someone to keep the script and pacing in check. We still got bs like Padme dying of a broken heart, but she had served her purpose by then. >>5780 When TFA first came out, the biggest criticism was that it was a retread of ANH. It absolutely was, because JJ is a fraud and shit like Snoke should have set off early red flags for everyone involved. However, Disney overcorrected and the last two episodes went off the rail in a bad way. TLJ ignored a lot from TFA and was a disaster. Episode 9 tried to ignore episode 8, and ended up fucking everything up. The new trilogy fully embraced woke culture and all of the cancer that it entails. From what I hear from current long-time fans, it mostly gets ignored. >>5783 I remember that. The Resistance made absolutely no sense. Who were they resisting? The Empire was largely gone, and the New Republic was in power. It was fucking stupid back then as well. >>5792 I can see those arguments. ANH was made to be a self-contained story. It doesn't need anything else for it to be enjoyed. >>5795 Thrawn was retconned to be part of the prequel trilogy. In general, the main reason for Gundam having better written stories is because it embraces the shit ton of written material for it. The major issue with SW is that Disney immediately invalidated all of the books and comics when they took over. Decades of work were thrown out the window, which is fucking retarded. Eventually someone must have realized this, because it wasn't too long before the EU was getting plundered for material. >>5994 Mandalorian has actually been pretty good. There is an overarching storyarc, but every episode gets wrapped up neatly. So far, it has managed to avoid the cliffhanger after every episode craze that has been out of control for far too long. >>6188 Palpatine was fucking with everyone, but Yoda and the Council were at fault for what happened. >>7062 It's pretty good. A certain bounty hunter was teased early on, so we'll likely get to hear how he survived soon. >>7169 A lot of these kikes hated season 1 for being dumb. I'm hoping whoever is in charge of Mandalorian is able to keep it from getting pozzed.
>>7394 >ANH was made to be a self-contained story. It doesn't need anything else for it to be enjoyed. Isn't that because the films are written in the same format as the Flash Gordon serials? >The major issue with SW is that Disney immediately invalidated all of the books and comics when they took over I have unironically heard people defend Disney trashing the old EU, and their justification is the "What If?" DLC scenarios from The Force Unleashed II.
>>7394 Honestly Thrawn should've been the big bad of the sequel trilogy or at least shouldve been used like a more involved Tarkin.
>>7394 > bs like Padme dying of a broken heart That can actually happen. Look it up
>>7396 >Isn't that because the films are written in the same format as the Flash Gordon serials? They were definitely influenced by Flash Gordan, but I recall Lucas mentioning that he wasn't sure how well ANH would do, so he made sure its story was self-contained in case it would be the only one. >I have unironically heard people defend Disney trashing the old EU Yeah. That decision didn't age well, as Disney ended up having to salvage as much from the EU as they could. >>7408 The material was already there for a sequel trilogy. Some of it could have been tweaked, but instead Disney decided that falling on their face was the better option. Fortunately for Disney, the Star Wars fandom had grown desperate enough to not care. >>7417 I don't doubt it. I've heard stories of people losing the will to live once their spouse dies. I think I was just expecting more. Padme dying in relative safety after having just given birth was pretty lame after Anakin got toasted. Had she gone into labor on Mustafar and died there, it would have been more impactful as she would have died with Anakin on that planet. Not literally together, but Anakin could have felt her go before he got crippled by Obi Wan. It would also squash the issue of Vader never seeking out his child as he instead could have assumed his entire family died on Mustafar.
>>7440 >Disney decided that falling on their face was the better option. More like they grew complacent as they let Kennedy play out her fanfic.
>>7394 >The Resistance made absolutely no sense. Who were they resisting? The Empire was largely gone, and the New Republic was in power. It was fucking stupid back then as well. Evil governments always continue calling themselves "The Revolution" or the equivalent long after they become the government.
>>7456 Like the Chinese Liberation Army?
>>7394 >The major issue with SW is that Disney immediately invalidated all of the books and comics when they took over. Decades of work were thrown out the window, which is fucking retarded. What's retarded is that they had the very valid luxury of picking and choosing what they'd like to use as canon and instead nuked it all simply to re-make A New Hope.
>>7673 The old EU had tiers of canonicity, they could have simply nuked everything under a certain tier or nuked the bits of the EU that everyone hated. The funny part is that they still ended up stealing ideas from the EU for their movies and they thought no one would notice.
>>7679 And it looks like they're going to be nuking and changing more things in the future too. > Dave Filoni Reveals He’s Open To Changing Star Wars Continuity And Canon https://archive.md/Ucth7
>>7685 Anon that's not a fucking problem when the old canon has already been nuked, he's shown he respect the old EU, & what passes for canon under Disney is all the horrid sequels/spinoffs. Let em do better with Star Wars his own way.
>>7686 Im not against it, just pointing out at this rate there will be no set canon at all.
>>7694 It'd be best that way at this point.
>>7685 >According to a report from Polygon after attending a panel at Star Wars Celebration back in 2019, series showrunner Jon Favreau revealed the first season of The Mandalorian took place 5 years after Return of the Jedi and 25 years before the events of The Force Awakens. It seems that the time period was chosen to make sure that nobody from the Disney trilogy can show up in Mandalorian. Of course, I wouldn't put it past Disney to try and shoehorn Carrie Fisher's corpse into the series. >Not only did Filoni reveal that he’s not interested in keeping character designs the same across different mediums between animated versions and live-action versions Filoni is being slippery with exact timelines. I think it's less that he's going to change SW cannon and more that he doesn't want to get particularly autistic about it. With the way Favreau set up Mandalorian, there shouldn't be anyone from the new trilogy in it. The old trilogy characters are expected to show, given that Lando is already in the series. Lando seems in-character, so I don't expect anyone else to differ.
>>7697 >given that Lando is already in the series. Lando seems in-character, so I don't expect anyone else to differ. Anon.... that's not Lando. There's more than one black guy in Star Wars.
>>7698 But he's the only one that matters.
>>7708 Not anymore. Carl Weathers is the guy in The Mandalorian. He was Apollo Creed in Rocky.
>>7710 >He was Apollo Creed in Rocky. I thought he looked familiar.
>>7715 He was in Happy Gilmore and Predator as well.
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Other than the beer gut, its nice to see Boba back and given some proper respect.
>>7834 >given some proper respect Why does it look like he has a beer belly?
>>7835 Either the actor didnt have time to lose it or he's been stuck on Tatooine for so long healing after escaping the sarlac pit that he let himself go.
When do you think the ideal point to set a X/Taipan!/Mount & Blade esque game of buying/selling/mercing throughout the Galaxy? I'm thinking late 7 ABY, right after the Bacta War but before Thrawn comes. Gives the most factions to work with (Early and overextended New Republic, Zsinj, Greater Maldrood, Hutts, Hapes, Tion Hegemony and effectively independent systems that fall through the cracks), allows the iconic OT ships while allowing some of the post-Endor designs (E-Wing) to start appearing and is still early enough for Clone Wars stuff to appear as relics for poorly equipped forces.
I liked the new episode. >>7834 It was nice to see Bobba actually perform, rather than get gifted Solo by Vader, and then get taken out later by a blind Solo. As for the beer belly, I think they wanted Bobba to go bear mode. He smashed through those storm troopers like they were made out of glass.
>High Republic rumored to get a cartoon https://archive.md/YvX74 Is this crap even out (the books they showed)? I vaguely remember they announced it but other than that I haven't seen anything.
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>>7891 It was delayed, officially due to Wuhan Flu. They at least toned down the horrible character designs but previews still indicate its horrible TDS that contradicts itself within a paragraph
>>7894 >contradicts itself within a paragraph Mind sharing?
>>7901 https://disneystarwarsisdumb.wordpress.com/2020/10/24/high-republic-opening-crawl-conflicts-with-itself/ (Really, this whole blog is worth a recommendation. One guy cataloging everything retarded Disney Star Wars or Disney's employees on Star Wars does)
>>7903 >Outer Rim worlds into the embrace of the Republic through ambitious outreach programs I didnt even need to read the rest.
>>7903 >glorious REPUBLIC >noble and wise JEDI KNIGHTS It sounds like the new one was written by the Chinese. Just replace Republic with China and Jedi Knights with PAP. >Starlight Beacon What a shitty name. >It is a time of ambition, of culture, of inclusion, of Great Works. The Marxists must have jizzed themselves as they wrote this. >Chancellor Soh >蘇 and 苏 are also romanized So and Sou in Cantonese; Soh and Souw in Southern Min dialects; Soh in Teochew; and Thu in Gan. This Chinese name I'm pretty sure the Chinese are wearing Disney like a flesh suit by this point in time.
>>7917 >written by the Chinese. Just replace Republic with China and Jedi Knights with PAP. Well Disney has multiple book and media products in China trying to get them into Star Wars. They've failed spectacularly every time.
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>>7917 Yun was a clearly Chinese typed character (name, Asian mix actor) in the really early EU. Thing is, Yun is actually a really well done character with enough depth for what he is (recurring boss) that fits perfectly within the setting instead of CCP propaganda.
Whole bunch of shit announced, emphasis on shit https://archive.vn/wip/Sy3Z8 They're going to ruin Rogue Squadron.
>>7946 10 buxs only two manage to get made and the rest are sent to development hell.
>>7947 >Willow Fucking why? One movie made thirty years ago does not need to be remade. What next? Is Disney finally going to make Buckaroo Banzai vs. The World Crime League?
>>7946 Stackpole isn't involved in Rogue Squadron. He's being overly polite about it, but it's clear he had no idea this was happening. https://archive.vn/wip/PESUN
>>7951 >Fucking why? They've run out of ideas and are currently scrapping the barrel.
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Boba Fett with clean armor just looks weird.
>>8023 It's new paint.
>>8033 I know it just looks off putting.
>Star Wars' Boba Fett actor Jeremy Bulloch dies aged 75 Everyone's dropping like flies! https://archive.is/oE0xp
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Season 2 of The Mandalorian ends with CGI deepfake Mark Hamill/Luke taking Grogu away while setting up Boba Fett as the focus for the next season. >>8145 F
>>8151 >Disney giving up with merchandise cash cow How unexpected.
>>8152 Well there's a few factors here. >Boba Fett is more popular than ever now >Boba Fett is a recognizable old character But there's also the idiocy of Disney at play here. >the sequel trilogy still being canon in Disney's eyes means Grogu is fucking dead.
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Have some webms of Luke's appearance in The Mandalorian.
>>8160 >>8151 I may have interest in watching this IF Disney didn't nuke everything good about Star Wars with the special help of KK and JJ (Yes, I know about the leaked script, but it still isn't SW, and still doesn't fix all the problems that already existed with E7). Also, why does it look like Luke just walked out of a PS3 game? Is CGI really that overestimated in it's capabilities?
>>8200 Disney is bleeding money & they CG'd over an actor's face rather than getting someone who already looked like Mark. Which this model ironically barely does anyway.
>>8200 They can make good replicas of faces if they try and have the time + budget.
>>8151 I liked it. It showed that Luke is taking on a mentor role without needing to bring in the dumpster fire that is the Disney trilogy. It also opens up the possibility of a reboot. >>8154 There’s no way in hell Disney would bog Mandalorian down with the new trilogy bs. The only thing the new trilogy did was taint the brand. Their focus on Bobba Fett and the introduction of Ashoka and hint of Thrawn shows that they want to cater to older fans. If Disney was smart, they would avoid the new trilogy at all costs and keep the focus on the post-DS2/pre-Abrams timeline.
>>8206 They're making a show about that even worse rip off of Kyle Katarn from Rogue One, their current canon timeline still has the trilogy, the clones from The Mandalorian could be proto-Snokes/Palpatines, & the second to last episode was meant to be a nod to The First Order in Moff Gideon's last line. >is Disney was smart You know that's not true. There's a rumor that the Ahsoka show will use time travel to erase the sequel trilogy but that's some extremely wishful thinking.
>>8209 >Kyle Katarn Bobba Fett isn't Kyle in any way. He never assisted the New Republic and only stood against Moff Gideon, because he had already given Din his word. As soon as his promise was kept, he went and took over Jabba's palace with his waifu. There's no way in hell that Bobba will become a Jedi, and he still sees himself as a mercenary. >Ahsoka show will use time travel to erase the sequel trilogy I think the plan is to avoid the time period of the latest trilogy in its entirety. Mandalorian is set 20 years prior, so most of that cast wouldn't be born yet. Letting Disney shoe-horn in Rey and co would burn any goodwill that Mandalorian has made with the older fanbase.
>>8160 Luke's introduction was great, and it really showcased the difference in ability between a jedi master and bounty hunters. It was also interesting that he used force crush against that droid. He doesn't seem like a paranoid wackjob that the new trilogy made him. When he pulls down his hood, it looks like we're watching Luke from one of the Battlefront games. At around 0:20, you can actually see when they apply Luke's face to the actor. The actor's lips are a bit pink, and Luke's lips are the same as his skin tone. Around 0:38 when Luke is in the elevator, it looks like they didn't apply the Luke face to the actor. Either way, it looks like the way has been paved for the original trilogy characters to show up next season. If Han shows up, I'm curious if we'll get the three Solo children back. They were a lot more interesting than Ben.
>>8210 Nigger read what I said again. I'm not talking about Boba. I'm talking about that fucker from Rogue One. >>8211 If the next season is Boba focused then the safest route to take would be him fighting other crimelords. My bet is they'll bring Maul back.
>>8212 > I'm talking about that fucker from Rogue One. I see, I wasn't aware of it. It doesn't seem that interesting, but I also barely remember Rogue One. >My bet is they'll bring Maul back. Maul already came back. He eventually died on Tatooine in a final fight with Obi Wan during Rebels. By the time of Mandalorian, he would have been super dead for at least a decade. I'm thinking Thrawn is going to be the one who they eventually lead into. It would also make more sense for Bobba Fett to encounter Han again, rather than Maul.
>>8227 Shit you're right Maul's dead. They're definitely saving Thrawn for Ahsoka's show. Boba & Han.... ehhhh they wouldn't be able to even convince Harrison to do the voice. Doubtful they'd bring the Solo actor back either considering his acting is awful & the movie was a flop.
>>8232 > they wouldn't be able to even convince Harrison to do the voice I wouldn't be so sure. We thought he was done after TFA, but he still came back. Even Sean Connery did some voice work after he retired. At the very least, they can find someone who sounds like him. It shouldn't be that hard, given how popular Han is.
>>8237 They couldn't even get someone who actually acts like Han for the Solo movie.
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Rogue Squadron issue 18 implies Wedge isn't just not force sensitive, but actually resistant to the force. Interesting.
Which Old Republic comics are worth a read?
>>8655 There's the series made by Dark Horse, if you liked the game you'll enjoy them.
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>Lucasfilm Games will now be the "official identity" of all Star Wars video game releases from Lucasfilm moving forward. <the mouse kills Lucasarts, sells its soul to EA and then brings it back from the dead How bad are they going to fuck it up? https://archive.is/txTov#selection-1875.0-1875.119
>>8713 What about old pre-Phantom Menace ones?
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>>8806 To my knowledge there really isn't any, Old Republic was introduced around 06. Most Star Wars media before the prequels focused on stuff like Dark Empire, Thrawn or a bunch of mid-quels. You could give the comic version of the Thrawn trilogy a chance.
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>>8822 >Old Republic was introduced around 06. You what mate?
>>8828 Im more familiar with the games but thanks for correcting me.
>Disney much rather remake a hunk of shit than start fresh All they need to do is adapt Heir to the Empire, yet they rather die than to admit failure.
>>9208 They kinda painted themselves into a corner on that one. They canonized Thrawn and did Rebels, not to mention redoing the story of Han and Leia's marriage/children along with Luke turning into a faggot instead of being a Jedi master, so now existing canon directly contradicts all the shit that happened in the Thrawn trilogy of books.
>>9209 The best route is to erase the the sequel trilogy but they'll never do it.
Also, someone should just make /sw/ here, they're firmly entrenched in the Guntsphere so they're never going to come back
>>9215 Does anyone have an archive of the old /sw/ lightsabre thread? It had a lot of really interesting information in it.
>>9215 Why did they stay when the entire site quite literally ate itself.
>>9218 Mark fat-fingered /sw/ off of vch, and didn't realize it until days later, when the return to 8kunt got delayed. He apologized and everything, but they were rightfully pretty pissed
>>9220 But why julay of all places and not cafe or animu?
>>9234 They were mad at Mark and Julay was the most anti-Mark site out there, but that's just a theory
>>9247 Man that backfired on them real hard.
Well, looks like any hope for Star Wars is dead in the water.
>>9527 Is Disney still burning a shitload of money every day from wuhan forcing parks to close?
>>9540 Yes.
>>9540 No, they just fired one of the fan-favorite stars in The Madelorian because she of her "racist" comment that compared being a Conservative in today's culture to being a Kike in Nazi Germany.
>>9542 >be a conservative in jew infested hollywood >speak out >be surprised that you lose your job If you want the devil's money, you have to play his game. An expensive lesson to learn, to be sure, but I guess she had better practice burger flipping because she'll never get another film.
>>9559 > because she'll never get another film. But she just did.
>>9540 That's not a no.
>>9559 I don't know if you can really call her conservative for a few viewpoints. The majority of her views are probably "progressive"
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>>2582 A modest edit
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https://archive.ph/wip/JBtzi Disney's commiefornia park is reopening and all their media puppets can do to cover up how no one can afford to go with the economy fucked up is whine about privilege
>>10238 Its essentially a rich people tourist trap. But with less interesting or ruined ips, heck even Universal was smart enough to not change Harry Potter because they're still doing gang busters on Hogwarts and they'll triple it with Nintendo Land.
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>>5994 There are things from show that need to be taken seriously, there are one just for laugh. Don't mix them up
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>>7834 more like Boba fat
>>10823 Its called a "dad bod".
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After watching The Mandalorian, I decided to give (the) clone wars a go, and after following Cosmonaut's variety hour's guide (which skips filler, obnoxiously comedic episodes), I have to say I'm very happy with the result, and decided to jump into rebels, this particular guide's idea of must watch seemed more focused on canon rather than quality and instead I decided to simply watch whatever sounded appealing, and so far I've seen 16-17-22-36-37-38-39-40-57, mostly episodes centering around Clone wars characters, and I'm also very happy with what I've seen, the obnoxiousness of the comedic characters and Ezra hasn't yet been an issue. Am I missing anything good in the first 4 seasons? any guides to surfing the last season? Is Thrawn done justice?
>>12075 Imagine using some eceleb's guide on how to enjoy things instead of just watching the show yourself & forming your own opinion.
>>8151 I hated it, they could have kept Luke's face tastefully hidden, but they decided to go PS4 cutscene mode. When the camera focused on him all I could think was "oh, no, you couldn't resist couldn't you" >>8160 I'd post the entire show if the site allowed me to post mkv files. MP4 doesn't support my favorite codecs. >>8206 They already included Bo-katan, and bogged down the final chapter reintroducing the black lightsaber's lore awkwardly. They might learn, but I'm not holding out my breath. >>12076 >e-celeb are all people on the internet e-celebs nowadays? >just watching the show yourself did that with Naruto, fuck that.
>>12077 Cosmonaut is an eceleb. >don't want to think for myself You could've at least saved faced saying you want other's perspectives to learn about a show but you just straight up missed you can't think for yourself. At all. That's really sad.
>>12079 *admit Not missed. I'm tired.
>>12077 >did that with Naruto, fuck that. I enjoyed every episode of naruto. No idea why someone would want to skip the filler.
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>>10823 >more like Boba fat Gee, never heard THAT one this week. You DO realize the guy is 61, right? He's in better fucking shape than I am and probably better shape than you, as well.
>>12096 How is age an excuse for being overweight? My grandfather was relatively fit into his 80's. You gain weight the same way you do at 20 as you do when you're 60, by eating too much shitty food.
>>12096 >He's in better fucking shape than I am That's sad. >probably better shape than you, as well. Very unlikely. Maybe he's got some muscle under the fat but even my somewhat chubby self is in better shape than him. I'm nowhere near his old man beer gut.
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With the release of The Bad Batch, Disney has retconned out Caleb Dune's/Kanan's origin comic. First up, how Order 66 happens in the comic.
>>12578 Then in The Bad Batch, Clone Force 99 rescue Master Billaba & Caleb's clone squadron from droids with tanks. After they deal with that, Caleb goes off with them to continue the fight. While he does that, Order 66 comes in & Billaba starts fighting. Caleb runs back then away as his master is gunned down. Clone Force 99 catch up to him & he runs away in fear. So maybe this is a big sign of changes in Disney?
>>12579 Every day that Kathleen Kennedy breathes our precious air is a bad day.
>>12662 That broad is the reason behind Nyx Okami, an Asian American Coruscanti(?!?) being replaced with that shaven head posh girl and her twice as useless sister. KK is the ruler of the franchise.
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>>12579 >Master Billaba Not going to lie, I'm behind on my Clone Wars watching. Can someone tell me why a Jedi from planet Puu'indaloo looks like a female clone with Leia braids?
>>12690 Because brown people look the same to you? She's indian. The clones are Maori.
>>12693 The cartoon clones don't look as maori as the actor they're based on.
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snowtroopers are the best troopers.
>>12690 Her face just screams "What am I doing with my life?"
>>2587 >Realistically, how many padawans would have been raped by their master? According to Kennedy's story group, the Jedi fuck like rabbits but aren't allowed to actually CARE about their partner because caring leads to the Dark Side, somehow. Holy fuck, I'd like to drop an entire building on those cunts.
>>12814 So you're telling me padme and anakin fucking wasn't a problem?
>>2587 Main branchline? Absolutely not. They're as chaste as monks. Division branch that believe tantric positions open you up to the living force? Believable.
>>12814 What do you have against buddism?
>>12830 Buddhism is just nihilism for hippies.
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>>12827 >So you're telling me padme and anakin fucking wasn't a problem? I'M not telling you anything. What I'm saying is that Kennedy's pack of spavined cunts is saying that rawdogging Padme wasn't the problem. They are saying that fucking with even a trace of affection is how you end up with a red lightsaber. Which is patently bullshit. While sex wasn't involved (I pray), both Yoda and Obi-Wan were fond of Luke AND his father. A lot of Jedi cared for the clones in their service. Caring should never have been an issue, because love is of the Light Side of the Force. Likewise, a Jedi must be disciplined, which means it doesn't make sense for them to run around sticking their lightsabers into every blastdoor, if you dig me. It would make far more sense for them to have a special someone. >>12830 >What do you have against buddism? I have no idea what sort of comment you're setting up. Complete your thought.
>>12832 not him but Buddhism and a large majority of eastern religions maintain that having any desire, things like love, material possession, and yes even things like enjoyment from sex is holding you back from attaining enlightenment and keeping you trapped in the material world of suffering. Of course said anon is still wrong, you'll never see Buddhist monks fucking like rabbits because feeling like pleasure and joy that are derived from sex are antithetical to their religion. Which is ultimately what Jedi's are a mix of Tao and Buddhism Remember pic related is effectively the antichrist of the buddhist religion, Known as the demon king of the 6 heavens (Desire) No doubt you can also draw parallels of Yin and Yang. Dark and Light, Chaos and order, passivity and action, Decadence and Authoritarianism. Whenever one side holds sway the balance is upset, suffering seeps into all life, therefore both seek to balance each other out and neither can exist without the other.
>>12839 >desire bad I find that funny that they desire to be free of desire. I guess they define 'desire' in a specific way. >neither can exist without the other. Except dark cannot 'exist' so to speak without the absence of light, since that's literally what it is. In fact darkness is essentially nonexistent, whereas light is an existing thing. This is scientific fact. Western philosophy >>>>>>> eastern philosophy
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>>12841 >I find that funny that they desire to be free of desire. Yeah. It's up there with "ONLY a sith deals in absolutes."
>>12841 I think it's more about how the light creates shadows, but your point is valid.
What do you guys think of a Star Wars Holyday special rebuild project? Making campy and dumb shorts to replace the original ones and make our own Star Wars Holyday special.
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>>13031 >Star Wars Holyday special rebuild project I don't know, anon. That seems like the sort of innocent project that would summon Great Cthulhu.
>>13047 >I don't know, anon. That seems like the sort of innocent project that would summon Great Cthulhu. Sounds great, how can I contribute?
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>>13057 Don't do it, anon.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hH8rxarVG8 Here is the full list of all segments: >first ad break >bluescreened circus du sulei >whip stear cooking show (3 minutes of baffling discomfort) >Itchy's VR porn >another ad-break >imperial watches music video >boba fett short I dunno, pretty good >computer unboxing with bad internet >Ackerman closes down the cantina It's a lot of segments in retrospect, maybe it'd be a good idea to promote this in multiple places. I already posted this on smuglo.li/tg/
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>>13075 >>boba fett short I dunno, pretty good It's definitely considered the highlight of the show. Want to know something weird? I was a kid when it aired. I was visiting my aunt and uncle's place with my folks and my baby brother and I saw very little of it, but I remember Carrie trying to sing. I thought for years that I had dreamed it or confused it with the Mark Hamill episode of The Muppet Show. Blew my mind when I finally found out it was real.
Baby Rancor merch coming soon.
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>>13461 >Baby Rancor merch coming soon.
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>watching Clone Wars with my son >he grew up on it, but I never caught more than the occasional episode and didn't REALLY watch it because I was still (HA!) ass-hurt about the prequel trilogy >mfw the worst episode so far is better written than any 100 CY+6 television shows combined >mfw I'll never be able to corner Kathleen Kennedy and Bob Eiger in a dark alley and give them the crowbar beating they so richly deserve
>>13533 I watched it off and on myself, as I'm not a diehard SW fan. Though, I will say Ezra would have worked superbly if they didn't try to make him the Star Wars equivalent to Aladdin. And also, they should have kept Maul balls-to-the-wall unhinged. And either gave him a more fitting death or had him just disappear. Because in all honesty, he served his purpose in episode I.
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>>13539 That's Rebels. Not Clone Wars.
>>13542 Yes, I know. Clone Wars was the one about the clones, the pedantic Jedi, the galactic war, manipulation, betrayal, realization, sacrifice, bonding, and Space Nixon's plain coming into fruition.
>>13539 >Because in all honesty, he served his purpose in episode I. He and General Grievous were incredibly wasted in the movies
Okay, so, as I said, I'm watching Clone Wars with my now adult son, and I'm watching it through a particular lens, to borrow a term from the shitfags of the world. If the following is already well-known and I'm just late to the party, I cry your pardon, gunslingers. I'm sure everyone's heard about this already, but George Lucas has been quoted as saying that "Jar-Jar is the key to the whole thing" regarding the prequel movies. You've probably also heard the urban legend that George's original plan for Jar Jar is that he would turn out to be a Sith lord, as well, and Palpatine's willing ally/tool. If that was truly the case, then surely it came out during George's meetings with Dave Filloni while he was creating Clone Wars. So I've been looking for clues. We've all seen Jar-Jar bumbling around, getting his foot caught in shit and some managing to Frank Drebbin his way through the series. But there's some stuff he pulls off that just beggars belief, even in the Star Wars universe. It looks much less like dumb luck and more like an evil prick hiding as clown in plain site, using the Force in a very subtle fashion. Here's what I've noticed, so far: >If he's hiding as a fool, the disguise is perfect. The DROIDS order him around. C-3PO, the most obsequious droid in the galaxy, calls him "Jar-Jar." Not "Master Jar-Jar" or some other title. He called 9-year-old Anakin "Master Anakin." Jar-Jar is so low in Threepio's eyes that he might as well be a Kowakian monkey-lizard >Jar-Jar's eyes in Clone Wars are, so far, a lot more yellow than other Gungan characters. Most humans probably wouldn't notice or care, but it's a heavy dark side indicator for evil Force shenanigans in humans. >Movies: Jar Jar just happens to run into Obi-wan and Qui-gonn at an opportune time. Jar Jar just happens to get Palpatine voted into power. >S01E08 - Just... just every frigging action he takes. What isn't designed to save Padme is used to humiliate Threepio in revenge for being a nagging golden dick. There are many others, so far, but I don't have the energy or the autism to re-watch and type them out. Every time it's a Jar Jar episode, I'm paying attention. He's got to be a Force user. He's doing this Drunken Master style of fighting while pretending to be a complete incompetent and it shows. Maybe this deviates after more seasons, but for right now in the first two, a Jar Jar episode seems designed to push the theory that every stupid move on his part is actually a cunning, calculated move
>>13559 What's his endgame?
>>13560 Who the fuck knows? George got so pissy about everyone mocking his gungganfu that he took that particular ball and went home. If I had to guess, though, it would be getting Palpy into power and being rewarded.
>>13558 That's true, and CW did do them more justice than the movies. However, Darth Plagueis had more of a short hand to play at the end of episode I. At least Maul's death was shown on screen. Plagueis didn't even get so much as a subtle scene to signify his death at the time of Maul's death like in the novel.. >>13560 If we're truly talking sith, to gain Lord Momin's level of knowledge. Then, when the time is right, overthrow the current reining sith more preoccupied with ruling the galaxy, chasing Jedi, and their self indulgence.
>>13562 >Darth Plagueis had more of a short hand to play at the end of episode I. At least Maul's death was shown on screen. Plagueis didn't even get so much as a subtle scene to signify his death at the time of Maul's death like in the novel.. Okay, that's new to me. Is that something that was cut from the movie? >If we're truly talking sith, to gain Lord Momin's level of knowledge. Then, when the time is right, overthrow the current reining sith more preoccupied with ruling the galaxy, chasing Jedi, and their self indulgence. A take that's probably more likely than mine, and would be an awesome duel. The sad part is that, like Anakin's destiny, we would already know how that story would end: Palpatine cutting Jar Jar's head off.
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I'm rewatching episode 3 Actually HAL9000's recut and I noticed Palpy or some senate guy has hot female droids. Bless George Lucas.
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>>13578 They're really weird looking blow up doll droids.
>>13563 >Okay, that's new to me. Is that something that was cut from the movie? No. It's from the no longer canon Darth Plagueis novel. There's been debate(heated) as to whether or not Darth Plagueis should have been in Episode I. And to be fair, this character didn't exist on paper until episode III. Though, they could have at least showed a flashback or something in CW. >we would already know how that story would end: Palpatine cutting Jar Jar's head off. True. Unless Jar-Jar is one of those rare sith that would rather spend more time training and learning in the dark side then ruling the galaxy. He probably wouldn't survive his first encounter with Palpatine.
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>>13579 oooh
>>13579 Yeah, I noticed these Thotbots as well. They MUST be sexdroids. There's no fucking reason for them to have tits and curves. The translator droid from Episode One was identical in form to Threepio, but was obviously female-personality programmed.
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>>13584 >Unless Jar-Jar is one of those rare sith that would rather spend more time training and learning in the dark side then ruling the galaxy. I was going to say that probably wouldn't be rare but then I thought about it. The biggest reason people go to the dark side is that it's a shortcut to power. If you play the dark version of Kyle Katarn in Dark Forces: Jedi Knight, you end up skipping some levels. They're looking for as much power as they can get without spending their days and nights meditating while moving rocks around and standing on one hand. So it really must be a rare Sithlord who uses cheatcodes for years and then decides to retire and settle down on some backwater with Sith holocrons to read. As for Jar Jar, I don't see it. If he's a sith, he's smart enough to know that he can't match Palpatine or doesn't actually care about ruling. He seems more like the kind of creature who'd enjoy being Loki rather than Odin.
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>>13599 Ro-butt designs are a natural aesthetic and aren't even exclusive to the BD-3000. Canonically (as in the EU's canon) replica droids weren't even given a serious production attempt until after the Republic fell, and even then the BB-4000 was deep in the uncanny valley and flopped. Took another decade and massive investment by Imp intelligence to make it go anywhere. I actually had two ideas to utilize the BB-4000. The first is a recycler taking their (likely good quality) electronics in a cheaper and less horrifying shell. The second was a Miraluka who is completely oblivious to the uncanny valley due to their unique sight (it's just another droid).
>>13599 It could just be a pure status symbol but yeah they're very obvious whore bots that at the very least are fondled by the old men who buy them.
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US court has called Disney Star Wars trash in BRISEÑO V. HENDERSON. >ConAgra thus essentially agreed not to do something over which it lacks the power to do. That is like George Lucas promising no more mediocre and schlocky Star Wars sequels shortly after selling the franchise to Disney. Such a promise would be illusory.* >* As evident by Disney’s production of The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker. This is one of the judges who struck down the ban on high capacity magazines and earlier pissed off libtards by attacking political correctness and other libtard sacred cows when he was in college. He may have even been a rooftop Korean since his age, ethnicity and location all line up for it. Guy should be nominated for SCotUS.
>>13611 I sure as hell would. If Trando had had one in Solo: A Star Wars Tragedy, maybe we'd all be slightly less disgusted with the whole idea.
>>13600 >He seems more like the kind of creature who'd enjoy being Loki rather than Odin. >They're looking for as much power as they can get without spending their days and nights meditating while moving rocks around and standing on one hand. So it really must be a rare Sithlord who uses cheatcodes for years and then decides to retire and settle down on some backwater with Sith holocrons to read. There should have been sith like that. Or more focused on using the darkside for party-type self-indulgences than the usual sith type things.In a sense, Momin was more focused on using the darkside of the force to create grand artful masterpieces of terror than ruling the galaxy. He knew of Bane's Rule of Two, and why it was established. But refused to take up an apprentice. As he saw it as a waste of his time. The said was his reason for killing his own master. >As for Jar Jar, I don't see it. If he's a sith, he's smart enough to know that he can't match Palpatine or doesn't actually care about ruling. That's why my theory of Jar-Jar has always been he either moved onto the unknown regions or completely out of the galaxy. Even if he had truly been a sith. Almost every outcast and whathaveyou flees and/or disappears to the unkown regions.
>>13611 That and there are advantages over biological females. So for example: mechs retain their visual appeal longer, they can be deactivated or reprogrammed if they become a nuisance, additional measures like restraining bolts can be secured to ensure loyalty and they can be physically modified to suit your tastes and preferences.
>>13794 Bodyguard femdroids: Lethal as your standard model. But all in a streamlined shape.
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>>13794 >That and there are advantages over biological females. They can't withhold consent.
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What's this symbol from? I've seen it a couple times, but it can't find anything about it.
>>14124 The Republic Navy's Open Circle Fleet.
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Just watched Jar Jar make a complete fool out of General Grievous by pretending to be the Boss of the Gungans. I refuse to believe he's a normal, cowardly Gungan. He acts all spooked by the thought of impersonating a galactic leader and then proceeds to strut into Grievous' clutches and make him sperg out, leading to his capture by the Gungans who whipped the living shit out of him. Darth Jarjus.
>>14127 And to think the gungans could've killed Grievous then & there if the plan weren't to capture him.
>>14137 Pretty much. Grievous, as has been mentioned, is a wasted villain. At least as of season 4, for me. I'm still working my way through the seasons for the first time, and Grievous has, so far, been mostly a butt-monkey with the occasional "chilling insect scuttle" moment. Mostly he throws tantrums and takes it up the ass without lube from Kenobi and Skywalker. And droids. And Gungans. And Dooku. And... He's supposed to be this amazing legendary warrior, but so far he hasn't lived up to his potential as seen in the old cell-animated Clone Wars, where he was standing on one foot and fighting everyone to a standstill with five lightsabers while flipping around like Yoda on ketamine.
>>14147 He WAS an amazing warrior. Until Dooku did that to him & made him a cyborg. Convincing him the jedi were at fault. The reason he's got a reputation is that, in the beginnings of the war, he relied on fear tactics. That's how he got the best of jedi at first. As the war raged on, that strategy faltered. He's still an opponent of worth. Just not on the jedi skill level.
>>14137 Would that have accomplished anything? With the clone armies still intact, Palpy was just waiting for a good moment to pop order 66, which turned out to be the moment the Jedi found out he was Darth Sidious.
>>14228 He still doesn't have Anakin completely under his thumb. So he can't have Grievous stage the kidnapping that leads to Dooku's death at Anakin's hands.
>>13461 The Bad Batch is the worst star wars cartoon so far.
>>14326 Bro you're insane.
>>14332 Is there something else worse than The babysitter batch?
>>14326 >The Bad Batch is the worst star wars cartoon so far. Oh, my sweet summer child...
>>14334 The Ewok Cartoon. Rebels. Resistance. Galaxy of Adventures. Droids.
>>14334 This was made by lucasarts but thankfully it was cancelled before it ever saw the light of day
>>14346 >it was cancelled It wasn't. https://archive.is/ymKJs
>>14336 >>14345 >Didn't watch the Ewoks and droids >mfw Droids is a comfy adventure with actual defined arcs were R2-D2 and C-3PO changed owners each with their own problems and antagonists. Ewoks is also a comfy adventures with a lot of fantasy elements in it, but the second season they fucked it up real bad, I still fucking mad how they changed Latara into a greedy self-centered cunt. Every time Feloni makes a cartoon he manages to make it worse, from the Clone "Lore dont Matter" Wars all the way to The Retard Batch. The bad batch doesn't have anything good in it, at least Resistance had Tamara Ryvora in it, she should had been the MC instead of the retarded chink. And Rebels had scenes were the Empire purged rebel scum.
>>14351 Nigger you're just baiting now. The changes in Clone Wars were all approved by Lucas first. Bad Batch has just started & it's good. I can't possibly see what you hate about it. I can only assume you're the same bitter nigger who hates the Justice League animated universe.
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>>14354 >The changes in Clone Wars were all approved by Lucas first. >mfw Even if he did, I bet he was too fucking senile to know what the fuck he was doing. This nerd goes into detail how much the clone wars fucked up, that is why Clone Wars 2003 is better. https://ytprivate.com/watch?v=n8a0gaa0olU https://ytprivate.com/watch?v=ujRvFatw2c8
>>14354 >Bad Batch has just started & it's good Oh boy here we go! >first episode >For some reason the special clones have defective Evil Inhibitor Chips that doesn't turn on with Order 66 >Why are they asking for clearance codes in the most important planet of the whole republic Empire? Oh, I know, because they are EVIL! >For some reason they leave a corpse to hang on her lightsaber, because how else is the audience know that was a jedi? >Omega is Rey 2.0 All this stupid shit and more in the first episode, it is off to a great start.
>>14354 Lucas never gave a fuck about anything outside the movies. He took the money and said it was all good. Unless he felt like fucking with them, like with "Darth Icky." >saying anything from Disney Star Wars is good hue
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>>14346 >thankfully it was cancelled What is wrong with it? It looks like fun.
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>>14347 >It wasn't. >mfw release
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>>14346 >>14347 >>14360 >>14362 Why?!? We already have a handful of Star Wars parodies? Including some done by the original crew. >>14356 >All this stupid shit and more in the first episode, it is off to a great start. Why did the first clip immediately make me think that they is going to be like Red VS Blue?
>>14356 I fucking hate what they did to the clones. "We're only evil because of microchips in the brain" Bullshit! The movies are pretty clear that clones were just meat puppets, the kaminions even say they genetically altered them to be docile and listen to commands without hesitation! They weren't suppose to have personalities they were just pawns they emperor used to keep the war going and get power. Also what the hell's the point of a female clone? What reason would their be to have one, the only thing i can think of is medical, but that can be done by a male trooper just as easily or else a relief soldier, but the clones shouldn't need them because again they were genetically altered to be nothing more then fleshy droids. So unless the Jedi were using them get off I have no idea what the point of a female clone would be. And before anyone says she was a mess up like the other bad batch, how the fuck do you mess up so bad you completely change the xy chromosomes to produce a female?
>>14364 Accidentally duplicate a chromosome, while also deleting another one? Seems like a pretty major fuckup, though.
>>14364 >Also what the hell's the point of a female clone? I think Omega is the new generation of clones or something, it is something that is heavily implied.
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I don't have that many webms of the second episode, but I do have some pics. Remember that MILF Twi'lek from the clone wars that married a reg clone that defected even though that is not possible since clones were brainwashed to fight for the republic thought to love the republic? Well they are back in the most horrific way possible. The MILF Twi'lek is covered up as if she would be stoned to death.
>>14364 >I fucking hate what they did to the clones. "We're only evil because of microchips in the brain" Bullshit! The movies are pretty clear that clones were just meat puppets, the kaminions even say they genetically altered them to be docile and listen to commands without hesitation! They weren't suppose to have personalities they were just pawns they emperor used to keep the war going and get power. Yes how awful for characters to have character or rather the desire to be individuals when they're literal clones. > Also what the hell's the point of a female clone? Gee maybe it's like the big mystery of the show or something. >>14372 Probably because they're in the process of leaving their home & the planet plus the girl is obviously a tomboy.
>>14374 >plus the girl is obviously a ~tomboy. It's a tranny now and under the pill.
>>14375 The world is miserable enough without you going to the worst case scenarios.
One of the many retarded parts of the episode is that everybody thinks that the Empire making all its citizens use Chaincodes aka IDs is evil. It makes you think that the Galactic Republic didn't have a system to identify its citizen, something that is impossible and retarded. This situation also applies to ships, how the fuck do you not have license plates on a fucking spaceship? And the whole drama of the episode could had been resolved if the Bad Batch gave a ride to the family to another planet away from the Empire, but no, they have to do some retarded shit that puts Omega in danger. The retarded batch gives Omega to the Family since she is better with them than a group of special clones and the most retarded shit happens. The MILF Twi'lek lets Omega run to the Bad Batch while they are having a firefight with Imperial forces. Is like the writers don't know what a mother would do in those type of situations. A mother would never let a child be in harms way.
Onwards to the next episode. >Tech doesn't fix the ship because he is too busy making a scanner that he will not use in the near future, because of that the spaceship crashes on a planet. Bravo Feloni! What a way to start an episode >More exposition, remember kids, Chip is evil! >The Empire goes full WOKE, it wasn't too Evil I guess, since it was diverse and inclusive. And now I hate the Empire, there is nothing to like about this cartoon >The new recruits don't understand that they are only there because it is cheaper to recruit idiots like them, than buying from filthy xenons
>>14378 >>14377 You really are just picking apart every little thing you can when most of it boils down to the fact it's a fictional story without the benefit of hindsight like the audience has.
>>14374 >Gee maybe it's like the big mystery of the show or something. It would be fucking hilarious if the Caminoans are making an army of blonde women because girls are better than boys. >>14379 The thing is that nobody is thinking or acting like they should. Take the scene of Tech not fixing the Hyperdrive because it is not a "critical system". Why would he do that? Why would he put himself or his team in danger? Just because of a scanner that he is not going to use in that moment, all because the writer wanted to make a joke, it is pathetic.
So this whole scene happens, the Diverse Imperial team go against a Diverse Rebel team. The rebels that were found in the first episode by the Bad Batch are still there, maybe its in a different locations, maybe not. They have a fight and the "good" guys lose, the special clone kills the only idiot that might give him answers, I guess torture wasn't invented in the Empire yet. The white guy refuses to kill unarmed combatants and he is killed because of it, then the non-whites execute the unarmed rebels without a second thought. What did Feloni meant by this?
>Hunter is tracking an animal that stole a capacitor >He spots the capacitor and before he can grab it the animal manage to get a jump on him >I repeat HUNTER, the special clone that can track anything and fight with his knife got jumped by a fucking animal >Omega instead of staying with Hunter and calling for help, she leaves him behind and goes to a hostile animal lair to get the capacitor >She manages to track down an animal with minimal knowledge and finds the capcitor, because she got lucky again and refuses to use her blaster against the poor and misunderstood animal WEW >Tarkin doesn't ask for a full mission debriefing from the clone and promotes the guy on the spot >Kaminoans want those sweet sweet Republic Empire credits, and need Omega to make super clones even thought that female Kamonian was the reason the special clones escaped
>The Bad Batch don't have the Republic's teat to suck on so they need to fend for themselves >Tech for some strange reason didn't thought that the empire would track their ship signature >Echo puts on a disguise, something that you will not see ever again after this episode >And Omega gets lost, if only they had smartphones or some type of communication device! Now she is walking aimlessly in an unknown city full of blue people
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>A bounty hunter finds Omega and slowly takes her to her ship, but Hunter manage to get to her >He fights the strong independent womyn that needs no partner and loses surprising no one >Echo "borrows" droids from the Evil xenon, why is he evil? Because he uses restraining bolts! Daily reminder that Luke was a slaver Let's hope the filthy evil xenon doesn't call the police >Wrecker fights the Strong Independent Womyn that needs no partner and loses surprising no one >Why didn't he use his blaster rifle? Why didn't she use her blaster pistol? How did she manage to crash Wrecker against a wall? >Hunter starts to shoot, and instead of shooting her, he destroys one engine... then the other... and to top it all off he bombs her transport that was already disable Amazing episode can't wait to see the next one.
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>Omega gets her own smartphone I mean communicator device, why didn't they gave her one? Oh I guess they didn't have a spare... until they say that its Crossair communicator device >A military special unit, that each member has his own com device, never thought on giving one to Omega, because...? >They don't know who Cid is, but Omega instantly knows that the Lizard Xenon is Cid, isn't she amazing? >The special clones that didn't want to work for the Evil Empire are going to work for a blackmarket contact >Wrecker gets headaches for the n'th time >Omega asks a billions questions, a horrible way to give never ending exposition >Dealing with some filthy xenon slaver should be a cake walk, but OH NO! They have a huge monster pet! Nothing in the clone wars would had prepared them for this
>Its up to Omega to save the day, you go girl! >The Rancor is Muchi, the thing that they need to rescue, HAHA! Good one Feloni >Omega grabs an energy bow, because Kikes still believe that weapon is still popular with girls This is the most retarded episode so far, Cid gives a mission to the special clones to retrieve Muchi, but withholds a very important info, the fact that Muchi is a fucking Rancor. And Why? Because she is messing with the clones. She is putting herself in danger on angering Jabba the Hutt and getting her ass killed. What would had happen if they brought the qt falleen girl instead of the damn rancor? Or getting the rancor killed? And why did the writer do this? For shit and giggles. The writer is not capable on withholding the rancor part from the audience and informing the clones of their objective. The Falleen girl is cute, would buy her as a slave to pat her head with my hand.
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>She trains now?! >She is not a huge marry sue, she is training her bow skills, even thought she is already amazing at using a fucking blaster >Being lucky is succeeding 3 times out of 12 >We haven't decided to work for you >Even thought we are hanging in your business and shooting up the place >The whole point of doing work for her is to get shekels and keep Omega safe, remember this bit for the end of the episode >Strong female character lizard shows the other strong female character how to use the bow correctly and she needs to get /fit/ to use the bow, remember this bit later >Isn't she amazing? >This old trick? >It gets us past the planetary sensors every time This whole sequence baffles me, you are suppose to say that line the moment they glue themselves on that transport ship and enter hyperspace. Is like the one that write those lines and the ones that created the scenes are not communicating at all. If they really wanted to make the scene when they are passing the planetary sensors and enter the planet atmosphere, it should go like this >Tech: "We have passed the planetary sensors" >Echo: "This trick never gets old" >Omega those the billion questions scene, is like she never went to school or something
>Let's take Omega with us in this dangerous situation >Omega stay here and keep an eye on things, you will be 100% safe here >Clones start to look for the command droid while stunning ALL the workers >Oh no! It is not going as planned! There is another group trying to steal our droid! >Yo...Huld up, kid! >Omega points an arrow at the thief >The first thing the thief does is to pop open her helmet, because how else will she know that the nigger means no harm? >The other accomplice walks directly to the bad batch, so what do they do? >Stun her immediately and take the droid for a swift escape? >Wait for something bad to happen? >You guess it! They wait for something bad to happen! >The nigger just want to talk so Omega... trusts her... >Omega is suppose to know other people intentions/feelings/whatever, one of her MANY special abilities, but in this specific case, it fails her, because story and drama >So what does the Nigger do? Try to steal her bow What did the writer meant by this? >And all hell brakes lose >Now those two need to work together to fight their way out of there! >But why would The Bad Batch™ need help from two nigger that are strangers, to fight fucking droids? >Skipping some drama about Omega almost dying, getting rescued by the nigger and Wrecker getting his head hit for the Nth time, even though his helmet is suppose to protect his head >The nigger gets the fabulous idea of using the CIS droids to destroy the security droids, by telling the command droid to command it >Wait >Tech didn't come up with this idea? >Tech helps the nigger to modify the command droid help and lets the nigger, a total stranger, to command the command droid? >You mean that the droids that are being destroyed in the factory are functional? >They didn't remove the batteries? >They didn't take the blaster rifles from the B1 battle droids? >What the fuck? >WHAT THE FUCK?! >The nigger and Omega are running right at the security droids without a care in the world and don't die under enemy fire. >With just a few minutes of training, Omega is a total pro with the bow destroying droids left and right, even though, the strong independent lizard told her to get /fit/ to use the bow >And just like that The Bad Batch™ escapes the factory and lets loose fully functional battle droids on the planet I wish they took a battle droid at least that would made this shit show interesting
>How dare you take that tactical droid to an unknown person and make a profit to feed Omega and keep her safe! >We, the niggers, want that tactical droid for a gud cause! Das right! To fight against the Evil Empire™! >Feel bad The Bad Batch™! Feel bad! >I guess you are right, here take the only copy we have of the tactical droid, because I trust a complete stranger and making a copy for us is wrong >Cid will NOT get mad and never gives us a new job ever again >#trusther >#believeher >#imwithher >#itshertime >Niggers snitch on them Another fantastic episode from Feloni.
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>>12578 >Disney has retconned out Feloni and retconn go hand in hand. I think Ahsoka book get retconned with the last season of the Clone wars.
And we start this episode with some action, damn feloni knows how to do it good! To bad we don't get to see any of the mission at all, it would be far better than this episode, since is the most boring so far, but that would be spoiling too much. Our brave heroes finally finished their mission with success and what happens when they cash in? They discover that filthy xenon is ripping them off or maybe they are retards when it comes to credits? Or both? The only thing that I do know is that hey have done 10 fucking missions, give or take, for an underground contact and they barely scrap by, they have turned into slaves, at least the Empire would feed them and cloth them. She rubs on their faces the fact that they gave the droid info to the niggers, now they are in danger of not be able to feed Omega. Why are they doing this? I know they think Evil Empire is bad, but is this any better? They have a fucking spaceship with the ability to go anywhere in the galaxy like the unknown regions or wild space, and the best they can do, or better yet, the best they can THINK of doing is working for a filthy xenon? When Rex shows up it makes you wonder. Why is Rex there? He just wanted to have some drinks and shoot the wind? And the special forces are happy to comply. They start to ask questions like "How did you find us?" but never asked "Why?" And it was all because of the plot, the story needs Rex there so he can help those retards to remove the Evil Chip from their heads, because being proactive is lame. Also, Rex is using his fucking clone armor, maybe he is special too, but I guess having a cloak is way better than nothing, like the bad batch is running all over the place with their unique armor.
Omega doesn't have an inhibitor chip and the gang accepts her word for it, she doesn't even answers Wrecker's "Why?" Feloni... are you trying to pull a fast one on me? Is Omega turning evil at the end of the season when Tarkin activates order 69? Nah! That would actually sound too good. Remember all that subtle exposition about Wrecker inhibitor chip? The hits on his head. His headaches. The construction of that head scanner thingy that we don't see episodes later. The fact that they don't give a single fuck about Wrecker headaches. Of course not! Because you wave it away as not important or were to invested in the main plot of the episodes to notice that elusive story arc. All that deep and emotional story telling climax is near! Anyway, they jump into a junk planet full of military grade spaceships, with no regard of planet sensors and the only thing guarding the planet from filthy scavengers that might steal high yield weapons are a bunch of guards driving around, guards that won't be relevant for the whole episode, until the last second. Wrecker almost got eaten by a monster and the gang finds the medical bay. How are they going to turn on the medical bay without a fusion furnace? Well, that is easy, just flip the switch, the Venator is functional and with power, how lucky. Good thing the retarded logic from the other episode about the droids being fully fictional and armed still applies on this one. Then Omega tells the gang not remove their inhibitor chips, Feloni are you implying something here? Nah, he doesn't have the balls for that. And before they could do the operation this whole totally normal dialog happens in front of Wrecker. "You boys got lucky" "Very few clones were immune to the effects of Order 66" "When the regs attacked the Jedi on Kaller, we didn't understand why" "We couldn't save the general, but at least we helped the padawan escape" And then Wrecker activates. Tech doesn't yell for help. Rex hesitates to shoot/stun Wrecker. Even though he was ready to shoot everybody back in the bar. And Wrecker starts to kick their asses, even though he is outnumber and got his ass kicked by a womyn in another episode. While kicking everybody asses, he forgets about them and moves on to the next target. Let me repeat that, he defeats every clone, does NOT kill them and moves to defeat the next one. Omega makes a perfect warning shoot while using an oversize weapon and to add insult to injury she runs with not problems while holding that same weapon.
After stunning wrecker while he was busy trying to kill Omega, he gets his Evil Inhibitor Chip removed, but doesn't wake up. Feloni you wouldn't! Please let poor Wrecker live! He does. Shocking no one. And that is how the emotional and roller coaster inhibitor chip arc ends. Feloni blew his load too early, if the normalfags are satisfied with this arc I wouldn't be surprised, since they will eat shit and ask for more Feloniverse. But is not all that bad, I liked the scene of Omega and Wrecker eating popcorn, it was sweet. Rex and Hunter talk about shit, and Hunter still doesn't know what to do with his life, what a shocker. Also, the Republic is not gone, it turned into the Empire, because the people voted for it. And the episode ends with the guards finally doing their jobs, by contacting the Empire, I guess they are lazy and retarded, since they didn't detect the Venator powering up and not wanting to fight intruders. Anyway, one would ask, "Is it possible to unfuck this whole arc?" I don't think is possible, since everything needs to be rewritten. If Wrecker got killed in this episode and later have Omega eat popcorn all alone crying, while wearing Wrecker's helmet, that could have an more emotional impact and push Hunter to be more proactive instead of going with the current. It wouldn't be great since the whole popcorn thing is introduced in the same episode, but at least it would be something. This whole season doesn't have purpose at all, there is no end goal, one would think removing the EIC is the goal, but they ignore it completely. Yeah, they talk about it, make a scanner for it, but all that wouldn't do shit to remove EIC if weren't for Rex helping them in the same fucking episode he appears.
>>12814 >According to Kennedy's story group Anon... I... https://archive.md/2016.04.13-134548/http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/1989505.stm >Wednesday, 15 May, 2002 > But Lucas revealed that despite their monastic regime, Jedi were permitted to have sex. >"Jedi Knights aren't celibate - the thing that is forbidden is attachments - and possessive relationships."
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I'm lazy, here have some webms.
And that is all I got, see you tomorrow.
>>14381 >We didn't sign up to be an execution squad. Yes, you did, or did you just miss the fact that jedi are being executed across the galaxy along with sweeping social reform?
>>14398 Why is Cad Bane apologizing? Isn't he a straight-up ruthless bounty hunter?
>>14400 >Isn't he a straight-up ruthless bounty hunter? He is a mixed bag. >Has a sense of honor, because he forced some guy to fight like a man against Obiwan Kenobi Bounty Hunter edition >Kills unarmed civilian, but it was a politician so I guess it's ok Don't remember him ever dealing with children, Ahsoka doesn't count since she is a padawan.
Holy shit, this is the first time I've heard Omega's voice; did they hire a kiwi who can't act solely because the Jango Fett actor is a kiwi? She sounds so out of place amongst the professional voice actors. I fucking hate this 'equity' shit.
>>14408 >Michelle Ang as Omega >Ang was born 17 October 1983, in Christchurch, to Indonesian Chinese parents who had emigrated to New Zealand
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It's Friday! We start another episode of the best Star Wars cartoon! Crossair is on hot pursuit and Hunter is make the hardest decision of his life, jump to hyperspace to escape Crossair autistic rage or stay on the planet to do... something to track Omega...? He decides to escape, his heart becomes heavy with the decision. The next scene we see Bane's starship, it looks like shit, poor Bane doesn't have good taste. The Droid taunts Omega and tells her that her communication device is in a secure department, totally not going to be relevant at all later. The long necks talk about getting Omega back and the PM doesn't send female longneck that let Omega and the special clones escape, since she is problematic, even though he lets her hear where they are going to receive Omega. How else is she going to find out where Omega is so that she can... Oh wait, that is spoiling to early. Remember that sexy polite longneck that greeted Obi-wan Kenobi in the Clone wars? Well she is going to deliver the payment to Cad Bane, its great that Taun We is back! even though her skin color is wrong. Then we learn why Omega is important, she is a pure genetic material of Jango Fett, even though Fett was a guy. Why would they make Omega a girl? Why didn't they retrieve the genetic material from her the moment they manage to clone her? Why am I still watching the show?
The droid trust a kid to not backstab him, stupid droid. Omega makes her daring escape and uses her communication device... that have galactic range... Damn star wars tech is amazing, anons. Fucking kill me. Remember Taun We? Well she is dead because a strong independent bounty hunter killed her. Let me repeat that, a woman send another woman to kill a woman and retrieve a girl. What the fuck? And of course the two bounty hunters fight, oh boy! Fennec is for a surprise, she is no match for Bane. She is, in more ways that one, because womyn Remember those thermal detonators that can wreck your shit? Well, they are just fireworks now, not strong enough to blow up a droid let alone a fucking suitcase. Bane and Fennec CAN"T hit each other from a few feet of distance, is like a /tg/ session of bad rolls.
Omega has an existential crisis even though she already knew the the longnecks were doing genetic experiments. Fennec tries to convince Omega that she should be a Strong Independent Womyn that need no clones, Omega rejects her because that's gay and lame, being with her daddy Hunter and autistic uncles is way better. To escape, Omega gives Fennec a little taste of clone action on her, maybe with that she will stop being a fucking dyke. Fennec is way stronger, faster, smarter and cooler than Bane! Even though Bane had plenty of opportunities to kill her ass, but chose not to because... reasons. >>14417 >Let me repeat that, a woman sent another woman to kill a woman and retrieve a girl. What the fuck? Did I jumped the gun on that? Oh well, it doesn't matter, the thing is that the longneck hired the bounty hunter. Why didn't Fennec tell Omega that she was sent by her pseudo mother? Why didn't Fennec wait for Bane to hand over Omega to Taun We and later kill her to "save" Omega? Why didn't Fennec run off with the credits without Bane being non the wiser? Oh, I forgot, I shouldn't think about it and enjoy the ride!
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Omega gets rescue and learns that she is extra special! She is a perfect clone from Jango Fett! What a show, I will buy the toys, talk about the show in social media and keep paying my Disney+ subscription! See you next friday.
>>14412 No wonder she's so shit, she's not even a real Kiwi. They hired her based on a quality that she doesn't even truly share with the original actor. Equity rots the brain.
>>14351 My son managed to get his hands on a Wicket action figure. It came with the orange cape AND the green cape from the later season. He didn't understand why I was nerdgasming so badly.
>>14412 I want to cover every square millimeter of her body in my saliva.
>>14421 >Breed Omega I just realized... that would basically be fucking Jango Fett.
>>14377 What the fuck?
>>14616 What never seen a Snivvian before?
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I'm lazy today. Here you go.
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>>14678 Omega mary sue abilities so far -Sense the mood of people and can know who is who for some strange reason -Can shoot a blaster with 100% accuracy with no training -Can track an animal in a hostile environment with little to no training -Can use a energy bow with noodle arms and little to no training -Can play not-chest and win with little to no training -Can bargain with Cid and keep the biggest percentage with no hassle
A mediocre episode, but the best of the shitshow so far, the Bat Batch doesn't go full retard on a mission, but sadly Omega can't get unshined in her own show, so she hand-waves the debt in less of a day. Only the Senator goes full retard since he defies the Empire for everyone to see, is like it's a few days from the elections or something, I guess he is not as smart like Organa or Mothma with the whole Glod-in-the-Dark tactics.
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>>12814 That board is sooo 2020, this is the new updated 2021 board, anon. >Surprise Diversity >Jailbroken lightsabers >Grey Jedi >Gender role subversion >Complicated Power Struggle >Relevance to real world >Moral but subtle >Pablo >Imperfect characters >Pulpy >Porgs >Human sidekick >Droid lives matter
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>>14682 >Porgs
>>2587 >raped
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>>5569 >to the contrary, a surprising number of them actually found new appreciation for the prequel trilogy just for being relatively internally consistent Absolutely. There's still a lot wrong with the prequels (Obi-Wan using anger to strike Darth Maul down, then it's never mentioned again; Midichlorians; Artoo having jets until he's owned by Captain Antilles, then never using them again; etc.), but I'll take Lucas' worst film over JewJew Abrams' best any day of the week.
>>14734 >I'll take Lucas' worst film over JewJew Abrams' best any day of the week Howard the Duck?
>>14734 >Obi-Wan using anger to strike Darth Maul down, then it's never mentioned again What? Can't a padawan have a moment of anger in his life? His father figure got murdered in front of him. >Artoo having jets until he's owned by Captain Antilles, then never using them again A droid can lose upgrades, since the captain salary can't pay for that. >Midichlorians Aren't Midichlorians just like a way to measure the force sensitibity? If you really want to criticizes the prequels I guess Padme dying in Episode III count as a continuity error, since Princess Lea did said she knew her real mother. I guess Lucas wanted Padme to die at the same time when Anakin goes full Frankenstein.
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>>2607 >Prequels are becoming more and more popular. If the prequels weren't popular from the start, they wouldn't had sold toys, comics, books and videogames. Here you go, this guy goes full autisum on the prequels. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=vqnjzVX8EKA https://yewtu.be/watch?v=2mArj6WvqzE https://yewtu.be/watch?v=k8O_ANiz3O0
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>>14735 Every fucking day, all fucking day, anon. I'd rather watch a duck attempt to fuck a human female than a chimp.
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>>14743 >Can't a padawan have a moment of anger in his life? No. No he can't. That's the sort of thing that gets you kicked out of the temple and/or put down for the safety of others. Add to that is how he let himself get manipulated into anger, once again, during the rematch with Darth Chicken-Legs in Clone Wars. And it's not the first time we've seen Obi-Wan do things that are morally questionable, like lying to Luke and then hand-waving it as "a certain point of view." >A droid can lose upgrades, since the captain salary can't pay for that. A fair point although a naval captain's salary would probably be good enough seeing as droids are treated like old cars, parted out when they die and being used to repair good droids (Threepio's silver leg, for instance). But let's just go with the pay theory. If Artoo had stayed onboard a big ship rather than returning to active flight duty, I'd agree with you. But the scenes of him being craned into the X-wing's droid-socket in the original trilogy show that it really would have been in the Rebels' interest to keep their pilots and their droids in peak condition. >Aren't Midichlorians just like a way to measure the force sensitibity? That would make sense, but, unless the canon was corrected, the implication in The Phantom Anus was that midichlorians were somehow responsible for Force strength, not some sort of bacterial indication of it. I may be wrong. I stopped giving a shit about the EU after that hack, Kevin J. Anderson, got his fat, greasy paws on it. >I guess Padme dying in Episode III count as a continuity error, since Princess Lea did said she knew her real mother. That's a biggie, to be sure. It can be hand-waved as her thinking about her adopted mother, Mrs. Organa, who may have died young. Or maybe she has some vague memory about being connected to her through the Force in the womb (although that has awful implications after watching her kiss Luke twice). Honestly, one of the worst things about Clone Wars is that Anakin is actually LIKEABLE throughout the series. It's hard to go from Episode II, then the cartoon, and back to Episode III. >whiny bitch horndog >flawed, charismatic leader of men >whiny bitch homicidal killer of children And Hayden Christianson isn't even THAT bad an actor. I've seen him in other things and, while he's never going to win an Oscar, he'd probably be doing fine in Hallmark Channel movies if people didn't all want him dead for his Anakin.
>>14747 >And Hayden Christianson isn't even THAT bad an actor. I've seen him in other things and, while he's never going to win an Oscar, he'd probably be doing fine in Hallmark Channel movies if people didn't all want him dead for his Anakin. Wasn't the only other film he was really known for was Jumper?
>>14747 >That would make sense, but, unless the canon was corrected, the implication in The Phantom Anus was that midichlorians were somehow responsible for Force strength, not some sort of bacterial indication of it. I may be wrong. I stopped giving a shit about the EU after that hack, Kevin J. Anderson, got his fat, greasy paws on it. Midichlorians are the cells that directly interact with the force, so the more midichlorians a person has the better they are at force stuff. It's an excuse to explain why force potential is hereditary.
>>14749 Nope, I saw him in a couple of low budget movies. Do NOT get me wrong, he's not great, but he's a lot better than Lucas directed him in the movies. >>14750 >Midichlorians are the cells that directly interact with the force, so the more midichlorians a person has the better they are at force stuff. It's an excuse to explain why force potential is hereditary. Right, but they explained badly in the first movie. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon seemed to be saying the Force gathered around midichlorians instead of the other way around.
>>14753 >trying to pretend midichlorians arent retarded nonsensical cancer Just let it go anon.
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>>14747 >No. No he can't. That's the sort of thing that gets you kicked out of the temple and/or put down for the safety of others. First of all the Jedi are not that retarded, second he didn't felt anger, he felt sorrow, anxiety, hell I could even dare to say fear.
>>14762 Yeah watching it. That looks less angry then nervy, anxious afraid.
>>14747 >whiny bitch homicidal killer of children >whiny bitch In Episode III? Are you confusing Episode II Anakin hormonal overload at seeing Padme sweet sweet booty, with EpIII Anakin? In episode III Anakin was very mature, but damn greedy. He turns evil when he goes full dark side, kills child soldiers younglings left and rigth and does what ever is necessary to save his wife. It all ends badly when Padme sees that her husband has turned into a monster and rejects him, making Anakin kill her in a rage. In the Episode III game, you could kill Obi-wan and the Emperor, later Anakin would pick up his wife and ride into the sunset, she is going to stay with him she likes it or not
And, then there's this...
>>14784 Why cant this nigger speak? He talks like agent fucking anderson
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>>14784 >Waugh: "aw-nee-may" Who is this faggot and which Bob got his dick sucked hard enough to give him a job? <Let's see now... *search* <pic related Oh, that's... that's not good. >Joshua Rimes Nice to see that Mr. Potatohead is still getting work after being declared gender-neutral. >Bunny jedi /fur/ and /rule34/ are probably already rubbing one out in anticipation >MOTHERFUCKING ASTROBOY: THE DROID Holy shit, what the hell, nips?!
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>>14762 >second he didn't felt anger I disagree. Pic 1. Pic 2. He's pissed. >he felt sorrow, anxiety, hell I could even dare to say fear. Pic 3. The Jedi code, via Wookiepedia, which Obi-Wan should have as second nature by that point. Younglings are given leeway, but apparently Padawans are expected to wear their big boy pants. And you missed one, as displayed by Pic 4: elation in vengeance (or victory, if you prefer). My theory is that Anakin didn't just turn to the dark side because of Palpatine's manipulations, but also because Obi-Wan's training was never properly completed regarding the negative emotions humans carry around, as per Pic 5.
>>14765 > Are you confusing Episode II Anakin hormonal overload at seeing Padme sweet sweet booty, with EpIII Anakin? It's been a long time since I watched III, but if I recall: >Acted like a sullen, spoiled child when the Council title-cucked him by acceding to Palpatine's demands while still flipping Palpy the bird by refusing to raise Anakin to master. >sperged out when Padme wouldn't rule the galaxy with him, then choked her ass when he thought she'd betrayed him to Kenobi >screamed at his best friend for turning her against him and pulled out his laser-shiv >Obi-Wan tells him not to try it, explaining the high ground is his. "Fuck that shit, old man!" *sound of a body being cut like a turkey* I'm sure there are more, but that's all I can remember. I prefer Clone Wars Anakin.
>>14755 >Just let it go anon. Nigger, I did no such thing. They were stupid from beginning to end, but Lucas should have treated them like colon bacteria and it would have made more sense than his final draft.
>>14789 Oh. Yeah totally.
>>14788 Genndy is just a better writer than george. Simple as. Lucas kinda fucking sucks.
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>>14786 >>14787 >>14788 >>14789 ... Why the hell did I do all that typing for a franchise I'm not even sure I like, anymore.
>>14799 You had to complete the thought and get it out there. And now the healing can begin. Watch some kurosawa. Have a great day. I love you anon. Take care til next time.
>>14784 Woah actually letting fans do shit without Disney breathing down their necks? What a crazy idea! How did nobody think of this before? But seriously if Disney really has little to do with this and it's just fans making cool star wars anime then it might actually be fun
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>>14787 In the first pic that scene he is looking at his mentor body on the ground and swallows hard, he is scared for his life. In the second pic that scene he is breathing thru his mouth but the pic looks like a "What?" moment by itself, trying to calm himself before the big fight, hell the next scene you see him still nervous by being jumpy. In the third pic he is just relieved that he survived the encounter. >Acted like a sullen, spoiled child when the Council title-cucked him by acceding to Palpatine's demands while still flipping Palpy the bird by refusing to raise Anakin to master. I guess I need to watch the movie again, I thought the whole title thing being denied is because the jedi want to use Anakin so they gave him the the position but not the title and then told him to spy on Palpy off the books. >sperged out when Padme wouldn't rule the galaxy with him, then choked her ass when he thought she'd betrayed him to Kenobi Domestic abuse happens to anyone. >screamed at his best friend for turning her against him and pulled out his laser-shiv What would you do when your wife comes to you and then a traitor of the republic exists the very same spaceship she was using? >Obi-Wan tells him not to try it, explaining the high ground is his. "Fuck that shit, old man!" *sound of a body being cut like a turkey* Anakin underestimated Obi-wan kenobi's power. >>14786 >/fur/ and /rule34/ are probably already rubbing one out in anticipation Jaxxon is a thing, anon. There are a lot of filthy furry xenons in Star Wars, it was only logical that a kemonofag made something cute out of it.
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>>14805 >Woah actually letting fans do shit without Disney breathing down their necks? What a crazy idea! How did nobody think of this before? >Implying Kikeney is not breathing down the nips necks every step of the way >>14806 For >>14788
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>>14800 >And now the healing can begin The scars will never heal.
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>>14806 >Jaxxon is a thing, anon. Not anymore, he isn't. I'm afraid Proto-Bucky is a "Star Wars Legend," now. Besides, if we're going to resurrect a rabbit alien for Star Wars canon, I'll fight anyone who doesn't choose the Hoojibs, first.
>>14784 >takanobu mizuno is that a white dude>?
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>>14828 >Not anymore, he isn't. I'm afraid Proto-Bucky is a "Star Wars Legend," now. He has been reintroduced into kikeney nuCanon. They are grabbing stuff from the EU and throwing it to the wall to see what sticks.
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>>14833 >He has been reintroduced into kikeney nuCanon. They are grabbing stuff from the EU and throwing it to the wall to see what sticks. Can we keep everything except for Kevin J. Anderson's "superfriends" version of the Jedi?
Ready for the next episode of the best Star Wars cartoon?
The Empire wins the war and purges the clankers off the Twi'lek planet and they even give them jobs. And what do the Twi'leks do? Bitch about it, because how dare you take our guns and give us jobs! Yes, Feloni is pro-gun, very daring for Disney. And what is worse, the big bad was never revealed and the Empire kills the senator that was a good xenon and frames the General xenon that was also a good xenon. Why would they do that? Why didn't they release Hera again as good will, so that the rumors of the Empire being bad die out? Why would the General that was working for peace throw everything away by attacking the Empire, something that would mean total war on his shitty planet?
>>14991 I'd honestly watch it if I had a television. >>14993 >Why would they do that? To tie up costly loose ends and kill many birds with one stone. If [blank] is well hated by his/her own people, use [blank] to stir up an insurgency. Then purposely assasinate [blank] while pining said assassination on the insurgances. It's old. But it's a successful tactic. >Why didn't they release Hera again as good will, so that the rumors of the Empire being bad die out? Another ripe Twi'lek slave girl for a Hutt. >Why would the General that was working for peace throw everything away by attacking the Empire, something that would mean total war on his shitty planet? Because the old muh kid was taken captive. So I must therefore be a hero.
>>14993 >And what do the Twi'leks do? Bitch about it To be fair, they ARE French. That's what the frogs do.
>>15017 >It's old. But it's a successful tactic. A tactic for what? Make the whole planet go full jihad? They need the twi'leks to mine Doonium, which they are doing without bitching about it, some Twi'leks are craving those sweet sweet Empire credits, better work in a mine than sucking dicks. Killing the fat Twi'lek and blaming the Cuck General is going to make the whole planet go to shit. This episode is a sorry excuse to justify why the Twi'lek world is in war with the Empire. I would be easier to make the Empire to force the Twi'leks to work in the mines to pay for the cost of the war or something.
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>>15021 And yet it is the only planet so far that is not diverse and inclusive with its population. Maybe the Empire wants to push for diversity and the Twi'leks don't want it, that is why they are angry at them.
>>15026 >so far that is not diverse and inclusive with its population. They've already got at least 8 population skin colors to deal with, they don't need Ithorians and their smelly cooking and Islam to deal with, as well.
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It's stupid how male twi'leks have ears but females don't. They should have just had bib be a different species from the slave twi'lek, or else had the cones on her head just be part of the headdress which is actually what it looks like.But no, George had to give them dumb cone ears because he lost several dozen iq points and now it's canon forever. Also togrutas look better.
>>15030 >It's stupid how male twi'leks have ears but females don't. I think they can have human ears or cone ears. >Also togrutas look better. I would go for a Nautolan.
>>15025 >This episode is a sorry excuse to justify why the Twi'lek world is in war with the Empire. Anon, I've learned not to answer such questions by simply stating the obvious "plot convenience fo a convoluted story." Back in the heyday of message boards, I had massive walls of text bombarding my PM box by the die hardest of Star Wars fans. So the way I'm looking through my real-world fictional glasses is - the Empire is trying to do something that's so complicated the end result equals the most succulent of fruitage. >Killing the fat Twi'lek and blaming the Cuck General is going to make the whole planet go to shit. But if they show the general out to be corrupt, and the whole point of the fat Twi'lek's assassination was for him to gain control over the populace to hand over to the murdering Jedi/other. I guess that would work.
>>15040 >But if they show the general out to be corrupt, and the whole point of the fat Twi'lek's assassination was for him to gain control over the populace to hand over to the murdering Jedi/other. I don't know, anon, it still doesn't make sense, the best move for the Empire was to do nothing and slowly build more mines to get the Twi'leks addicted to credits, while the small minority that are not happy just argue and autistically screech between themselves. The Empire had done nothing wrong they never will and the Twi'leks hadn't attacked them either. Maybe is going to be something retarded like the Imperial wanting total control of the planet, for the limitless supply of flesh Twi'lek pussy and he can't into Glow in the Dark tactics.
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Another Friday with another Episode of the best show of the Year.
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Once again the Empire did nothing wrong, the Twi'leks didn't have any reason to hate them, but that didn't stop anyone from going full retards. From a General that couldn't control his females all the way to an Imperial that wants to jail all the Twi'leks. 10/10 would buy the toys and BD!
>>15266 >Give us your guns >Nothing wrong
>>15266 Gun grabbers get the rope.
>>15502 >>15503 >Taking blasters away from xenos >bad
>>15542 I hope that hackers manage to break into the kikeney servers and liberate as much as they can.
>>15266 Well, retards sadly don't know any better. If they did, Aldereeeee wouldn't have gotten blown up. >>15519 Bonn had nothing on Admiral Tork and his mad doctor.
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>>15519 >>15560 >non-humans One of Zahn's Heir To The Empire books specifically mentions how Thrawn making Grand Admiral is very peculiar, given how the Emperor felt about the non-humans. I guess when you're in the fight of your life, you use what resources you have.
>>15561 In general, the EU took the stance that the anti-non-humanism mostly came from the very top and started vanishing (out of necessity if nothing else) when the Emperor and his senior staff died at Endor and vanished quicker when the big senior staff were hunted down.
>>15561 >given how the Emperor felt about the non-humans And yet he had darth maul as his apprentice. I don't think Palpy was a speciests, he just used everyone to get what he wants.
>>15575 >he just used everyone to get what he wants. Wasn't that apparent when he hunted down Maul himself?
>>15577 In SW: "The Clone Wars"? I honestly can't make sense of that scene.
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Not /co/ related, but is the Mandolorian any good?
>>15635 If you want decent Star Wars then yeah, its nothing amazing but its the only scifi western around.
>>15635 Good? No, it is just a mediocre show. If you can watch it for free, go ahead and curse yourself for wasting your time in that.
Here is your weekly dose of cancer, enjoy!
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>>15519 How human supremacist was the empire in the OT? They called chewbacca a thing but that's the only instance I can think of.
>>15668 >How human supremacist was the empire in the OT? By not hiring nonhumans and women in the navy and military.
>>15575 Palpatine didn't really spare a second thought about anyone but himself. He had Maul as his apprentice and he kept Mas Amedda his political second in command throughout the existence of the Empire. He portrayed himself as human supremacist to manipulate Dooku, and there is the fact that the only alien in the Imperial Military High Command was Thrawn.
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>>15656 >>15658 >>15660 >>15661 >>15266 >>15265 I'm glad I grew up with Tartakovskys stuff
>>15266 Nigger the twi'leks fought a war to free their planet from occupation & now they're handing it over to the empire. The rebel leader was willing to even trust the empire until they arrested his daughter & likely were going to kill or imprison her without a trial. Plenty to be fucking angry about.
>>15722 >Nigger the twi'leks fought a war to free their planet from occupation & now they're handing it over to the empire. Occupation from the clanckers and remember that they are part of the Galactic Republic, which transformed into the Galactic Empire. There were ZERO reasons to be hostile to the Empire, hell they were even building and giving jobs to the Twi'leks so that they didn't have to whore their women for food. >until they arrested his daughter For the second time. >likely were going to kill or imprison her without a trial. They didn't know that and they are at fault so they must find a peaceful solution to the situation. >Plenty to be fucking angry about. At his wife, daughter and "friend."
>>15726 Sounds to me like you're just biased to the empire.
>>15734 >Sounds to me like you're just biased to the empire. >mfw The Imperial killing the fat senator and jailing the twi'lek general that were eating out of his hand is beyond stupid.
>>15737 The general was already against him after the business with his daughter. He killed the senator to frame the attack on the general. Of course why he didn't just say the general killed the senator is beyond me.
>>15740 >The general was already against him after the business with his daughter. The general's wife was against him.
>>15747 Yes she didn't trust the empire right away but he did until Hera got involved. He already attacked & killed Stormtroopers when they rescued her. He wasn't going to be an asset to the empire beyond a scapegoat & an example.
>>15635 If a Baby Yoda can be the only good thing to come from it, I'd just start binging on the no-longer-canon-novels and comics. The Boba Fett ones were good, especially the comics with the Hutts. >>15681 Thrawn was a natural strategist and good at deducing things. Of course Poppa Palpatine placed him on high on his list of pawns Vader couldn't choke. >>15658 I'm more used to "spice" being a Dune thing. Because to me, it doesn't really fit the lore of SW. Dune makes better sense of what it is and why it's used. >>15660 I thought Devaronian males were supposed to be aggressive and couldn't be made into someone's bitch? >>15661 I love how they just emasculated him in front of an audience. >>15734 No, Anon is right. The CIS, Galactic Republic, and first Galactic Empire were all different things. And both the CIS and Galactic Empire honestly were more favorable over the Republic. And through the help of the Jedi, the Galactic Republic brought more ruin to worlds than fruition.
>>15755 Maybe in hindsight with us having the full picture, a fascist empire controlling the galaxy might seem like the best option. But wouldn't you rather live in a free world than a world that oppresses you?
>>15757 >than a world that oppresses you? >Palpy gets more political powers >clanckers are fucking up the Twi'leks while selling their females >Palpy wins the war, so that means Twi'leks also win the war >Builds and gives them jobs in their planet >mfw somehow this is oppressive The Galactic Empire and Ryloth are allies, there is no need for oppressing if they brought peace and prosperity to the planet, while taking their guns, because they don't need them since the war is over. The two episode were fucking retarded, it would had worked if it was in a CIS planet, since it would made more sense for the planet to be resistant against the Galactic Empire because they would be butt-hurt for losing the war. >But wouldn't you rather live in a free world Ryloth was part of the Galactic Republic, the fat Twi'lek was a senator, they weren't free or neutral.
>>15759 For example in post related >>14677 the Empire is occupying a CIS planet. And how do the population react? Well, they reject the Empire, because they are enemies and it is logical, but it still feels stupid on their part, specially with the whole "You are the ones trespassing!" line. Is like they are forgetting they lost the war. The writer is doing a poor attempt to paint the ex-CIS as the victim/goodguys. The whole situation in Ryloth and in the ex-CIS planet is just plain stupid.
>>15759 >taking away their guns >good You lost me immediately.
>>15757 No. Because the Twi'leks were not forced into working at the Imperial refinery like they would have been if it were opperated by the CIS. They would have all been in chains and malnourished. The Galatic Republic became the Galatic Republic. Therefore, all the treaties in place and/or established during the times of the rebublic, remained in place when the change happened.
>>15792 I think you mean the Republic became the Empire. It's the kind of enslavement where they're under an oppressive military regime system against their will. Which is obvious when the senator is killed. Showing that any politicians would be decoys that can be disposed of easily. Nothing more. The Twi'lek people would have no actual power over themselves.
>>15793 >I think you mean the Republic became the Empire. Well, I was forced had to take that vaccine. So we'll just blame it on that. Yes, they were kind of being oppressed. Though, the Empire didn't have the Twi'leks in chains soon after their guns were taken away. Maybe it would have been a Lothal type situation with Ryloth. In that, one's loyalty and praise gets rewarded.
>>15795 Just saying, sacrificing freedom like owning blasters means you're not living free. Anti xeno sentiment memes aside.
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>>15800 >sacrificing freedom like owning blasters Those blasters are republic Empire's blasters, the Empire was only collecting their property. If they want to own blasters they can buy a weapon permit.
>>15726 >Give us your guns >Zero reason Plus the empire straight up assassinated the president demonstrating how well they treat their allies. Are you a communist per chance?
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>>15855 >Give us your guns >Zero reason >Twi'leks hate the Empire for no reason It is a good idea to disarm a mentally unstable population, anon.
>>15855 And both the Empire and Jedi took kids to train as soldiers to fight against one another. You'll learn that when you read things other than those Doctor Aphra comics. You'll also learn that what happened on Ryloth is nothing entirely new.
There are imperial officers in this thread.
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>>15878 Got to get them when they are young.
>>15878 >>15888 Wasn't that part of Dooku's plan, take the younglings when Sidious destroyed the Jedi and raise them into his personal army of Force users to keep the galaxy in line?
>>15941 > Dooku's plan, take the younglings when Sidious destroyed the Jedi and raise them into his personal army of Force users to keep the galaxy in line Technically, yes. Dooku wanted to serve of an Empire of man and lead an army of Sith to bring order to the galaxy. But like the Sith before him, he began to have a desire to overthrow his master. He was aware of Bane's Rule of Two, and at the same time, knew that he wasn't strong enough to achieve this. Which is the reason why he revealed the existance of his master. When that didn't work, he started to train his own apprentices. With Opress betraying him in the end.
>>7129 >random anon writes a more compelling story impetus than the kikewars sequels in only a few sentences >would have been extremely interesting to have Kylo redeemed in that way instead of the vague bullshit about how he's in love with the palpatine whore >would have also served as an apology/redemption of Jar Jar--the worst character in the entire franchise other than Social Justice Droid--to tie all nine movies together in at least one way lol, existence is useless.
>>7394 >Palpatine was fucking with everyone, but Yoda and the Council were at fault for what happened. If the Clone Wars (2D) cartoon is canon, Palpatine was strong enough to block THE INVASION OF CORUSCANT from even Yoda's inner vision, while meditating, in the Jedi Temple, surrounded by other Jedi. It's entirely possible that they were all completely fucked by Palpatine and MADE to make those decisions solely to make Anakin pissy. Hell, Anakin's pissiness itself might have been Palpatine's doing, given that Darth Vader literally never acts pissy (once Palpatine has gotten what he wanted, he releases the force mental hold he had on Anakin in that way). >>7673 They could have been polite enough to pick the most popular stories out of the EU, license them from the original authors (10 million per story would have been peanuts to them), and make shows and films based on things people already knew and loved. But being jews, they literally couldn't do that. They're commanded by their holy book to NOT do that, and rather to destroy the works of the goyim simply because they're not their own works.
>>7947 Interesting to see that most of this has been shit-canned only a few months later. Andor, Kenobi, and Bad Bitches seem to be the only things that survived. Mandalorian already existed before this image, so it doesn't count.
>>12814 >According to Kennedy's story group, the Jedi fuck like rabbits Makes more sense than Lucas's retarded premise, which is that Force sensitivity IS genetic, but Jedi aren't allowed to become better at their jobs by eugenically breeding each other to become more in tune with the Force FOR SOME REASON. Everything ELSE the whore believes is objectively wrong, but that, out of context, is better than what we got.
>>16023 Gee anon it's almost like it's part of a big point of why the jedi order fell to Palpatine's plot.
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>>16021 >Andor, Kenobi, and Bad Bitches seem to be the only things that survived. Anon, I...
>>16023 I recall an interview of Lucas explaining Midi-chloriansas akin to rust on metal. They aren't genetic they just gather around people that are naturally gifted with the force. >better at their jobs by eugenically breeding each other to become more in tune with the Force FOR SOME REASON. Because you're essentially enslaving a group of people and treating them like cattle against their wills? Jedi are supposed to be warrior monks trying to maintain peace in the galaxy, the whole selective breeding eugenics stuff kinda goes against their will.
>>16026 I'm disappointed that the hobo robes being a jedi's uniform will never be retconned. Kikeney never retcons stuff it actually should.
>>16027 On-im-ai
>>16033 They're space monks based on samurai you faggot.
The last episode of season 1, can't wait what Feloni has store for this amazing saga!
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And the first season of the bad batch ends with a blast! Amazing story telling from Feloni!
>>16045 >>16048 Okay IMPERIAL
I like Bad Batch. It's a good show. Regardless of what ironic empire anon thinks.
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>>16052 Well, at least is not a total waste.
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>>15878 >fuckin' black conehead
>>16061 >black Where?
>>16045 >>16046 >>16048 Well, from what I've seen in this thread, it's more of a Star Wars take on The A-Team than anything else. Hunter is just a combination of Rambo and Hannibal without the cigar. Though mainly Rambo. I'd honestly watch it on Disney XD. But it's not something I'd go out of my way to see. >>16061 You clearly need a pair of magnifying bifocals.
>>16438 Nah they'll be fine.
>>14402 >Cad Bane shot an entitled Rodian politician All of Rodia rejoiced, and nothing of value was lost.
>>16438 Maybe they'll play it off with Echo dying and Crosshair living. Since he's technically just an additional member. It might the usual scorn-turncoat-that-tries-to-redeem-himself dong and dance.
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>>16083 My bad. In this panel she's in shadow and looks negroidal.
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>>15868 >It is a good idea to disarm a mentally unstable population, anon.
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>>15266 This >>15502 Though the plastic fags can have my blaster one stroke of plasma a time of course.
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>>16543 Oh, there are sassy Negroids and Lothalians in the comics. They could do that before 2017.
>>16574 Please tell me that little shit gets his head chopped off too.
>>16619 Much worse...or better if you're a Sith fan
>>15815 Oi mate you gotta license for that?
>>16638 Don't forget how he survives the Jedi Purge, only to get shot in the head, go insane, and turn to the dark side.
>>16690 Post comic pages?
>>16543 It is just a tan.
>>16702 Don't have them on-hand, but he was first introduced in the Star Wars: Invasion comic series about Finn and the Yuuzhan Vong war.
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And it ends, I hope they cancel the next season.
>>16764 >>16765 >>16766 Okay Imperial! I do actually appreciate you taking the time to make clips. Whether you ironically hate the show or not.
>>16767 I love to hate it, to bad there aren't more episodes to shit on until next year.
>>16774 I really don't get it but to each his own. Until it directly ties into the sequels without a doubt, I'll keep watching & enjoying.
>>16690 Forget? I still have a few comics. They gave me a reason not to bother with the Kennedy trilogy. >>16742 Maul is just stomping away. >>16764 >>16765 >>16766 Droid lives matter and Daylight is obviously the head writer's favorite movie? I don't hate it nor love it. I'd only watch for the visuals. >>16774 Disney: Look at it fans, isn't it beautiful? I always sever and jettison the Disney canon away from the rest. Let the beasts dwelling beyond the Event Horizon have it all. Except Fallen Order.
>>16809 Fallen Order isn't anything special. Unless there's a mod that adds in actual lightsaber gore then I don't even wanna play it.
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>>16809 >I'd only watch for the visuals. The only good visual was when they were selling guns to twi'lek terrorists, maybe I'm forgetting another one, but was it. >>16809 >Except Fallen Order. >mfw
>>16821 So did Han open a clothing line after return of the jedi? Why could some asshole in the 70s knock off a costume in a day, and 40 to 50 years later assholes can only rip it off?
>>16820 I'm not saying it's good entirely story wise. Just that it has potential to be something interesting. The video game gore they want to be like in the comics, but cannot. Due to cry baby "parents." >>16821 I've grown older and try not to be as biased/honest when I was younger. Hunter should be more like Delta 40, Omega offers no other purpose than to act as the young voice of reason, Wrecker is too much of a cliche dumb teddy bear, and the visuals leave a lot to be desired. >mfw Yes. There are multiple things wrong with it. Second Sister doesn't fit the plot as Ninth Sister does, which is full of wholes, and many other things.
>>16823 It's not like the game was marketed to kids to begin with. This is already a franchise about war where people die all the time in the movies. Even the sequels had gore. I blame EA.
>>16823 >as the young voice of reason More like the voice of discord, she puts everyone in danger and nobody should listen to her. >Second Sister doesn't fit the plot as Ninth Sister does, which is full of wholes, and many other things. Talking about sisters and brothers, Seventh Sister deserved to be in a better show.
>>16827 >More like the voice of discord, she puts everyone in danger and nobody should listen to her. Bruh they're soldiers. They live dangerously to survive.
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>>16828 >Bruh
>>16839 I love you, Leon Kennedy.
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>>16822 Just open a catalog from the mid-late 70s/early 80s, go to the clothing section, pick the most outlandish thing where each article of clothing is a single solid color, add a few odd details and adjust the color saturation. https://christmas.musetechnical.com/ Just with that simple process you'll come up with a better "Star Wars" outfit than any Disney Wars shit has, simply by remembering how Star Wars clothes were designed in the first place (take then contemporary clothing, add some twists).
>>16848 That dude in the middle in 2's sweater is fucking COMFY looking.
>>14336 >that awful quality >mfw Here, have the re-release version.
>>16824 The way I heard it, the mess started with the Force Unleashed. >>16827 >she puts everyone in danger and nobody should listen to her. It would be better if they just left her someplace. But Kennedy wouldn't allow it. >Seventh Sister deserved to be in a better show. She was just as much of a waste in Rebels as Maul was. >>16828 >They live dangerously to survive. Vader's wrath.
>>16865 >The way I heard it, the mess started with the Force Unleashed. Jim Ward is the guy that fucked up LucasArts when he got the presidency, he was a nigger from Marketing. >>16865 >pics Fuck, I forgot that scene when some jedi activated order 66 on the inquisitors, Jesus H. Christ that was fucking retarded.
>>16867 People like Jim Ward think they know better when they clearly don't. All signs point to that being the reason why he resigned. >Jesus H. Christ that was fucking retarded. There's quite a bit of questionable retardation in the '17 comics. Palpatine was aware of goings on. But at the same time, he was overly complacent.
>>16863 Didn't know SW had a shitty saturday morniny cartoon
>>16870 There's also a Christmas special. I only remember watching the Droids rerun in the 90s. They only aired about 5 episodes each weekend before ReBoot took the slot.
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Since there is no new nuStar Wars Cartoons, I guess I will upload something that is fun. Webmed them out of the Re-release version.
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>>16869 Take comfort in that Bad Batch completely ignores the comics regarding Kanan's origins. So we can completely write them off too. Though everyone should have already.
>>16883 I think nobody gives a fuck about Kikeney canon, but how bad was the comic Kanan's origins?
>>16884 Wasn't bad. It's just that the comic depiction of Order 66 is different from the show's version. Which you can see here >>12578 and >>12579 respectively.
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>>16881 >>16882 Well, it's better to actually make something shitty. Than to lead speculation into how shitty said something would be. >>16883 Thing about that comic be, they took a look at The Last Air Bender and said "Hmmm." The only comics I've written off are the Doctor Aphrodite run and those which tie into it. Since her comics are so sacrilegious that they're exempt from any form of criticism. I've also written off the Alphabet Squadron novels as well.
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>>16900 The Disney comics were bad even before Aphra got her own shit. Not just art wise. Though that's bad enough on it's own.
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>Lucas didn't sold Star Wars to the nips What a shame. >>16901 >second pic >WE WUZ Han solo WIFE AND SHIEETT I remember an old marvel comic about Han having a negro partner. Then the writers made a dark creature to delete her from existence in the same issue, funny stuff.

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>>16931 Every failing American IP would be better in the hands of Japan. They have actual fans that give a shit & want to respect the ideas even with their own spins on them. The only concerning thing is the black & white animation episode in the trailer. It may include First Order nods. If it does then it's the worst episode on principle.
>>16932 >Every failing American IP would be better in the hands of Japan. >Batman Ninja
Old news at this point but there's a star wars anime being made and produced by studio trigger, this trailer for it just dropped today.
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>>16934 Its just one of the many anthology films studios order every decade or so for a quick buck, its not a new concept.
>>16934 The music is gonna be shit. Animation seems to be standard Trigger fare plus some decent CGI. Don't know who's going to do the writing, but I'm expecting some amount of pozz. They seem to b a big fan of using the force to catch weapons and projectiles, for some reason. Why is National Geographic a part of this?
>>16933 Do you hate fun? >>16934 Slowpoke.
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>>16932 thats only something a weeb would say but at the same time you're not entirely put off by the idea that your favorite island might make them interested in some franchise you're purposely ignored for decades. that being said having different creative directions for a franchise is healthy but most people dismiss everything that isnt the same garbage over and over again. or never giving anything a chance if it doesnt have whatever flare of media you enjoy.
>>16941 I won't deny the weeb bias. But can you blame me when you got a choice between creative imaginative stories with varying animation styles in place of rehashing the same movies already done but worse? I know what I'd choose & who I'd rather see handling franchises that've been squandered.
>>16942 well considering the past few years they seemed to be more open to spin offs after they fucked up the movies but found success with Mandolorian, so thats no longer an issue anymore. i only thought they made revisions so it could compete with netflix's Love Death Robots.
>>16943 It depends. Like I said, one short might reference the sequels through the inclusion of The First Order. When it'd be best to ignore the sequel movies entirely & just continue to build from Favreau & Filoni's works.
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>>16937 >They seem to b a big fan of using the force to catch weapons and projectiles, for some reason It is because nuVader in the first Disney movie did that move. >>16944 >When it'd be best to ignore the sequel movies entirely & just continue to build from Favreau & Filoni's works. >Favreau Filoni >Good If you would force me to pick one thing made from Disney, I would pick webm related.
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>>16948 I don't care how much you hate them for EU retcons that George himself would approve of first. They do good work with the franchise. Ahsoka was still done dirty in The Mandalorian though.
>>16932 >If it's made by nips then it's good That's a really stupid way of thinking, whether the final product is going to be good or not is up to the people working on it. That being said I think something like this animated short would be cool https://youtu.be/PN_CP4SuoTU However I'm pretty sure something like this nowadays it's imposible from a commercial point of view and by the looks of the last trailers it doesn't seem we are getting space battle shorts. >>16942 Bear in mind this is going to be an anthology as from my personal experience in most anthologys I've seen there are just two or three actually good shorts and the rest are mostly mediocre or straight up bad so I won't rise my hopes either. >>16943 >Compete with LD+R The first season was really solid but the second one was very mediocre, less shorts, moslty CGI and mostly mediocre writing. I highly doubt they are going to serialize it beyond first season. I honestly miss the days when TV companies did gave a fuck about small studios. >>16948 >P&F Star Wars <No Galaxy of Adventures
>>16950 No of course Japan makes stinkers too. It's just that I've seen Japan do better with American ips than the parent companies in America.
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>>16949 >They do good work with the franchise I respect your right to have a shit opinion. >>16950 >No Galaxy of Adventures It would be good, but they shat on Luke and erased a guy just to make Lea look good, something that was not necessary.
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>>16949 >that George himself would approve of first.
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>>16955 >Uses mandalorian armor >He is not mandalorian Silly George.
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>>16933 You picked one title that was probably already designed to be wapanese to try to capitalize on anime. However, if you look at the reality of all we are seeing, western ip's are being BADLY mismanaged and ruined at almost every direction that it's laughable not to just hand them over to Japan at this point.
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>>16901 I'm aware of that.They are indeed humorously bad and Sana Solo Starros made no sense. Especially since she's now a lesbian. All that convoluted relationship nonsense is stupid. That's why Vader came up with the perfect solution for it.
>>16951 Then again whether the final product is good or not is up to the people working on it rather than the country it comes from. As I pointed out before anthologies trend to be inconsistent, so I won't raise my hopes either.
>>16984 Yet it so happens Japan more often than not has more talent than america.
https://archive.ph/8PaI3 Disney trying to rename Slave One.
>>16994 >Firespray >mfw That is next? They are going to change the Millennium Falcon to the 1300 Falcon?
>>16994 The comics are just as much of a lackluster as their choice of name. But Disney canon isn't canon.
>>16839 I'm surprised you haven't noticed the general decline. >>16865 >The way I heard it, the mess started with the Force Unleashed. Story time?
>>16934 It's a series of shorts by several studios, how do you fags get your info wrong? >>16949 >good work >implying Animation wise? Sure. Everything else? No. The writing is generally mediocre to shit. >>16962 >You picked one title that was probably already designed to be wapanese to try to capitalize on anime. Are you referring to Batman Ninja or Batman in general? >>16989 It's not that they have more talent, it's that the people in their entertainment industries aren't ideologically dysfunctional the same way America and other western countries' entertainment are.
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>>16949 Source on the pic? Reverse image search brings nothing.
>>17057 Supposedly the hacking and de-limbing of Storm Troopers with a lightsaber made normalfag parents uneasy. Which is stupid. Because the Jedi Academy games had de-limbing in it.
>>17076 >jedi Academy games Anon those are dark forces games. The saga of kyle katarn goes like this you absolute casual. Star Wars: Dark forces Dark forces 2: Jedi knight Jedi knight 2: Jedi Outcast Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Yes the numbering and naming of the titles has always been batshit crazy. But the series is Dark Forces.
>>17078 I just remembered that Dark forces 1, and 2 both had expansion packs as well. Forgot the names of those.
>>17078 You're talking to someone that only had Pod Racer and Shadows of the Empire for their N64, and hasn't played a console and/or PC game in 16 years. Around 2013, I had planned on getting an Xbox and the Force Unleashed games. But other things happened and I lost interest.
>>17081 The force unleashed used a weird baseball bat for its lightsaber mechanics. The physics of it worked out to bashing damage. Hated that game. Lightsabers don't throw people. They cut them. Anyway yeah okay well now you know.
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Time for your weekly dose. >>17079 >I just remembered that Dark forces 1, and 2 both had expansion packs as well. I think only dark forces 2 only had an expansion, you play as Luke's future wife.
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>>17086 And this comfy episode ends. Triple kill with one shot, Rey? Pfftt R2D2 was pulling that shit during the galactic civil war.
>>17082 >Lightsabers don't throw people. They cut them. Well, in lore theory, it's possible for them to do both in the hands of a force user. Though, the act of repelling by themselves, that's alotta dumb. >>17086 I understand they did it so the pair could better display action. But goddamn if it isn't all kinds of wrong. Even as a kid, I didn't like the way C3PO and R2D2 moved all "cartoony-like." Also, C3PO should have retain his photoreceptors. Actual eyes is just not right.
>>17117 I swear to God I read this comment like 4 hours ago. How did this just get posted?
>>17117 >Also, C3PO should have retain his photoreceptors. Actual eyes is just not right. I guess they wanted him to be more expressive.
>>17118 I deleted it to repost it. Because I was typing while nodding off, as I am now. >>17127 It takes away his physical depth. He supposed to be a heavy metallic machine.
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The gang is at it again.
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And another comfy episode ends, see you next saturday!
>>17381 It clearly was made in the 80s and shows it. But Tiggy obviously has severe daddy issues.
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A little late, but here it is!
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And the arc ends.
New thread when?
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Friendly reminder to take your daily dose of Roger Roger pills.
>>6188 This one is just sad. but still very good.

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