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Anonymous 01/11/2021 (Mon) 18:42:53 No. 8793
Meanwhile, on Bizarro /co/…
Man, that Animaniacs reboot is so much better than the original. The political jokes aren't dated at all.
The american studio working on the Hilda adaptation bastardize the original comic beyond comprehension, it's not even funny anymore, I can't believe they made an entire episode about David becoming trans just to retconning two episodes later because of the severe online backlash
She-ra: Princess of power is a respectable adaptation of the original that managed to attract a new generation of fans and retain the old one's. The relationship dynamics between she-ra and cat-ra is pretty wholesome and writers took their time to bring out their characters.
I'm looking forward in anticipation to Marvel's The New Warriors.
I gotta say, I admire Marvel's professionalism. It's great how they're able to create new stories by drawing from current events, but without ever caricaturizing one side or letting the politics undermine the story. And none of their editors or writers ever even express their politics on any social media! Other media companies could really learn from them.
You ever get feel that everything's too great? Like you're just going to wake up and realize it was all a happy dream because there's no way reality could be that cool.
>>8793 Man, 2021 is gonna be even better then 2020 for the capes industry!
I'm so happy that Aquaman is still going strong in 2021.
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Power Pack sucked. Boring characters.
Zack Snyder make the best movies. He do no wrong and respect works he adapts.
Steven Universe is gay bullshit
>>9121 Golly gee Anonreeno, that's a highly intelligent thing to say about dear Steven in a thread like this.
>>9121 Don't look at this smart guy, he wouldn't be proud if you didn't. >also is Bizarro Anon, Nona?
I hate thinking about She-Hulk's hairless pussy.
>>9339 I know, imagine seeing someone like her naked. How disgusting.
The future am look bright for the Marvel movies! Thanos am just beginning of what they can do!
I am straight
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>>10231 GET OUT!
I wish other country's animation industries were half as good as America's. Canada's is the only one that compares. Japan should send their animators to Calarts so they can learn how quality animation and character design are really done.
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>>9339 Now lets do the smell.
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>>9339 I'm sure glad the feminist writers fixed her.
>>8795 And the new CEO of Warner is such a qt, too bad Hello Nurse couldn't get in or let alone the creator, but they know what they're doing.
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>>10933 >Fresh start What I have seen from screenshots, her personality atrophied to basically be a green gorilla. Either a benign retard like Koko or a rampaging animal. Nothing but a green lump of muscle in the background that rarely does or says anything important or entertaining. Fresh start made her an objectively worse as a character. Before Bendis missile she actually had a distinct personality, sense of humor, and unlike most other Hulks she was in control, retained her intellect, and was able to have a proper career.
>>11011 > her personality atrophied to basically be a green gorilla. A happy magical green gorilla that's totally superior to anything that came before, right Bizarro Nona?
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>>11011 Bruce had the potential for multiple personalities before the gamma bomb went off and gave them form. Jen's never shown any sign of MPD. But, because she's a lot more confident when she's a seven-foot-tall gorgeous powerhouse, some bitter cunts decided to make it so gamma causes multiple personalities. It's fucking preposterous and does nothing to explain why Bruce was the only one for decades who had that problem. ... ...is what I'd say if this wasn't Bizarroworld! Ha! I sure do like me a raging amazon who looks like a dude!
>>9121 This is supposed to be about the opposite of our reality
>>8810 I find the idea of cumming inside cat-ra while she struggles and begs for she-ra to save her from my disgusting male penis to be vile and hate myself for having these impure thoughts about pure lesbian girls. Especially if it resulted in an ugly mongoloid she can't abort without killing herself in the process. isn't that just the worst?
>>17374 Steven Universe is Yuri bullshit.
>>17405 This user very smart.
>>9121 I'm gonna jizz inside rebecca sugar
>>11011 >Either a benign retard like Koko Say that again, nigger. Koko was far more intelligent and based than any of her so-called more evolved cousins running around Detroit.
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>>18833 Sir, this isn't Bizarro /co/.
Who would want to look at Katie and Julie Power naked?

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