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Meta + Cyoa creation help Adventurer Board owner 12/05/2020 (Sat) 02:24:48 No. 3
Accepting Banners 4chan's pastebin: https://pastebin.com/vrqYhnpu Allsync archive: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3 Rules 1. Multiple page CYOAs can have their own thread or be posted into a themed thread, Single CYOAs are likewise the same but if they don't have much content they can go in a general. 2. NSFW should be noted in the thread title but it's not going to be majorly enforced. You can tell from the first page or the description. 3. NSFW content can be unspoiled. We're all adults here, or at least pretending to be adults. 4. No spamming, flamming or other distractions from CYOAs in general. You're here to escape the real world, not drag politics into it. 5. Shitposting is fine within reason. Alternatively, use an RNG such as https://random.org/ for RYOAs. So BO hasn't logged in on 8kun for awhile but people want a community for CYOA that's not 4chan, reddit or discord. So here I am, I'll step up for the mean time and see if this community can grow or at least get comfy again.
Edited last time by Deepsea on 02/03/2021 (Wed) 17:33:34.
>>912 I have seen a rise in interactive cyoas, mostly on reddit. Feel free to post them if you like but personally I'd prefer a static image to go along with it. Sometimes I can't get the neocities website to load.
>https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3 How do I download large files? Every time I want to download something larger than 100MB, it fails halfway.
>>939 Allsync for me has been hiccuping on even simple file downloads. It'll download fine for a bit then say it failed. Downloading it again usually fixes it. I'd say just keep trying and hope you can get through.
>>940 Thank you I finally downloaded everything that has to do with starting a new life, these are my favorite!
While they're haven't been any new CYOAs for me to post, 8chan.moe is experiencing some hosting issues that makes uploading files spotty. The site is hosted in Moldova and the Ukranians and Russians are messing with the local net infrastructure over there, resulting in the spotty coverage. According to the pinned thread on /v/. Just thought you guys should know.
>>955 Thank you for the info
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Some downtime over the next few days. I'll try and update some threads by the weekend.
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Some new banners, half from Outer Reincarnation, others for other ones.
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>>1298 *From
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>>1300 One new banner.
I was thinking on trying to create a CYOA with dragons as a theme,its a bit inspired on breath of fire,you will get to "choose" or "create" over several dragons forms that you can transform,some may unlock something stronger and you have points to use on each form, you also get bonus for your human form ,i also want to bring unconventional dragons from fiction, like Chrono cross Dragon god(for appearance), or this dragon ability from a novel of manifestating a dream realm in the surrounding reality when they go in slumber that you could choose "nightmares" as a drawback that could pottentially threat you while you are asleep even in your dream realm. Thoughts on the idea?
>>1413 It could work. You could start as a child learning to control your power then decide if you want to go full dragon with heavier forms or augment your fighting style with draconic strength. Tok's Dragonfall is a good place to look at what powers a dragon could have.
>>1414 Yeah, i want to make one that you are also able to grow overtime and drawbacks are not absolute(you will never,in any method EVER be able to get rid of X) but can be overcome with enough time and work towards it,i find most drawbacks in cyoas pretty bad compared to what they give and rarely worth the sacrifice in the long-term .
>>1416 Sounds good. Putting character growth into stages of life with a few drawbacks each stage to represent the hardships that the character goes through. There is a website if you want to do a quick mock up with text just to see what it'll look like. Don't know if it supports pictures. https://quantencomputer.github.io/cyoastudio/
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A basic guide on how to create a CYOA, lifted from r/nsfwcyoa
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Sorry I haven't posted so much, I took a break at the beginning of Feb because nothing good was being made, cue months later and now I'm behind. I'll slowly begin posting more stuff hopefully.
A note, I'm seeing AI art used in some CYOA created both on reddit and 4chan. You can post it, I won't create a rule against it, as the art used is generally of a high quality to accompany the text box it goes with.
Maybe we should have a thread specifically for r/nsfwcyoa's banned CYOAs and users, drama, double standards, and hypocrisy since it's been brought up few times before in this thread? Seems they can't go a week or two without something stupid or hypocritical and it seems like they're getting more puritanical with time since reposted CYOAs from years ago that didn't attract negative attention can get quickly removed. Maybe just a thread for CYOAs that got banned elsewhere? Recently the Daughteru Protectoru CYOA got removed because they freaked out about the last row. Same story of double standards involving various fetishes as usual. It wouldn't bother me so much if r/nsfwcyoa and r/makeyourchoice hadn't gotten so popular to the point of CYOA creators self censoring because of redditfags or people getting mad if you point out or even suggesting image based CYOAs originated on imageboards and lacked this sort of imposed censorship and drama.
>>1588 You can if you want but I've been avoiding posting stuff directly from reddit because it tends to be low effort things. For example, they removed a Dragon_Jak one because it contained references to underage. https://archive.is/JqK0Q I typically don't post Dragon_Jak's stuff as that creator is all to eager to use futa in everything. These two were censored for loli reasons: https://archive.is/Ty0bx https://archive.is/jivHl And this post was in response to a post being deleted for using AI generated fakes in a harem type r/celebeconomy picker. Again, typically low effort. https://archive.is/DBZOF It should be noted that the archive usually has everything uncensored and a quick google search can bring up an imgchest link from an older post if you can find it.
There was a recent update but allsync is being a bitch and not responding properly to being opened.
Say what the fuck is going on with UID? I know for a fact that threads have multiple posters, but only 1 UID is shown in any given thread.
>>1700 Test.
>>1705 There we go. They were disabled by default. I just didn't think to turn them on. Hispachan, the spanish board and /co/ for example both have them off.
Edited last time by Deepsea on 02/28/2024 (Wed) 22:59:08.
>>1706 Thanks amigo lol
>>1706 The UID thing slipped back into the default again. I just checked a thread where I and another person posted and the UID is still 1.
>>1710 I'd prefer to leave it off. I don't really have a reason to turn it on and the old board didn't have it on either.
>>1711 Fair enough
I'm not aware who and where is hosting the allsync archive, so I thought I'd ask. As it stands, I redownload the whole thing every couple of month when the... say, mood gets me. I've shitload of bandwidth so I don't really care, but I still think whoever hosts this may want to look into providing incremental downloads, via git or rsync or whatever.
>>1727 This feels like the sort of thing that should be distributed by torrent, but unfortunately Bitorrent protocol never implemented an update/extend feature. If you want to be considerate just download the folders that have been updated.
>>1727 From what I know, the hoster is active on the 4chan side. On /cyoag/, on the discord and even appear on reddit sometimes. Allsync was the next solution after the archive use to be hosted on mediafire but got deleted. For downloads, he recently split the named creators section because finding a single file in 80gig took too long. A torrent back up clone could be useful if the archive ever dies but the anon who looks after it still updates it every month so I think it's okay for now.
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CYOA supplement
FYI the new verification system for 8chan.moe makes archiving impossible now, so anything made or updated now can't be archived for later.
>>1766 Well that's stupid. Can't archive via internet archive sites. There is still imgchest and /cyoag/ on 4chan but I would like a way to archive threads here.
>>1768 Exactly my point

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