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three rules of CYOAs Adventurer 09/04/2021 (Sat) 18:49:24 No. 439
1. Less text is more better. 2. One image is preferable to two images. 3. All choices being equally good is great.
>>439 Miserly Minish
>>439 >3. All choices being equally good is great. He says, while offering two options for functional immortality against another one that gives you a really great maid ...
>>439 1. Images > Text 2. Background and borders help sell it. 3. General feeling is most important. Multiple pages are also good, don't need to squish everything on one. Also make text seeable, don't color text with same background color. Examples are >>216 is simple text but has good descriptive writing to sell the picture. >>8 backgrounds and borders help sell the roommate and is quite colorful. >>376 has pictures and text but also has colored text on black background, making me strain my eyes to see it, Onyx for example has green outline black inline text. >>403 has good custom writing, especially Midori but it's all scrunched up on one page.

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