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(7.87 MB 1200x7130 Angels and Demons CYOA 1.jpg)

(7.50 MB 1200x7130 Angels and Demons CYOA 2.jpg)

(1.77 MB 1200x1121 Angels and Demons CYOA 3.png)

Waifu General Thread Adventurer Board owner 12/05/2020 (Sat) 02:38:29 No. 8
For Waifu CYOAs that don't deserve their own thread, post em here.
(3.65 MB 1500x10000 Onee-san CYOA.jpg)

Archive of last thread: https://archive.vn/oMguP
(7.79 MB 1133x8891 Family.jpg)

(2.67 MB 790x4692 Family 2.jpg)

(2.90 MB 790x4692 Family 3.jpg)

Posting because I don't want this board to die.
One more for good measure.
>>120 >Mom 'Diana,' my crazy adoptive Japanese mother with a fetish for Aryans with blonde or red hair who abducted me as a baby from a hospital, forged adoption papers, and took me back to Japan with her. Lucky for her Japan has few real rules regarding international child abduction... or maybe she just has 'contacts.' Turns out I'm not the first nor the last she has 'adopted.' >Older Sister Jade sometimes prefers an intimate change from group sex with the family, hence the cheap motels. Mom would feel cheated if she found out so we keep it a secret. >Younger Sisters Sonya is one year younger than me, and Quinn is one year younger than her. Sophia, the youngest, treats Mom and Quinn as her personal servants and they are more than happy to comply. Sonya tries to take the role of Mother for her, butt in the end, I'm the only one she listens too, and even then only when I play with her.
>>120 It won't die. It might be slow between me finding new CYOAs that have been released. I'll post a few old ones from time to time though.
>>120 Kinda wish someone would add one more image to this, if only because the choice of moms could be a little better.
(3.47 MB 1700x8872 Threads of Fate CYOA.jpg)

What am I supposed to do after I pick out all the options?
(4.88 MB 1200x8499 Post Story Waifu CYOA 1.jpg)

(604.49 KB 1200x895 Post Story Waifu CYOA 2.jpg)

(609.62 KB 1200x874 Post Story Waifu CYOA 3.jpg)

(132.45 KB 1200x373 Post Story Waifu CYOA 4.jpg)

(2.89 MB 1200x7130 Reject Roommate CYOA 1.jpg)

>>8 Completing the set.
(2.30 MB 1246x10475 Perfect Date CYOA .jpg)

Love ones like this. And Painter. That slow, emotional build is perfect.
(3.18 MB 1400x3275 Tribal Bride CYOA.jpg)

(3.74 MB 1323x10000 Your Macroharem Meta CYOA.png)

(1.64 MB 1200x6500 Mostergirl Refugee CYOA.jpg)

>>195 Pick a girl then post about why you picked her.
(3.03 MB 1200x7500 Waifu Souls CYOA.jpg)

(2.71 MB 1200x10000 Elf Slave CYOA.jpg)

(508.91 KB 599x1116 Reject Roommate CYOA 2.jpg)

>>205 Missed one.
(5.86 MB 5800x7000 Anon's GF CYOA.jpg)

(1.76 MB 1343x9760 Cutting to the Chase CYOA.jpg)

>>342 I get GF cyoas, but it's a lot like removing the bun and extras from a hamburger. Yes, the meat can be the star of the show, but the other parts make it just as worthwhile.
(1.51 MB 1200x2489 comicherogirls.png)

(2.18 MB 1200x10000 Dragonlord CYOA 1.jpg)

(2.67 MB 1200x10000 Dragonlord CYOA 2.jpg)

(1.32 MB 898x4496 Yandere CYOA1.jpg)

(1.42 MB 899x4670 Yandere CYOA2.jpg)

(1.46 MB 1835x1496 Workout Buddy CYOA.png)

(2.51 MB 1200x5900 Volatile Valentine CYOA.jpg)

(2.42 MB 1915x8970 Choose your waifu.jpg)

(1.70 MB 1650x7767 Eldritch Waifu CYOA 1.jpg)

(1.68 MB 1650x7273 Eldritch Waifu CYOA 2.jpg)

(1.12 MB 1650x5069 Eldritch Waifu CYOA 3.jpg)

(3.73 MB 1280x3466 Waifuism CYOA.png)

(3.01 MB 825x6347 A Special Day v1.0.png)

(3.18 MB 1100x10000 To A New World CYOA.jpg)

(3.77 MB 1200x8400 morton's fork cyoa.jpg)

(912.43 KB 1600x763 1631377262056.jpg)

>>494 Loli Anon >V-Tubers and not video games In a way, it makes her more perfect because she'd expose me to more things and not want me to play games I dislike with her. She better not expect me to fund the V-Tubers she watches. It'll be awkward if her hips/tiddies are nonexistent instead of just small, but I could get used to it.
(6.46 MB 1500x8958 No Named Waifu CYOA.jpg)

(2.22 MB 1500x8958 Unnamed Waifu CYOA.jpeg)

(5.58 MB 1200x10000 My Gu Waifu 2.0.jpg)

For Hi-Rez PNG and links to assets https://sta.sh/2glt23mmout
>>497 minor changes in the flavortext. You can find the most up-to-date version in my stash
(4.04 MB 1349x4001 Workout Buddy Waifu CYOA.png)

>>503 Is this an update? Recent?
(1.46 MB 1835x1496 pOjMTbW.png)

>>504 Yes it's recent, a redone version of this one.
V3 of this one.
(484.93 KB 1200x1400 ElfS IUWB.jpg)

>>268 build
(13.10 MB 1280x11610 Yandere_Maker.png)

(7.08 MB 1400x10000 Imouto_CYOA.jpg)

May yandere Imoutos be with all of you.
(1.16 MB 1199x5499 The Wicked waifu cyoa.jpg)

(513.62 KB 1200x2782 3 Girls pick 1 (Alt).jpg)

(1.07 MB 1200x2189 3 Girls Pick 1 CYOA.jpg)

>>637 I'd take Liar. She seems interesting, if Eldritch.
(4.67 MB 1200x5234 Stranded Harem CYOA 1.png)

(5.78 MB 1200x6772 Stranded Harem CYOA 2.png)

(2.36 MB 1400x5000 Alien Matchmaker CYOA 1.jpg)

(2.45 MB 1400x4661 Alien Matchmaker CYOA 2.jpg)

(2.56 MB 1400x4658 Alien Matchmaker CYOA 3.jpg)

(2.56 MB 1400x4670 Alien Matchmaker CYOA 4.jpg)

(2.95 MB 1400x6135 Alien Matchmaker CYOA 5.jpg)

(188.93 KB 1236x854 1432337405774.png)

(6.28 MB 1364x14430 VTM Waifu CYOA.png)

(1.25 MB 900x6353 Tribal Waifu CYOA.jpg)

(1.94 MB 1550x5458 Harem master lucky bride 1.jpg)

(1006.87 KB 1500x5073 Harem master lucky bride 2.jpg)

(1.29 MB 1468x6616 harem master lucky bride 3.jpg)

(2.24 MB 2700x1600 MW1.jpg)

(2.20 MB 2700x1600 MW2.jpg)

(1.22 MB 2700x1600 MW3.jpg)

(543.40 KB 900x800 Monster Waifu CYOA 4.jpg)

>>681 Mystery Box
(2.65 MB 2700x1600 Monster Waifu CYOA 1.jpg)

(2.34 MB 2700x1600 Monster Waifu CYOA 2.jpg)

(1.29 MB 2700x1600 Monster Waifu CYOA 3.jpg)

>>681 More up to date version.
>>673 >Dreams Benefits: >Extra Time >Gym >The Secret Contender Terms: >Guinea Pig/Sow >Premarital Prohibition >Tough Love 1d9 = 3 >Secrets 1d4 = 1 1d4 = 4 1d4 = 2 1d4 = 1 1d4 = 4 1d4 = 2 1d4 = 4 1d4 = 1 I don't want to roll to see which girls I get so I'll choose the option that lets me meet all of them. The order they appear in doesn't really matter to me as long as I get to see them all.
>>683 Kitsune, easy. Didn't even bother reading the other ones. Homemaker, hourglass body with big soft tits and big soft tails? A normal life? Hell yeah, I'd breed her. Finally, some fucking normalcy without anything emasculating or feminist attached to it, and it's one of the better monstergirls out there (in general, not limited to MGE).
>>683 Sea Bishop sounds pretty nice.
>>683 >Salamander >Tan tomboy adventure buddy who has your back as long as you have hers. Sounds pretty nice, all things considered.
does anyone have the updated version of this? it was on the old site, but was lost after the migration.
(998.54 KB 910x5555 Goddess CYOA 1.jpg)

(963.86 KB 910x5695 Goddess CYOA 2.jpg)

(937.48 KB 910x5690 Goddess CYOA 3.jpg)

(923.39 KB 910x5695 Goddess CYOA 4.jpg)

(933.85 KB 910x5692 Goddess CYOA 5.jpg)

(897.85 KB 1300x4514 Goddess CYOA 6.jpg)

(957.50 KB 910x5178 Goddess CYOA 7.jpg)

(989.87 KB 1040x6414 Goddess CYOA 8.jpg)

(631.73 KB 1300x4000 Goddess CYOA 9.jpg)

(19.23 KB 178x255 1431036755845.jpg)

>>709 Based anon
(3.58 MB 1300x7936 Picking a Goddess 1 CYOA.jpg)

(3.47 MB 1300x8135 Picking a Goddess 2 CYOA.jpg)

(3.36 MB 1300x8128 Picking a Goddess 3 CYOA.jpg)

(3.33 MB 1300x8136 Picking a Goddess 4 CYOA.jpg)

>>712 It's by Italicsanon but the version I got was from imgur and compressed to hell. Here's from the archive, can actually make out the pictures.
(3.42 MB 1300x8132 Picking a Goddess CYOA 5.jpg)

(2.06 MB 1300x4514 Picking a Goddess CYOA 6.jpg)

(3.55 MB 1300x7397 Picking a Goddess CYOA 7.jpg)

(1.45 MB 1300x4000 Picking a Goddess CYOA 8.jpg)

(2.94 MB 1300x8017 Picking a Goddess CYOA 9.jpg)

(381.51 KB 800x378 1.png)

(1.64 MB 1265x731 2.png)

(611.14 KB 371x805 3.png)

(670.43 KB 1836x3000 sergey-gurskiy-111.jpg)

Same picture, used in 3 different cyoas. Annabel By Sergey Gurskiy.
>>788 From New World Guardian, Emperor's Harem and Dance Macabre, in case you were curious.
(2.27 MB 1289x11196 Yandere Goddess CYOA.jpg)

(2.97 MB 2002x7988 Warframe New War CYOA 1.jpg)

(3.20 MB 2004x8053 Warframe New War CYOA 2.jpg)

(7.45 MB 1200x7050 Nightmare Waifu CYOA 1.png)

(4.82 MB 1200x6300 Nightmare Waifu CYOA 2.png)

(1.03 MB 621x1793 D&D Waifu CYOA.jpg)

(1.91 MB 1364x12895 Hebdomadal Hunnies CYOA 1.jpg)

There's a weekly waifu picker on reddit, the guy made one as well that's more lewd and with VTM.
(3.60 MB 1800x7369 1.jpg)

(4.11 MB 1800x8814 2.jpg)

(3.17 MB 1800x7800 3.jpg)

(2.22 MB 1800x6089 4.jpg)

(3.78 MB 1800x6666 5.jpg)

>>971 I'll put the weekly waifu charts here.
(4.14 MB 1800x8410 6.jpg)

(4.22 MB 1800x9127 7.jpg)

(2.23 MB 1800x6089 8.jpg)

(4.08 MB 1800x9127 9.jpg)

(3.65 MB 1800x9127 10.jpg)

(3.65 MB 1790x8045 sjmizuemrf091.jpg)

(1.84 MB 1800x6262 2rwrtofv4j191.jpg)

(4.23 MB 1800x10000 1.jpg)

(3.85 MB 1800x9200 2.jpg)

(4.52 MB 1800x10000 zwgbuh0pi3691.jpg)

(3.83 MB 1800x9847 13eons927b791.jpg)

(1.00 MB 3260x2260 ZqboR4P.jpg)

(7.28 MB 1200x9000 Snap V1.jpg)

>>1007 At least Emmy is rich, submissive, and not a homo
(3.89 MB 1800x9200 jnw3tt64eo891.jpg)

(2.11 MB 1800x11317 oqjy5jzkyna91.webp)

(4.34 MB 1800x10259 7daoi57c52c91.jpg)

(1.82 MB 1794x9558 1 - CAddKIM.jpg)

(1.62 MB 1794x9558 2 - 1dxF0YE.jpg)

(3.82 MB 1800x9200 r9t0a4xhyze91.jpg)

(2.48 MB 1200x2736 Post Story Waifu CYOA 5.jpg)

(5.11 MB 1500x7000 Petgirls Pet Story CYOA 1.png)

(5.35 MB 1500x7000 Petgirls Pet Story CYOA 2.png)

(4.76 MB 1903x3670 CYOA.png)

(1.73 MB 1366x7202 Perfect Match CYOA.jpg)

>>1119 Ah, this one. It's AI generated.
(950.49 KB 1152x6823 Reject Waifus CYOA 1.jpg)

(808.84 KB 1280x3873 Reject Waifus CYOA 2.jpg)

>>485 Here the updating version
(2.60 MB 1200x9599 Eastern Kingdom Story CYOA.jpg)

(6.88 MB 1200x9218 Soul^3.jpg)

(1.59 MB 1700x3080 Font Waifu.jpg)

(3.75 MB 1600x5850 Demonologist CYOA.jpg)

(3.10 MB 1280x2496 Pick Your Royal Exile.png)

(3.58 MB 1280x2633 Pick Your Royal Exile MB.png)

(1.33 MB 1200x4193 Fulfilling A Wish CYOA.png)

(3.80 MB 1300x9868 accidental abduction cyoa.jpg)

(6.73 MB 1349x8436 Entertainer Waifu.png)

(7.20 MB 1200x7107 Synonymous Disaster CYOA.png)

(2.65 MB 1296x3718 King's Souvenir CYOA.png)

(3.58 MB 882x7000 Musical Waifus v1.2.jpg)

(5.54 MB 1893x5494 Bad End Heroines CYOA.png)

(3.80 MB 1300x9868 Accidental Abduction CYOA.jpg)

(2.46 MB 1365x3842 Sugar Mama Waifu.png)

(1.86 MB 1296x3941 Adop a Petgirl CYOA.jpg)

(1.37 MB 900x9392 Lewd succubus summoner CYOA.jpg)

(1.38 MB 1365x7819 1665947911241.jpg)

>>1186 New Update version
(7.14 MB 2000x5755 Vampire Date CYOA.png)

>>1181 Nora, Saida, or Mia would be my choice. They carry the easiest kind of trauma without being too easy, Mia needs to see she has a friend and a lover, Saida needs to have family who she knows wont die, and Nora needs a friend to help deal with her actions. I would choose Kysrith but the survior's guilt would be too much.
(4.34 MB 1800x7678 Power Level Fag CYOA 1.jpg)

(1.88 MB 1800x3164 Power Level Fag CYOA 2.jpg)

(13.51 MB 1280x8253 Prodiger CYOA 1.png)

(12.55 MB 1280x7327 Prodiger CYOA 2.png)

(3.72 MB 1450x6775 Knock 'em Dead CYOA 1.jpg)

(3.78 MB 1450x6775 Knock 'em Dead CYOA 2.jpg)

(4.98 MB 1280x4965 j7mmc5wzm76.png)

(18.75 MB 1915x13523 Magical Space Orgy.png)

(815.98 KB 1200x6000 Bowsette CYOA 1.jpg)

(941.88 KB 1200x6000 Bowswette CYOA 2.jpg)

(760.16 KB 1200x5096 Bowswette CYOA 3.jpg)

(7.20 MB 1193x4900 Festive Spirit.png)

(1.00 MB 2000x1000 Alien waifu cyoa 1.png)

(1.11 MB 2000x1000 Alien waifu cyoa 2.png)

(2.30 MB 2000x2000 Alien waifu cyoa 3.png)

(4.11 MB 1200x4500 Anon Wishes CYOA 1.png)

(2.64 MB 1200x3400 Anon Wishes CYOA 2.png)

(2.82 MB 1200x3450 Anon Wishes CYOA 3.png)

(2.73 MB 8000x4000 06r4ze3.jpg)

(2.76 MB 3860x2860 FVbX93V.jpg)

(1.00 MB 3260x2260 ZqboR4P.jpg)

(7.75 MB 1296x8346 Divine Consorts V1.png)

(3.12 MB 1491x5239 Arthropod Waifu CYOA 1.png)

(3.57 MB 1491x5239 Arthropod Waifu CYOA 2.png)

(3.94 MB 1491x5239 Arthropod Waifu CYOA 3.png)

(3.62 MB 1280x9877 King's Souvenir CYOA 1.jpg)

(3.08 MB 1280x9648 King's Souvenir CYOA 2.jpg)

(2.83 MB 1280x8052 King's Souvenir CYOA 3.jpg)

(2.25 MB 1901x3311 Bad End Heroines CYOA 2.png)

Perfect Partner is great I was going to post it but turns out it's already in the catalog >>1153
(120.29 KB 600x794 Archer FMK.jpg)

FMK is technically a cyoa
(2.67 MB 1296x3571 An Elf's Best Friend CYOA.png)

(3.50 MB 10000x1600 Wardens of the Oasis CYOA.jpg)

(5.77 MB 1500x8312 Unnamed Waifu CYOA 2.jpg)

>>496 Got another one here.
(8.74 MB 1200x8694 Once in a lifetime CYOA.png)

(5.56 MB 1600x10000 Wed, Woo, Wipeout CYOA 1.jpg)

(2.80 MB 3280x2249 Wed, Woo, Wipeout CYOA 2.jpg)

(3.08 MB 1199x8668 Post Story Waifu CYOA 6 .jpg)

>>204 This got an additional page.
(4.51 MB 1919x4018 Bad End Heroines CYOA 1.png)

(3.01 MB 1919x3246 Bad End Heroines CYOA 2.png)

(2.08 MB 1913x2336 Bad End Heroines CYOA 3.png)

>>1181 >>1420 Compiled now.
(1007.97 KB 3000x1500 Yandere waifu cyoa.jpg)

(1.47 MB 3000x2000 Yandere waifu cyoa 2.jpg)

>>1560 Those girls are so mentally fuck up, that it feel impossible to help, sorry but it beyond any of my abilities to help them in any meaningful way.
(10.01 MB 1100x4800 Salvage CYOA.png)

(2.96 MB 4000x2000 7uzhtg1o0kd71.png)

(1.27 MB 1024x7883 Lewd Silicon sexbot cyoa 1.png)

(1.64 MB 1024x9249 Lewd Silicon sexbot cyoa 2.png)

(824.62 KB 1024x4829 Lewd Silicon sexbot cyoa 3.png)

(1020.13 KB 1024x6549 Lewd Silicon sexbot cyoa 4.png)

(897.12 KB 1024x4615 Lewd Silicon sexbot cyoa 5.png)

(4.86 MB 1296x3756 Slaves and Spouses CYOA.png)

(655.96 KB 1394x2724 The Wicked Waifu CYOA DLC.jpg)

>>637 Somehow I find out there was another part to this
(14.79 MB 1365x12001 Robo Colony.png)

(293.20 KB 1342x919 Horror Movie waifu.png)

(16.79 MB 1000x9532 Yuri Healing CYOA.png)

>>1645 What the hell is CGlg?
>>1650 >CGlg would be Mommy/Son type kink but not familial themed. Teacher/Student & Camp Councilor/Young Camper I believe would fall under that category.
(2.41 MB 1600x10000 kbv3i1yt5hac1.png)

(3.54 MB 2490x5756 Menhera CYOA.jpg)

(5.62 MB 1600x9625 You're A Snacc pg1 CYOA.jpg)

(4.47 MB 1600x7600 You're A Snacc pg2 CYOA.jpg)

You're a Snacc (aka CYO Vampire Mistress)
(1.86 MB 1719x6883 Loli Waifu pg1 CYOA.jpg)

(1.69 MB 1715x6083 Loli Waifu pg2 CYOA.jpg)

Loli Waifu in exchange for changes to your appearance/personality
(3.45 MB 1600x7535 Reject All Waifus CYOA 1.jpg)

(3.35 MB 1600x6000 Reject All Waifus CYOA 2.jpg)

>>1725 >it took real WILLPOWER to reject a string of totally stranger and suspicious women that randomly show up in your door and promising to spend their life with you Do the normalfags only ever think with their dick or am I just being too autistic and finding the whole thought process too alien to me? And the rewards wasn't even that good (well, except that bank card and/or the meal ticket).
(6.30 MB 1600x10000 Kitty Cat Egypt CYOA 1.jpg)

(333.55 KB 1600x490 Kitty Cat Egypt CYOA 2.jpg)

(2.03 MB 7455x2300 Degrees of Dominance.jpg)

>>1745 I take Normalfag because alot of these have dealbreaker negatives.
(1.86 MB 1378x10000 DE Dating 1.jpg)

(1.88 MB 1242x10000 DE Dating 2.jpg)

>>1748 This is part of the Cruxia series by Velthrow. I'll make a thread for it.
(8.06 MB 2000x8000 Ship Crash.png)

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