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Xenomorph CYOA Adventurer 12/22/2020 (Tue) 06:38:18 No. 90
Dark and scaly with no face but into you. Lucky.
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>>90 Update, 2 whole new pages.
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>>251 That's beta 2, got version 2 here.
>>892 I found the Gigers in the original... but are you sure they're there in this one? I raised image brightness and pored over it inch by inch but I found zilch
Based cyoa. I picked the choices that'll help me slowly but surely establish our Xeno-Human Galactic empire in the end. (With revenge on those WY bastards and Hedonism during our free time)
Wish there was a Drawback section, get myself some more points and maybe make the stakes higher/more interesting Example Drawbacks: Lost Limbs: During the mission in which you were captured by the queen, you were injured... badly with one of your limbs taken clean off below the joint. The wound was sealed with sticky resin, so you're in no danger of bleeding out but you're still a cripple. +2 points Deaf or Dumb: During the mission you lost the ability to hear/speak. Now your only method of communication is through physical gestures and wordless noises. At least you're not blind too. +1 points for Speech and/or for Hearing loss. Hunger Pangs: A freak accident has caused the facility's meat reconstitution systems to break down. The repairs will take weeks of hard work to get up running again so you're stuck with a dwindling supply of rations shared with the rest of the hungry hive. Time to tighten your belt soldier! +1 points Just off the top of my head these could be options that might change things up.
Someone had some suggestions, reposting them here for anyone to see (not mine). most of them are jank but it's worth posting I guess. >Hive perks - (Alien) Workshop, for creating all manner of clothing, object, furnishing, equipment, and so on. Usually out of foreign materials. >Genitalia Suggestions - Ovipositor- Always a solid third option, Xenomorphs do lay eggs. - Extend-O- She has a repeat of the xenomorph "mouth" down there, a pussy behind the pussy hat snaps out to milk things dry. Optionally, like the ovipositor, she could fuck you with the pussy, for a full inversion of nature >Breeding Perks Recommendations: - Hybrids- Distinct from the normal drones, she can produce hybrids, like that thing that got sucked out of the tiny hole in the airlock in that one movie - Larvae- As an alternative to the parasitic method, her eggs can hatch/live birthe into a sort of xeno grub that eats, grows, then pupates into a lite-version of a Xenomorph, provided the Queen has access to some genetic material to use as a maturation template >Reason For Survival Suggestions: - Power Source- The queen, being an intelligent creature, recognized the power of the autism you possess, and is trying to learn your secrets so that she can transfer this power to her drones. - Delicate work- Look, she's a 12 foot long, chitin-covered, clawed monster. She can do a lot of things, but there are some technical limits. Your delicate, plushy fingerpads are going to be worked to the bone sewing or tying ribbons. >Kinks Recommendations: - Ambush - She likes it best when there's as little foreplay as possible - Environmental - Whenever possible, she likes to get off using the environment - The Fourth Hole- Her body has another orifice on it. You have no idea what it does, or what it's analogous to, but she really likes it when you put your wiener in it, and makes unfathomable motions and sounds when you fuck it.
>>1679 Adding onto this idea, I'd have the Scenarios also give points, +1 for each Scenario.
Someone made a hard-to-read SFW cyoa similar to this topic and definitely taking parts of itself from this one. It's first pages are trash but it has some interesting ideas in option selection such as including Royal Jelly and other ideas. https://imgur.com/gallery/3nyMxnF
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Jumpchain CYOA for AvP and a primitive AvPvT island survival cyoa for anyone interested even if its only related by way of being about the Aliens series
Could use a Predalien Caste option for Perks.
The choices on the Queen's Personality & Kinks impacting trait starter levels in the original, should have been kept for the final version. Ex: Spooky and Rough Play increasing base levels of the stealth and strength traits. Additionally, the color and other choices for the Queen's physique, could impact traits and perks. It could be all by one Category such as >Black: Free Void Adaptation >Blue: Free Aquatic Adaptation >Red: Free Thermal Adaptation >Purple: Free Subsurface Adaptation >White: Free Arctic Adaptation Or it could be across perks >Black - Efficient Stasis >Blue - Adaptive Camouflage >Red - Terror Pheromones >Purple - Spitters >White - Arctic Adaptation
>>1692 Also High Telepathy could provide a free Emotional Confluence
>>1692 1 More thought >2 or 4 Breasts -> Free Lactation Option
>>1679 >>1681 Changing and Adding Drawbacks Sticks and Stone: During the mission in which you were captured by the queen, you were injured... and a limb was injured, breaking bone. You've made a makeshift splint, but it will take a while to heal. +1 point for each limb chosen, limited to two at a time. Lost Limbs: Rather than just breaking one of your bones, a limb got taken clean off below the joint. The wound was sealed with sticky resin, so you're in no danger of bleeding out but you're still a cripple. +2 points per limb, limited to two limbs at a time. Deaf or Dumb: During the mission you lost the ability to hear/speak. Now your only method of communication is through physical gestures and wordless noises. At least you're not blind too. +1 points for Speech or Hearing loss each. Hunger Pangs: A freak accident has caused the facility's meat reconstitution systems to break down. The repairs will take weeks of hard work to get up running again so you're stuck with a dwindling supply of rations shared with the rest of the hungry hive. Time to tighten your belt soldier! +1 points >>1696 >>1693 Additional ideas - If intelligence level is +2 then the Weapons Usage Perk is Free (the logic being that they're so intelligent that it would be unlikely for them to NOT know or learn how to use Weapons.
>>1763 Fixing a syntax error and adding one more Drawback >Sticks and Stone: During the mission in which you were captured by the Queen, you were injured... and a limb was injured, breaking bone. You've made a makeshift splint, but it will take a while to heal. +1 point for each limb chosen, limited to two at a time. - Sticks and Stone: During the mission in which you were captured by the Queen, you think you might have broken a limb or two. You've been made a makeshift splint, but it will still take a while to heal. +1 point for each limb chosen. - Confused Communication: Intelligent or not, their thought processes are as alien as they are, so you have trouble understanding them, and they you. You're going to have to figure out how to bridge that barrier... somehow.
>>1764 >- Confused Communication: Intelligent or not, their thought processes are as alien as they are, so you have trouble understanding them, and they you. You're going to have to figure out how to bridge that barrier... somehow. LOL forgot to give it points - +1 pts

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