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Cakes in AI 2: Evolution Anonymous 06/11/2023 (Sun) 00:09:52 Id: 812abb No. 35910
Previous thread: >>28633 Related threads: >>>/loli/4000 >>>/sm/12083 >>>/v/818677 >>>/ais/ As a rule, we ask that you only post stylized and non-photorealistic/hyperrealistic images. Failure to adhere to this will result a lifetime ban. Here's some guides to installing Stable Diffusion (if you have a NVIDIA GPU with 2GB+ VRAM). >Installing AUTOMATIC1111, the most feature-rich and commonly-used UI: https://rentry.org/voldy >Different UI with 1-click installation: https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui >Installing various UIs in Docker: https://github.com/AbdBarho/stable-diffusion-webui-docker >AMD isn't well-supported. If you're running Linux there's a way to install AUTOMATIC1111 but otherwise features are very limited: Native: https://rentry.org/sd-nativeisekaitoo Docker: Copied from previous OP. Here's some guides to installing Stable Diffusion (if you have a NVIDIA GPU with 2GB+ VRAM). >Installing AUTOMATIC1111, the most feature-rich and commonly-used UI: https://rentry.org/voldy >Different UI with 1-click installation: https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui >Installing various UIs in Docker: https://github.com/AbdBarho/stable-diffusion-webui-docker >AMD isn't well-supported. If you're running Linux there's a way to install AUTOMATIC1111 but otherwise features are very limited: Native: https://rentry.org/sd-nativeisekaitoo Docker: https://rentry.org/sdamd Onnx: https://rentry.org/ayymd-stable-diffustion-v1_4-guide To try it out without installing anything you can use a web service, though they are lacking in features. >Stable Horde is a free network of people donating their GPU time, how long it takes depends on how many people are using it. It supports negative prompts, seperate the positive and negative prompts with "###": https://aqualxx.github.io/stable-ui/ >Dreamstudio requires making an account and gives you around 200 free images before asking you to pay: https://beta.dreamstudio.ai/ Img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest | https://dezgo.com/image2image Ippainting: https://huggingface.co/spaces/fffiloni/stable-diffusion-inpainting | https://inpainter.vercel.app/paint >The most notable non-Stable Diffusion generator is Midjourney, which tends to be nicer-looking and doesn't require as much fiddling with prompts but can have a samey style. However the only way to use it is through a Discord bot. https://www.midjourney.com/home/ >If you're okay with more setup but don't have the hardware you can use a cloud-hosted install: Paperspace: https://rentry.org/865dy Colab: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1kw3egmSn-KgWsikYvOMjJkVDsPLjEMzl >Various other guides: NovelAi: https://rentry.org/sdg_FAQ Dreambooth: https://github.com/ShivamShrirao/diffusers/tree/main/examples/dreambooth Inpainting/Outpainting: https://rentry.org/drfar Upscaling images: https://rentry.org/sdupscale Textual inversion: https://rentry.org/textard
[Expand Post]>Resources Search images and get ideas for prompts, can search by image to see similar images: https://lexica.art/ Index of various resources: https://pharmapsychotic.com/tools.html Artist styles: https://rentry.org/artists_sd-v1-4 | https://www.urania.ai/top-sd-artists | https://rentry.org/anime_and_titties | https://sgreens.notion.site/sgreens/4ca6f4e229e24da6845b6d49e6b08ae7 | https://proximacentaurib.notion.site/e28a4f8d97724f14a784a538b8589e7d Compiled list of various models, regularly updated: https://rentry.org/sdmodels (Check here before asking "where do I find x model!")
Edited last time by Superior_Dragon on 06/13/2023 (Tue) 06:59:42.
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Can someone do Cindy Vortex in cute pantsu now that there's a LoRa for her?
>>44580 its incredible the evolution of IA...
well i give a little try by myself

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I'm just wondering If anyone has done any Ruby Gloom AI or if anyone has seen anything of it at all?
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Can somebody give me any tips on how to actually get more on-model results? I figured the Maximilo lora would recognize Powerpuff girls characters, and it does seem to, but I have to really push it in that direction, and even then the results aren't great and it tends to be just one decent result out of multiple failures I tried to keep it the prompt relatively simple, and it's just "<lora:maimilo:1>score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, young, loli, (Maximilo, Maximilo style, Maximilo\(artist\)), (Powerpuff:1.1), Pink Dress, White Stockings, Red Bow, Bottomless, (Exhibitionism:1.1), (Blossom:1.1)" It's entirely possible I've fucked something up here though
There's LoRAs for Katie and Julie Power now. Can someone make pictures of them doing sisterly bonding together? Maybe winding up in just their panties after a "costumes off"?
>>44580 This looks exactly like from the show. Hope you will try other Jimmy Neutron characters such as Libby and Betty or even the lesser known character such as Britney.
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>>44955 These are done with a Powerpuff Girls lora and Maximilo's lora in Pony Diffusion civitai /models/382543/powerpuff-girls-pony-diffusion I've found that a good ratio is 0.75 of PPG and 0.8 of Maximilo. Also adding "hands, fingers, watermark, artist's signature" to the negative keeps the show accurate flipper design instead of the mutant ball hands it sometimes generates.
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