- De-Aging technology is developed.
- The regression occurs in a very scientifically plausible way, rather than in a way that's more magical in function, it isn't simply returning you to the way you were when you were younger, but instead makes your present self age in reverse.
- This means that a woman who was chubby as a girl but got into shape through diet and exercise will be a fit version of herself as a girl, rather than returning to being the chubby girl she was at that age, going back in age won't erase the gains she made in muscle or the losses of fat (if she got implants, those would remain in her body throughout the aging process, and any tattoos she got done would also remain, for reasons such as these, a health screening is required for those wising to undergo the process of returning to a specific age range).
- Things like mental and physical maturity will be reversed, becoming younger means gaining a younger brain and body, you'd lose the mental faculties and physical abilities that come with reaching a certain point in your natural maturation process, becoming baby means losing your ability to talk, as you speech centers and vocal chords are regressed to the state they would be in an infant.
- Once it's done, there's no way of rapidly reversing it, the only way to return to age 30 after being regressed to 3 is by the normal way, by waiting 27 years to age normally back to 30, so large jumps back to very young ages is discouraged.
- The de-aging process also has a regenerative healing effect accompanying it, any injuries are healed by this process, lost body parts are restored, almost any illness could be cured by this process, this is not by restoring tem to an age at which they weren't damaged, but is an effect on it's own, so if you lost a leg as a toddler, and aged back from a senior citizen to a teenager, you'd still be growing the leg back trough this process, even though you had still lacked the leg as a teenager.
- Even the bodies of the dead could be resurrected by this process, or a single sample of DNA could be used to grow an entire person, so cloning is also a possibility opened up by this tech.
- It's a way to beautify yourself, by literally taking years and damage off of yourself, but it's also a way for perverted age-related fetishes to be fulfilled.
- Additionally, the technology was also able to be modified to allow for the alteration of your genetics and inducing these changes into your bodies in accordance to these changes, for example, a man could turn himself into a woman by using this process to alter his chromosomes from XY to XX, and morphing his body into that of a woman's.
- Not surprising that all this could be an implementation of reverse aging, true de-aging technology would basically be like ADAM from Bioshock, except that this could be used to cure cancer, not cause it (in Bioshock the cancer associated with ADAM was the result of the resurrected cells being much poorer at accurately replicating themselves within the host's body without mistakes than their natural cells, and getting worse with each division, which causes cancers, plasmids were worse because instead of being resurrected as they were, the cells were changed before being restored, and being made to replace the existing cells of the body at an accelerated rate).
- This tech is used for human enhancement as well, making it so that people could be reborn with the DNA they wanted to have: smarter, wiser, wittier, stronger, faster, taller, sexier, etc. just generally better.
- People change themselves in many ways, wiggers become niggers, wapanese become japanese, niggers, japanese, and jews become white, men become women, women become men, people change the natural texture of their hair, the shape of their eyes, and the color of both, men get taller and better built, women get shorter and cuter, pretty much everyone just wants to be younger.
- Furries become their animal aspierations, or make their pets undergo the process of becoming human, grieving parents restore their children to life, the crippled are made to walk, the blind to see, childless people who desire a child of their own will clone a baby version of themselves in artificial wombs from a sample of their DNA, etc.
- Rather than just being about porn, it's plot with porn, as the implications of this technology and all it's used for each gets a story of it's own, it's far more than just being a story about age regression, it's a tale about the realities of how this technology could be achieved, and the other applications that exist for it, and more focus is placed upon the personal stories of people living in the society in which this tech is made available on the market. Human stories, so that even with the fetish fucking, you actually learn about the people involve and care about them through their stories.
- For example, the story of two siblings in an incestuous love who modify their genes to a sufficient degree in order to no longer be related to one another, and thus eligible for marriage.