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It just tastes better.

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Survivors of the boards Pepipopo 08/07/2020 (Fri) 08:01:48 Id: d006ea No. 5206
Anyone else feels like these type of boards are dying thanks to the wokies and sites like 8cuck and Shitchan bending the knee, and even Julay World pulled the same crap. On top of it all, i barely notice any activity within this board, which i feel partially responsible in a sense since i got discouraged because of what happened over the last few months, not to mention what is going on in the real world.
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>>5206 I feel sad, because I like the kind of discussion this kind of anonymous boards can bring. It can't be helped, if you have alternatives like shady discord servers and baraag, where you can actually have a rich discussion about lolis and not just image dumping, then obviosly everyone would prefer them.
Imageboards in general have lost their appeal to me. They're little more than a news source for me now. It used to be about letting loose, shitpost for fun, occasionally toll and if youre lucky end up in a stimulating debate with others. It's just interboard drama and complaining about real world events now. Everything is politicized, rules prevent spontaneity, and everyone, including seemingly pro free speech /v/tards and lolifags have turned into a bunch of hypocrites. Even more so than they were. I believe the main aspect I'm missing is boards being a melting pot of a bunch of different people with different worldviews. Every board subculture is heavily segregated and locked into a tight set of believes that you have to either pretend to agree with or get ad hominem'd out. The most fun on boards I had recently was on short lived ones like 10 and 9chan, which despite their cp spam, which some argue is a part of the original chan culture, had a spirit of innocence and reckless fun on their /b/ boards. The reason for that I think was that the rest of their sites were dead, so everybody congregated on /b/ for interaction. I dunno, I really enjoy being part of that kind of randomness. For a few weeks it made me feel like I was back in 2006.
>>5209 I mean personally the only reason I use imageboards are the things that people find so I can save them.
I only use imageboards just to upload hard-to-find pictures that I found, but ever since the fiasco with Palcomix overreacting that someone leaked their pictures on 8cuck, that's when I decided not to upload hard-to-find pictures in public. Although I don't upload images a lot, I usually find and save pictures from boards sometimes, but I barely do it anymore because I'm on a Discord Server that has hard-to-find pictures nowadays, while in 8cuck, you have to wait days/months/years from updates. I still lurk on 8cuck but there hasn't been any chances ever since the loli/shota banned from there, yet some of the images are still there.
do many of the drawfags that frequented the other boards even know about this /delicious/?
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>>5209 I have not step in into a /b/ board in a long ass time because of how freaky and shady can be, and on Shitchan few furry and loli threads are locked on on /trash/ which mostly comprises of grossout and cringe! there's been some freaky fuck posting horrific clickbait pictures of desfigured hands and skin with micro holes to boards like /v/ and even youtube scummy algorythm forced my account into a subscription to a channel i never actually subscribed that has a freaky thumbnail of that shit as clickbait and became trendy. Such stuff freaks me out as hell to the point that it actually causes me pain! imagine the shit found on those boards, i dont wanna!!! You know, i remember back in 2005-2007 when 4chan had a /loli/ board (Yes, i am THAT OLD) and then created Not4chan.org, those were good times. >>5212 8cuck is one of the biggest dissapointments ever, too much for a resurrection huh!?
>>5295 >>5212 Also isnt discord anti loli?
>>5219 probably not. we surely lost a lot people by changing home multiple times. or maybe some do but they stoped giving a crap. sad.
>>5296 Of course it is, and if all those artists on baraag advertising their loli servers on their feed had any sense they'd stop doing that. Sharing loli from one person to another is not something they can do a lot about now, but the more people are on a server the higher the chance of a person getting in that reports it. Remember, all it takes is for one person to report one pic and everyone on that server is permabanned. That's why I never join any of those servers. Too much of a risk.
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>>5206 Yeah. The real killer for me is that imageboards seem to have either made anons stupider or stupid people began to use them more, or perhaps anons started using normalfag cancer like twitter perhaps because a lot of r34 artists use it. In any case, the Internet has muddled black twitter (ghetto speech in every day usage instead of fake-"nigga" speech like in old content to show how the character is "gangsta"), normalfaggotry (using twitter and shit taste in anything, "cringe" at anything, general stupidity and ignorance, etc.), and imageboard culture (4chan became popular and its influence spread to unsavory parts, which attracted them as the barbarians did Rome), where once things were nice and segregated. And then don't get me started on how the system in place affects the society. 8chan was shittier than 4chan from the start simply because it gave power to any anon via allowing you to make and run your own board a la reddit, and this was criticized for good reason. Most people are stupid and not able to judge properly. Plus, the fear of losing influence or perhaps some other fear on the part of BOs and vols made them do what the mob wanted lest they leave, or perhaps because they were sick of 4chan mods who don't do what "the people" want, never mind that "the people" can't even tell you what kind of tomato sauce they fucking want. Thing is, it was moot not giving a fuck that brought in the bad mods. Even if the system allowed for it to happen, I don't really see how 8chan and copies are any different in terms of corruption. Just like monarchy vs democracy. Well, if I learned anything from imageboards, it's that plebs gonna pleb. But I've rambled enough. I hate talking to even anons more than ever, or anyone for that matter. I have to get back into the feeling of just not talking because I can, which I think made anons behave stupider. Social media truly is AIDS no matter its form.
>>5206 What's happened over the last few months?
>>5304 Also, don't forget that 4chan was created with the intention of producing high-quality content and discussion, versus 8chan's claim to promote free speech, which funnily enough was also reddit's claim. 8chan was good for a time but only when anons weren't stupid, assuming the old ones didn't simply leave when things got too hot during the many exoduses from reddit and 4chan and corruption in the staff/the buyout. And anyway. There were tyrannical BOs as well as idiots like the one running /tv/ who prefer "free speech" over quality and who think whatever "culture" they think 4chan-8chan had should be aped instead of constantly criticized and improved. "No fun allowed" can be lame, but so can wanting to talk about tv and movies when the board is borderline /b/ 2.0.
>>5305 Lots of horseshit. Covid19, SJW power farts, more censorship, More False flimsy accusations trown at people over the twatters, Countried denying Hydrocloroquine to Covid patients because Orange Man Bad, no joke, and, when it comes to us, lolifans, more and more boards are getting shut down out of pressure of cucking out, first 8chan when it croaked, then 8cuck when they tip toed just cause OH NOES, the normies of dino media called us white supremacists responsible for the shootings, so we are not gonna fight back!, then Julay world went Tor Mode, and the /delicious/ boards got le killed due to low activity cause most people didnt knew how to acess them, and every other place that remains is slow as shit
>>5327 >Countried denying Hydrocloroquine to Covid patients because Orange Man Bad Jesus Christ I didn't know you were and idiot. That's a Malaria drug it can't treat covid-19 those studies were inconclusive and show no effect. Wear a mask and stop sucking conservative dick.
>>5348 Fucking this. A mask, maintaining distance and washing your hands on the regular keep you safe. Hydroxychloroquine will not protect you.
>>5348 >That's a Malaria drug it can't treat covid-19 those studies were inconclusive and show no effect. Nice gaslightng, you are thinkin on Remdesivir, also do you really trust the CDC and the WHO after how they were simpin to the CCP?
>>5423 Sure, I trust the CDC and WHO. They're not the ones who've fucked things up like Trump.
>>5422 Are you a flat earther too? All of those "doctors" are loony quack frauds.
>>5425 >being skeptical about the media bullshitting people about things he knows >completely trusts them on matters he has little knowledge about >9/11 wasn't a controlled demolition >covid isn't being used to restrict people's liberties everywhere wew lad. Next think youre telling me is that psychologists havent exploited people with issues into seeing themselves as victims to make more money of them for decades, or that the fear of pedophilia has been intentionally cultivated in western societies for more than half a century. >inb4 "You crackheaded, grandma killing child rapist!"
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And America greatest achievement was the moon-landing. Done. Can you please pack your shit and go to /pol/ or /x/? Start talking again about lewd cartoons and the state of this medium
>>5433 >talking about lewd cartoon kids Literally every other thread on the board >state of the medium It's being slowly given the child porn treatment, and there is nothing we can do about it. The acceptance of the genre has tanked in the last ten years as hentai as a whole has become mainstream. What do you want people to talk about? Solutions? People making decentralized booru clones for darknets. Problems? You cant successfully defend the medium by screeching "its just pixels!" over and over. It wont get anyone on your side. If you believe the fight can be one because people also defended violent video games in the 80s and 90s, you're wrong. The essential difference between loli and violent video games is that the average joe was and still is willing to defend video games as a whole publicly, to friends that no nothing about games. Even if people have no problem with porn, the stigma attached to it keeps people from openly arguing in favor of it, which is why both the political left and right tend to always target it. Defending a fringe example of a medium is possible if talking about the medium itself is socially acceptable. Defending a fringe example of porn isn't. Games are accepted, porn is merely tolerated. I could also go on and connect dots for you regarding pedophilia and cp, which contrary to what the average loli fan insists on, does have very important connections and parallels, but that'd just devolve into ad hominems here. >>5425 is still a nigger for being a cognitively dissonant woke/sheep.
>>5435 >"its just pixels!" A new social media platform raised some eyebrows and got the usual yellers (minors, pronounstards) seething because they'll allow any kind of fiction. They based their desitions on experts and publications, not your average 1 hour rant youtube video and twitter screencaps. Because it's just imagination. It's just pixels lol. The thing with defending smut shit is that sex is still a taboo, no matter what media says, and involves a lot of feelings and prejudices. Also thank you to get back in track! Not your job to fix someone's anti-scientificism or conspiranoia on a lewd anonymous board
>>5432 Do you wash your hands after you take a shit? Or is that media brainwashing too? >>5435 You don't even know what cognitive dissonance is, do you?
>>5432 >>5425 >>5424 >>5349 >>5348 Who are these fucking jackasses? infiltrators from Mister Metocunt sweaty squad? 8cuck sabotagers? this is one reason these boards die too, people just starting shit up!
>>5435 You sound like a puritan wokie.
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>>5447 >Who are these fucking jackasses? I think that's the new breed. They are all over the place in other imageboards and are 0 fun. You never seen them because no one used the off-topic/discussion (now dead) threads before
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>>5449 Yeah i notice them too, i want to clarify that it was not me starting this crap just because i mentioned the whole covid and drug thing, but rather THESE particular people reacting like a just commited a crime.
>>5436 what was the new social media platform?
I see the argument brought up over and over and over again. By the media, by politicians, by sjw, etc. That any racy content such as loli and the like somehow makes people more likely to abuse real life children. But I have never seen evidence of that. Why doesn't anyone call them on their bullshit. They aren't just using it to attack loli anymore, they are actually using it as a general full on attack on anime/manga/vn/light novels now and some countries have used it as justification for bans on things that aren't even lewd/porn. Something has to be done to counter these censors because they aren't going to stop. They want to keep going until everything is banned. Not just loli, and not just porn, but everything that isn't fully under "their" control. Why is free speech dying so hard and so quickly?
>>5455 I don't like that you put "their" in quotes. Stop that shit. But politicians just use loli content as a convenient scapegoat to increase their public rating as anything seen to be even remotely related to pedophilia is highly condemned among the general public. Also who in the right mind would go out of their way to block any anti loli laws or policies in public? They'd just be labelled a pedo and their public image would be ruined forever even if it was the right action to take.
>>5455 Because nobody wants to be known as the pedo art defender. Its easy to defend loli on an anonymous board. Not so much on a place where you have to attach your real identity to your beliefs.
>>5455 >Something has to be done to counter these censors because they aren't going to stop. They want to keep going until everything is banned. Not just loli, and not just porn, but everything that isn't fully under "their" control. Why is free speech dying so hard and so quickly? Because people are cucking out harder, the wokies will keep using their buzzwords or making terms or more concepts into it, and the reason they got lost of power is because they infiltrate, rig the game, move goalpoasts and corrupting.
>>5458 Plus with hoards of indoctranated groups like The sweety squad going after people and labeling Loie le Vau as a pedo for defending Loli (he has other issues tough)
>>5453 Sorry. I though it was well known because the massive butthurt it caused to cancelfags lol. It's Fanexus, hasn't launched yet but anything that's in the world of fiction is ok for them https://twitter.com/thoughtfulfand1/status/1291982361433747462
>>5463 Oh I fucking heard that one before. >>5455 It's not as black and white as "all fictional loli doesnt increase crime" and "all cp increases crime", even though people tend to make it out to be that way. There have been instances where fictional cp lead to real children being abused, while there are now mostly disappeared studies that real cp(noncommercial sharing and possession) doesn't increase crime. You usually get shit from both loli fans and anyone against loli by pointing that out, so bringing it up is mostly futile, but you just gotta remind people once in a while even if they go "lalala I cant hear you". I dont want to discredit your claim, it's valid ofc. I just want to put it in a bit more context.
>>5467 i smell gaslighting in what you wrote.
>>5474 I cant even tell what you think would be gaslighting. Nothing I wrote is a lie, so I guess it must be the mere fact of mentioning those facts in the same paragraph, right? I mean, if you think I am, suit yourself.
>>5474 >If I don't like the truth I can just pretend you're making stuff up. Facts dont care about your coomer feelings.
>>5467 The REAL problem here is that people here treat it as a black and white situation when it's more complex then that, sadly people here seem to use it to complain about things they don't like. >"SJW's" >BLM >Twitter and social media in general It sucks because there could be some interesting talking points made here, but instead we get people complaining about how the "normie's" and "SJW's" are ruining Free Speech and what not. That and the fact that people here seem to be fighting with each other for no real reason.
>>5479 What's up with us lolifags always blaming SJWs for the demonisation of loli content as if pedophilia hasn't been society's most reviled domain for literal generations
>>5486 Because right wingers don't want to admit that their team isn't as pro free speech as they claim they are.
>>5486 They want to scapegoat people they don't like or agree with. >>5487 It's a case of making people with differing opinions the enemy.
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>>5486 Because in your average internet discussion is easier to blame everything to an "enemy", that's why Animal Farm should be mandatory in schools, lol. In reality, is not as simple and involves the current trend of 0 tolerance with "problematic" content in which involves your usual suspects, but is not exclusive to them. That's why is funny when they start to cannibalize each other when they discover they are not in the same sintony as they thought Just look at >>5487, blames "right" when the "I don't like the way you think, so you should be cancelled" is all across the spectrum.
>>5494 Wow! You're right! All sides are the same! Centrism FTW my dude!
>>5502 I sincerely hope your joking.
>>5494 >Muh both sides. Fuck off centrist.
>>5502 >>5524 But isn't being a loli fan inherently the most centrist of all philias? Left wants to deplatform loli fans and Right wants them to get the bullet. If there was a poll on the politics of the users of this board I think there would be a spread of affiliations. Censorship is a non partisan issue and the argument for it can come in any form whether its for religious reasons, supposed societal improvement reasons, morality etc.
>>5532 There's also SJW pedos who want to join the LGBT rights movement and 1488 pedos who believe the ubermensch likes them little.
>>5532 It really depends on person to person on this topic, i'm basically what these kids like to call "an SJW Cuck Left Wing Tumblrite" and whatever other stupid buzzword they make up, yet i'm all for the right to draw fictional child doing sexual things. I think the best way to talk about this kinda of stuff is to find an artist who draws loli and see if they have a Discord and ask to join. Usually people there have differing opinions on politics but enjoy loli content. As far as the topic of places like 8chan and Rule 34 Paheal removing lolicon content, you just got to prepare for the worse and save all the of artwork you got made and commissioned and make a new website, I mean this site basically the new place to go after 8chan got gutted.
fellas I just want to look at pictures of cake why are we sperging out about politics
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>>5537 To be fair this thread is kinda is about politics, but here have some cake bro.
>>5537 we're kinda forced to talk about politics at this point given how hard we get shafted by it these days
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>>5537 >fellas I just want to look at pictures of cake why are we sperging out about politics Well then... quick! Tell me who is your favorite western artist!
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>>5537 >an entire board full of what you want >go into the only somewhat meta thread and complain Sheesh
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>>5540 >who is your favorite western artist! Pears
I didnt wanted to open another thread just for this, so might as well used this old one to ask people, are you ok? Are you still kicking? i am, and i am happy that this board still survives...............for now, but going ToR seems to be like the ultimate death sentence on this cases, how many of the old users still hang on or even know how to access the new version of this board?
>>5206 >Anyone else feels like these type of boards are dying thanks to the wokies Me: "What the hell has Chewbacca to do with this?" Me, a second later: "Oh."
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>>5502 >>5524 The PROTECT act that put loli porn in a gray area in USA one year after it was declared completely legal was submitted by Mike Pence and signed by George Bush, both Republicans. This is a case where retards from all the political spectrum are against the same thing. >>7101 >going ToR seems to be like the ultimate death sentence on this cases You can access this board and the other loli and shota ones with your normal browser through https://redchannit.net/delicious, no need for Tor (although saving the onion link in case of emergency is extremely recommended). This is another reason why /delicious/ is doead nowadays. The Russian tantrum that forced Acid to move various boards to Tor made a lot of people think that they were deleted for real. Right now spreading awareness of the existence of /delicious/ (and the other boards) and of redchannit.net as an easy way to access them should be a top priority for everyone. >>5540 For me, is AshesG.
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>>7106 Posting on tor is extremely slow. It takes too long to even enter the captcha for posting.
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>>7110 That's why I'm telling you to use https://redchannit.net/delicious instead. Is a Tor2web proxy with a HTTP accelerator that makes it perform faster than regular Tor posting, almost on par with the main 8chan.moe site. The downside is that sometimes you can get random connection errors that don't let you post until you try a couple of times. Is annoying, yes, but is better than installing a special browser just for one site.
>>7114 >>7110 >>7106 well i gave my friends the links, but any ideas as to how we can share these links?
>>7118 Baarag Pawoo The only loli artists left are there and only there Be sure to save both the http link and the other link for Redchannit because they're two different things.
>>7120 >>7118 >>7114 Got it already.
>>5304 >>5307 >Implying 4chan or anything born out of SA is good
>>5538 This girl is legit a specific fetish of mine
>>5304 >8chan was shittier than 4chan from the start simply because it gave power to any anon via allowing you to make and run your own board a la reddit, and this was criticized for good reason What the fuck are you talking about that approach is basically the only reason a board like this can even exist.

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