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Breaking News Moldovan 11/28/2020 (Sat) 22:43:23 Id: 1ccb40 No. 8018
Thread for news regarding upcoming animated series, post anything with cute cakes/lolis here.
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https://youtu.be/O7X0O9lZ_jQ Already posted this on the Cartoon Saloon thread but I'll go ahead and post it here.
What cartoon is that Bottomless Asian girl from it says "Drawn Together" on the file but I can't find the girl on Drawn Together?
>>8021 No idea, found the image on ATF booru.
>>8021 the cereal mascot episode(breakfast food killer, which is also where the twins come from), near the beginning, she sound like a guy due to throat cancer(hence the other variant of that picture on the op which has her saying she does not do oral) there is also another loli in that episode that has no good porn at all, the girl beside the cap'n crunch parody, which is based on one of the "real" cap'n crunch's crewmates from the old adverts, brunhilde the drawn together rendition: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/drawntogether/images/6/6f/DTbfk1.png search with lots of pics: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=brunhilde+capn and possibly the first appearance(and also voice): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdW1ZUq8eZM
Official Trailer https://youtu.be/prWBrMJOg2k '''Official Website"' https://www.dreamworks.com/bossbaby release date is March 2021
>>8038 I looked it up: Tim’s older daughter is Tabitha and the baby is Tina. Just thought I’d leave this here since, far as I can find, there’s no Rule34 of the two yet (or, there was and it got purged).
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>>8018 It's a bit of old news but a show called Droners started airing and it's got some cute girls Here's a Mega that updates every Monday, it's currently 9 episodes in of the 26 episodes promised. https://mega.nz/folder/550kzZrR#H4mgLxSepHcfgH8s3ImWYQ
>>8029 really? i myself know someone who was Asian and she sounded like a Canadian mixed with the stereotypical "ah so" type voice also an old friend of mine from when was at school (who then went off to University) had an Asian roommate while he was at University that sounded American due to him learning English from watching lots of Movies
>>8039 yeah, it is one that i comissioned to GR time ago, but as you say was purged
>>8108 she is voiced by a guy, is a joke
>>8115 Oh yeah! I remember that one. That was, like, the one picture of Tim’s daughters.
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Well, looks like she will be little only on a part of movie, but i think is cute Raya from Raya and the last dragon
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Pixar announced this if anyone cares.
>>8935 >transform when she's in the shower >leaves shower forgetting the need to put on clothes because she's in red panda form >end up returning to her naked human form at the worst time
>>8935 So, Pixar has been consumed by Cal-Arts.
>>8935 Pixar?? looks more like a Sony Pictures, Dreamworks or a Illumination Entertainment movie with those character designs and the type of humour in their faces also I've got Chic's -Le Freak playing in my head as its that type of song that plays in the trailers (or during the end or during a montage scene) of those type of movies
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>>8939 >has been consumed >a company whose main film directors have always consisted mainly of calarts grads and one of their oldest running easter eggs is a fucking reference to a calarts classroom Anon...
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Caipora from the new comic Future State: Wonder Woman #1
Is anyone going to mention Kid Cosmic?
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>>10016 They look cute and loli worthy. Dib on the dark-skin cutie!
>>10016 The show itself looks really boring (although is hard to judge it from a single trailer), but at least the characters are cute enough to be lewded. It even has a little boy and a fat alien/robot thing for /ss/ and "ugly bastard" porn.
>>10020 Yeah but don't all shows have those now? Even the style feels like I've jacked off to it before.
>>10021 >Yeah but don't all shows have those now? Have what? A shota and a fat guy? >Even the style feels like I've jacked off to it before. Probably because the art style is extremely similar to other "modern" cartoons that opt for using very thin, uniform lines and a pseudo-anime style. I swear when I first saw the pics I thought of Glitch Tech and nu She-Ra.
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New cartoon series by Craig McCracken >tfw this is the most upskirt you'll get for a modern cartoon
>>10034 >giant loli Crossing my fingers for some giantess art of her.
>>8094 no eng subs we're not all french
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>>8018 Is this a cake version of Tricia Takanawa ? Because she's a reporter and this is the Breaking news channel and she's japanese (this sentence sounds racist...)
>>10087 >>10087 I mean Tricia Takanawa is one of the most racist cartoon caricatures in recent history so no need to worry about sounding racist when you talk about her lol. And yeah I thought the thumbnail was her too, for the same reason.
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>>8029 That is correct, anon. >>10087 >>10090 Not exactly.
>>10016 >not a bikini in sight For fuck's sake...
>>10092 I wonder if she really has no underwear on underneath that desk she's sitting at or she could be actually sitting on the toilet but the tv crew quickly edited it to make it look like she's in a newsroom considering the stuff they really really really got away with on Drawn Together such as the baby Toot had getting pregnant and having another baby, a train going into a tunnel like someone having anal sex and that South Park looking girl singing about getting her private areas sucked
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"Living with Dad", a new cartoon series adapted from the "Dad" comics.
>>10430 Got anymore? For research purposes, really.
>>10446 Perhaps.
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this of upcomic fernch gci show called (Presto! School of Magic) a girl who looks like a plagiarism of ronnie anne from the casagrandes. we should have more cakes of this series.
>>10447 Got anything on the younger girls too?
>>10457 Made by NSFY
>>10429 What's this about?
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>>10079 I found exactly one giantess pic.
>>10446 this show has some interesting dynamic. Ah, fuck. who am i kidding? Its just another Loud House with Raven, Starfire and two toddlers
>>10886 >that kid needs to be removed Nice show but it is me or the movements of the characters are cut a bit? Is that an style or is to spend less money /time? >>10888 Looks llke a loud OKKO but the rugrat looks cute (even with that Helga style) and has her moments heh at her 4 she could rock your life and fuck you like a champ
>>10888 >just another Loud House with Raven, Starfire and two toddlers Nice.
>>10888 the raven is understandable, but i can't see the starfire
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Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur dropping in 2022 on Disney Channel.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fxNMLM4r7s Holy moly, the lolis presented in the Cartoonito sizzle reel has some real potential.
Edited last time by speedy05 on 02/17/2021 (Wed) 22:16:59.
>>11217 >they're actually going though with that Elen cartoon I'm glad they did, she's adorable.
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>>10921 >those goggles
curious that anybody told anything about this
>>12700 Had a quick glance through this. Seems like it has potential.
two new lolis from The Mitchell VS the Machines
A new Disney Junior show was announced called "Alice’s Wonderland Bakery". I think it looks promisingly cute. We'll have to wait for it all the way till 2022 though.
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>>13801 She would be cuter with a normal-sized head.
>>13802 This seems adorable! Alice in Wonderland always turns me on; even the musical porno version.
>>13801 Hot damn, she looks cute! Especially if it's Alice in Wonderland related
>>13802 I was wondering what was bothering me. I wholeheartedly agree.
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New loli from a movie called "Riverdance: The Animated Adventure" which is coming out this month.
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A new trailer came out for "Wish Dragon" and it seems there are going to be a few loli scenes in the movie. It's already out on torrents with Chinese dub and it's going to come out on Netflix June 11.

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Well, new loli in Star Wars Universe Her name is Omega
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>>14144 Of course nustarwars would make them that androgynous as fuck with not even their name clearing it up. Does anyone know if ahsoka got disneyed in that season of clone wars from last year? I wouldn't doubt it at all considering a cursory look sees the introduction of a pair of strong empowered sisters of color that don't need no man, but I never watched clone wars so it could've been woke as fuck from the beginning for all I know.
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>>14145 >Of course nustarwars would make them that androgynous as fuck with not even their name clearing it up. Nigger she's a female clone of this dude.
>>14148 That makes no sense and doesn't explain anything.
>>14149 It's a genderbent clone of a guy who wasn't exactly a looker. So she's not gonna be absolutely adorable. How do you not get that?
>>14150 Because "genderbent clone" sounds like an oxymoron to me. Identical twins are clones of eachother and they are always the same sex. It just sounds like a failed justification for making yet another conventionally unattractive female whos sex can hardly even be distinguished because the alternative is appealing to the toxic male gaze.
>>14144 Damn, she is a ugly one at that!
>>14151 She's a clone. Essentially a twin of the opposite sex. She's still going to look like the original but in a different hormonal balance & physiology. Point is she's still going to look like how the young male clones would. This isn't a big issue if you don't find her attractive. Remember, normal people don't usually look to animated children for sexual attractiveness.
>>14145 >Of course nustarwars would make them that androgynous as fuck I kind of like her like that. We don't really get much reverse trap cakes.
>>14161 The only twins that can be the opposite sex are fraternal twins and since they aren't clones of each other they don't look any more similar to eachother than any of their other siblings would. You saying the character has a different hormone balance and physiology therefore no longer being a clone but somehow still having to look the same as the clones makes no sense. Theres a very real reason why she was created to be unattractive and it has nothing to do with the universe she exists in.
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>>14167 >Ain't no one not gonna talk about ebony loli from Birdgirl? because she looks like an adult standing beside a really tall woman.
>>14165 She's literally a clone. A defective or specifically engineered to be female clone but still a clone.
>>14165 Also again the characters designers are not thinking about how fuckable the children are.
>>14169 By that logic any child is a clone of its parents and were just specifically engineered to use both of their genetics. A clone must be identical, the only reason we exist is because the asexual production of single cells which normally create clones instead created something with a mutation that was no longer a clone of its host, and that happened countless times until it made us. You'd have me believe we're all clones of that single cell that have just been specifically engineered by nature over an inconceivable amount of time to be perfectly suited to its environment.
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>>14170 You're right, they're thinking about the opposite and playing the long game so they don't have a repeat of ahsoka where they had to hit her with the ugly stick after the fact because she was created before it became the norm to have every female character be a butch dyke.
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>>14178 The show is literally about defective clones with enhanced traits. With Echo being the odd one out. >>14181 With Ahsoka, I have no idea what they were thinking. Why they didn't have the voice actress play her in live action is beyond me.
>>14185 You fundamentally misunderstand what a clone is and won't accept that fact even when your misunderstanding is shoved right into your face, don't know what more I can say. None of those characters are clones of eachother or the original by definition.
>>14186 They are. You're just being hung up on semantics like an autist.
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>>14187 If they are then it completely destroys any meaning of the word and makes every single living thing a clone, and once everyones a clone then no one is.
>>14189 No. They are clones because they're copies of the original person, Jango Fett. The average clone is an exact copy. The Bad Batch, excluding Echo, were intentionally designed with enhanced characteristics & traits for specific roles. Making them defective clones but still clones because their DNA comes from Jango Fett.
>>14191 Your made up phrase of "defective clone" has no determination for when something stops being a clone so the fact that everything on earth is a result of a single cell creating defective clones makes all of us defective clones by your definition. "defective clone" is an oxymoron, to be a clone you must be identical to the original.
>>14192 It's not made up. A clone doesn't have to be an exact physical match to be a clone. Goodness you really are just retarded. Stop arguing semantics for scifi concepts.
>>14193 >A clone doesn't have to be an exact physical match to be a clone. Yes it does, to suggest otherwise is to say we're all clones because under your definition there is no line in which something is different enough to no longer be a clone of its original.
>>14194 For the last time no.
>>14195 You aren't the arbiter of words, and the word clone used in this context requires the clone to be genetically identical. A genetic sample taken from a male and used to create a female is not a clone of the original male because they aren't genetically identical to eachother, its simply a form of asexual reproduction.
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New cake from a preschool Netflix show called "Ridley Jones"
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she is valeria or mina...? a 12 or 13 year old girl that comes from a colombian series called juaco vs paco from cartoon network latin american. and it seemed that this girl is like a rip-off of lynn loud hair down. and I put another reference image to show you that this girl from juaco vs. paco. that is a real rip-off of lynn loud with hair down.
>>14670 Get some glasses, they look nothing alike
>>14670 >>14671 now you see it
New cake from an upcoming show called Karma's World.
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Two more cakes from a show called "The Tales Of Wonder Keepers".
Another new cake from the upcoming Disney-Jr.-Show "Eureka"
Daaaamn, Disney Jr. fuckin’ rep-re-sent! Between Eureka, Alice’s Wonderland Bakery, Fancy Nancy, Sofia the First, they’ve practically monopolized the concept of adorably fuckable girls.
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>>14742 >having them wear tube tops to suit westerners delicate sensibilities smh tbh Reminds me of a similar show from awhile back that was made by the french, except they obviously give no shits about western prudishness even now. Lets hope they stay that way.
>>14743 Where do you think France is?
>>14744 Ironically what we know of as western culture today cemented its existence in america because the puritan zealouts that became the first settlers there were kicked out of europe for being so insufferable. Now thanks to the benefits of the new world their ideology has gained enough influence to infect the very place that originally drove them out, france is just one of the few countries in the area to fly in the face of that influence, at least for now. Time will tell if all those americans hand wringing over cuties will have an impact on what the french are willing to put out in the future in order to avoid another puritan backlash.
>>14742 Native Amazon Lolis. How exotic.
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A new group of lolis in the movie Spirit: Unttaned
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Barbara Gordon from Batman The Long Halloween
>>14752 >horses >3D western lolis with non-retarded proportions SFM/Blender artist better not ignore this movie.
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>>14869 why wait? They can obtain models from the videogame >>14865 I don´t know why when i saw her i thought it was reggie from Twelve forever XD
>>14743 isn't there a super rare english dub of this? i'd settle for some subs...
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>>14877 There are a lot of vidya of girls and horse recently...
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItjPQRyTrgw a new animated music video popped up with this munchkin
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3p9xw9rPLE Here's few caps and promo images.
And it has a rule 34 by the German rule-34-Artist "Helix" Example:
here's Pil a tomboy loli from the new fench animated movie of the same name. I translated the synopsis: Pil is a little orphan who lives in the streets of the medieval city of Roc-en-Brume. With her three tame weasels, she survives by stealing food from the castle of the sinister regent Tristain, who usurps the throne. One fine day, to escape the guards pursuing her, Pil disguises himself by putting on a princess dress. she then finds herself embarked on a mad and delirious quest: accompanied by Crobar, a big clumsy guard who takes her for a noble and Rigolin, a crazy young jester, Pil will have to save Roland, the heir to the throne victim of an enchantment. An adventure that will turn the whole kingdom upside down and teach Pil that nobility can be found in each of us. this seems like the the most basic, run-off-the-mill adventure-comedy for kids, but the protag is cute. and it seems she spends most, if not all of the movie barefoot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4T6lYrPvrM
>>15548 Okay, this looks adorable and if it gets a proper sub or dub I 100% plan on watching it.
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>>15548 Is interesting the desing Another loli from a France movie: Martha from Calamity
Little sister from the protagonist of Moonbound
>>15549 it's a small production, I don't think it'll get dubs. but it could get a fansub. heck, I could do it. i've always been curious about doing translation work.
>>15548 She looks fun. I love her hairstyle!
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Pan from the new Dragon Ball Super movie
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From the movie Vivo
>>15764 They need to add more loli if they want this franchise to thrive for another 5 years
well another loli girl
And even from Germany. So there could be a picture from the German Rule 34-Artist "Helix" made on Rule34.paheal.net
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Nor related, but Fishmans-brain (a good contributor when it comes to western loli) is retiring from the loli game. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/91714537
>>16048 Helix... brings so many memories... One of my first erotic drawings I watched in R34
>>16050 Why are artists like this
>>16050 >>16054 use https://github.com/Nandaka/PixivUtil2 to make a full backup of his stuff and put it on sadpanda, as for his fanbox stuff... i don't know, the least artist could do if they desire to retire is to offer their entire works on a zip, but they are fickle fucks, we should just acknowledge that the ones that aren't are the exception, not the rule.
>>16055 https://exhentai.org/g/1952431/f627b0bddb/ seems to have most of his stuff. And Fishmans-Brain is trying to get in touch with NostromosBR in order to fill in the final pieces.
>>16054 Real life stuff happens. By his message, someone can intuit it's because someone from his real life is not ok with it, so he quits doing that. He may keep doing it by another alias some time later, so if you happen to find a suddenly good loli artist, rest assured is one of those "retired" artists
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>>14596 And it also has "his" /34/ so early!
>>16052 And of course, Helix made the /34/ on her
>>16054 Because they talk to too many people.
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She blue now.
>>16047 any porn of Mothy?
We don´t know why there is still no rule 34, except maybe on baarag.net of Moty.
Sorry, I mean Mothy.
>>17050 Any upskirt of Mothy?
>>17034 Nope. Still pink. The leaker just used her P2 alt for her and nobody else for no reason.
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Well, we have oni loli
>>17181 You can actually change it to all sorts of colors after beating the game and leveling her up.
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Another new LoC (Loli of Color) from Netflix. She is Ada Twist from Ada Twist, the Scientist.
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And the second Loli of this Show: Rosie Revere the Engineeer
>>15548 cute feet
New Strawberry Shortcake
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I keep seeing this girl on garyc.me where's she from?
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The new series " The Ghost and Molly McGee" just Aired Here's an episode: https://mega.nz/file/sUtCSR7D#MKpvwhM08J2m4cBeXHRafCeQFUh4LXafRhmfvrnfh8g
>>17837 I have a mighty NEED!!
>>17718 I get the feeling Andrea is gonna be this show’s Pacifica/Amity/Sasha/etc. but, personally, I’d rather see Molly shipped with Libbie because she’s adorkable. This show kinda reminds me of a more wholesome Billy & Mandy and I hope we don’t end up getting bogged down with all sorts of theory crafting and lore dumps like Star vs. got shafted by.
>>17861 >I get the feeling Andrea is gonna be this show’s Pacifica/Amity/Sasha/etc. It's that predictable, aight it?
>>17861 She even looks like Amity. Eesh. It is good to see another Libby enjoyer though.
>>14144 >>14155 A loli is a loli to me, they all deserve love! even the orphans no one seems to love.
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There is a Cake called Savanna Meades from the new but quite stupid Big-Hero-6-Clone "Ron´s gone Wrong". She is the Girl in the upper left corner.
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And in the new EA-Game "Lost in Random" there are two Lolies within the age of eleven and twelve Years: The Heroine Even with her Pet Dice Dicey and her one year older Sister Odd.
>>17934 Damn, something about bruised, tough lolis gets me going
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Harriet the Spy https://youtu.be/2vGnXIxE8do Her friend's name is Janie Gibbs. Unless apple changed it for some reason.
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Some days ago halfchan found an old spaniard comic strip, Margarita, it was about a supposedly seven years old girl. Some of them were translated to english. It got a lot of attention because the art. I will post some.
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>>18030 There were some edits as well
>>18030 >>18031 lmao, i like it how she makes an exaggerated pose for every phrase, also, she's extremely sexy
New movie
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The young versin of Reagan from Inside Job is very cute... and little crazy XD
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>>14742 >>18304 Just gave it a quick browse. Not too bad.
>>18437 One of these day I want to take whatever drugs that the people over at Adult Swim take just to see how they come up with the stuffs that they show just once.
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>>17718 Oke, yes!
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In upcoming korean animation the series "Rainbow Bubblegem" new on lanuching 2022
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I think this is the prove that not everything looks good on 3d
>>18822 Well at least Penny looks on-model for the most part. Worth fapping to.
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Well, Powder from Arcane is cute
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New series of Disney
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Sara from the series: Tear Along The Dotted Line
In upcoming PBS KIDS "Rosie's Rules"
>>19129 Well, that was certainly interesting. Still cute though (even if the nose shadows kinda give everyone a slight Hitler stache).
>>18844 The best part is due to the nature of the character and the world, I can see her getting fucked as a hebe and not breaking canon that much, if at all.
maximilo's pixiv seems to have been nuked
Ren daughter of Marcus from Arcane (league of legends)
>>19789 A number of rape or prostitute materials can be made with her. Considering her dad did work with Silco & exposed a number of security issues to Piltover

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>>19874 She looks like a female version of Five from Glitch Techs XD
it looks like babywife is getting evicted alongside his family and needs money https://baraag.net/@babywife/107475279806293333 and messydesserts is currently homeless, and could also use some money https://baraag.net/@MessyDesserts/107481308056192125
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Child from Young Justice S4 Cute and interesting villian XD
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A new Series on Netflix with two Lolies and two Shotas called "ActionPack"
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https://youtu.be/xdHQzgpewJQ New Chilean movie. Well, technically new, it's been around for a bit, but it will finally oficially premiere next month. Hope to see Fresia's stuff soon.
>>20243 >>20177 >>19129 >>19789 HAIR BANGS, only fruits don't like them.
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Not sure this is the right place to put this. I found this terminator parody on youtube. In the beginning, he steals a little girl's clothes. Around 2:12 the girl runs after him in her underpants, yelling at him.
>>20741 Might help if I add the youtube link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFQYh29yPrM
>>20742 This is the most ugliest form of animation I've seen.
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>>20743 I have to concur; it looks like a cross between Angela Anaconda and those pictures where people Photoshop realistic versions of cartoon characters.
>>17935 I object to this being called a Big Hero 6 clone; it's an amazing movie with a cute "Boy and his Robot" premise; think something like the Emoji Movie, but done right. If anything I kinda got more Mitchells vs. the Machines vibes from it around Act 3 but, for a first time studio, it's a strong start I will agree that Savanna is a total smokeshow.
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>>20744 I did do nude edits of Angela Anaconda to test my edit skills, but, being mainly a show of cut and past pic of real people they don't stay for long, nude part are cropped form 3d models but it hard to tell do to being black and white. Even the ugly cartoons need 34.
>>20776 What a horrible time to have eyesight
>>20778 I'm glad you hate it. :)
>>20776 I hate to ask, but got a link to these edits?
>>20783 Sorry i don't, these do not stay online for long uncensored, most sites would removed them do to the 3D parts looking questionable.
>>20787 They think they're cp? I think I saw one of your edits before. Well post them here, if they're just 3D models what's the issue
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>>20795 Ok, enjoy burning your eyes
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>>20741 Do you not have a printscreen key?
>>20742 Well it was funny... so sad in the end the loli not appear to kill the alien for stole their clothes XD
>>20798 I do enjoy it. It's unique and nicely done on-model rule 34. Not common And yes, I remember people saying the left pic was cp
>>20743 >>20744 Looking through the channel I would say we got lucky. The animation used to be far more nightmarish.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_W91gME1xg8 This will air soon apparently.
>>20905 Wish they should be pantyshots of those girls.
>>20906 Do such things even exist in modern cartoons?
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>>21237 little early for a spin-off. also why is she getting a spin-off? jessica is not interesting. give to JP he's interesting!
>>21243 Jessica was a comic relief on Craig of the Creek. NEVER. She's a sweet little cutie.
>>20905 Did she just deep throat a fish?..........this will be interesting....I will def lewd
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And a new Series on Disney Junior with an asian Loli called "Violet" will be aired in this Year (2022). It's name is "Firebuds". It is the Girl far right.
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And there is a new Loli on the Disney-Junior-Show "Puppy Dog Pals" which goes in the 6th Season. Her Name is Grace.
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>>20776 yeah, but it doesn't mean the 34 has to be ugly too
>>20905 Kinda bummed that her hair is always the convenient length to cover her naked body
>>21787 Wow, amazing job!
>>21833 Not mine, but yeah, I agree
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upcoming show, Riley Rocket last pic is older concept art
>>22092 >wheelchair I can see where this is going and I don't like it.
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>>22092 Mangamaster and other degen artists are gonna have a field day with that wheelchaired girl
>>22094 If you think it feels like forced diversity like they're just putting it in to check a box, I’d sort of agree with you. Everyone deserves to have characters they can relate to but the keyword here is *characters*, not Uber-perfect templates or blank, vacuous, virtue-signaling holding a sign saying “If you don’t this, it means you’re a bigot.” The design, though, is kinda cute.
>>22105 Professor X is very virtue signally, very unrealistic.
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The new Game-Loli of an Action-Adventure in Development: Haroona from Unknown 9: Awakening. I hope there will be some "Stuff" here!
2023 - The Year of the Game-Lolis! Pragmata! Grounded! - Yes. It will be finished in 2023! DokeV! Unknown 9 - Awakening!
>>22215 We will have a sequel of The wolf among us, maybe they will show us another loli as Rachel and i think Quantic Dream is working in a Star Wars videogame, maybe will show some cutie loli XD? And... Grounded not was released on 2020?
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DCSHG is getting a (crossover multiverse how original) movie. their version of bumblebee is very underrated among loli circles. https://twitter.com/cartoonnetwork/status/1493276976873934852
>>22221 i never understand how that horrible TTGO can continue with new seasons and the original was canceled...
>>22222 Ratings. Kids like ttgo. It's got a wider audience.
>>22221 >>22222 Never watched it and don't plan to but that's a cute choco cake.
>>22221 Can confirm; DC Superhero Girls has some top-shelf adora-sexy teenagers. Though, seriously, TTG is like Cartoon Network chaining themselves to a uranium rod: it’s slowly killing them and (with everything good from Cartoon Network, past, present, and possibly future—if they’re releasing Villainous in English and hopefully another Infinity Train season—on HBO Max) it’s going to leave them isolated and drained by decade’s end. I hope I’m wrong, but then again, they’ve crossed over with Powerpuff 2016, Thundercats Roar, and OK K.O. and all those shows bit the dust; coincidence?
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Not sure if this fits the thread, but cuckchan is trending on knowyourmeme with a fucking stickman loli https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/kys-pedo it's even beating the russia-ukraine thing lol
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>>22601 doesn't seem fair to call it cuckchan anymore when they're the ones having a good shitposting time memeing about the subject and here we're not even allowed to talk about it.
>>22612 >>22601 I like lewds of stick girls.
>>22612 But Anon! If we try to use free speech on this free speech website, people won't take free speech seriously anymore! That's why the free speech protectors must censor us. Acid is the smartest man who ever lived.
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>>22601 I think I contributed to it, I have posted shit like this on /b/ loli threads regularly, to annoy weebs and people who think drawings are minors because unlike Anime cartoons are extremely abstract and most violate basic principles like perspective, them people started to put simpler and simpler ones each time and snowballed from that.
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I was about to sub the movie pil, but I just found a dubbed trailer, wich means the movie has been english dubbed. so you can all enjoy it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-goTOg5sf4
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New Apple TV+ show: Pinecone & Pony https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIinnh1TYio
>>23193 Wish for panty shots of her.
>>23893 >>23894 Damn, what a hottie! Can't wait for the lewds.
>>20243 I've been looking for rips of this movie for two years by now, does anyone know where to find them?
>>25175 Same. i feel i was lucky i was able to watch this movie on theaters twice. It was like one week on theaters here, and then it almost disappeared completely, no physical release nor streaming. Just some festival stuff at random moments and places. Now it feels extremely niche, to the point there's no NSFW of it as far as i know.
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Caught a glimpse of a loli in the second trailer for the new Baymax series. It seems she was in the first one too, but I probably forgot to share her then.
>>23898 Her Name is "Maisie Brumble" and she HAS some "lewds" (Source: Pixiv.net)
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Maybe there will be a new Series for children on TV/Streaming in the next time called "Red's Planet". It is about a little Girl named "Red", because of her red Hair who has stranded on Earth and came from a nameless Planet. So we hope for some Lewds.
>>25207 > It was like one week on theaters here, and then it almost disappeared completely That was the most frustrating shit, they had it 1 week here as well and now it's impossible to watch it anywhere else. I found out too late. Sad how little support animation gets around here, maybe it didn't sell as expected?
Official Theme Song with a brand new Loli (and a Shota) in the upcoming Show "Eureka" on Disney Jr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoKERGIZGxE
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Aww, we're getting more baby Ahsoka in "Tales of the Jedi". I'd just love to stuff those cute little cheeks
>>25530 My semen is strong with the Force.
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>>25736 Another Phineas and Ferb show.
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>>22084 The porn of this show will be wild...
>>23893 A new trailer just came out with lots more footage of this cutie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-E-IGQCsPo
>>25966 I hope Maisie and Jacom become the next big problematic ship. Not enough chocolate lolis getting bleached.
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>>14735 The Name of the Friend is Pepper.
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>>26184 And this is the FIRST rule 34 on the Show Eureka.
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>>25911 They're pretty much asking for it... Also, show's delayed to 2023 now.
Sure would love to go deeper into some loli alien pussy
>>27059 Wouldn't they still be like 7 feet tall at that age? Hardly qualifies as cunny if you ask me, more like cunnot even reach the cervix.
>>27122 >he wouldn't a giant loli
>>27124 You have unlocked a desire buried so deep inside of me I was unaware of it's significance. I would absolutely fuck the shit out of that.
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First look to Moon Girl and dinousaur https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uO8YxaqvVlY
Qt girl from Pantheon that'll air 1st September this year on AMC
>>22673 Saw this a good while ago when it came to my country for a brief time and I thought it was pretty enjoyable. >>20746 I loved this movie as well. I was a little skeptical about it after some of the early teasers, but I was pleasantly surprised. It's just a shame that Disney pushed it out around the same time as Dune and Halloween Kills and didn't do too much to promote it, but then again, they have a pretty bad habit of putting Fox titles out right beside much bigger competition. The Bob's Burgers Movie wasn't safe from this either.
>>27789 She looks adorable What studio made it? The style remember me from DC Sam Liu movies
>>27789 Just saw the trailer. She's a cutie indeed. And seems like she's gonna be a decently important part of the show, so I'll definitely watch it.
>>27789 really cute design. Her voice is kinda meh though, like the va isn't even trying
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Saw a new cutie in an upcoming Chinese CG movie called "Deep Sea" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIoEyxKanUw
There's a reboot of an older European jewish show called "Tara Duncan" coming out. Never saw it personally, but the mc looks pretty cute. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IGUrdvRDHU
>>28620 Tara Duncan is a serie of books, so is not exacly a reboot of the previous show.
>>28620 Really don't remember writing "jewish" in there. Yeah, I guess it's not a reboot of the show. What I meant was "they're having another go at a Tara Duncan adaptation" or something I guess.
>>28631 >Really don't remember writing "jewish" in there. I was wondering about that. I guess the filters have struck again.
New episode of Genndy Tartokovksy's Primal introduce an new loli. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6URaLCHOE4
>>27129 If she got really big, she'd be able to pick you up and treat you like a doll, play the game right and you'd be all the way inside that megaloli's cunny.
>>27124 >>27129 >>28668 What a fantastic way to recommend at the same time: >Fantastic planet >Small Giant >One Piece (Punk Hazard arc)
in anime style, everything looks better XD
>>29934 Where did this come from?
>>29934 >HAS ANIME GONE TOO FAR?? >>29936 Judging from the audio, it sounds like part of this year's Treehouse of Horror episode.
>>29936 Is a adavance of the new episode of Threehouse of Horro from the Simpsons
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>>29957 poor Marge... she become Bulma XD
>>29934 Next year's Lisamania is gonna be interesting.
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From a show called IMAGO
>>30068 Dark skin and light hair, always a lovely combination.
>>30218 Didn't know you were fan of this show too. I love this show and have watch every episodes of this season and am now hoping for an season 2. Also Chrissy is a nice looking loli but will fall into obscure.
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Another loli from the new french series Imago
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God of War Ragnarok has also a Loli since many GoW-Generations. Her name is Angrboda. Okay, more or less. She is an ancient Giant in Human Form and Size and perhaps 10 Billion Years old! They are called "Jötun" in the Norse Mythology. But she comes in Form of a 13 to 15 year old Girl.
>>21346 >>21346 I call her Vivian "3V" because her full name is Vivian Vega Vaughn (Source: disney.com)
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And there is a brand new Series called "Transformers: Earth Spark" And there is a LOC (Loli of Color) called "Morgan Violet 'Mo' Malto". Here is a Picture of her to do "something" with her in the Future!
>>30628 They're robots. They don't have a gender. Calling one "he" or "she" is an act of politeness, on "his"/"her" part, as that is an aspect of the language of the squishies they interact with. This one insists on being called by non-standard language. It may as well have chosen "it", as most English speakers have difficulty communicating with an active-subject "it". This robot is being an asshole to all the squishies it interacts with. And the Left hails this as progress.
>>30628 I don't mean to get off on a rant here, but what the fuck IS this bullshit? Identity politics in my Transformers? Fuck right off. (But do feel free to draw Violet getting pounded by dicks, that's the American dream right there.)
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So, uh, anybody catch those Game Awards?
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Time to play with loli Bayonetta https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5b3_gydc_0
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Surprising that no one has mentioning the baraag situation considering how many western loli artist post there
>>31512 I already know that the federation was deactivated and that baraag's publications can only be seen by those who have a baraag account and all because of twitter users who were migrated to mastodon.
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New Video-Game called "After us" with a Goddess which could be as old as the Universe in the Look of a Loli.
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>>32217 *young version of Mindy
>>33050 nice... i hope will se more of her soon
https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=ZNhV-Gnjdy8 Paradox announces Sims clone. Children are already confirmed.
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The "Surprise-Indie-Game-Loli" is here! The unnamed Girl of Tchia!
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Another new loli: Nimona from... Nimona
>>33772 >trailer shows literally EVERYTHING
>>33772 Literally a highschooler. Not a loli.
>>33864 highscoolers can look like lolis (Ruby is tall and flat chested) And artist can make theri magic https://booru.allthefallen.moe/posts?tags=ruby_gillman&z=1
>>33864 Where do you think you are? /delicious/ accepts all sorts of non-lolis so long as they're western and explicitly under 18. May as well just be /co/ + /h/ sometimes.
>>33864 someone who is even just a day before her 18birthday is technically a loli
>>33874 >>33875 >>33877 May as well have a Rebecca from Cyberpunk thread then!
>>33881 Sure go ahead
>>33881 yeah... Rebecca is just a loli XD The character can be 3000 years old and be a loli
Marathon stream for the Mega Man Battle Network anime currently happening at Capcom's Twitch page.
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Didn't expect to see Parker's daughter in the spiderverse movie, let alone as a toddler. It was such a nice surprise.
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>>34223 Cuter than I imegined it would be, and also very fun and interesting. I'm not American so I didn't know the flags of each state. Maryland is my favorite. Her flag is so ugle it became awesome!
>>34209 Nice character, but too lil for my personal taste. I prefer them a bit older. Which is why I totally wanna see Peni Parker in this fuckin movie (and a lot less of the pig. The pig was annoying).
a year late but it's new to me, saw this game on fanatical: Eyes in the Dark. The loli's named Victoria Bloom. Has a very nice artstyle. Also a very cute loli.
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>>34244 Someone indirectly heeded your call.
New puppy scooby-doo series
>>34462 Anon that is obviously a porn artist's fan art.
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Another new Show from Disney Junior with a "Loli of Color" Kiya and the Kimoja Heroes
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>>35290 Is there a poster for Peni yet?
>>35292 She's not in this movie.
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>>35540 Fat Blapril is not a loli.
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Kai Li Cain fromt he movie Batman The Doom That Came to Gotham
Disney confirms a new Disney Junior series "Ariel" based off a new live action Little Mermaid
>>35990 F#ck this
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Brand new Star Wars Game (Jedi Survivor) Brand new Loli: Kata Akuna
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>>36012 Whys every show that comes out now fuckin ugly?
>>36016 post-pandemic cost cutting, executives trying to keep costs down when Adventure Time was still a thing
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>>36012 The best girl.
>>35990 >>36012 who even cares for them
This is one of the final Disney TVA fully animated pilots behind the Disney Vault. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6PHFX0TYcw Full pilot in the description.
>>36016 Are you asking about the cartoons released after 2020? If so, it does seem more and more shows are intentionally making it so they don't have characters that are Rule 34 bait. :'(
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Young Nimona from Nnimona
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--Efc-qxxTc Ethan Becker wants to make an animated show about 3 shotas (?) not sure if this one is a boy or a girl but they're pretty cute
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From My Adventures With Superman. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuuZSAm-PaI Skip to 9:01
>>35990 Didn’t the live-action Little Mermaid bomb?
>>36581 I hope so. I really, really hope so. I hope it bombs so hard that Disney will shelve all of their live-action bullshit forever. I am tired of live-action remakes that are just crap and actually tarnish the love and joy of the original.
>>36587 Damn straight. Most of the time the remakes are either redundant (Lion King), actively take away from the original (Mulan, Beauty and the Beast), or change so much it’s barely recognizable (Dumbo)—very rarely will we see a Christopher Robin or Cruella, and I heard some people even say Jungle Book wasn't bad, but we’ve just been getting diminishing returns after diminishing returns. At least the Disney sequels were so bad they’re funny or inconsequential enough to ignore, but you can’t even laugh AT these remakes anymore, it’s just pathetic. By the time they released Lady & the Tramp on Disney+ (yes, I’m the one person who saw that one), that’s when I knew they weren’t even *trying* anymore.
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She's Sol Segura from the peruvian animated short "Protegiendo los Suenos del Sol" I want to see more of this cutie Here's the link of this short.
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Atom Eve is a loli in the Invincible: Atom Eve Special on Amazon Prime
>>36956 More?
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Lyla in the Loop
>>37377 nice to see Pokémon entering the Grubhub market.
>>37553 This has also a rule 34 now!
That new Diablo game has a cute vampire loli in the opening cutscene.
>>37708 The Game is not Baldurs Gate 3?
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>>38023 And there is a Devil-Like loli called "Arabella" which you could save from a evil Druid called "Kagha" and her poisonous giant Snake.
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>>38960 JCM-2 has already done its job
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>>8018 Is a crime they haven't talked too much about them: https://youtu.be/4na0iMwpbb8 >and has little porn
Okay. Another new (quite) Loli-Character who has some rule 34: Billie the Goat from Billie bust up!
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I forgot, Mol is also a Loli in Baldur's Gate 3
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And Starfield has the "TTS-Loli" Sylvie Munich. TTS means "Talk to Strangers" btw.! I hope we can see lewd Material on her in the Future!
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And "The Great Wolf Pack" has also at least ONE Loli/Female Cub! Sammy the Squirrel Here is the "Original" and the 34d Version!
It is the Girl on the left!
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Fishflies is a new comic about a farm girl living with her abusive father. She befriends a giant bug monster she finds behind the barn. Currently only issue 1 is out.
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Kill your Darlings a new comic is about a little girl living with her mother who struggling to make ends meet. She spends all her time playing in a fantasy world of her own creation until her mind is really pulled in that world Narnia-style and it's more violent and bloody than she expected.
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Pomni the new porn star of R34 from The Amazing Digital Circus
>>39603 She's 25
>>39605 I fuckin hate the >i swear shes not a kid bro shes an adult midget trope
>>39605 the age is not important if have a loli body Chibisa is 90 years old and is a loli
Multi Nanairo: the loli tritagonist from the new Beyblade X anime, and, to the best of my knowledge, the first time the Beyblade franchise had a loli as a “main” character. There’s no decent R34 last time I checked, and I think she has potential (too early to say since the anime just launched a couple of weeks ago).
>>39610 Same as Monster Girl from Invincible, what's the matter of that anyway if we can lewd them without worrying about their ages Speaking of Invincible, mark the dates for Season 2
>>39603 I'm not sure how anyone can call her loli when everyone in that show is so grotesque and unhuman.
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>>39613 No rule 34? Really!
>>38964 well... conoghis stars the r34 XD
>>39700 I already did it first on my baraag (NovaJolt) and now JCM followed it as well. Hoping he gets to draw the rest
Animated series of Le College Noire came out a week ago
Can anyone help me with the name of a movie? Was quite recently involves a really cute Asian girl that's camping, kind of the same style as a sausage party? does any know what the name of it? apparently there's also killer Smurfs in it?
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New girl from the third season of Hilda. (Louise)
from the new movie Leo in Netflix
>>40329 No pool/swimsuit scenes? Sucks.
>>40330 nop, they are all time clothed with normal clothes
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well, we got the first pics of Leo movie
Loli Lydia and loli Johanna (from Hilda)
>>20149 >>18391 Both of these girls need some hard and big brown dicks
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I know this place is dead and all but still surprised no one posted this yet. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zu2z5M4gmno
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>>40578 >>40370 Sasuga, /cucklicious/
>>40579 from what game is that?
>>40584 wrong link but it's at 19:40 there here's a reupload of that part https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBA4pTWmPoY
>>8018 Can anyone suggest some cartoon shows where cute lolis wear swimsuits.
>>40586 oh thanks Well... JCM2 did their magic XD
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if GTA6 was a good game...
>>40627 Interesting idea, a GTA like game where you are a paedo on the run with your loli lover. To survive you must commit every other kind of crime and become the hardest gangster out there. Nobody hates any criminal more than a sex offender whose victim is a child. It'd be Nabokov's "loli" but where Humbert is a badass and Delores is a child who actually loves him rather than a tween whose just using him. It could start with the little girl as our first protagonist who cuckqueans her mom by seducing her father, the secondary protagonist of the story. This could be because the mothers was cheating on her husband, who is a former serviceman and veteran special forces operative. The girls is a genius daddy's girl with a psycho streak that would go for this kind of situation. The wife never discovers the pedo-incest but still sends everything she can after the pair when they take off together. The girl could have an entirely different set of missions as she operates like a junior gangster akin to Cindy MacPhearson from the "Boondocks" while her father plays more or less normally, going into every industry of the underworld that could use his particular set of skills.
>>40671 He can also use her to gain influence in the underworld by whoring her out.
>>40671 I love absolutely all of these ideas. Sounds like so much fun.
>>40849 Stop giving more reasons to buy this game. Every time I see a new trailer of this game, I consider buying a PS5
>>40627 Based on the image provided for a potential GTA 6 game cover, here’s a story idea: Title: "Grand Theft Auto VI Story Premise: In the sun-soaked metropolis of Vice City, a reformed criminal named Alex "Havoc" Mason attempts to escape the shadows of his past. Havoc, known for his driving skills and heist expertise, has left his life of crime after a betrayal that cost him nearly everything. Now, he's a mechanic with a small garage, trying to provide for his spirited daughter, Mia. Mia, a tech-savvy 12-year-old with a penchant for adventure, idolizes her father's past but remains unaware of the gritty realities it entailed. She's resourceful and bold, often getting into scrapes that require a quick wit and quicker reflexes to escape from. Gameplay Dynamics: Players alternate between Alex and Mia, experiencing the dual narratives of a father striving to protect his daughter from the life he once led, and a young girl's curiosity leading her into the city's hidden depths. Alex's gameplay is gritty and grounded, involving car chases, strategic heist planning, and navigating the criminal underworld he once ruled. Mia's gameplay is more about stealth, hacking, and outsmarting opponents rather than outgunning them. Main Plot: The story unfolds when Alex's former gang, The Vice Kings, resurface, led by his former best friend, now a ruthless kingpin who wants to recruit Mia for her exceptional skills. As the city's underworld begins to take notice of Mia, Alex is drawn back into a life he thought he had left behind, this time not to reclaim his crown but to dismantle the empire he helped build to secure a future for his daughter. With the FIB closing in on the Vice Kings and the gang's internal power struggles leading to chaos in the streets, Alex must navigate alliances, betrayals, and his moral compass, which is tested with every decision. He takes on one last job to gain leverage against his old friend, a job that will require all his skills and might just make him the city's most wanted man again. As the story progresses, the bond between Alex and Mia grows stronger, and Mia's understanding of her father's past and the danger they face becomes clearer. She becomes an active participant in Alex's plan, using her hacking skills and street smarts to outmaneuver their enemies. The final act sees father and daughter facing a critical choice that will define their future in Vice City and beyond, as they confront the kingpin in a climactic showdown. The game's ending depends on player choices, with multiple possible outcomes that reflect the complexities of redemption, family, and the indelible ties of a shared past.
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Zokie of Planet Ruby
>>41245 I would recognize this art style between thousands. Nice to see these two made another movie. I was 10 years old when I saw it on the cinema.
Clementine from Psi Cops, the new series of Adult Swim
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young Chichi and A18 desings from Dragon Ball Daima
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Netflix Series Hot Wheels Let's Race. Two new lolis. Spark (black one), and Brights (Pink-haired one).
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>>41624 I know Chichi can't rock her original clothes when she was a kid but can't she atleast have her hair long again?
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I found out that Pixar’s got a new series coming to Disney+ called Win or Lose about a softball team. Don’t know if there’s anything here, but might be kinda fun.
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Unrelated, but Envy from the new Inside Out 2 trailer looks fuckin’ adorable, and I figured that was something new and exciting enough—since nobody else seems to be talking about this movie here yet.
>>42666 Well. You may expect him to do that
Hey! Guess what??? I'm back to after a hiatus. What's think new french-canadian show called "Audrey's Shelter / Le refuge d'Audrey"? The characters looks a great!💗💗 https://www.francetvpro.fr/contenu-de-presse/65762652 https://www.watchnextmedia.com/en/our-productions/audreys-shelter/
Young Jean Grey in X-men 97
>>42695 Now we're talking!
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New Loli Triplets from the gacha mobile game AFK Journey: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyR6P3eKuz4
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>>43305 Their model sheet :uoh:
Cake Melinoë (Hades 2 protag)!!
>>43908 Kevab on fucking POINT!!
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wheelchair cakes anyone?
>>43529 And now "House of the Outlans" has its Rule 34!
>>44152 Which episode from which series is it, please?
>>44531 Bless JCM2 for doing obscure girls
>>44531 JCM never deceive XD
New lolis from a game relevated in the Latin American Game Showcase: >https://youtu.be/_SwAAbdin2Y I think they're sisters or mother & daugher?
>>42666 >>42695 Adding Envy got me thinking how they've officially added an emotion who is actually one of the seven sins now. Which of course got me thinking how Lust would look. Scantily clad or even naked emotion who taunts and teases the other emotions, while she constantly gets Riley to think and do inappropriate things? Count me in.
>>44783 Soooo, the Hormone Monster from Big Mouth then?
>>44783 Don’t get me wrong—I’m super into that, it’s awesomely sexy. But that’s just such a common interpretation of Lust when lust, as it’s defined, is coveting of anything so much so to the point you crave it; not specifically sexual, but this can also mean money or power. Gluttony, though, is consuming something to the point of wasteful excess. Like cock/pussy/both? Really, though, I just want more Envy porn. She’s an adorable greedy little chaos gremlin.
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Sonya from Toastville is a new series you can find on Youtube and other free video hosting/streaming sites, a ten-year-old girl named Sonya travels to another world by a metal Breadbox.
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Disney's Primos premiering next month.
>>45044 Why for the love of God!?
>>42886 Audrey is Cute Loli Characters, She it's 7🩷.
>>45049 Because I need something to torment my Hispanic friends with between awful Star Wars projects.
>>45044 That wasn't canned after literally every Spanish speaker not from one neighborhood in California hated it? Oh right, it's Disney: Double down is their only move.
>>45049 Because you didn't post Carnival pics into the holidays thread. >>45087 Nobody asked you, Jose from Argentina.
>>45131 Native American Loli. The rarest of them all.
Kindergarten: The Musical

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