/drawarchive/ - Board for the Archival of Drawth

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What is the board about Anonymous 12/22/2022 (Thu) 14:45:15 Id: d515de No. 4
I'm retarded and need things explained to me. How are we supposed to use this neat little board and who is supposed to use this neat little board?
>>4 It's supposed to be a repository for drawthreads kind of what >>>/gg/ is for gamergoiym threads but Acidkike won't get off his lazy bum and do the thing where he mirrors threads. Or probably he's waiting for the first /v/ drawthread to hit a bump limit or whatever. Pester him please.
Mark has indicated he's fine with transferring bumplocked drawthreads to this board once they're done, and I'll instruct the globals to begin doing so once the BO responds to this post with his capcode to confirm that's cool with him. Moving forward, the transfer procedure will be: >drawthread reaches post limit on /v/ >someone global reports it with a request to move thread to /drawarchive/ >profit
>>6 Is this board read-only like >>>/gg/?
Or rather, will it be read-only like >>>/gg/? Also, is /v/ the only board taking part on this?
>>8 Read only >Also, is /v/ the only board taking part on this? It's the only one that has shown interest in doing this but if you're up for asking other boards' drawthreads (except for >>>/loomis/ because it'd tarnish their integrity) then go for it broski
>>6 Go ahead my dude I created this board just for that
WHY IS THE LAST ARCHIVED DRAWTHREAD COMPLETELY EMPTY OF MOST OF THE POSTS? there's basically fucking nothing in there, what happened?
>>529 Disregard, it must've been a temporary bug, it's working now
>>529 >>530 Could it be that you accidentally pressed the [Last] button and only got the latest 50 posts?
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So is this board require a mod to transfer the thread?
>>1271 You just have to global report a drawthread from any board and our stalwart admins will just move it here when they have the time to

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