/ero/ - Erotic

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welcome to fap

Meta Anonymous Board owner 05/10/2021 (Mon) 14:51:59 No. 1
Welcome to the meta thread. Discussion about >>>/ero/ itself goes here.
Edited last time by diff on 09/18/2021 (Sat) 00:33:16.
Poor anon. months and he keeps alone. i'm here anon. lets be friends
Well, I haven't actually figured out what I want to do with this place yet. I was inspired by the fact that 4chan's /b/ is like, 80% porn, so I thought "Well if we just have a porn board here, something like that won't ever need to happen.". At the same time, I've never run a board before, so I don't really now how to tell people that they can come here instead of posting it in other boards where they don't belong as much. So I've kinda just be waiting... thinking.
>>1 I just saw this board on the overboard. You should advertise this board as a place for 3D porn now that this site's /b/ is seeing a rise in porn threads because the only other place for non-hentai porn is /interracial/.
>>8 I don't really know how to advertise without it seeming spammy, since I've never run a board before, so I've just been hoping that the board will pick up naturally over time. The overboard's existence helps a bit there. In the mean time, I've been trying to learn CSS to make this place look a little nicer, but it's difficult.
>>9 Try directing traffic from /b/ instead as a place to dump all porn from the threads to here.
>>11 I might do that soon. I'm still trying to learn how the mod tools work though, so I'm taking it slow, and if the board somehow gets popular before I'm ready, I guess I'll just figure it out, or at worst, add some vols to help out, or just hand the board to someone else. I was actually partially inspired by that porn thread on /b/ that mentioned that we don't have a porn board. So I decided to make a board for all erotic stuff. Not just "porn". Then, everyone can just come here to fap to whatever they want to, and go back to their respective other boards when (or if) they're done being coomers.
Edited last time by dawg on 05/22/2021 (Sat) 22:39:35.
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>>15 Moderating is easy. You can use the "latest postings" page to see everything that has been posted in your board(s) and remove or edit any post that breaks the rules, and on the board settings page you can change how often the captcha appears to make it harder to spam when there's nobody awake. Still, is better if you get some vols as soon as possible before this board becomes more visible. You can try recruiting people on /b/'s porn threads. One thing I recommend you to do is to set up clear rules on what you want to allow here, otherwise you risk engaging in conflict with others because they posted something you don't want because the (lack of) rules didn't say anything about it. Personally I'd recommend to focus on a single type of content (3D straight porn) to make things easier to moderate and to avoid overlapping with other boards. There are lots of boards for hentai/cartoon porn of all kinds, but only this board, /interracial/ (blacked porn) and /cb/ (gay porn) seem to focus on real life porn.
>>75 >Personally I'd recommend to focus on a single type of content (3D straight porn) to make things easier to moderate and to avoid overlapping with other boards. The thing is, I made this board specifically to be like /b/ but just for porn. A place for all fapping stuff to go. That's why it's called "erotic" and not "3d porn" or "straight porn" or something like that. It's actually intentional that some threads might have 3d and 2d, or straight stuff and gay stuff as long as they both have the same topic, and OP doesn't disallow it. Though I do expect most content for now to be 3d stuff since there isn't currently a 3d board. I far as clear rules go. I think that shouldn't be too hard. I have the rules page, and it lists 3 simple rules so far. They can be adjusted as needed, and changes might or might not be applied retroactively (not bans though) if needed. I'll probably just ask if anyone wants to be a vol either here or on /b/ sometime soon. The only difficult part might be determining what is and isn't "fap material". I'll lean towards giving the benefit of the doubt for now, and only remove things that are obviously spam or unrelated content. By the way, feel free to make a specifically "3d straight porn" board yourself if you want. If you do, maybe we can link to each-others boards, possibly get /h/ involved and have a little fap-network directory thing, or something like that. I just made this place to be a catch-all fapping board, mostly inspired by this basically being what 4chan's /b/ has become.
(13.02 KB 252x200 suckMyAss.jpg)

I accidentally had captcha enabled for all posts when I created the board. This should now be fixed. I'll just keep it off for low-levels of activity unless a bunch of spam starts showing up.
Edited last time by dawg on 06/21/2021 (Mon) 23:30:58.
I tried posting the UI freeze then 3 dupe threads >>256 >>257 are created. BO would you disable duplicate pic?
>>258 Sorry about the super late response. This post slipped by me in "latest posts" so I didn't notice. I was considering enabling the unique files feature, but I don't want enabling that setting to stop a file from being posted in different threads, since it might fit multiple threads.
Edited last time by diff on 08/14/2021 (Sat) 17:59:21.
Kind of a bummer this board is dead. Now most porn stuff is on /b/.
>>318 Wow you're right. /b/ is filled with porn right now. That's a shame. The whole reason I made this board is so that wouldn't happen. /b/ used to list /ero/ in the board message as the board for porn. I wonder why they removed it. Maybe they thought it was abandoned, but no I'm still here, and I don't plan on abandoning either of my boards for now. Regardless, if 8chan /b/ was destined to become a pornboard like 4chan's, then I guess that's just what's gonna happen. Maybe I should've went with the opposite idea and just made a random board that didn't allow porn. That doesn't sound as fun or as useful though.
Edited last time by diff on 09/08/2021 (Wed) 10:58:16.
i want you
BO do you allow loli JAV? I'm talking MUM-169 level (check the video sample in r18.com I don't want to get global ban)
>>394 Since you're talking about a global ban, this is something you should bring up on >>>/site/. The global rules are enforced on every board, so my opinion doesn't matter here anyway. That being said, if by "loli" you mean real-life underage in a JAV, then that certainly is breaking the global rules. Otherwise if everyone's adults, you should be fine.
Can you merge >>298 into >>419
>>425 The threads aren't exactly the same since the OP of one thread is making a specific request, while the OP of the other is just trying to talk about it. In general, I want to moderate as lightly as I reasonably can. Other porn boards already have more specific focuses and more tight moderation. I want this board to carve out a niche of being the most /b/-like of them.
>>1 I feel like having a meta thread for a board so simple in concept is a little odd. Why'd you decide to make one?
>>694 this was my first board so I just did what other boards that I see do.
are /d/ tier kink threads allowed?
>>857 yup
Why was it completely invaded by normalfags? Where are they even coming from?
>>964 no idea ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hi BO I figure I should to talk this out with you. I’m the OP of >>>854 I want to make new thread for this September. I know your rule is not duplicate thread unless autosaged, so I want to request that thread be deleted so I can start a new one.
>>1005 normally I wouldn't do something like this but since it appears that that thread only had 1 person posting in it anyway, it's probably fine. In the future make sure to use a password so that you can delete your posts yourself. That way there's no guesswork of who's telling the truth and who's being a troll.
>>1009 Thank you so much. I only realized my IP change midway through the thread thus I couldn't delete it myself (I didn't know about password at that time). As thank you here are some english-based jav sites I recently find https://javcaster.com/ (this one cannot search more than 2 words) https://javcensored.net/
I updated the rules. No changes, I just rewrote them to be more clear. also yes I'm still here... for some reason
I look for a place were I can post my fetishes and wishes, wich are on my mind? Or is there a board for things like this?
>>1317 Sure just make a thread for it and that's fine. I don't think there's any boards that are specifically for that.

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