forgot to say this but we met in a thread in 4chan
for the 2nd time this week he ask if I see the thread in 4chan. I replied that I dont check 4 the same way you dont check 8chan
which he replied that he doesn’t miss anything then
bitch, this is the kind of retort someone throw when they are getting exposed for their hypocrisy (like RM fanboys when Mbappe reject them after months of worhsipping and heralding him as their future star)
Had a similar experience back then when a random person replying to a post asking about a popular FGO character . he get called for not knowing it/people call him living under a rock, and he retaliate saying he doesn’t care about shitty game.
like, imagine trying to runaway from the thing you asked about because we expose how you are living under a rock. you sure look you don’t want that shitty game when you start asking for it.
The punchline is my friend asked me about link to thread in 8chan 4 times in past 1 year. after the 2nd time I knew he is faking his interest. like dude, you are not good at playing this game. only sociopath pretend to do so and I can see through the one coming from socialy adept people. you are a coomer and attempt to flatter your fellow comer?