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OP got a coomer-buddy on discord Horndog 06/23/2022 (Thu) 00:05:43 No. 798
I made a porn discord for us to send each other porn due to amount he previously sent me through PM. But after a while those reply/reaction he give on discord server feel. . empty. It is like “nice, whatever”. I mean between coomerfriend I expect he occasionally describe what would he did under such porn circumstances. So if he doesn’t appreciate it, I will dump what he missed here. content of this thread will include: trap and trans, hentai jav porn , mostly random
Also those empty replies make me think he doesn’t scroll above at all. I used thread function but it turned out you won’t get notification in a thread UNLESS you are replying to specific thread, even though there is only us in the server
My buddy's detachment from his coomer persona is unreal. this one happen in direct message me: I posted Y character in 2D channel if you like to see xxx him: Will check it out later, me: Posted in 3 days ago him: Post link? Just 1 scroll above ffs. I had waited few days for you to respond and you don't even read it. why I make porn server to contain our talk if you only talk about this stuff in PM?
This happened few days before >>801 >send him 2 webm I prepared for minutes to go below discord limit >”oh nice” just 10 seconds after I sent the vid the videos are 1 minute each. At least pretend to watch them!!
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forgot to say this but we met in a thread in 4chan for the 2nd time this week he ask if I see the thread in 4chan. I replied that I dont check 4 the same way you dont check 8chan which he replied that he doesn’t miss anything then bitch, this is the kind of retort someone throw when they are getting exposed for their hypocrisy (like RM fanboys when Mbappe reject them after months of worhsipping and heralding him as their future star) Had a similar experience back then when a random person replying to a post asking about a popular FGO character . he get called for not knowing it/people call him living under a rock, and he retaliate saying he doesn’t care about shitty game. like, imagine trying to runaway from the thing you asked about because we expose how you are living under a rock. you sure look you don’t want that shitty game when you start asking for it. The punchline is my friend asked me about link to thread in 8chan 4 times in past 1 year. after the 2nd time I knew he is faking his interest. like dude, you are not good at playing this game. only sociopath pretend to do so and I can see through the one coming from socialy adept people. you are a coomer and attempt to flatter your fellow comer?
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also fuck zoo's BO, it become antifa of bestiality
>>812 What'd he do?
>>812 The horsefucker is a commie?
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You know those place in a site where no one post so you try post there to share stuff but no one respond. Then you thought no one is really there so you try to post some serious shit you wouldnt post elsewhere, but then suddenly people respond? (no, this paragraph is not about 2 replies above) He doesnt reply in 2D channel for 3 weeks so I called him out there. Few hours later he respond >Sorry I haven't a lot time lately to check out side stuff. Yet in that span you send me 1 lewd in PM >>815 Because seriously, you just ask when I post a drawing of dog fucking girls
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>>798 > I mean between coomerfriend I expect he occasionally describe what would he did under such porn circumstances. That's gay as hell, OP, and I'm pretty sure he's ignoring you because he believes (probably correctly) that you're jerkin' the gherkin to the thought of him giving it to and receiving it from every pornstar that ever lived.
Trying to get him listen to my story now. If he respond in 1 day I will send him >>830
He seems to like Rem maid uniform in particular >is Rem bride an official costume? i see a lot of it >Not sure I will ask him if he watch the anime
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femboys are to be milked. they get pleasured for it
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>tell him I don't have time to pick new hentai so I fap to senran kagura >act like I'm the one worried if I can't send him hentai bitch who do you think you are?
This week I read a scat hentai and I got an idea. Since he doesn’t respond to my screenshot I will slip 1 page of it every time I send a slideshow video. >>893 /ero/ isn't that smart either Hmm, it look like deleting a post bump the thread
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sending him >>897 he reply with 1 word+emote.. in PM instead of porn server. mfw hahaha haha.. HAHAHAHA I think i will break down first
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>>898 >HAHAHAHA I think i will break down first Anon... it's time to break up with your online boyfriend.
I bet he doesnt remember about Rani. again. The first time time he told me to look up elden ring, then I ask him about Rani and reminded him about it. >>901 I give it a though and maybe I can juggle between /ero/ and him. I think I will make a porn account to reupload stuff to /ero/. Thanks for the advice.
About these “merged hentai covers”. I re-think of the purpose of me dumping them. First the friend. I know he rarely watch videos/slideshow of hentai pages I sent to him (which beat the point of sharing porn with your bro) but at least we know he check thumbnail and respond sometimes. The covers specificly are from hardcore stuff I don’t fap to but I think he might see. I made this thread so I have other people that I can share with. but I separate the covers into 2:stuff that I don’t want other to see and stuff I’m fine if /ero/ see it. This morning I just think “there is no point in /ero/ seeing most of these hardcore shits”, so I will dial down the quantity. There is still 4 days worth of these in stock before I made this decision so please bear with it. After that he get the cover, you get whats inside.
>>901 When I get pissed off I skip sending to him and just post here directly
I do share stuff here but there are some nasty stuff from e-hentai that not only I don’t fap to it, I’d rather not spread around. While rating galleries I’d rather not read, I save some pics in my folder. I take 42 oldest pics in that folder, move it to root folder, make video of it to save our time. Usually I only do this once a week when he ignore my message for a day or two. When I am about to make a new one usually I find the old one in my root folder. I hope if he found one of them interesting maybe I can give him the sourc. No interest (about individual page in the vid) from him so far
>>1190 Sent him this 2-3 days ago. no response
>>1323 I also tell the buddy about image-collaging apps. he shrug it saying he will check
the difference between a troll and Your friend is one doing it on purpose and the other is ignorant still annoying
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I don’t get how you are comfortable of continuing fake good intention that you never fulfil. pic is my chat with my coomer buddy today and we have a discourse and misunderstanding regarding discord link. After clearing that up sigh. I don’t say it to him but this is the 3rd-4th time he ask for link to another imageboards. Everytime I gave him link to a board I am in. And everytime he never post anything. do you think you are making point on me? showing good intention random old stuff as fee for listening to my rant
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So I asked him about futa. i can't tell if he is pretend to be dumb. not even AI can came up with his answer
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imagine if she was a trans. cutest one
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So pregnancy make woman body bad. If it were up to me just cum on safe day on leftmost so you can get that hip forever

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