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F-List Alternatives Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 01:47:38 No. 427
I don't care what anyone says, F-List is bad. Everyone that goes on there now is brainless and doesn't want actual RP. They want to goon and be fucking insane and go completely limitless. I ain't into that shit, I'm looking for good, down-to-earth standard RP or hell, even a not annoying, interesting female to share porn with. If you actually think F-List is good compared to how it was 5 years ago, you're objectively wrong btw
Just start making a role-playing thread on here.
>>435 From what I heard, a lot of people started to become discouraged as a result of people constantly requesting that they join their Discord or F-List or some other site.
>>434 >>435 >>436 No, I'm not into that either, nor do I find Discord functional
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>>427 If you're a furry, there's Wolfery. https://wolfery.com/welcome/ It's more like a MUD than F-list, but, it's more or less the same thing insofar as finding people to roleplay with.
There aren't any good alternatives. What isn't F-List is cannibalized by Discord/VRC gooners, vapid two-lining MMO roleplay, and the rare 55yo who still clings to his dead MUCK or IRC server. And it really is worse than it was five years ago, and there's nothing any of us can do because nobody with pockets beyond Bad Dragon's CEO gives a fuck about the roleplaying community to support it. We're the loser's losers anon. Even otherwise self-righteous nerds and Deviantart OC furries look down on us and try to distance themselves from us. So, good luck. I wish it could be different, anon, I really do.
There is an Omegle-style alternative, now that Omegle is gone. www.rolechat.org It's got all the problems of f-list but you can reconnect your way through those problems quicker, arguably, but there's no search functions whatsoever, just random hook-ups.
>>614 Looked, not my sorta thing either >>588 This probably is the case honestly. Guess I'll just choose to suffer ngl
>>435 We could try reviving it here? It couldn't hurt. I'm fresh out of ideas or premise for an rp thread, though.
>>427 Seems like a skill issue to me.
>>427 yiffspot.com
>>1719 >>1720 That's the thing too, I ain't wanting to play furries, so these ain't helping either >>769 >its my problem the only players that are around anymore are porn-brained gooners who are obsessed with getting fuckbruted
>>2107 Furries are the only ones autistic and nolife enough to give a shit about roleplaying. For them it's the only way they can even live out their ideal selves. Animus and RL human refs on the other hand? 99.9% of the time they're here to pump and dump. No shit they got decimated by gooning.
>>2122 I disagree in essence, I've had better experiences with humans than furries

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