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/sthg/ - Sonic The Hedgehog General Anonymous 03/18/2019 (Mon) 19:58:55 No. 14002
Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General! Here we discuss all things Sonic! /sthg/ #26 - Chao Racing Edition TSR Animated Short Series - Team Sonic Racing Overdrive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ht0pdsz2hI Team Sonic Racing Customization Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyuunXb4gCc TSR OST - Bingo Party https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kt5arDNr9-g "Theme of Knuckles" Mania Adventures Remix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ueBs5bebyU >General Interest Links< General Link Compilation https://pastebin.com/gSsdpUB5 Sonic The Hedgehog Movie News https://pastebin.com/r2iZ0yFm /sthg/'s Refurbished Drawfag Booru http://sthg.booru.org/ Event/Video Streaming Page https://cytu.be/r/sthg /sthg/ Bumper Engine Latest Release https://mega.nz/#!Wd1FXBTY!KWJFIn3rTMUkLhiVYdWiV5SXulh6FCAEAi3b9sQxrZQ Previous Zone: >>13329
>>14719 I was waiting for someone to bump another thread before mentioning it.
>>14703 I wouldn't be able to play either because I don't own consoles, but I'd choose Unleashed because that sounds amazing and at least it'll be emulatable at some point because >nintendo. Having said that, I get the feeling it wouldn't run very well on a Switch.
how are you guys doing? Glad to see this thread still going.
So I'm hearing IDW is once again facing delays for this month's issue and that it's been postponed for May 8th. Jesus Christ every month a new delay, what's going on. This isn't very reassuring for the future of the series. At least the annual is out on May 1st apparently.
>>14722 Doing good, anon. >>14723 Oh ffs. What is going on with IDW that every issue is getting delayed now?
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>>14722 Hey anon. Everything's cool here. Been away lately?
>>14716 >mfw I did that edit
>>14726 You did exceptional work, anon
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>>14721 >I get the feeling it wouldn't run very well on a Switch Well, now that you mentioned it, that could be an issue. Especially since HD Unleashed had some lagging issues.
>>14729 Actually this has me thinking: What Sonic game would make for a great Switch port?
>>14730 Some kind of collection would be nice. Say, an Adventure collection with SA, SA2, Heroes, and Shadow. Or a collection of every pre-Adventure game. Something like that. With good menus. Can't forget those.
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>>14730 >>14731 A collection featuring the remastered versions of Sonic 1, 2 and CD plus a new one for 3&K, and Mania Plus. Add newly remastered CD-quality music for the Genesis games with maybe even some animated cinematics, add the cut R2 and Final Fever levels for CD, red rings that unlock concept art and shit, using Sonic 3 Complete as a base, in-game achievements, time trials and leaderboards. Throw in the Game Gear games as a bonus, along with an emulator housing a selection of premium community romhacks. (that don't contain copyrighted shit obviously) I want it. I want it so bad.
>>14730 SA1/2 would probably be nice. I reckon it'd be pretty comfy playing with Chao on the Switch. You could even take them around with you and play with them wherever you wanted!
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How does Shadow tolerate Rouge?
>>14734 Cleavage.
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New Tails and Knux Mii costumes.
>>14731 Huh. Kinda surprised Nintendo is putting in these Mii costumes for Smash, didn't they retire most Mii related stuff last year? >>14732 >>14733 I'd pay top dollar for these
>tails and knuckles mii costumes are going to be dlc in SSBU The Smash devs really hate Sonic, don't they?
>>14739 Thinking about it, they probably just see it as content they can easily pull from Smash Wii U into Smash Ultimate. Kinda wish we got Knuckles or Tails as actual fighters, but I guess they don't want too many characters from one third-party series in.
>>14740 >I guess they don't want too many characters from one third-party series in They added two characters from a single series in Ultimate, from a third-party that already had a character in a previous Smash game.
>>14740 >>14741 I blame SEGA really. Sonic really only deserved to be in thanks to his 90s era quality and Adventure era hype. Every other game makes Sonic questionable as a rep otherwise imo. He isn't even that popular in Japan, and Joker is legit likely more popular in Japan than Sonic is.
>>14742 Honestly, this kinda makes me wish we got a Sonic fighting spin-off. But then again, what would the roster for it even be?
>>14743 Gee, I don't know. It's not like there were already two different fighting games in the series with almost completely different rosters, already. It's a shame there's no basis for a Sonic fighting game.
>>14744 Look speaking realistically, I doubt SEGA would incorporate characters like Honey, Bean or Bark in another Sonic fighting game, since they're "classic characters." They could build off of Battle's roster, but even then, I could see characters like Emerl & Gamma getting left out.
>>14745 in a Modern Sonic fighting game* My bad
>>14745 >>14746 Counting Metal and Eggman, Heroes, alone, gives us 11 characters. Then we have characters like Silver, Blaze, Big, and, if desperate, the deadly six. They could even have a Buddy representative. And, given this is SEGA, they'd probably hire some other developer to make it, and those devs would probably be more willing to bring in characters or ideas from games SEGA hardly touches, anymore.
>>14747 I can also see them throwing in Infinite given his status as a main villain in Forces, as well. But he'd probably work better as a boss fight, as opposed to a playable character.
Have you ever been bullied, either online or offline, for being a Sonic fan?
>>14749 I got called, "Sonic Fag" IRL once by a guy that nobody really liked, but that's about it. Other than that some people would tell me alot of the games are flawed, or that they would only play 3D Sonic Games because, "they were just there."
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>>14751 Some more TSR images, I think it might be the first time we get a better look at a few of these levels. Pic #4 looks gorgeous. These come from an article by Dengeki where they also seem to talk a lot about the different wisps, but I'm too tired to fiddle with things and get a translation going.
>>14752 >>14751 Sweet. >>14749 Funny enough, most places I've been in have had people that were either Sonic fans themselves, or didn't really mind the games.
>>14754 New Bread >>14754
>>14755 Oh, thanks anon!

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