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/sthg/ - Sonic The Hedgehog General Anonymous 05/10/2019 (Fri) 03:14:18 No. 15455
Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General! Here we discuss all things Sonic! /sthg/ #28 - Realistic Hogs Edition IDW Sonic issues sell-out https://www.sonicstadium.org/2019/05/idws-sonic-comics-sell-out-again/ Sonic The Hedgehog Movie Trailer Released https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvvZaBf9QQI Mario & Sonic at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games to be released later this year https://twitter.com/tssznews/status/1111807221548175360 Mobile version of the game also to be released https://twitter.com/tssznews/status/1111807307221032960 Team Sonic Racing Overdrive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ht0pdsz2hI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uvjjUSpJNE TSR Customization Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyuunXb4gCc TSR Team Up Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbTavayt8xo >General Interest Links< General Link Compilation https://pastebin.com/gSsdpUB5 Sonic The Hedgehog Movie News https://pastebin.com/r2iZ0yFm /sthg/'s Refurbished Drawfag Booru http://sthg.booru.org/ Event/Video Streaming Page https://cytu.be/r/sthg /sthg/ Bumper Engine Latest Release https://mega.nz/#!Wd1FXBTY!KWJFIn3rTMUkLhiVYdWiV5SXulh6FCAEAi3b9sQxrZQ Previous Zone: >>14754
>>16021 Only a minor one, and that was some of the traffic attack bots just sitting completely still on the track. >>16022 It's fun, when my AI buddies are competent, though I feel like the AI opponents may be cheating a little. I find it hilarious how Dodon-pa is completely transparent that he's trying his best to make the competition so hard as to really fuck up the cast, yet they're all "this guy has to be up to something. I'm waiting for the big reveal that his goal is completely innocuous, like he's just some eccentric billionaire in dire need of extreme entertainment, or something.
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>>16016 https://twitter.com/sonic_hedgehog/status/1132067050749227008 >had trouble pronouncing the simple name >pronounced the tongue twister perfectly and stylishly Oh fuck I laughed
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>>16025 I want to spank that deer.
>>16026 I don’t think she’d like that.
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>>16030 That's great. Wasn't this supposed to be part of a bigger project now?
>>16031 Yes, it's now part of the fan game Sonic vs Darkness.
>>16032 >Sonic vs Darkness How….creative.
>>16033 Not the best name for a fangame, but credit to them, it seems to be a pretty fun product. The Chao Resort feature looks pretty nice, too.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKmOV0EDk2Q >yfw this is unironically better than
>>16038 SHIT. Meant to say "Better than City Escape Modern".
>>16038 That sounds pretty sick, not gonna lie. This guy has a great voice.
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Holy shit Aaron I want that plush Please tell me we're going to be able to get this.
>>16030 Looks lovely, does it have a release date? >>16033 I like the name. It feels more creative than the name of the official games.
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Man, having to depend on AI, and the way team ultimates work, makes the singleplayer story, on anything higher than normal, a pain. You'll constantly be giving items to them, but they'll barely offer them to you. If you're in the lead, (and 90% of the time you will be if you're at all competent) they'll barely be able to use the tailing boost mechanic. If you're behind them, their lines suck and can make it more difficult to get a boost off them. And team ultimates are the worst. Since they're dependent on the whole team using the teamwork mechanics, you'll be lucky to get more than one in a race. And they are effectively a game of chicken to see who can activate their ultimate the latest in the race. It's like having a blue shell, except there's no disadvantage to holding it for as long as you want. Except your AI team mates are liable to activate theirs early, if they get too impatient for you to activate yours. And I swear, despite using a speed type character with a kart customized to have near-max top speed, all the other racers don't seem at all slower than me, even on straight sections.
>>16044 It was kind of predictable that the single player was going to suffer because of the game being so teamwork oriented. AIs aren't very good at video games in the first place so making you depend on them like this game would require is kind of a mistake. >despite using a speed type character with a kart customized to have near-max top speed, all the other racers don't seem at all slower than me, even on straight sections. That's kind of odd. Would you say it's best to play as a technique type for their bonus then? Also, have you played online yet?
>>16045 >Would you say it's best to play as a technique type for their bonus then? Possibly. All I know is that I've seen power types pull ahead of me due to boosts, and then I'll have a hard time catching up unless they really fuck up or I get a huge boost. >Also, have you played online yet? Not yet. I tend to try to beat a game's story before tackling multiplayer.
>>16045 >>16046 I also meant to add, it's awful when one of the star or key conditions asks for your allies to also do well. Those, at least, you can do on easier difficulties. Honestly, I barely see a benefit to doing higher difficulties besides getting more tokens for unlockables. The game doesn't seem to keep track of what difficulties you've beat a mission on.
>>16046 >and then I'll have a hard time catching up unless they really fuck up I remember seeing on the Sonic streams that power types handled really badly and sometimes they'd even have trouble doing some turns. Normally they wouldn't play as them and when they did they didn't do very well in the race. Maybe the stats for each type are not maintained when the AI is piloting them. >I tend to try to beat a game's story before tackling multiplayer. That's understandable, I hope multiplayer is better.
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I love when Rouge does this. She can be a pretty cute and fun character. Feels weird having to hit Tails, though.
>>16049 >Feels weird having to hit Tails, though To be fair, Tails DOES kinda deserve it
>>16050 Well, technically that's true, yeah. But he's still too cute to hit. Also, he's just so fun to play as in this game, lol. Shooting that cannon of his is so satisfying, and I love all his little inventions and the sounds he makes while using them. Dumb foxboy. Playing as Emerl on the other hand is quite frustrating with all the abilities so low, everyone just rapes me because all the stupid robot's moves are so slow, and grinding points is quite slow as well.
>>16051 Yeah, Emerl is gonna be a bit annoying the first time around. But by the end, he becomes probably one of the better characters in Battle.
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Damn, I think this might be my favorite Amy render so far.
>>16053 Based off the pose in one of her recent Sonic Channel posters, right? That's a really good Amy render
>>16051 >grinding points I'd say that's the game's biggest flaw. It would've been better to just have a fixed amount of points that goes up each time you get a new Chaos Emerald.
weak boy
>>16054 That's right! It's a very nice illustration as well!
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fug we sinking
>>16059 Got ya covered: >>16061
>>16062 Awesome thread, thanks!

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