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Anonymous 08/30/2023 (Wed) 20:05:22 No. 25624
IDW Sonic Storytime #3 Starting with Sonic the Hedgehog: Endless Summer!!!
>>25825 >Silver's travel through time is by different mechanics so different rules can apply. The IDW comics haven't actually covered how he travels through time (other than mentioning offhand that Silver doesn't have any control over it), but I managed to dig up the current canon: mysterious portals that suddenly appear whenever the author wants to write him into the story he's needed in the past.
>>25827 >mysterious portals that suddenly appear whenever the author wants to write him into the story he's needed in the past. Oh I was wrong then. It's not Back to the Futures rules it's Chrono Trigger rules, which is frankly much better.
>>25826 >Also speaking of messy if it is explicitly the past then that means that Starline is still alive then and could potentially get a hold of the Topaz before he's suppose to. You say that's messy, but I don't think it would necessarily be a terrible plot. Starline could do a "change the future" plot. I could see it working fine. That said, I'm done caring about Starline, so I still hope nothing like that happens. >>25827 Either way, the point is it's not with the Warp Topaz. If you go back in time via different means, then you can say different rules apply. Going back in time with the Time Stones or Little Planet can have different rules than going back in time with the Phantom Ruby, if they wanted to say that. Or I guess due to Sonic '06 you can even go back in time with two or more Chaos Emeralds, and again, you could say that has different rules.
>>25811 The expressions on this issue are great. >>25812 I feel like I would have done well to have played Mania by this point. >it was the warp topaz Well, that makes sense I guess, I definitely wasn't expecting that though! >>25813 For how stupidly safe they like to play it regarding mixing franchises and themes and eras and whatnot I'm surprised they namedropped the HBH boss out of nowhere like that. >chinchilla I miss the stupid chinchilla in Archie. Plus Cassia and Clove. >>25814 I totally missed that Eggman's chair was actually a statue of himself. >>25816 I just interpreted that scene as the Warp Topaz having calmed down or that due to it being buried Tails just wasn't detecting it anymore. My thoughts about this issue were that perhaps this was the past and maybe tied somehow into how Starline discovered the topaz. But that'd be too cool. Maybe just Starline wasn't the first to find it and that's it. >>25821 >The Warp Topaz hasn't shown any sort of time travel abilities but it has shown dimensional traveling abilities several times. That makes sense. >>25826 >even if they do it's probably a more interesting plot than what ever the fuck Mimic, Clutch, and the terror twins are planning back at Knothole The Restoration Seriously, that stuff is pretty dense and boring. All of this is much more interesting, but in a comic that has been all about playing it the safest I feel there's fuck all chance we'll get anything even remotely as complex.
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IDW Sonic the Hedgehog: Fang the Hunter #4 storytime!!!
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>>25838 The end!!! Thoughts??
Pretty alright story. A bit forgettable, but I care more about these characters than I do about Tangle and Whisper and Lanolin and Belle. Now, part of me is interested in Scourge, and interested in getting back to that storyline, but then I remember it will probably just be more of the girls sitting around and eating desserts or whatever, so nevermind. Also I looked it up and the next story is by Evan Stanley, so yeah, this Fang story is gonna be the best stuff we'll get for the next few months at least.
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IDW Sonic 69# Storytime!!!
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>>25868 That's all for today
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Bonus covers
>>25835 I feel like they've missed the chance to make some references to some of the other huge flying ships in the series. >>25837 Sonic and Tails' part in this was so shoehorned in. Other than that I think it was a fun issue. >>25840 About to find out! Personally I think not-scourge is boring and one note as hell. >it will probably just be more of the girls sitting around and eating desserts or whatever I've always been fond of slice of life stuff so I kinda wish, but the main story is not really great. >>25864 Ooh, I love the Riders gear. Man it's been months and I barely remember what was going on. >>25867 Kit sleeping in a pile of pillows is so cute. And Surge without her hair being tied looks much more girly, I love how they used this to convey she was just out of bed. >>25868 That whole Eggman scene is fantastic. I don't remember many times where I've enjoyed Eggman in the comic. Also who let Cubot have a waifu pillow? >>25712 They never did tell the story behind the missing tail right?
The whole race event thing seems sort of out of the blue, but it's actually kinda amusing to me; it's as if time was passing in the main storyline while we were watching Team Hooligan's shenanigans. Might be a bit jarring for someone reading an anthology, though? >>25874 >They never did tell the story behind the missing tail right? Nope, it's still a mystery.
>>25875 >The whole race event thing seems sort of out of the blue I actually went looking into the previous issues because that had me wondering where it came from. It kind of felt familiar but I didn't remember that I was supposed to expect this and it was frustrating that I didn't end up finding anything (I find it a chore to go back several issues trying to find a small detail I might have missed.) I think I got a bit confused with a previous arc about Team Sonic Racing where they were actually invited to race. I ended up more confused because it feels like a really awkward direction to go in given what was going on in the story, though considering the series I guess it's not really unusual.
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IDW Sonic the Hedgehog: Spring Broken storytime!!!
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>>25884 That's all Thoughts?
>>25885 >Thoughts? Why is Tails eating a handful of worms?
>>25886 I'm guessing it's a funnel cake
>>25885 Remember when Sonic was supposed to be cool? Now we get a whole special issue about gardening, which actually is the payoff to a two year subplot about Silver learning to garden. How cool. This is exactly what the series should have always been like.
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>>25888 (trips of truth) That story would've made more sense if it had been Amy and Cream instead of Sonic and Tails. By which I mean I could photoshop Amy and Cream over Sonic and Tails and leave the dialogue untouched and there wouldn't even be that many discrepancies.
>>25885 >Thoughts? Man they really don't seem to want to get back to the main plot.
>>25888 >>25889 Another thing that I thought of. This story is posed as a mystery whodunit. Yeah I wonder who it could possibly be?! Maybe Rough and/or Tumble?! Like they're openly right there and they've been assholes in literally every appearance. Even Eggman can suppress his autism occasionally to be able to temporarily interact with the Sonic crew. So like who else would it have been?
>>25889 Except Amy and Cream shouldn't be the main characters anyway, outside of rare special issues, or occasional backup stories. And I like those characters. But the problem is that the series is getting very far thematically and tonally from what it's supposed to be. The Archie comics under the same head-writer were very different from what they were supposed to be due to literally starring characters who weren't in the games, but he showed the potential to do it right when dealing with the main characters. Even under Flynn, Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Shadow, Rouge, Blaze, they were all written better. I want to blame the other writers, like Evan Stanley, and she's definitely worse than Flynn, but he's not that different than her.. Modern Flynn writes more like Evan Stanley than he writes like himself 10-15 years ago. Maybe it's all IDW being the gay as fuck company they are, telling them to market to exclusively girls, as if that's the audience for either comics or Sonic. But they lost the Hasbro licenses by doing that shit, so I wouldn't put it past them.
>>25892 I've just been assuming that SEGA is so tight reined anymore that it's limited what they can do so they're pretty much stuck with the slice of life adventures of Sonic and friends and occasionally Eggman shows up and does something. Also I really thing that the Mimic/Clutch/Surge/Kit storyline has a become a totally written into a corner thing and they don't know where to proceed.
>>25893 I really doubt that's Sega's decision. Sega was fine with Master Overlord, and if anything that would be a period when they would put the tightest leash on the comics, right when the IDW series began. Meanwhile, they've let Flynn and Stanley make the comic about tons and tons of OCs. I doubt Sega loves that, given the history of stuff like that in the franchise. Overall, say what you want about Sega, but who is more likely to want to make the comic as if it was written for girls? Sega, or IDW/modern American comic writers? Ultimately it's the same problem other American comics have, but to a lesser degree. If anything, that's what is being reigned in by Sega.

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