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/sthg/ - Sonic The Hedgehog General Anonymous 09/15/2018 (Sat) 05:19:17 No. 5354
Welcome to the Sonic The Hedgehog General. Here we discuss all things Sonic! /sthg/ #8 - Lovely Town Edition >Sonic News< Possible New Sonic Cartoon? https://www.sonicstadium.org/2018/09/new-sonic-animated-series-confirmed/ SAGE Interview with Ian Flynn- https://youtu.be/hJMLb6ODLAU Silver, Blaze & Vector announced for Team Sonic Racing https://twitter.com/sonic_hedgehog/status/1030076810669645824 Team Sonic Racing Gameplay Spotlight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ta9xbycx0s >General Interest Links< -General Link Compilation- https://pastebin.com/gSsdpUB5 -Sonic Film News- https://pastebin.com/r2iZ0yFm -/sthg/'s Refurbished Drawfag Booru- http://sthg.booru.org/ -Event/Video Streaming Site- (There's currently an /sthg/ Sonic Cartoon Marathon running everyday from 5 PM EST with a replay at 8 PM EST) https://cytu.be/r/sthg -/sthg/ Bumper Engine Latest Release- https://mega.nz/#!Wd1FXBTY!KWJFIn3rTMUkLhiVYdWiV5SXulh6FCAEAi3b9sQxrZQ Previous Zone: >>4973
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So, has any anon here ever thought about what would be their dream Sonic title? Like, who would be the main cast of playables, mechanics, how the OST would sound, etc.
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>>5360 Thinking of dream games make me sad because I know they will never happen.
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>>5360 Level design and mechanics are basically the same as Sonic Islands but the levels are a bit smaller, at least for the early stages. Maybe Sonic Adventure but a little bigger and even more open. Everything is designed around Sonic's natural abilities rather than Wisp powers or just brute forcing your way through a level just by running in a straight line like in Forces. There are a few linear SA2 style speed levels thrown in for creating a sense of urgency and speed throughout the story mode and also just as extra challenges, sort of like those challenge rooms in Mario Odyssey or the 'secret' levels in Forces. I know people complain about linearity but I think it's okay in moderation and can be good when used correctly. I haven't thought much about anything else. I guess aesthetics should be like Unleashed, so slightly cartoony but also realistic. The soundtrack just needs to be better than Forces and Lost World. Maybe something like SA1/SA2's since we haven't had anything like those in awhile. The story should be something like Unleashed, semi serious with some lighthearted moments. I don't know who should be playable besides Sonic. I guess Tails and Knuckles at the very least.
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>>5364 What do you want? Can't you see we're busy?
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>>5364 H-hey
>>5364 shadow stinks
>>5367 like fruit
>>5364 Dumb rat, go back to your cage.
Is the upcoming comic issue #8 or #9?
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I wish Sonic 06 was actually good
>>5373 Don't we all?
Silver needs his own game.
>>5375 That might be the one thing that could stop me from being a Sonic fan, if I'm completely honest.
>>5375 The series isn't in the best position for a Silver the Hedgehog game, honestly. Between the quality of the main games themselves not being all that consistent & the opinions on Sonic's friends not being that high, it's probably for the best they don't so side-games based on other characters. That being said, if they were to get their shit together on the main titles & the opinions on Sonic's friends improves over time & they have a solid idea of what they wanna do with Silver along with the right team making the game, I'd be somewhat open to it.
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Jackal Squad. Do you think they're ever coming back? Are they dead? Or are they just not canon?
>>5378 Shadow killed them.
>>5378 >Jackal Squad. Do you think they're ever coming back? Probably not. If SEGA has little interest in using Infinite ever again or going over Infinite's past with the Jackal Squad, it's highly unlikely they'll ever come back. Shame too, because the series needs a bigger rogue's gallery & a team of mercenaries could be cool.
>>5379 He only 'took them out' didn't he? I don't think he specifically said anything about killing
>>5376 What? Do you dislike Silver that much? >>5377 I agree. I think sometime in the future he should
>>5378 they dead but I want them to come back
Why are there so little furry neutrals/villains in Sonic?
>>5384 I think it's just the idea that monstrous/alien types are more fitting for villains roles in the series, since they look more evil, or something.
>>5385 Ugh i hate that. It's childish
>>5379 They didn't even show up in Episode Shadow, it was just motobugs everywhere.
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>>5364 Why, hello there.
>>5375 It might happen soon. If ST are desperate enough to make an OC game with slower gameplay then a Silver game isn't too farfetched
>>5378 They dead.
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>>5392 What do you think is Sonic's favorite weather for running? Based on that, what stage would Sonic enjoy the most running on?
>>5393 Sonic probably likes Spring. All the flowers and plant life coming in, he loves that shit.
>>5392 Sonic wouldn't be so cold if he wore clothes.
>>5395 Yeah, he should carry them in a backpack.
>>5396 Stop
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>>5397 Vulnerable
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If there's a South Island and a Westside Island Where the fuck are the other parts of Mobius
>>5402 I think they got rid of that setting a long time ago anon.
>>5403 That's why it looks boring and uninspired now
>>5404 Agreed, but I'm sure the next Sonic game will also be in a vastly different location.
>>5399 That middle picture is the perfect level of sfw lewd
>>5403 >>5404 I wish Sonic Team would actually make a consistent world.
>>5407 >consistency >from Sonic Team If only, anon
>>5408 Let him dream, anon
>>5405 I hope it's not a totally different planet that just happens to look like Sonic's planet like Lost Hex
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>>5412 Cute mutants. I'd like to see more surprised blushing Amy
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Hello everyone. I hope you don't mind. I want to practice drawing stuff for a while, so yeah. Hope you like them.
The activities in the last thread felt very "halfchan"ish. Concerning.
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>>5414 Welcome! We certainly don't mind! Make yourself comfortable.
>>5415 I think it was just because people were antsy after the cartoon announcement and not in the best mood afterwards. >>5414 Nice. They look great
>>5416 Thank you. >>5417 Is there anything I can do to improve on anything? The second image was me trying to study on line of action.
>>5418 The best way to improve on anything is to just keep drawing. I've seen some of your stuff before & it's pretty solid, so welcome aboard.
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>>5415 I know what you mean and I also didn't like it. It's a bit early to start banning people left and right, though.
>>5418 Wish I could give you some advice but I'm not an artist nor anything close to it.
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>>5422 Speaking of… Is 4chan general still active? I can't post there anymore thanks to bad mods banning me from something I thought was fine to post, and I was seeing how the image limit kept getting spammed up so I just left it alone for today.
>>5423 It still persists.
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>>5423 I think in a couple of weeks it'll be a whole year since I've left. feels odd man. >the image limit kept getting spammed up That brings back memories…
>>5354 >OP image has Nintendo watermark absolutelydisgusting.jpg you make Segata Cry.
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>>5426 I never bought a SEGA Saturn
>>5423 > bad mods banning me from something I thought was fine to post, The same shit happened to me. I got banned for "off-topic" even though it was argument revolving around Sonic.
>the sonic twitter meme has 278k likes now lol
>>5428 Sorry to hear that bro. It's the only issue with 4chan that erk me, some people that do need a ban don't get them, and ones that don't deserve one, get banned. I wished it was like in the old days of getting too many warnings in a row got you bans, but now, mods don't care. At this rate though, with the sate of not just 4/shtg but the site as a whole, I'll just stay here for a while.
>>5431 Nice
>>5414 Cool looking Sonics. Nice to see more artist activities here.
I just bought a PS3 copy of Sonic 06. I wonder how much I'll regret it.
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>>5435 I'll pray for you anon. You are about to be driven to the brink.
>>5431 >when Japanese artists draw more cartoony than Western artists do JUST
>>5433 >bodybuilder got pushed into making hedgehog videos >video gets 20 times more views than his normal videos Kek I was actually expecting the video to be awful since I remember another video of someone washing a hedgehog and the poor thing was scared as shit and really wanted out of the basin. I still remember the souns his scratching made. That hedgie a cute.
>>5436 I gotta give it a shot
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPJObk-_KWw Anyone here still enjoys 2D games? Have you ever played one or was it before your time?
>>5442 Sonic shoulda stayed with Madonna.
>>5443 It at least proved Sonic isn't just a human lover. He seems to not have it for those who wants to garner him special attention. At least Madonna has curves to show off for others to see and enjoy.
Any favorite artist you know you'd like to see doing comic art for shits and giggles? It can be ones that do lewds, since we already got like 3 on official work that do so as well anyways.
>>5441 Looks fun. And yeah, I still go back & play some of the 2D games every once in a while, specifically Mania, 2 & 3K. Haven't played CD in a while, tho. >>5442 Kek, that's great. I wonder how she would get along with Amy.
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>join sonic the hedgehog discord >admin tells me to stop shitposting on the shitpost channel >this happens in every server, forum, or subreddit im in >apparently having a dark sense of humor / anything that isn't PG is against the rules on the internet in late 2010s >just stay on imageboards because i cant be banned for that Is anyone else a outcast fuck like me? I miss the early internet, man
>>5443 Sega should have just given all the Sonic girls curves except just Rouge and kept Eimi as his girlfriend.
>>5447 oh and my humor isn't even that dark or edgy, i just like questionable and a little rude stuff, but its not family guy or porno-tier.
/sthg/ I just came back from a restaurant and there was a kid with a Sonic and Shadow tee. It's very unusual to see Sonic stuff in the wild here so that was pretty cool! yes I was jelly
>>5445 I know of JenHen but who are the rest of them? I'd think evan might but I don't think we have seen actual lewds by her.
>>5451 ABT's done some lewds & Yardley's drew some fetish stuff via commissions
Sonic should appeal to the urban/street aesthetic again. It's even bigger than what it was in the 90s
>>5445 Not anyone, but me, I hope i get a tablet and become more honed so I can do animations
i dont like anyone enough to actually ask them to do comics or animation for me, i like myself more than i like anyone else, i like my ideas the most. Does anyone know this feel?
>>5452 Yeah, but none of those were actual lewds. ABT's stuff never had anything showing as far as I know and Yardley's stuff wasn't lewd either.
>>5454 Are you actually that good or is it just a pipe dream?
>>5456 I don't think he's done full-on sex, but I do remember some ABT pics that showed stuff.
>>5450 I'm jelly too
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>>5456 You do know what "lewd" means, right? OP of that question, I get most places like France wouldn't consider what Americans fine lewd, but lewd here means anything suggestive. Pic related counts.
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>>5463 Too used to halfchan format, pressed too soon
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>>5463 Technically you're right but in imageboards lewd can also mean actually explicit stuff, which is generally what I'd expect you to be referring to when you say that someone "did lewds". >>5464
>>5441 >still enjoy 2d games sometimes. I haven't been playing video games lately >>5463 cheesecake is lewd, yes, but I assumed that anon meant anything showing actual intercourse. In which case, jenhen is the only one to have drawn mobians doing so
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>>5467 I wanna punch him in the gut
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>>5469 Nothing wrong with some hedgehog bullying, anon
>>5447 I joined a Sonic discord from reddit once and I couldn't engage in any serious discussion with anyone. There was also some kid who kept giving me sass no matter what I said and it felt like I was the only person who wasn't a "le funny le mamay" poster.
>>5471 I used to use the /r/sonicthehedgehog reddit discord and it wasn't great. It had its good days but most of the time it was just memes. I think most people on the subreddit are kids so it makes sense
>>5471 >>5472 Oh yeah im on that one too. I dont mind shitposting but when it's like that all the time it's annoying. Like damn, discuss
>>5472 >>5474 This is why I come here instead of r/sthg… Don't know how to spoiler here
>>5475 *4/sthg
>>5475 You wrap whatever you wanna spoil with two *'s.
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>>5477 thanks >>5478 NANI?!?!
>>5472 From what I've seen, that subreddit in general is mostly memes. That said, it's also one of the most positive Sonic groups/places on the internet.
>>5480 Really? Nice in what way? About the games or like, as a community?
>>5480 >>5481 >one of the most positive That's true. 4chan's /sthg/ discord was ass by the way. The reddit's discord is better. >nice in what way As a community
>>5481 I haven't spent much time there, but I got the impression they seemed to still be pretty positive overall about the franchise. Like they still had a lot of optimism there compared to some of the more cynical nature of other places that talk about Sonic.
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>>5482 >>5483 That is such a sad thing. Imo, that's why I decided to just up and leave 4chan now, for good. Or at least until it somehow get bettter, but I don't see it happening this generation. It's been fucked over by how shit this decade has been, with how people just act in general to everyone and everyone, but as for 4/sthg/, it's just the kind of people that's there that just ruins it. I'm sorry to say, but after hearing people with depression issues and other negative vibes they express and use it to shittalk the series and the general, well, in general, it just makes things unbearable. I don't think that place is going to make it to the next milestone, if not Shadow's milestone. I really have my issues with the fans of Shadow, but not all of them are shitty people, but the ones that use the 4/sthg/ are going to cause problems the absolute most because how everyone shitpost about them, it's going to kill the place. But deep down, I can't care about it anymore. I choose to be here, because the people that want to be here want to be Sonic fans and be peaceful. And I hope it stays at least as good as the early days of "The Ride" 4/sthg, because people made it seem like a paradise I sadly couldn't experience for myself.
>>5483 Well, that is nice. I bounce/bounced around all sorts of places (4/sthg/, SSMB, Retro, SEGA Forums, some Discords, as well as here), but it's pretty rare to see communities still overall positive about Sonic. It's kinda nice though, because there's only so much negativity (well-deserved or not) that one can really take.
>>5485 Which one is your favorite and worst. I've been pretty much everywhere myself Here's my ranking here > 4/sthg/ > some discords > deviantart > retro > sega forums >>> shit >> ssmb (seriously fuck that shitty ass place)
>>5484 yeah honestly negativity is fucking banal and tiring especially if no good discussion is being brought and it's just the same derivative nonsense. people aren't creative or imaginative at all on the interwebs these days and what they constantly discuss reflects that
I didn't come on sthg until last year but I noticed the IPs used to go as high as 100-110. Now it only breaks 70 at most, what gives?
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This meta fan base talk stinks and is only going to cause shit. >>5484 If you want to contribute to this place, please don't make (blog)posts like these.
>>5489 Shut up, I like meta discussions. Some people like to fucking discuss things.
>>5488 It hasn't really reached those numbers since like last year or at the start of this one iirc, but those times happened when Sonic news was more frequent. Now it's just the same group of veterans that just like the shitpost about Amy's character or the great modern vs classic debate…
>>5488 Are you sure? That's sounds really weird. Given how popular and fast that place is I would have expected it to go higher, not lower. Is it still doing 1 thread a day?
>>5489 I'm sorry. I guess I was just venting…
>>5488 We lost a lot of regulars early this year because of a certain shitposter. Also there's barely been any news outside of Team Sonic Racing and Mania Adventures which came and went pretty fast. Some people only stick around when there are actually things happening. Not everyone cares for comic discussion, lore debates, etc. and just want news and predictions
>>5492 No, it hasn't been like that ever since Mania and Forces was released. Most people left and moved on or most of those shitposters got banned.
>>5491 I hope there's a Sonic cartoon or whatever, this franchise keeps going in dry spots and it was in one of a hell of a dry spot during 2011-2016 The comics being closely tied to the games and not being exciting enough is not helping, I think. >>5492 Yeah it's faster but the IP counter is lower. I always monitor the IP count of every thread. It only went to 90 when it got raided two weeks ago but it used to be a lot higher than that. >>5494 Ah, right. That's a shame. By the way who do you think the two unrevealed characters are for TSR? some faggot said Mighty and Bean and I know he's fibbing me but I'd love it
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>>5490 Calm down, faggot. Nobody said you can't discuss things, just that this "that community is better than that other one, that one is complete shit" thing is crappy and only going to cause shit.
>>5496 >By the way who do you think the two unrevealed characters are for TSR? the last team is Team Eggman so I'm guessing Orbot+Cubot and Metal Sonic. Or Metal Sonic and Infinite. Or Zavok and Infinite.
>>5494 Thinking about it, 2019 could be a pretty big year for Sonic. The movie, IDW year 2, the possibility of a new major game being announced, etc. What type of stuff do you anons expect to happen in 2019 for Sonic? >>5496 I imagine Team Eggman will be the last team for TSR, but I feel like the last team could be Metal & Zavok, given how much SEGA likes to use them. >>5490 I know some anons are very, very worried about this place going down the same route that 4/sthg/ went, which is understandable. But comments like that without trying to change the subject doesn't really help matters.
>>5496 I highly doubt it's them. Would be cool, but it doesn't make much sense based on how Sonic Team wants things. I'm hoping one of them is Metal, but the other one might be Infinite or Zavok.
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>>5491 >shitpost about Amy's character or the great modern vs classic debate
>>5499 >what do you expect to happen in 2019 for Sonic? I expect to be disappointed
>>5499 What type of stuff do you anons expect to happen in 2019 for Sonic? Mario's Olympic games & Sonic. And in a good future, Taxman Sonic game 2. But in this timeline, Kishimoto's Adventure 3. Reminder, SA1 was 20 years ago next year.
>>5503 I don't know, but I feel like we're due for some major announcements in the next year or so. Obviously M&S 2020, but I feel like we'll get teases for Mania 2 or even the announcement of a major Sonic Team game.
>>5497 Nice simplification of the conversation at hand, brainlet. How do you suppose people talk about why and how they got here, then? How do you suppose people talk about their vexations, you expect them to hold it or – oh what, they can't PM each other because it's an ANONYMOUS BOARD. People like you who hate discussions and want to police what people talk about are so god damned irritating. No one is fighting or arguing, this place is too fucking obscure to attract highly negative attention, so shut up.
>>5495 I think we always used to have 100+ posters and rarely 90, not just around Forces release but before. Where did people go? >or most of those shitposters got banned Yeah, fat chance. God dammit all the threads I've offline saved were saved after being pruned and the counter doesn't show anymore. This is peeving.
>>5498 >>5499 >>5500 Yeah it's definitely going to be Zavok "no one really gives a shit about that generic shit" and Metal "my role was taken by Shadow" Sonic. Sonic Team made a huge mistake by leaving out half the classic cast and massively re-designing and changing the urban / pop culture leitmotif of the characters.
>>5504 To add onto this, I think the movie will probably surprise some people. Not that I'm saying that it'll be good mind you, but I wouldn't be surprised if the film is just plain middle of the road. Also, this little nugget of detail about the film back when it was under Sony: http://aawesomepenguin.tumblr.com/post/178162631849/more-details-about-the-sonic-movie-when-it-was
>>5505 >People like you who hate discussions and want to police what people talk about are so god damned irritating I come here precisely for this. I want the bad aspects of the 4chan general filtered clean, and that means leaving some things behind. Honestly, it feels like that should include you.
>>5509 Well anon, if you want to change the direction of the thread, why not just go back to talking about Sonic? What do you think is gonna happen to the franchise next year?
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>>5510 Pic related, on a scale bigger than what we're used to. The Sonic movie is going to be in every theater on the planet, drawing massive attention to a product that fans are probably going to hate. Given the name it's probably going to make bank, and if there's one thing that Sega pays attention to it's money. They've shown countless times they would just change the direction of the franchise on a whim towards things that don't work well with Sonic, and this isn't going to be an exception, and it's probably not going to be very compatible with what fans want either.
Normalfags are going to like that movie, mark my words.
>>5511 Did you also post >>5447
>>5514 Kids will like it I'm sure, but I simply don't think the movie making a big splash in any fashion.
>>5513 I think it will end up like the movie Eragon. Fans will absolutely despise it. Kids will like it because it's full of flashy scenes and colorful CGI animals. Everyone else will see it as a run of the mill movie and forget about it after two or three months
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What if the movie ends up as popular as Minions? >>5517 >Kids will like it That's what Sega has been trying really hard to achieve hard for the past few years. I think they'd be okay if that happened, and if it does, I don't think people would forget about it so easily since kids are annoying about things they like and will demand more.
>>5496 >Mighty and Bean Wouldn't that be off limits because of that mandate of not mixing Classic and Modern characters? >>5498 >the last team is Team Eggman That wasn't actually confirmed, was it?
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>>5518 >What if the movie ends up as popular as Minions? please no. I want the movie to do well, especially if it's actually good, but seeing Sonic's face all over facebook in awful pictures like pic related I'm going to die. It's been awhile since the Minions movie but these things are still everywhere
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>>5503 >Reminder, SA1 was 20 years ago next year. >Sonic's 30th anniversary is less than 2 years away I've heard Japanese companies take 30th anniversaries pretty seriously. I wonder what they're going to do.
>>5519 It’s not really confirmed yet, but it does make sense for it to be Eggman. Based on a Famitsu scan, they only show 4 teams for Adventure mode and it’d make sense to not be able to play as Eggman during that. That and why would he get left out anyway?
>>5522 Hey, I agree, but I thought I had missed on some news. Having a hunch and having actual confirmation is a bit different.
>>5523 I should note that I wasn’t the same anon you had asked. Also, I assume the final team will be revealed at TGS this month.
>>5521 Generations 2 and Mania 2 would be my bet. I hate being negative but all Sega seems to be interested in is nostalgia pandering
>>5524 More like this week! Do you think there will be other Sonic news besides TSR on TGS? I'm looking forward to the /fast/ >>5525 Those options are actually also logical. How would Generations look like if it was released today instead of in 2011?
>>5526 If it were released today, the level design would probably be substantially worse. I know Kishimoto wasn't in charge of Generations but I still think the choices made in Lost World and Forces would impact Generations in some way. The two new stages would have probably been Windy Hill from Lost World since everything else is kind of forgettable, Sunset Heights or that casino forest level in Forces, and Studiopolis from Mania. One potentially good change might be the game getting its own unique vocal themes. Forces was the first game since Colors in 2010 to have vocal tracks. Given that they were generally praised, I could see some new ones being written for a new Generations. Also with the Hedgehog Engine 2, the game would probably look beautiful, especially if they decided not to bother with the Switch or release a special custom version for it, sort of like they did with Generations for the 3DS.
>>5526 It’s probably gonna be just TSR news.
>>5526 Can always hope for a teaser of whatever the 30th anniversary project is gonna be.
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https://youtu.be/rlTfp99GBis Tomorrow is the 25th birthday of satam anyone read the s3ason fan comic?
>>5530 No, how bad is it?
>>5531 Never read it, but I think the video was a parody of their own comic
>>5532 Pretty sure it was dumped on /sthg/ a few times in the past, along with Ian's early work.
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Morning /sthg/
>>5534 Mornin' anon.
>>5535 Thanks. So /sthg/, what's your least favorite Sonic track?
>>5536 Probably Spring Yard Zone. I just find it very… Dense, both the track and the stage, I don't like anything about it. For the Adventure or Modern eras I don't know, nothing comes to mind that I don't like at that level, I'm mostly indifferent in those cases. Un Gravitify comes to mind though because it was hyped up as great and when I went to listen to it I didn't like it. I was looking forward to something Knight of the Wind levels of good. fuck, I need to listen to Knight of the Wind on repeat for a few hours now
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>>5538 Cute gal
>>5536 probably everything from Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric. Everything sounds like generic trailer music
Did you ever have a Dreamcast, /fast/?
>>5541 Sadly no but I've always wanted one.
>>5541 No, never had one. It wasn't every popular over here so I don't have any memories of it from when it was a new system. I also wasn't very into consoles at that moment, and afterwards I started getting used to playing on PCs so I didn't want any consoles.
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Bumblekast highlights: >Ian confirms that the reason why none of the villages in IDW sonic so far have names is because there aren't any plans to return to them for the most part >There ARE plans to return to Tangle's village from issue 4 and it'll get a name then. Ian didn't reveal said name, but Kyle butted in and jokingly said "It's called 'Tangle's World'" >If they do revist any of the other villages in the future they might get names (for instance, Ian cited the walled town from issue 3 could have a reason to be called back to), but nothing explicitly planned for now
Well, since I got some time on my hands until I guess more cms, anyone want Maria requests? I need to practice.
>>5546 Eh, a simple Maria hugging Shadow would be fine
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I've uploaded IDW #8 to mega! Here's the link: https://mega.nz/#!ukR0BQrR!uaSv5xRpX52hZJQU4Imx1QF9v9YwjGM1Sj9W5N6qZAU And the link to the folder with all the issues: https://mega.nz/#F!65oBCaoQ!8lkn8JebzaZensDJbLxDeg Password is the usual one (thread's name). I wonder if I should be uploading these with no password and in .cbr. I upload them under password and without any incriminating filenames to avoid them taking down, but I'm not sure how useful they are to people like this, even though just extracting them and reading them like that is easy.
>>5546 Maria playing Shadow’s game.
>>5546 Draw young Maria stealing from Gerald's wallet (or from some other valuable/interesting item of his) or otherwise being mischievous.
>>5548 Neat. Nice of you to upload it for us!
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>>5548 >nuPPG IDW And now I'm upset… And once again, Sonic and PPG cross paths, but it's still the nuPPB versions… But thanks for the upload, though I did have these already. Are you the same one that story times these in the 4/sthg/?
>>5551 Any time! >>5552 Nope, different anon.
>>5553 Ok, thanks new comicanon. Does those PPG comics come with every Sonic comic now?
>>5554 It's a different promotion every comic. So in a previous issue we've had Angry Birds and I think some comic about Donald.
Why does SEGA use Time Travel so much in Sonic? Most of the time it made the games worse. Why do they like the concept so much?
>>5557 Because it's easy for them to create something around that concept. It gives them a lot of freedom, they can fuck things up and do wacky things without giving any real explanation or having lasting effects on canon.
>>5558 Well, ok, I guess I can understand that. But they did this as early as the SECOND GAME. Both times, CD AND S2. So you're telling me starting out the gate, they didn't really have any idea for Sonic that could just be done normally in present time, and had to pull crazy shit like time travel that early in Sonic's history? That's the kind of crap that makes it obvious SEGA had no idea what to do with Sonic. It's weird considering many other mascot series didn't stoop to that until 3+ sequels in, and thats mostly the 3D era of games doing that, most 2D ones just add to what the last games did instead.
>>5560 How do you do that?
>>5548 Good shit. Thanks for the update, anon! Oh & apparently, there's some Bumblekast highlights that I forgot to mention: >Ian does not consider "crap" a swear, just impolite. He felt "Oh no" was too light for the situation. He's had discussions on the usage of that word in the past with various editors before. >Ian hasn't checked yet if certain dubious modern characters are available to use such as Eggman Nega yet. As for restrictions, it isn't necessarily that a character couldn't be used at all, just not in a certain story arc. Characters have been approved for stories before but then rescinded in the past. Far as he knows any alive character is good to use, but it'll be on a case-by-case basis. >Ian doesn't know if the FF's would need a new redesign if they were reintroduced. It would be up to Sega. >Ian had no concrete plans for post-reboot Rosie Woodchuck, she would just be around being matronly. >For Worlds Unite, the editor wanted a character death to "up the stakes". Ian disagreed since it was going to be reset anyway. They came to the compromise of killing Team Dark for an obvious fake-out so Ian didn't feel he cheated people. >In reference to a Sonic Legacy poster, the rights on Archie characters no longer in print is too dubious to try to sell merchandise based on them. >The random villages Sonic visited in the opening arc of IDW don't have a name at this point. A criticism Ian received in the past is that every location got a name, leading to clutter so he decided to save them for locations with narrative weight. >Aleah Baker came up with most of the Meropis arc, Ian just helped here and there. >In Archie Ian wanted to treat the Chao as more living beings with natural life cycles than minigames. >Spitballed ideas for unfeatured Mobius 30 years later characters: Cream grew up into an adventurer, Cheese became a white chao, Rouge became a semi-benevolent mogul, and single Amy Rose gets the Time Stones and goes adventuring through time. >Ian didn't consider Sally and Nicole's relationship as specifically "sisterly", just close. The plan was for Spark of Life to be a first step towards Nicole realizing her feelings towards Sally were more than friendship. Sally and Nicole would explore these feelings more and reach an actual romance. So yes, they would have become carpet-munching besties. Have fun with that. >Ian didn't intend for Sonic and Silver's relationship to be antagonistic. Just that Sonic likes to tease Silver because of his earnestness. >Until Ian gets a distinct explanation for how Silver has been hopping into the past without a chaos emerald, he's just going to go with "he finds a way" to avoid contradictions down the line. >There may be a rogue gallery beyond Eggman. >In Worlds Collide Tails make a reference to a past injury in Launch Base Zone. This is a reference to a glitch where Tails can die after the the first phase boss In Sonic 3. >Ian has ideas on how to tackle Blaze's connections to Iblis and the Sol Dimension, but feels that's something Sega needs to establish themselves. >If Ray was featured in any comic material then he would be made taller to match his Mania depiction. >Ian thinks that the modern Chaotix are the only incarnation now after the Classic split. >Eggman's line in the Forces comics about him not needing the Master Emerald after getting the Phantom Ruby was Ian's way to reconcile the fact that Eggman just leaves without taking it after Knuckles left in Sega's story outline. >Sega still not keen on family members for Sega characters. >NO UNOFFICIAL SHIPPING! >Ian has no immediate plans for the Babylon Rogues, but he thinks they can be interesting. >The Darkest Storm arc (issues #162-164) was tasked to Ian by the editor to wrap up as many loose plot threads as possible so it would be Ian's run from then on. >>5561 You can embed YT vids through the "show post options & limits" feature.
>>5559 Sonic 2 had time travel stuff? Anyway, I was mostly referring to more current events, but after hearing how they fucked up different aspects of the classic games (the issues with the rights of the tunes are very well known, and I think I heard a few times that they lost the code to the games), yeah, it sounds like they were… careless to say the least.
> and single Amy Rose gets the Time Stones and goes adventuring through time. So she becomes DBS Trunks. Interesting, you'd think that's Silvers Job. But I guess she never got with Sonic in the end. And the Sallycole is going to trigger 4/sthg good, assuming they got this news by now. I know one artist there is likely already taking that news on a field day I'm sure.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq2KHYK0yK0 >>5564 Ugh, I'm still not used to this site yet. >>5562 >>5563 Sonic 2 was originally planned to have time travel elements just like Sonic CD, which was funny because both developers didn't know each game's exist would both feature Time Travel when they found out about the projects. So in the end thanks to time restrictions, Sonic 2 scrapped the time travel gimmick for what we got and CD kept the time travel gimmick. Here's a video of it (20 mins in). And another that even suggest both games were meant to be "one in the same" but I think this is reference to how both games where meant to use time travel. https://youtu.be/Yk3gFN15hx4?list=PLBO8M-O_dTPHMkyYu8bAax7lSDtTmtW10&t=294
>>5564 Yeah, I didn't really like MXYL, but the idea of Amy becoming a time-traveling adventurer is pretty solid at least. >>5565 Damn, never knew that. Thanks for the share, anon.
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>>5562 >some That's a lot of stuff! >Oh no >Aleah Baker came up with most of the Meropis arc, Ian just helped here and there. Aleah in IDW when? >sally and nicole >awful temptation to shitpost intensifies Can I have a link to the part where he talks about this? >NO UNOFFICIAL SHIPPING! What does that mean? Was this supposed to say official instead of unofficial?
>>5567 I guess it meant no forced shipping unapproved by SEGA. Aka, nothing that suggest dating.
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>>5565 I'm sure you'll get used to it in no time! That's a neat video, by the way, lots of information in it. I'll give it a more thorough watch tomorrow. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go listen to Mystic Cave real bad.
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>>5565 By the way, favorite special stage?
>>5570 This is probably an unpopular opinion, but the half pipe stages in Sonic 2. They can get pretty frustrating, but when mastered it's kinda fun.
>>5569 >Mystic Cave Now I have to listen to toxic caves
>>5571 I think the unpopular opinion is Sonic 1's. I don't know why people hate it so much ;_;
>>5570 I used to like Blue Sphere but I never want to touch it again after Mania. I dislike all the other special stages.
>>5573 Really? I've actually seen a lot of people shit on the Sonic 2's myself. But either way, I never really hated Sonic 1's, aside from a few of the later stages
>>5570 3K. I use to enjoy S2s, but after trying to 100% S2 before playing through 3K before the release of Mania, I almost pulled my hair out and rage quited. I just skip to 3K and did that, then played Mania and boy do I enjoy Mania's S2 zones over the original. Mania Plus even more just for Oil Ocean. So over all, 3Ks. It's the most enjoyable that still requires some form of skill that doesn't punishes you using memorization. It's arcadic and should be dropped from games.
>>5576 >It's arcadic and should be dropped from games. But it's fun
>>5577 I don't care, most games don't rely on them. Make it a Time Attack Mission Mode or something, get that shit out of my face for the first time playthrough.
>>5578 And Mania's SZ doesn't do it either and it's far better and more skillful.
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Goodnight /sthg/
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>>5583 I find it interesting how many times the Japanese made Sonic cutesy at times, but in the final (for American audiences) version, they made him more antsy (edgy). It seems Yuji Naka was the only person that really saw Sonic other than being cutesy, and people saying it now only say that because of what he forced for Sonic's image. I think I rather see Sonic be both, cute with attitude, because that's what makes him look better than Mario to me.
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>>5547 >>5549 >>5550 I couldn't draw one of them, sorry. Maybe I can try when I get more time, it's late now. Hope you enjoy and also some other stuff I did for practice. If you have any critiques, go ahead, I'll try to improve. https://mega.nz/#F!MY1GWCja!0vKt0D6ZZTHlF0PIhVJJHA
>>5586 Cute stuff, really liking the sly expression on Maria in the first pic. G'night & keep it up!
>>5586 Very cute!
>>5586 >wake up to find artfriend delivery on /fast/ >it's even something you requested Everything is great today, nothing can mess this up.jpg Whan would little Maria use her newfound fortune on and what is Gerald going to do with her one he finds out?
>>5589 Give her a stern talking too
What would Maria think of Infinite and Eclipse?
>>5593 She'd obviously want Shadow to kill them.
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>>5593 I really wouldn't have much of a clue, seeing she really didn't see much of of "evil" that time she spent up on the Ark. Maybe if she had the chance to somehow come back like Shadow did, and see both sides of life, she'd have to realize some things just can't "be happy". Evil's happiness is the suffering of others.
>>5594 Sounds like a lot of fun.
>>5596 anon what is this
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>>5596 Maria didn't approve of this, anon…
>Open Tumblr >Instantly faceful of cute Sonic and Amy content >Want to save them >Forgot extension that allows raw images is broken now F-Fuck… In other news, anyone know the file size limit here? It's come to my attention it was a lot higher here than on 4ch. And you can even post webms with sound.
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Slightly unrelated but; Avatar: The Last Airbender is getting yet ANOTHER live action remake on Netflix… With Sonic's movie coming up, do you think Sonic would get yet another live action media regardless if this upcoming one fails or not? As a TLAfag, this makes me more mad than with Sonic's movie
>>5600 Max file size is 16 MB. You can also upload mp4s with sound, and other files like PDFs are also allowed. You can check all the options below the reply box at the top of the page, just click on "show post options & limits".
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>>5601 I can definitely see SEGA giving Sonic another live-action piece of media (probably a sequel) if it's a success
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>>5601 I think it'll depend on how much they have already invested in it. If they're going for something like Sonic Boom (like, creating a whole new sub series around it), then they may try to double down even if it fails, but I guess it'll depend on how big of a failure it is. They had huge plans for Boom but that didn't end up saving that series. I think they'll do pretty much everything for the right amount of money, so if a studio offers them enough to repeat the same mistake again I'm sure they would allow it.
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>>5606 Anyone drew her in a different outfit before?
I hope we get to hear an extended version of Green Light Drive from TGS
>>5607 There's some Sage in different outfits, yeah. I don't have them on my computer atm, but I think they're in the booru.
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Do anons prefer sprites over vector art or not? Do you prefer 2D over 3D? Realism styled 3D (Sonic 06) or stylizied (e.g, DBFZ)? I really enjoy sprites until they can spend the time to actually animation using vectors,but I do prefer 3D as long as you give it enough leg room to feel like a cartoon, e.g CGI in Unleashed/Night of the Werehog.
>>5610 Does anyone think she could have a different default outfit? Her's right now seem kinda bland.
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I am the ultimate lifeform!
>>5611 For 2D I don't really have a preference. For 3D I prefer a mix of realism and stylized, sort of like what Unleashed was going for. I think totally realistic graphics age poorly and rapidly whereas stylized stuff looks nice for awhile, like even the original Gamecube Wind Waker still looks nice today. But tons of cell-shaded games and 'artsy' stuff over the years has gotten kind of tiring. So a mix of realism with cartooniness is the best way to go in my opinion.
>>5611 I think 2D sprites can be really good (like some of the idle animations in the Advances games & some of the animations in the Genesis-style games), but I feel like 3D could have a higher ceiling, in terms of potential. That being said, I prefer something a bit more stylized compared to the realistic-style 3D we got in 2006. >>5612 I like her default clothes enough, but I'm open to whatever anons could draw her in.
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>>5607 There are some. Some might be too lewd to post.
>>5614 >>5615 What's your thoughts on something like Gravity Rush?
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>>5611 >sprites over vector art Does vector art actually get used for video games? I thought it was mostly used for stuff that needed to be printed for the most part. What relation does it have with sprite art? I don't think I have a preference strictly speaking, there are awesome and awful examples of each style and what matters to me isn't if it's 3D or 2D or sprite or something else, so long as it's well done and looks good, and works for what they're trying to go for. Given how good Unleashed looked, however, it has really left me wanting more, so that's what I'd prefer right now for Sonic.
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>>5612 I'm generally very reluctant to change the mascots' appearance, but if you have something in mind and can draw it maybe you should give it a spin.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih4gm-A-k84 Have you ever liked some part of the franchise (including fanworks) that you found a bit embarrassing? Post it here. A while ago I found out a bunch of people did music videos mashing up scenes from the games and TV shows and whatnot and I kind of liked some of them. They're probably terrible but the music is catchy and they have a lot of Sonic so they caught my attention for some time.
>>5613 Hi Mighty! >>5616 >Sage as Tomoko Hey, I’m watching the anime right now. That’s neat.
>>5620 I like the song We Can. The Sonic franchise is known for its cheesiness but We Can is just something else and I love/hate it
>>5620 Fans making AMVs of Sonic X in like 2005/2006 is legit one of the first ways I got exposed to the franchise.
>>5622 >I love/hate it That pretty much sums it up for me as well
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Anyone else here like Sonic?
>>5618 >Does vector art actually get used for video games? Games like Shantae: Half Genie Hero, DuckTales Remastered, Rayman Origins, etc that used vector art to be used instead of pixel based sprites. >What relation does it have with sprite art? It's being used now for the art sets for characters and other animated npc and enemies, to make the games now have a more uniformed artstyle instead of mixing them with 2D sprites and high rez illistration art. E.g, think of Sonic 2 HD. And I really agree to everyone using Unleashed as a choice, and it's nice hearing this without the typical bashing over it because of the gameplay aspects, because god knowns this fanbase needs more over the top rejection, only to get budgeted games as a whiplash to the backlash. >Captcha: r mod bs Ok now 8ch.
>>5625 Who?
>>5627 that blue guy who looks like Knuckles
>>5625 I love that guy. Some of his games are pretty good
>>5628 Oh that rat? He’s alright.
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>>5625 I like the edgy black Sonic guy more.
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>>5625 Hell yeah.
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>>5625 Yup
>>5631 Edgy black Sonic is very cool.
>>5631 I love edgy black Sonic!
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>>5635 >>5634 Too bad he's a loser.
>>5636 What the hell is this artstyle
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Why not both?
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>>5638 Agreed.
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>>5638 Patrician taste
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>>5641 H-hey, I didn't post anything gay.
Did 4/sthg crash again?
>>5643 No, but it's pretty shitty right now.
>>5640 Would Sonic take good care of his Chao?
>>5644 I'd expect either or.
>>5645 He'd probably use the poor guy as a fleshlight.
>>5638 Well this isn't what I had in mind with my post.
>>5645 Amy would have to take care of him for Sonic.
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What was your first Sonic game and when did you play it? Did you rike it?
>>5650 I played Sonic Blast as a kid and really liked it.
>>5650 Mine was Advance. It was too hard for me and I couldn't finish it with anyone except Tails so I didn't really like it that much. I'm not sure why I gave the franchise another chance with SA2 but I'm glad I did. Now I'm a sonic autist like all of you
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>>5650 My first game was Advance 2. First time I ever saw a blue rat running fast through levels & young, 2002 me was fucking amazed by it. Next thing I know I'm playing Sonic Heroes on the GameCube, on my way to becoming the Sonic autist I am now. Don't regret a thing, tbh.
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>>5650 Sonic 1. 1997 on my Uncle's Genesis. It was ok.
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Well I want to post rodents eating food too.
>>5655 Cute rats
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Do we get a new comic tomorrow?
>>5657 Yup. Issue 9 comes out tomorrow night.
>>5658 Will it be shit?
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>>5659 Only one way to find out
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J-just a bit more!
hi /fast/
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>>5662 Hey there big boy.
>>5650 Sonic 2 in 1996. And yes I did, it's the point I became a Sonic fan.
>>5664 lewd
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>>5662 Sup anon
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>>5662 Welcome. You almost didn't get here in time for this thread! Bakeeeer!
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>>5650 Sonic 2 on a plug and play Genesis around 2005ish
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>>5671 You're not even 20 are you? Go be young somewhere else.
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>>5672 But I like this place
>>5673 Alright, but behave yourself! >>5669 I'm on it. New thread up in a bit.
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>>5674 And the new thread has been baked: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYvO8eaWJNc
>>5677 I'm retarded, here you go: >>5676
>>5645 I'm pretty sure Sonic abandoned his chao.
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>>5679 Thanks baker anon. >>5677
>>5681 p-pls no bulli

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