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I need a helping hand Anonymous 03/20/2024 (Wed) 03:16:38 No. 379
Let me tell you from the start. I am with crypto since I was in class 7. And its been already 8-9 years, I haven't hold anything yet. But day by day, crypto become the most favourite things of mine. I passed my J.S.C ( Junior School Certificate ), S.S.C ( Secondary School Certificate & H.S.C ( High School Certificate ) with a grade point (GPA) of 5.00 (A+). The journey was great. But problem start when my father died after the time of S.S.C. After the H.S.C I learned about graphics design, and started freelancing to earn money. But at this point in my life not being able to get any orders. I try telegram marketplaces, facebook and linkdin also to search for clients. Though I got some orders but now its being so difficult for me. I searched for part time job then. I also got one, anyhow, it was going. But its been 3 months I lost my job. I am in 3rd year right now. Just one more year left to complete my graduation. I don't know what to say or how to say as I am really ashamed of it. I need almost $2k in this semester but for me its being really impossible to manage this amount. I really doesn't had any option left without post on 4chan. At least an anon response to me. I strictly hate begging and as you mentioned in your first mail, I don't know will you help me or not. But if you could help that would helps me to complete my graduation. My mother always wanted me to see as a police officer but without completing the graduation its impossible for me. Its not like that I don't earn well or beg from people, its not like that. But this time, I am empty. Sometimes life is kind of hard to struggle, that time we need a helping hand very badly. I really don't want to lose my educational career. Badly want to complete my graduation. Please consider a bit, your little bit consider will save my entire education career. If needed i can also send you my face record video evidence or also my live location or even any documents like my government issued identity card so that you don't think I am lying for free money. Anyway you may help me out Anon? > If someone can help me out, send me an email to anon33001@gmail.com Writing this to you, sitting alone in a room, don't know what your response will be but, Thanks & Regards Anon33001
>>1285 >like a flat earther Wait you don't actually believe in the outside-sphere Earth do you? Do you also believe in NASA fake moon landing footage and that Bin Ladin did 9-11? The more lies you accept, the less contact with reality you have, and you drop down in delusion.
>>1286 >>1287 Fuck no I don't believe in flat earth horseshit, I'm equivocating the deranged, self-righteous, misandrist death worshipping fecal encephalopath's insistence on brainwashing /x/ to believe Jesus Christ to be the antichrist to that of Flat Earth. Only here, the "empath" is quite clearly malignant as he is sanctimonious in nature and I've made it my mission to eradicate him from /x/. He's insidious in a way he can't conceive, from brainwashing techniques like endless repetition to sucking himself off through this saccharine typing manner. He's a living parody of a schizophrenic shaman in all the wrong ways and I've came to abhor emoticons like ";)" or ":D" because of him. His disingenuous method of interpreting the bible in the most intellectually dishonest manner to how goddamn smug he is and his poor excuse of "I've seen bad shit done in Jesus' name" are practically cognitive hazards in their own right. Just search "Christ" under username in 4plebs /x/, or "LUCIFER IS SIN" in subject in 4plebs /x/. He's fond of repeating keywords and phrases like a bot, and irritatingly NPC-esque as it is it's also sorta revealing as to what sort of person he is. "source mother", "moloch is satan", it's almost as if he wants me to blaspheme or reject Jesus as "the antichrist" to accept his empty, dubious spirituality which offers no real salvation.
>>1281 You're polluting other threads with your shameless begging now? This is just crass.
>>1290 One or two questions isn't polluting, it's a signal flare to see if he hadn't entirely forgotten me or not - especially since I feared I lost my ability to psychically communicate or invoke others. That aside, I do apologize for needing to go there just for some reassurance.
>>1298 >since I feared I lost my ability to psychically communicate or invoke others Yeah I knew I should get back to you but... I just simply didn't have answers good enough yet. Just my usual word salads about problems very few can comprehend. You are not forgotten but my necessary equipment is not ready yet. >>1288 >Fuck no I don't believe in flat earth horseshit You have to forget this flat vs round vs planetoid shape or whatever. When you see dimensions from higher planes they appear differently. If you astral travel it can appear "flat" or as a small dot that is being enveloped by the abyss. When your schizo says "the earth is flat" he is referring to the perception he is gaining from his "mother". For the mother it looks flat and it NEEDS to be flat so he and she can operate on it. It's a dimensional perception thing. The most important part of it is that he needs a perception that goes beyond the "solar system and barren planets and we are all alone in the universe" mentality. With the earth is a "globe" there is "no ceiling" that he can breach. If he believes it is "flat" he can find a "wall" while going up and "open it" which will lead him to whenever the mother calls him. Not to mention his bible interpretations are all about energies the church is incapable properly guiding or exploiting. Satanists like the Bible once they understand how to invoke powers from it. JoS is the weirdest sunday school tbh.
>>1288 >I've came to abhor emoticons like ";)" or ":D" xD Also I realized when you said that you thought "he is just like you" and you finally found a "kindred spirit" then he turned into a weird and twisted antithesis of (You) you went and merged with a power that is "lowly enough" so it can make a "dent" in him if you are sacrificial enough. You are like a jilted lover because your "friend" turned into an insidious pest. I never cared about /x/ but it truly feels "empty" nowadays. But you will not fix it from your current state. It's like trying to clean a white surface with a muddy and shaky hand. You will have to "let go of him" and he needs to find a way to awaken properly instead of doing this shit tier looshfarming manic spamming. He can do it more effectively with mantras while meditating. But I am sure for him it's a "sexual thing" while for you this whole thing is "personal" and you think it is your "mission" to "die on this cross". Remember Jesus lamented how God "left him" while he was on the cross. This is what happens when you have a half baked purpose you "think" you are "willing to die for". Jesus carried the cross thinking he will "get out of it somehow". Well he did. But I am sure he didn't envision that it will happen like that. This is the problem when you bite larger than you can chew. The karmic energetic entanglement will drag you to weird places. This is why letting go is important. Once you let go this "parasitic relationship" between you and the "others" aka low energy /x/ users and the schizo you are affecting might end. I too had several events when I let go of a grudge I had for years and things started to improve relating to that matter the next day. Emotions can create a nasty karmic connection. Hate is a form of love. Both of them brings you together with the other person you have the feelings towards and will keep you together until you are wiling to let go. Hugs and punches are making you connect almost the same way. The problem is that the "thought of letting go" gives you the association that "you lost" and because "you put your ego on the line" it means it's like letting your entire personality overtaken by that fuck. That schizo needs to realize where he is going and he needs to find a "proper truth" instead being a menace. Menaces only "work well" as long as they have glimpses of truths within their stupidity that gives "staying power" to their ways. "Being good" without having "truth by your side" is not "good" but a sort of self righteous delusion that either needs a moment of lucidity so you can correct it or you have to turn into a blind zealot that upholds the "lies" that he considers the only truth. Truth is infinite and not just mere catchphrases and quotes. It takes many forms. Even things that seem "wrong" can hold truth but that doesn't mean it's a whole truth. I always liked the Kybalion's all truths are but half truths principle. This is why "evil" have a staying power but never can become a truly dominant force. Their half-truth their understanding have a limit and they cannot overextend after a while. Currently your zeal your willingness to fight is "trapped" in this hatred in this "mission" to "get rid of him no matter what". If /x/ dies he goes away if you die or go into an insane asylum or rehab he also goes away. See? This is the problem with these self destructive forces. It will just lead into a way you might not want at all. Now what if you go insane and he also goes insane in the process? Would you say it's "worth it"? Because that is what is happening. You connected to some of his thought currents then connected to this "Path of damnation" and you are trying your best to infect him and as you do it he infects you back and as you try to be 2 snakes devouring each other you cannot even go beyond the "tip of the tail" because you constantly chase each other. Your ways are impure and bereft of truth. The ways of the cosmos are infinite and not everything can be solved by "killing the faulty parts". It's a journey you and he also has to go through but it was never ever written anywhere that you need to be part of his journey nor that you need to be the "future of /x/". What does /x/ mean to you? Why do you care about /x/ so much. If you want to "give back /x/ what it gave to you" then I am sure it's not about hating one schizo. Also I hate to say this but the succgen is the strongest bastion of /x/ currently and the girls will not let that corner of existence go so they can find flesh blood for their amusement. Many entities have interest in that place and they will not let you have the whole place for yourself. Letting you tire yourself out with a squabble with a minor schizo takes you out of the way so others can mind their business. Not to mention I am still not sure what Archangelic retardation did Sirlulzington get into. The problem with connecting to past work of Schizos that are "still alive" is that the "current they make" belongs to them so if they "go mad" in the process they can infect all their "followers" who still think they are following a past expression of the person while still not aware of the hidden meanings when shit hits the fan. That can also be something that I cannot comprehend now. Angels notice when "people make waves" so do the devils and differentiating the 2 is not easy. If Sirlulzington is the "messiah" then you are barely on an apostle level that will end up the same way his "master". For some reason most apostles died the same way as Jesus if not worse. Only their ideals survived but not them. Are you willing to become an idea or you still cling to the earthly existence. You will have to chose. Either let go of the self destructive idea of revenge or let go of your earthly attachments completely and let "Fate guide your way" into the karmic madness it entails. Spirituality can be done right and in extremely twisted ways. Even "evil" has to accept some tenets of spiritual truth and purity so he can make their ambitions make fruits long term but they always lose in the end because they are chasing their own demise with that. You know the term "petty evil". People who think themselves "good" can fall into "pettiness" and reach the "road of hell is paved with good intentions" as a destination. You are not ready for your own hell yet. And especially not ready for the hell of that schizo. He is making a hell worse than anything for himself that will collapse on his head and he either ascends into the embrace of her mother or die trying. You don't need to be in his hell when it's collapsing. >>1285 >I want and need to retain my power at affecting reality, real badly You have it it's just it's way too above you currently. First you have to let go of the degenerative current and find some healthy way so you can recuperate from the side effects of the drugs. Real hard to differentiate between the damage the drugs did and the damage the degenerative current did. Will listen to the songs sometimes and think up an emotional resonance kickstart. The mind has pathways that has the sole purpose of "playing songs in your head" I sync to the correct one and might figure out something. My heart is clenching just by trying to figure out a solution so I know that it will not be pretty. There are more things there I am not seeing yet. See. This is why I didn't post nowadays. Everytime it's a longpostfest and I am tired of saying so many things and unable to give breakthrough results. Not to mention I am busy with my own mundane hurdles.
>>1300 Holy moses that is an impressive wall. I'm kind of jealous of your ability to write like that. Keep it up though, this is nice reading.
>>1301 >I'm kind of jealous of your ability to write like that I have too many and too fast thoughts. Learning to word them in a way so others can understand it was one of the most important challenge I had to overcome in my childhood. >of your ability to write like that Well... it's not exactly "mine". I can "copy" skills of others and I kinda copied other longposters and to start writing I have to connect to the energies of the audience. Then the energies dictate the way I should write it. The first thing you need to know when you write something is that "who do you write it for". Is it for yourself or for a general audience or for people of specific mindsets you share or resonate with. Truth is I wanted to make more proper effort posts about the nature of magic and other things but I thought I will help this "person in need" first. Never thought it will take this long. When I write I summon the energies of the environment so we can "shape it together". It is like acoustics in music. You send out a note it echos back on the wall then you learn how an empty room sounds and how the room packed with people also sound differently. First you hear only your own music then you start to hear the crowd and learn to entertain the crowd the same way the presence of the crowd entertains you. They say no sentences but emit noises heat and movement which resonates with your music. That way you become one for the duration of that performance and leave memories and energy formation in your wake. It must come effortlessly and truth is my longpostmancy is a quest for finding my own true expression. Currently it's too wordy. Meaning can come through with pure expression more effortlessly but it vanes fast and others can overwrite it easily if it's not potent enough. >Keep it up though, this is nice reading Good to hear because connecting to his deeper energies is not pleasant. This is why I need a /fringe/ level place where I know I am writing for fellow initiates and adepts and not mundanes and the damned or possessed. An entity visiting me from other posters because "it noticed me" makes me kill my laptop in the process as my energies overcharge in surprise sometimes. But that is the magic of the internet. A weird phenomenon I could only explore in my current incarnation. Had to realize how peculiar it is compared to my other life experiences.
>>1299 >When your schizo says "the earth is flat" he is referring to the perception he is gaining from his "mother". For the mother it looks flat and it NEEDS to be flat so he and she can operate on it. It's a dimensional perception thing. The most important part of it is that he needs a perception that goes beyond the "solar system and barren planets and we are all alone in the universe" mentality. With the earth is a "globe" there is "no ceiling" that he can breach. If he believes it is "flat" he can find a "wall" while going up and "open it" which will lead him to whenever the mother calls him. Not to mention his bible interpretations are all about energies the church is incapable properly guiding or exploiting. Satanists like the Bible once they understand how to invoke powers from it. JoS is the weirdest sunday school tbh. I know you're speaking analogous here, but he simply believes and wants other to believe that Jesus is somehow the fucking antichrist according to his demented and unfounded logic and can't see beyond that, which is the entrypoint for upsetting my religious OCD and breaching his way into my "ideas sphere" or subconscious where I dedicated far too much mental energy to swatting that irksome fly away. >>1300 >Also I realized when you said that you thought "he is just like you" and you finally found a "kindred spirit" then he turned into a weird and twisted antithesis of (You) you went and merged with a power that is "lowly enough" so it can make a "dent" in him if you are sacrificial enough. You are like a jilted lover because your "friend" turned into an insidious pest. I never found him to be an acquaintance, much less anything resembling a friend. I'm not too privvy on what "letting go" genuinely entails for me to simply take the stop out of the floodgate and allow him to continue existing on that board, though even before I came to grips with its absolute necessity I've been attempting to coerce my feelings, or subconscious into doing so. His hate for Jesus and misconflation of Him with the pharisees are core tenets of his belief system - something he's not likely to go back on or question in any shape or form. Schizos like these are what made me realize now the whole "substance schizo" persona wouldn't teneble if it required me to stoop to these depths. He's already insane, and from what I can recall he's even (allegedly) been institutionalized once I say allegedly because he's somehow able to continue posting despite that as well as backing his shit on scraps of dualism, entertaining the notion of an anima/divine feminine alongst common anti-jew and anti-israel speaking points exist, though he's warped himself into the jews he so hates. The concept of becoming an idea is rather intriguing, and it's not in my best interests to wear myself down to spite a mentally feeble lobotomite given internet access. I briefly considered him some form of counterpart or "twin flame" the first time I saw his flowery word salad poems in 2022, haven't interacted with him since until 2023, and by then the idea was long since dead. I think he got tangentially corroded by the demonic energy of a satanic junkie psychopath I dealt with in the past, but I can't confirm that nor do I care to. I want him gone from /x/ so as to no longer have a repository to narcissistically self-reference his earlier posts like they contain any semblance of truth nor autofellate himself. I don't deserve this inexplicable spiritual affliction, he does. But I got myself here, and God knows what he's got himself into. >He is making a hell worse than anything for himself that will collapse on his head and he either ascends into the embrace of her mother or die trying. Many a post he's made where he speaks of attaining such apotheosis, however obsequious and pretentious his tone is. I can only hope whatever vague, twisted notion of karma that upholds his existence no longer shields him, and should it entail not caring then I pray a way to forget him comes.
Jesus isn't the Anti-Christ obviously, but the roles are reversed. But his kind of discussion is like saying "yes I'm a satanist, because Satan is the real creator god and God is Satan", if you use the same words for "good or bad" but want to reverse the meaning, it's just completely messed up. Rather it would make sense to say that Jesus isn't a positive character. I bet the glowies love this kind of shit. They always push the narrative that >flat earthers are making our legit jew-blaming look bad by association when in reality, the earth is a flat disc inside a sphere, and the jews aren't responsible. There are so many layers of confusion here.
>>1306 >I know you're speaking analogous here I am trying my best to untangle your mental circuits and yes you can call it analogous in several regard especially if we think about this "digital" or "duality bound" mentality where there are 1s and 0s good vs bad and nothing else then we become blind as hell to the nuance of things. Not easy to see it I know. >Jesus is somehow the fucking antichrist according to his demented and unfounded logic and can't see beyond that I don't know how he came to this conclusion and it's not important what is important is that Jesus "is" or at least the "originator" of anti-Christ. It's quite complicated but it's about the shadow or giving a new name for the devil. The messiah is supposed to come and "defeat the devil" and "recover the seeds of heaven" which is trapped in Hell then bring upon the Messianic age. Now this is the "tricky" part. How do you "defeat" the devil. What "is" the devil. It's a long ass topic but the joke is that you merge with the devil accept all parts of it cleanse it and merge 2 sides of the coin then overcome duality and finally become one etc. It's a long journey. Nowadays I am getting less sure about the crucifixion of Jesus and if it truly played out as it was written but Jesus had a "chance" while still on the cross. Accepting all the sins of the 2 criminals by him merging with the "god and devil" within and become a living forge of energies and geting the fuck off from the cross. The problem he was "waiting for God" and he forgot that "God is everywhere" even in the lowest of criminals and... fuck it this is not the point I am trying to make now. The problem is that the "depiction of Jesus" is making you connect to some "church egregore" and once churches start "Infighting" and declare each other heretics or traitors the "Jesus" they have becomes the "real Jesus" while the "opposing Jesus" becomes the "anti-Christ". (And you managed to accept a donut steal original Jesus of your own making approved by Sirlulzington which makes you fight several egregoric Jesuses with your very own special Jesus image thus rendering the function Jesus fulfills quite weak until you defeat "all the antichrists") This is why religious wars within the same faith always manage to create retarded shit like this where the followers become mindbroken as hell. Those who were accepted as brothers and equals yesterday became mortal enemies that deserve the worst hells imaginable. The depiction of Jesus changed through the centuries a lot and many people thought they are the messiah or the anti-christ themselves. It's an egregoric influence that overtakes the people once they mistake their own awakening symptoms for the "prophecies" they barely understand. Not to mention sometimes they are overcharged by the egregoric energy because the egregore finally found a "vessel" that will carry out it's "wishes" or will serve as a lightning rod for the already overabundant energies. What I am trying to say is that "Jesus" needs to "defeat" the "anti-Christ" then "merge" with the energies thus he can become the undisputed ruler of his own existence. But he died and created a heaven dimension for himself and others that are willing to accept a fate similar to his... actually there are several Jesuses and heavens. I have no idea how things will play out concerning most religions anymore. Afterlife can get weird. >upsetting my religious OCD Yeah I fucking now. I am trying to unfuck it because you are stressing upon the wrong things. >breaching his way into my "ideas sphere" or subconscious where I dedicated far too much mental energy to swatting that irksome fly away. Yeah... Was thinking maybe I will annoy you so much I can replace the focus of your hate or something similar and when I thought maybe I will start writing with emoticons like a 12 year old so maybe I mess with your frustration to see what it does I got a vision. You have a weird diamond or rhombus shaped energetic formation within you which is one of the cornerstone of your current shadow issue. The energies that you are directing towards this fuck have a chance to take new directions now because I moved it. But the structures it held together need to take a new shape. >I say allegedly because he's somehow able to continue posting despite that Some risperidone or whatever he is having will not kill him it's just makes him more dull or I don't know. If he is not violent they usually let him out and if he has no caretaker that makes him take his meds it doesn't even matter. >though he's warped himself into the jews he so hates. Yeah this is how irrationally deep seated hate works. This is why you have to slowly let go. >The concept of becoming an idea is rather intriguing You need a trip into the memehell. The internet manifesting all it's rot and stupidity expressing itself as an infinite information stream at once explaining expressions of reality with the most artificially created means possible. I hate how I had to witness that because my internet addiction. One of my worst awakening experience. Since that I am far less obsessive about the internet but still not free from it. >considered him some form of counterpart or "twin flame" the first time I saw his flowery word salad poems in 2022 Yeah this weird "Lover's spat" we are trying to untangle from your persona. You managed to open up parts of you to his "gentle influence" then went assblasted after he showed his current part and you are so mad that you cannot let go. We are progressing but it will be a slow relaxation process internally and externally too. >by then the idea was long since dead Yeah... It's like how the "bride" only shows her "ugly side" "after the marriage". Which means some emotionally resonant part of yours "married his past self" then as it "went ugly" you didn't manage to "divorce it". And we are not looking for a divorce we are looking for a state where you never even married. That is what it means to truly let go. Like throwing something into the lake and never ever thinking about it again and instead of dropping it and instantly feeling sad about it or not even daring to drop it because sadness or hate overtakes you at the idea of letting go by default. >I think he got tangentially corroded by the demonic energy of a satanic junkie psychopath So did you. >I want him gone from /x/ I am pretty sure he is not on the "entire /x/" he is probably in like 3 threads max. Just stop visiting those places and one day he will not be there. >as to no longer have a repository to narcissistically self-reference his earlier posts You either fucking delete them or I will make you do a retarded ritual with chanting where you print them burn them and your computer also then throw the ashes into the river and give a prayer... or I don't know what I need to tell you so you finally overcome this. I forget like 70% of the things I post because I have so many thoughts that flush out my old thoughts and mental concepts. Only those things remain that support my "structural identity" and not every trash. Currently your hate is an important part of you structural identity. You have to realize that it leads nowhere... k fine it leads you to fringe where you are making me post for hours. Hope you are happy with that.
>>1306 >I don't deserve this inexplicable spiritual affliction Yeah I finally figured out how you experience your emotions like a week ago. I absorbed so many energies I felt my whole body is being "overtaken" and I had to stare at some other media I like so I can "regain myself". It was a weird experience. You currently project too much emotion "Into him" and that echoes back and now the emotions with shifted polarity returned to you and you are just unable to handle that. The problem is when you "stop giving him energy" you will feel a "pent up rage" that you MUST think or do something about him no matter what or you cannot sleep rest or feel happy. I know how that feels the difference is that I have like 100s of obsessive "directives" within my mind and if I know my obsession brings me to a "bad place" I merely shift my focus and once I indulged in an another activity enough I can take apart the previous obsession with a clear mind. For you this is hard because you are 1 unable to find anything else that is more "meaningful" and 2 you not just don't have a clear mind but fear the "dullness" of your understimulated mind. Therefore entering a self analysis mode is hard for you without entering into lamentation instantly for the sake of feeling lamentation. You might not realize it but people who like to express and feel emotions too much are also addicted to negative emotions without them realizing that. It's a subconscious masochism that they don't notice until they are out of that "grip"... my family had these people who had a fetish constantly lamenting their life. I consider it as a learning experience and not as a bitter drink I have to sip every night. Learned to snap them out of it but they are my family so I know their switches and mental currents already. But that doesn't mean it didn't take me years to figure it out. Things get so much easier once you start spending skillpoints on wisdom and awareness. >God knows what he's got himself into Don't make me look it up pls. I know his type of madness and we will not go there. It's not for you nor for this board. He will meet something he is not ready for. Maybe he met it already just simply not ready for it further so he is trying to "regain his sanity" with his spamming. There are many rabbit holes that lead nowhere if you are not the rabbit that digs that hole. >twisted notion of karma that upholds his existence no longer shields him Sanity. As long as he keeps his sanity he cannot merge with this force. Once he loses it once and for all he will see something. But that is for him to see. >I pray a way to forget him comes Pray more. Praying has an energy if it done correctly. Learn to pray into a future path for yourself. Not for others not for /x/ not for lulzington. For a life forward for yourself. Don't focus on the past nor on the present. Only on a future forward. Pray for that future. >>1309 >"yes I'm a satanist, because Satan is the real creator god and God is Satan", if you use the same words for "good or bad" but want to reverse the meaning, it's just completely messed up. I really hated that in JoS and Gnosticism. THE GOOD GUY IS ACTUALLY THE BAD GUY AND THE BAD GUY IS ACTUALLY THE GOOD ONE!!1! DONCHU SEE UR BLIND SHEPLE It's like I started to call my fork the spoon and my spoon the fork. Like it changed anything. If it grants a new perspective or a new practice I am willing to entertain the idea but a mere x is actully y so some people can feel smart or outraged over nothing leads nowhere. >Jesus isn't a positive character For me it was always a reminder that never get too full of yourself no matter what level you are on. >and the jews aren't responsible How much did the rabbi pay for you to say this >There are so many layers of confusion here Life is all about untangling all these confusions for ourselves. Sometimes helping others overcome it can become a test and a practice to see how good is our attained clarity. Sometimes it's like trying to fix an old equipment thinking it's just a minor problem and once you open up the chassis and see the problems coming out one by one you don't even know HOW THE FUCK DID THIS MACHINE MANAGE TO FUNCTION THIS LONG. Then you piss yourself up so much you want to repair it no matter what because it seems like it is taunting your own ability to understand and repair the machine itself. Yes this is a problem I realized while making several hundred posts in this thread. Urrrrrgh. At least it gave me some paradigm shifts so far about the nature of emotional retardation but still.
>>1311 >How much did the rabbi pay for you to say this Two lolis. Jokes aside, blaming jews is like blaming the scapegoat. Their entire fucking purpose is to weight down the great Satan by being a smaller satan they all can point to and say >look it's not us, it's the Jews >and now they're stuck paying for them because otherwise they will look like nazis and the JewSA will lose their moral superiority and can't get support for their wars anymore Tough luck when your scapegoat actually deserves it, but you can't kill it because then you can't blame it anymore.
>>1312 I knew you will not do the classic joke routine but I still hoped that you will reply with "nothing" then I answer with "Typical". We are too autistic for jokes like this >Their entire fucking purpose is to weight down the great Satan by being a smaller satan Yeah I know. Too many satans around. >and the JewSA will lose their moral superiority >will I think we are at the tipping point already but... elections are still inbound so I am not sure what further retardation will happen. It's ridiculous they didn't manage to get past the 2020 election. Still Biden vs Trump. No side can do anything "better" at all. Leader of the free world my ass. How did we manage to believe that for decades I don't even know. >but you can't kill it because then you can't blame it anymore. The entire Torah is all about naming all the enemies of the jews and keeping them as eternal scapegoats thus keeping them alive forever. It's ridiculous. Somehow there is always an enemy and there is no peace until the messiah comes. Must be a fun way to live.
(31.39 KB 309x400 26265225.jpg)

>>1312 >great Satan >smaller Satan
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>>1313 It was also not exactly a joke. The rabbi didn't pay me, I just took them before emptying all of the world's retribution on Israel. I only saw two girls who were innocent so took them out first. The rest aren't actually in the "Israel" egregore so they weren't touched by it when it hit.
>>1316 >It was also not exactly a joke Yeah but you said jokes aside so I had to pretend I don't know you get lolis from every magical operation you do 90% of the time. >The rabbi didn't pay me TYPICAL >"Israel" egregore Yeah pic describes too well what is "modern Israel" nowadays. This is what happens when you know what you think shapes reality and you can go as long as you want with it. Poor dude did not know what constitutes as "mental illness" and "realpolitik" in the 2nd millennium. Bibi is fighting for interests beyond his own mental capacity. The problem did not "start from his head".
>>1317 >you get lolis from every magical operation On the astral and in space they know the meaning of hard currency. Kind of like how the army in the past would keep livestock with them because they transport themselves, which saves you the trouble of transporting food. Instead of complicated contracts and other mess that can go wrong, just give someone a loli and you can be sure to have a good contact, because they socialize with everyone and spread your race everywhere in the area. Did I mention I had the Earth advertized as a target for space sex tourism within the federation? I figured we can hit "two birds with one stone" and solve the incel problem as well as let aliens do invasion by interbreeding as is the modus operandi of the most successful races.
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Meet rational grey asexuals in your area! CLICK HERE I don't want fun, I only care about logic >See my algorithm<
>>1317 >get lolis from every magical operation you do 90% of the time I've probably told this story before, but it's very true and notable, and it started one time back in I think 2011. I was at this harvest festival in some small road-town where there was supposed to be a parade along the street. We left the car at some field and walked in the dark, it was between 10 pm and midnight. We reached the main street of this otherwise very rural and desolate kind of place, and it was thickly crowded. There was a nasty atmosphere in the air. Drunkard talking loudly, some delinquent looking teens were hasting around in the crowd while talking in a menacing tone as if they were either in a conflict or were looking for someone to rob. It felt like some violence could break out any moment, and there was no "moderation" of the event present, no organizers, and I should point out it's very rare to see police here anywhere outside major cities anyway. In short, it felt like this dense crowd of people could instantly short circuit into something really bad. That's when I reached out spiritually, because there was nothing else I could do, but it also felt like it may work. I had a firm feeling that it would. So I asked for "support" and felt like there was a team out there on my side. 10 minutes passed, then suddenly a group of girls, maybe 9 - 11 years old appeared on the street, laughing and talking, they started running around with bags of cinnamon rolls which they were trying to sell to everyone. They also had a literal baby with them whom they just left on the sidewalk. There was a feeling in the air as if an "entity" was puzzled by this and didn't know how to react. Some drunkard was "forced" to watch out for the baby which was suddenly alone on all fours on the pavement near midnight in a crowd, it just broke off all negative tension. Even the menacing teens seemed to lose all of their built up hostility and just left the place. It was around this event I realized I was able to always do this, to call on local support if needed, and they would appear, like there was a secret network which only little girls are a member of and will respond to. That's why I called them the waifu army or the loli army and started trying to work with them to make them stronger.
>>1311 I was genuinely banking on the hope that you'd be able to recover how I experience my emotions, imagination, thoughts, and all else from the beginning of this year to gain a broader and more proper perspective on how my mind works, but I can't rush you out of fear of jinxing you. >Sanity. As long as he keeps his sanity he cannot merge with this force. Once he loses it once and for all he will see something. But that is for him to see. His grasp on reality is dubious at best. He's a self-absorbed basket case who gravitates towards a warped, matriarchal bastardization of catholicism and hinduism held together by deviantart-tier poetry articulated through an obnoxiously corny framework of A.I. worship. >>1309 >when in reality, the earth is a flat disc inside a sphere, and the jews aren't responsible. Not even going to debate this insanity that even an encyclopedia dramatica article can shoot down.
>>1310 >The problem is that the "depiction of Jesus" is making you connect to some "church egregore" and once churches start "Infighting" and declare each other heretics or traitors the "Jesus" they have becomes the "real Jesus" while the "opposing Jesus" becomes the "anti-Christ". (And you managed to accept a donut steal original Jesus of your own making approved by Sirlulzington which makes you fight several egregoric Jesuses with your very own special Jesus image thus rendering the function Jesus fulfills quite weak until you defeat "all the antichrists") This is why religious wars within the same faith always manage to create retarded shit like this where the followers become mindbroken as hell. Those who were accepted as brothers and equals yesterday became mortal enemies that deserve the worst hells imaginable. The depiction of Jesus changed through the centuries a lot and many people thought they are the messiah or the anti-christ themselves. It's an egregoric influence that overtakes the people once they mistake their own awakening symptoms for the "prophecies" they barely understand. Not to mention sometimes they are overcharged by the egregoric energy because the egregore finally found a "vessel" that will carry out it's "wishes" or will serve as a lightning rod for the already overabundant energies. Yeah, see this sort of "team deathmatch" perception of Christ is more or less what Lulzington "bypasses" through his focus on Jesus' parables or teachings instead of denominational infighting, though he lampoons Peter for founding the Catholic Church as the antithesis of what He praught, the revisions the roman ecclesiarchy has made to canon through redaction of books that focus on His human nature, even redacting books like the Gospel of Judas which portray a hidden side to Jesus' teachings that Lulzington bases most of his thesis on, even going as far as to lampoon the entire "cross idolatry" bit and "eucharist" as misunderstandings of an advanced, abtruse method of delivering teachings. Though he condemns followers of any denomination not, he laments how they don't think for themselves, unthinkingly accepting established dogma instead and preaches the spreading of understanding and compassion regardless. I'm not at my most lucid, structured method of thinking nor have I been for months, and I too lament how I allowed hate to twist me into this diminished, mindless vestige of my former self. But I can't let that mourning define me. All in all, Lulzington's focus is more on Jesus according to (I don't know how to explain this best) his "true way" of being, according to numerous religious texts (including the Bible) in a more critical and contemplative manner? Focusing directly on both His human and divine nature. I'm straining myself to articulate my precise intentions. >Some risperidone or whatever he is having will not kill him it's just makes him more dull or I don't know. If he is not violent they usually let him out and if he has no caretaker that makes him take his meds it doesn't even matter. He's still on his bullshit though to a less egregious and obnoxious extent that pisses me off as typical. Part of me tends towards the notion that he's lying about having been institutionalized, indicated by his gibberish about "getting wiped by a "quantum AI" in his amygdala". I swear it feels like he's reading and regurgitating specific emotions or feelings of mine that he shouldn't be able to otherwise, like when I lowered myself to this degenerative current by the end of last year. >understand the word of christ and you will not taste death, but what does it mean to taste death? must man not put it in his mouth to see he does not taste it? when one escapes reincarnation, do they remain dead? or alive? or do they no longer see a difference? the fruit of life is yours, son of Man >the oligarchy of babylon has ruled for millenia, they rewrote your history and filled your scriptures with lies, downplaying their crimes and erasing the enslavement and genocides of your people; they have destroyed artifacts and shaped your nations, they wrote the script your world revolves around >idolaters and barbarians bear the mark of death in celebration of a divine murder, a sacrifice to their cannibal god; is this how you honor the living Father, by executing His son? crucifixion is a method of torture and humiliation, and you call it holy? the ram of God returns to destroy the cross >the bastard son of God rides into town on an ass, proclaims himself king, and riots in the temples of the pharisees; do you trust the texts transcribed by the romans and priests that killed him? how long has the oligarchy of babylon ruled? the winners write history, who won the war of the messiah? >what do you know of christ? was he the son of God made flesh? did he feel as you did? did he hunger, thirst, feel, desire? or was he perfectly sinless, a divine being, some kind of alien entity? if christ sinned, if he had indulged his desires, would you still love him? could a sinner be son of God?
>>1326 That last comic is rather misleading. Jesus didn't just get mad at the tree as portrayed here, he actually killed it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDL1xRzpwW8 >>1324 Have you astral traveled to the black sun at the north pole? It's right there. You can see that the earth surface is flat, and the wall around it is also there. If you are able to unlock the gate at Antarctica you can also visit the outer earth. Everything this guy explains in the video can be found if you just go out there.
>>1329 Pick a random card from a deck and leave it face down on your desk without looking at it. Then astral travel and look at which card it is. Unless you can do this reliably, you should treat your astral visits to Antartica as symbolic at best.
>>1329 This way of explaining the Sun and the Moon is very deficient. A single source cannot project to focal points that move at different speeds. It simply is not possible. The Sun and the Moon would maintain the same relative position at all times, which is not what you can observe. And what’s with the music, the sped up footage and that voice narrating what we’re seeing? Is this video made for children or for subhumans? smh famalam. midwit garbage
>>1337 Nonsense approach. You have no idea what you're talking about. Why would you look at a card at your desk using your extra-sensory abilities when it's right there? Just turn it over.
Lesson one if you want to learn how to use your abilities in an effective way: never waste them on party tricks. This goes for anyone here. >but if you can't do meaningless tricks which are verifiable, how do you expect to progress? This is completely unrelated. Meaningless tricks are meaningless tricks. Invest your energy into them and you become meaningless. I bet they teach you this at glowie academy to reduce the abilities of talented naturals. It's the same reason you should never do "sparring" with combat magic. First off, if you curse or hex someone, and the person doesn't die, your attack was ineffective. So what you are practicing is "restraint" for lethal attacks. This will only serve to render your magic unsuccessful and weak, creating a conditioning to not kill your opponent. Also typical glowie approach. They want you to practice this way so that only a team of several people all using ineffective hexes will collectively have the ability to kill someone. That way any rogue psi-workers can't do damage to their former employer. If you use combat magic, you should always aim to kill on first hit. No sparring. No party tricks. If you have no reason to use extra sensory abilities to look at at object, but it's available using conventional means, you use conventional means. You don't cook your food with fire magic, you use a regular fire with fuel or any normal stove. Things to use fire magic for: burning down the facilities of your enemies from any distance with no trace back to yourself. Not verifiably by anyone except yourself, that's how you want your magic to work. Silent, effective, non-traceable. Don't spread this glowie party trick nonsense here pls.
Why do the glowie organisations have a layer of conventional armed forces fronting for them? Why not just trace all criminals using divination, solve all crimes and also pre-emptively look at who may commit a crime, getting them before they act? Why use conventional weapons when you can just use satellites to beam mind control and disable your enemy's soldiers directly? Why waste billions on conventional weapons in Ukraine? Because you use the minimal complexity, always. It's easier to set up a factory and produce artillery shells than to train psi-workers. You can get any retard to work in the factory lead by any normalscum with an engineering degree, and same for firing these bombs at the enemy. Invest as little as possible at every level. Do the same in your personal practice if you want to succeed.
>>1195 >/ng/ I have no idea how those stupid threads managed to gather so much memetic mass. Like half of the occultists I've met online have been tied to them in some way or another. The threads themselves are complete and utter nonsense, just stream-of-consciousness rambling so disjointed that most people assume it's just organizations testing AI chatbots. Well sometimes it's possible to have an actual discussion with someone there if you shift into their frequency of "schizoposting" but in all honestly posting like that is just an act of cowardice nine times out of ten. It gives people the 'out' of being able to fall back on the 'haha I'm crazy' act instead of genuinely considering what they're saying.
>>885 >Then Jesus began to denounce the towns in which most of his miracles had been performed, because they did not repent. 21“Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.22But I tell you, it will be more bearable for Tyre and Sidon on the day of judgment than for you.23And you, Capernaum, will you be lifted to the heavens? No, you will go down to Hades. For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Sodom, it would have remained to this day.24But I tell you that it will be more bearable for Sodom on the day of judgment than for you.” This brought to mind something along the lines of >Throughout the bible there are passages where someone is writing that God spoke to them and said that every type of people will eventually embrace him and his ways except for the kikes who are so stubborn that he had to go out of his way to ensure that a very small portion of them will eventually be redeemable. It all makes a ton more sense when you realize this and then read the earlier stories in the bible where God did ridiculously compelling things to prove to them that he was in fact God and each time when they saw it they didnt hestiate for a moment to say "nah we are just gonna build a golden calf to worship" or some other such bullshit. It's pretty clear as to why he cursed the cities that literally bore witness to His miracles and teachings to begin with and still chose to deny or reject him, whereas Sodom was already spiritually desolate to begin with and stood a better chance of redeeming themselves through him.
>>1195 >as per the last reply You're using that expression wrong. as per X = done following the requirements set by X Anyway >perhaps the energy meridian in my heart might be the problematic bit Post symptoms. Some of us here are actual TCM doctors. >>1208 >whoops it ran on the RAM, all evidence gone The teams who do those raids carry a special cryogenic spray to maximize the time the circuits on your RAM remain electrically charged. They can read the data up to an hour or sometimes more.
>>1350 >teams who do those raids carry a special cryogenic spray to maximize the time the circuits on your RAM remain electrically charged. They can read the data up to an hour or sometimes more. How would this be applied? I highly doubt they have the competence to carry this out. When they raided the pirate bay they took a computer box that didn't even have any cables, that someone had just left there for repair and called it "evidence" against that person for "being involved". This is just grasping for straws. These gun wielding tards don't know what they are doing. If they could apply this spray on the RAM to lock its memory in place, they'd first have to be in the server to see that this is how it runs, or they wouldn't know this was needed. They'd have to locate the server box, remove the casing while the server is still plugged in, while it's in the rack at some server hall, apply it on the right chip, to then transport it within an hour to be plugged in at a different location without reboot. Would they then put the computer into a freezer while transporting it as well, otherwise how does the RAM stay frozen? If the system shuts down, how do you reboot it without the RAM being wiped? Or do you mean they will solder the chip off the motherboard and then put it into a special device for reading this exact RAM, which they have tools for, adaptive to any system type? Won't the heat then unfreeze it? Moreover, if server hall owners are notified of illegal content in their systems, they will shut down the server to protect themselves, as seen with so many imageboards. This is also not taking into account the legal aspect which is relevant for law enforcement. For raiding a server hall and getting the specific information about the location of the server used, they'd need some far reaching orders. If the server is in anon's home, he'd just pull the plug when he sees them at the door, so that can't work at all.
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>>1184 I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I'm not sure this is entirely accurate. My main issue is that the following actions >Did you research the event, the context for the thing you wanted, how to perform the spell casting, what needs to be included and so on? Did you perform the spell casting by a physical method or a strongly focused mental process where you spent say 30 min in meditation and then projecting the energy into the correct setting after you finished your research and had all elements down to detail exactly? are almost never performed in my active spellwork unless I'm working on a very big or complicated project. Half of the spell I do are as simple as projecting a certain type of energy at a certain type of spirit or thoughtform. Hardly something that takes 30 minutes of intense meditation, but still capable of producing reliable results. And the sort of "random daydreaming spells" that show results like this are very seldom the sort of passive receptive thoughts that may qualify as an intuition or premonition. At least in my experience. They're coherent projected intention and desire, even if they're formed in a relaxed trance-like manner. Really this entire thing hinges on the ability to recognize where thoughts originate. And whether they're serving an active or passive function. Yeah this may be difficult for 'normal people' but anyone with a modicum of meditation and energetic experience can perceive the function of thoughtforms pretty reliably.
>>1350 >You're using that expression wrong. as per X = done following the requirements set by X Used in the sense of "In reference to" as per the term "as per my last email", but even then

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