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Three basic steps for a budding magician Anonymous 12/27/2023 (Wed) 18:44:43 No. 160
There are three basic steps on the road to adepthood any initiate must eventually master. In this post I will give you the basic gist of each of them as well as material to learn and practice better. We can discuss these things in this thread. But practice is *essential*. No amount of talking about something will get you one minute closer to achieving it. Note that I said "initiate" and not "neophyte" because I'm going to assume you already have some experience activating sigils, doing some sort of candle magick, planetary prayers or petitioning spirits. This is not about that. Let's call the first step "the silent mind". Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haWd-1Ia3d0 Practice often in cultivating that mental state. Just stay in it. Don't expect anything from it and simply learn to enter that state on command. Sit there and familiarize yourself without engagement with what might happen. Try practicing as you go to sleep. Let's call the second one "the feeling body". Get this PDF: https://innerworlddesigns.com/circle/book12/pdf/Robert%20Bruce%20-%20New%20Energy%20Ways.pdf Read it and do all the exercises at least once. It's something that gives you instant feedback and requires almost no mental skill to do. So, get good and familiar with this technique. The third one, let's call it "active intention". There is no video or PDF for this one. Get into the silent mind state, and say "there's a white circle in front of me". Your ears need to actually hear the words. You will notice something will appear in your mind's eye in your otherwise essentially empty mind. Experiment with this procedure and isolate the intention that stirs your imagination until you can trigger it without the words. This is actual "will", as some put it. Intention as pure feeling. Your job is to distill it. This process will probably feel somewhat familiar to the second step. In the process of becoming proficient with the three steps, you will have picked up nuances on what each of one entails. Next, you need to experiment and combine them with the knowledge you've gained as you practiced them. The key to applying this in practice needs to click before it makes sense, but when you get to this point (and not before, since this will be useless information to you), know that the things you feel when you focus your silent mind on something are not your feelings, but your energetic perceptions. Unlike, say, visual perceptions, these are easily a two way street for you at this stage. Get it? Without getting ahead of yourself, read at least the first chapter of this book and relate it to what you learned as you practiced all of this (and not before, since this will be useless information to you): https://awakenedimaginationblog.files.wordpress.com/2019/12/1945_prayer_the_art_of_believing.pdf

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