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Old /fringe/ stuff Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 00:03:44 No. 275
Screencapped posts.
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>>276 I think Smiley is Zuckerberg.
There was a great post here about 8ch subversion that disappeared. >>275 >ads in dreams I still have a WoW dream every 1.5 years or so, even though I haven't played since 2010. They're not presented as ads but just experiences of playing the game, except 1000x more wondrous and exciting. Like the feeling of wonder seeing the "outlands" or w/e that demon dimension from BC was called for the first time. They're 3rd person with other people playing and riding mounts and shit. Whenever I wake up from these I want to play so badly, but quickly remember how fucked the game is like that anon said. I wonder if they're ads, or if I'm visiting some sort of astral WoW, or if the psychologists who designed the game were actually way more sophisticated in their methods than anyone realizes. >>770 He's Zuckerberg's good timeline where he made /fringe/ instead of facebook
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Folk magic. Possible inspiration for ritual design.
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>>971 You probably dreaming about the game occasionally because it was just that fucking good, at least before the metagamers figured out how to take all the fun out of it and turn it into a social status simulator and drive out most people who aren't super casual; also, career raiders were a thing since wrath. As with so many things in this world lately, even vanilla classic was ruined by people being greedy for "good" parses and wanting to "not waste time". I suppose that it's a possibility that various spirits had guided the original devs outside of their awarenesses into making the game as great as it was. In fact, I'd imagine that such spirits guiding people into making great games was fairly common back then, but nowadays people just don't embrace high standards so often anymore, and civilization as a whole is being consumed by greed, so there ain't much room for them in the video game industry these days. Anyway, WoW & its predecessors had such a gigantic amount of loosh poured into it them I'd imagine that there's lots of custom WoW servers in the astral, and your unconciousness might just decide to dream in one of them every once in a while.

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