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What the hell is a "guide"? Anonymous 04/17/2024 (Wed) 20:15:48 No. 627
I keep seeing people talk about "my guides" this, "my guides" that. I've never had guides. What are those, why use this vague word? It seems to imply said speaker does not know who is guiding them. Sounds risky as fuck tbh, why is this a thing in the wizard community. And I'm not speaking only about on here, I've seen this shit on Discord and other places as well. If you are trusting someone enough to let them guide you, why not call them by name?
>>627 I literally wanted to make a thread for guides explaining what they are and are not how to discern them and you just acted on that energy instead of using the question thread. AS IT WAS INSTRUCTED >What are those, why use this vague word? Yeah why should I call you Anon instead of Anonymous No. 627 of the whydidyoumakeathreadinsteadofusingthequestionthread of 8chanmoe fringe. >It seems to imply said speaker does not know who is guiding them HOPE YOU ARE REALIZING WE ARE ON AN ANONYMOUS BOARD. And I do not know WHO IS SPEAKING ON THE OTHERSIDE. >Sounds risky as fuck tbh Yes it is because currently I might talk to a glownigger or to a retarded possessed fuck who just made a thread instead of using the question thread. >why is this a thing in the wizard community Why do wizards talk to spiritual beings. Why did Merlin spend time in the forest talking to spirits instead of hanging out in a brothel. >I've seen this shit on Discord and other places as well. O rly. Like through the entire history of humanity? Darn. Truly an observing mind. >If you are trusting someone enough to let them guide you, why not call them by name? Do you know the power of names Anonymous No. 627? Do you know if someone knows the name of the entity others can summon it too? Do you know why "true name" is important in many places? Can't understand? Please post your personal information on every board and your credit card information too and approve every transaction request if you are unable to understand. Also your home information too and list every valuable you have in your home. >I've never had guides Sure thing bud. Some people never had parents. That doesn't mean they don't exist. They just didn't meet them.
>>630 Now I will take a break and figure out a way to explain to the densest motherfucker what is and isn't a guide how to discern tricksters and parasites and not making that thread today because now we have thread for guide related inane questions. >Want to make a thread >Summon up the energies >Feel how they interact with the general energies of the lurkers >Try to make a thread after carefully selecting the images >sUdDeNLy someone acts on it with their inane retardation I knew this would happen and I have to slowly consider every word or people misunderstand everything and I get >hurr durr I'm a retard >hurr durr I'm an angry griefer or even worse >hurr my goddess a best everyone worship her pls or the >how do I suman a suckerbus am hornby and I ned magec animay gf pls gibbu one purizu posts instead of anything constructive. And now my fears got confirmed. The worst one when someone is absolutely retarded summons something outside his capabilities then it takes weeks to fix him. Oh and I forgot the classic. The retarded puritan who does not know shit >YOU ARE WORKING WITH THEM DAEMONS AND YOU WILL GO TO TEH HALL FOR DOING HTAT MY COUSIN ONCE SMOKETH DA SHROMS AND HE SEN A NAKID GIRL AND NOW HE'S DAMNED OMG YOU FOLKS HAV NO IDA WHER THIS LEADS MAY JASEUS SAV U FROM UR TARNATION This is why I didn't make threads so far. I know the energies lurking here. These things always happen. This thread shall become the containment thread for guide related fears and retardation.
I could have said >Patience REEEEEttle one the thread is in the making all confusion will be dispelled soon but I went and ranted like a retard. Guess I too have need for growth. At least my emotional maturity is on par with the average fringe poster.
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>>635 No u I literally explained many things about guides. I like guides and want to talk about them. I do not like retards that mess up the flow of things. You are the one that entered a board with themes he dislikes.
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>>627 Guides are sometimes perceived as personalities; sometimes much more vaguely. You do have guides, even if it's perceived by you as intuition. It's not risky. You know them by their, deeds after all. Don't do anything you don't want to do. Besides, part of consciously getting in touch with this guidance is getting in touch with your higher self who knows right from wrong (in both senses). It should NEVER be a matter of trust. It's a matter of knowing. Else that's a demon.
>>627 Not sure if you are still here but yesterday while posting I managed to accidentally make a connection to some realm and I was attacked by weird beings. One of them was like a bear sized human-pig faced thing It was not like manbearpig from southpark it was something different some dark shadow grabbed my heart through the screen and as I grabbed his hand it broke off and as it made a teary face then it went away but his hand remained in my hands and the palm contained an interesting chakra formation then a white jellyfish like thing appeared and as I used one of my purge technique on it a blue crystal remained only and as I poured high energies through it also vanished. The whole thing happened because I was way too mad that the flow of energies changed and I have to completely rethink my way of explaining what is and isn't a guide and how the illusory nature of the self works. >>639 This posts sums it up well but only those understand it that know these things by default and not people who are unfamiliar to these things. Made me realize I have to rethink everything and that I am still incapable of proper effort posting. I have a habit that during work hours I channel issues that bother me so the extra frustration and irritation can be used as a fuel to stay awake during work hours. This habit had to go but I never managed to be able to let go and as I let the anger purposely overtake me today I realized some things. I missed this part of fringe too. This incessant rage of the wizards arguing about things. I realized I enjoy this part of the anger. It is entertaining. At least a little. Overall it's still frustrating and not fit for real workings. Thus I was able to let go parts of it. My nostalgia and desire to revive fringe is also an attachment that just slows down the rejuvenation of fringe. Without these attachments the energies can flow more freely. I have to accept it sometimes. But enough about me. After calming down I realized I established a psychic link and was weird how you never managed to see anything resembling as a guide. They always appear through dreams meditations or through other magical introspection or journeys. I managed to get a glimpse. It was a dark foggy haze and as I arrived I got an impression of a haughty bitch who was extremely full of herself. I knew intuitively what to do because I too had an anima force like this. There is a pressure point on the foot that needs to be crushed so the energies can flow. After I did that she signaled with a paper fan that I should stop because it is unneeded to go further. I asked for a name because it seems you like names so much. She said she is Esmeralda. Do whatever with this information. Might not even mean anything or might lead to a breakthrough I don't know. After flushing out my energy body I attained an another type of clarity and realized I should have noticed this. >>637 Also I don't have a "guiding" fetish. I am just trying to reinvigorate fringe and help where I can. I am still unable to properly express myself through wisdom. Real guidance is something more serious that requires decades of experience. True wisdom is a mix of intuition and experience. It is something you are born with then refine it through further attainment. I know you are ironic and sarcastic as hell with that pic and I shouldn't have taken seriously at all but I say it anyways if we have this thread already.
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>>642 That's funny. I'm >>639 and last night sometime after your post, I had a weird, angry pain in the inner part of my right foot. Also, I'm very full of myself.
>>644 Yeah I didn't watch that disney cartoon and the only reason I know who she is because I googled Esmeralda to know if the name has any meaning at all. (Esmeralda was an icecream shop or similar in my youth and it has no bigger meaning for me) I don't know if the cartoon represents the Animus archetypal forces competing and evolving with the interaction with the Anima or what that tale represents at all. >>651 >I had a weird, angry pain ... Yeah that kinda resembles the energies I had around while doing that energetic operation. >in the inner part of my right foot Yes it's literally there >Also, I'm very full of myself. Welp >>627 Guess everyone gets a guide but you. Also this is why I try to not do magic without the assistance of my guides because my "magic" that I developed in my early psychic years is as accurate as carpet bombing and my signature tracking ability is still under development. My face memory is already dogshit in the material plane no wonder the metaphysical plane also has hiccups. Whatever that point just unlocks your "foot" in a way the energies of the earth travel into the root and sacral chakra faster and if you have energetic overloads you ground faster. And supposedly increases the circulation in the legs. >had a weird, angry pain Also I'm sorrymasen >>637 AND THIS IS KIDS THE LESSON WHY YOU ALWAYS GUIDE PEOPLE WHEN THEY PROPERLY ASK YOU FOR THAT AND NOT JUST GET SHIT ASS MAD AND RANDOMLY DO IT BECAUSE THAT IS NOT TRUE COMPASSION BUT WIZARD POWER ABUSE >That's funny Supposedly it releases a bunch of pent up energies too that might cause problems with your inner spirit. But I am still exploring these meridians
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>>665 Just to be clear. I’m the foot pain guy, but not OP. It seems you were aiming for him and got me somehow? Also, Princess Esmeralda fits me in a weird way as a way of your subconscious (or a spirit?) conveying to you my persona without you knowing anything about me, even though I’m a guy. Interesting.
>>681 >It seems you were aiming for him and got me somehow? Nah. I was conjuring a bunch of energies up so I could make a detailed thread about guides (while letting some of my guides guide my hand while writing it) and such with the perfect images that encapsulates the feeling I was going for then as I almost started to write the thread he just made this thread and all my energies went into an abhorrent ragefit and that invited other entities then I noticed a sudden psychic link and I thought it's the OP. Then it turns out it was an another poster that knows what guides are quite well who might have been even better writing the thread than me. So it seems it was you. The problem was ofc that I noticed the psychic link the next day which was after your post. >Also, Princess Esmeralda fits me in a weird way as a way of your subconscious (or a spirit?) conveying to you my persona without you knowing anything about me, even though I’m a guy. Interesting. For me it was a long black haired woman in a black military uniform and a military whip with a large library behind her back. She was my "memory search" anima and the "drill sergeant" of my minor animus forces. She tried her best to fulfill the wishes of the force commander. I can be quite demanding sometimes.
Can someone psychic tell me if I have guides and if so what they look like?
>>1355 Looks like a big white being with a head of a bat? And it has a purplish hue around him? I am not sure if I can call that a guide but it's around you and it's doing something. Also a female in the distance. Sorry can't give anything more substantial. The bat is looking at me confused why I am there while the female has a slight smirk. None of them want me to convey you messages with my current post so I am not sure what else I should say.
>>1358 Thank you so much for the serious reply! Sucks that they don't want you to tell me anything. Are you at least allowed to tell me whether or not they are for me or against me? sounds like the female does not like me based off your description of her. Either way I just wanted to thank you again.
>>1359 >Are you at least allowed to tell me whether or not they are for me or against me? The bat is your protective entity while the female is waiting for you to notice her first. She told me I shouldn't tell you more or I might hinder your own awakening. >sounds like the female does not like me based off your description of her I think she just found it funny that I managed to notice her. Sorry I am not allowed to describe her. It would ruin your journey. Try to remember your dreams where you encountered females and what they told you. At least I am allowed to tell you this basic advice because this "doesn't count as peering into your Fate". She is urging me to not say more. Deepen your connection with your guides first.
>>1360 I have started a dream journal. Given enough time and effort, will that be enough to meet her? Will the ability to lucid dream enable me to summon her for a chat? How does one deepen their connection with their guides? Is there an archived /fringe/ thread about lucid dreaming and dream journals? It seems that no one ever says anything in my dreams, it is all just actions, at least as far as I can remember (which isn't much, yet).
Okay I dreamed of a female talking to me but I can't for the life of me remember what she said.
>>1381 >I have started a dream journal That's a good start. Personally I hate journaling because I am developing and experimenting with several memory recall and memory palace skills and I rarely take notes because I know how I can ask my brain to recall things and I don't want to rely on the physical too much if I can. But it can definitely improve your ability to remember the dreams so do it as much as you can because we were hardwired in school that "important things need to be written down" so you have to "remind" your mind that "dreams are important" because the mundane programming makes you forget your dreams and aspirations as much as possible and you have to start to "retain yourself" somehow. Even the smallest step counts when you start walking into the right direction. >Given enough time and effort, will that be enough to meet her? She is literally "there" you just need to learn to "open up to her". >Will the ability to lucid dream enable me to summon her for a chat? How Yes but that requires extra steps and I recommend you to sit down and meditate empty you head as much as possible then empty it further then "call her into your mind" and try to "hear her voice". First it will probably sound like it's your "own thoughts" or gibberish or that "you are making it up" but as your mind slowly opens up you will be able to make things out. I recommend meditation because as your awareness increases lucid dreams become natural and not as a "skill" you have to "develop". Remember when you developed the skill [walking] and [running]? You don't because it was natural. The education system made us "think" that we need to "suffer" or grind for results. Truth is you just need to find the right direction and walk towards it. Then the guidance will tell you the other steps. Don't force it don't have expectations just simply "let it happen" >>1394 We are progressing it seems. I don't think I need to say more

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