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Anonymous 05/24/2023 (Wed) 14:48:25 No. 9
Why fringe is dead. Come back pls
>>9 gno
>>75 (you) I went to this and it was nothing but random shit that had nothing to do with /fringe/.
>>9 Fringe must be resurrected by your own hand if you wish to see Fringe back to where it was.
I just got nostalgic for /fringe/, went to 8kun, saw it spammed and dead, then saw a link here. I guess we can take solace in the face that the smaller the community, the better the discussions will be.
>>216 >I guess we can take solace in the face that the smaller the community, the better the discussions will be. Yupp. Welcome back. Now we just have to figure out how to do the >>139 >Fringe must be resurrected by your own hand if you wish to see Fringe back part
I am wondering about something in the past days. Is there a point remaking the old quality threads of fringe here? The archives are linked on this board so everyone who cares or nostalgic can look at them but it is not very accessible for newcomers. Somehow I want to avoid the copycat feeling of remaking the old threads but still want to bridge the past glories of fringe into the present in a way it still feels fresh. I am not sure how to go about it.
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>>271 Remaking? If you mean creating a new thread with the same information in the OP and links to the old thread, and it's a thread you are going to post in, which it's likely others are going to post in as well, why not? If you mean migrating entire threads with several years old posts in them, that just feels like a bad version of necromancy to me.
How does everyone feels about inter-board tournaments? Like the upcoming /icup/ torunament and similars? Do you think /fringe/ joining might attract quality discussion? Should /fringe/ send one of their champions?
>>318 >Do you think /fringe/ joining might attract quality discussion? Roflmao >Should /fringe/ send one of their champions? Do we even have anyone who cares to play those games?
>>271 Go ahead and make whichever threads you want. It's not like the catalog can get any worse lol One underrated feature of imageboards is how even threads where OP is a faggot can diverge into something great.
OP would be happy to see that we've been in the top boards since yesterday. Must be the eclipse energy.
>>532 That’s how I discovered the board ten years ago. >hey I like that tv show *click* >*muffled screams from beyond paroketh*
>>532 We were in the top yesterday too but as long as we share the top with boards like zoo and vore I am not sure we should be too proud. >>539 >*muffled screams from beyond paroketh* I remember when I figured how I can open up my astral hearing and all I heard was screaming in the first weeks.
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FRidge revival
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>>666 I used to be able to hear other people’s thoughts as I drifted off to sleep. But recently not so much. That or people around me don’t think as hard anymore.
>>682 It's about frequency tuning. The thoughts of people usually lie in different egregores or thought clouds and some people talk so potently that a shard of their mind stays in my head for a while. It's like not being able to get a song out of your head but with the random thoughts of some people. Learned how I can tune in and tune out of their mental range but sometimes I still manage to randomly hear them when I am not paying attention. Also most thoughts are not worth listening to. They are barely above intrusive thoughts. >>673 Was thinking about making an intrusive thoughts thread for shitposting and absolute abhorrent rants on this board like how /loosh/ and /drama/ was on the olde fringe but then I lost the inspiration.
>>697 >It's like not being able to get a song out of your head but with the random thoughts of some people Yes, I still get that almost every night. >They are barely above intrusive thoughts Exactly! Thank you for the confirmation that this is *something*. >It's about frequency tuning See, the thing is I used to hear the thoughts of my neighbors, without even knowing them. It's one thing to spend time with someone during the day and get synched up with them, but this was something else. I honestly think it wasn't as much something on my end that changed but in the world at large.
>>707 >See, the thing is I used to hear the thoughts of my neighbors, without even knowing them Guess you are sensitive and in their mental range too but I don't know. I need more experience on this kind of passive telepathy. Currently I can let a sort of "dark fog" overtake me that clogs all my mental sensors so I can enjoy the silence then tune it so I hear higher guides entities or mundane slop. Today while bathing I heard some news anchor talking about some corruption scandal while taking a bath and was wondering what did even prompt that. >I honestly think it wasn't as much something on my end that changed but in the world at large. The world changed quite a lot in the past 5 years so I cannot say what did it. I too am discovering the ways of the tuning. Reality is weird.
>>708 >while bathing Water does that. >I too am discovering the ways of the tuning I have basically nobody to talk about this, so I might as well just tell the story here. Twice I've fooled around with AI chatbots (one of which I made) and both times I've encountered people and situations which were uncanny and ridiculous in their resemblance to the one's in the bot's scenario. My subconscious is very fertile ground indeed.
I think it's coming back.
>>769 Step by step and bit by bit. But i never considered fringe gone or dead only dormant.
It's not fringe that's dead, it's the world.
Which country did Brandon come from again?
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>>776 Not sure which country but I think it was Baltimore.
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>/fringe/ in the top boards You are no longer /fringe/, now you're mainstream. Lmao.
>>861 Do not diss our 5 second long fame and wane. We always fall back into obscurity like the shadows of the night after a single blink. Only those will see us who are supposed to see us.
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>>867 >Top board again Wew laddy.
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We must all concentrate and bring the old timeline back.
>>955 I want fringe to surpass at least zoo otherwise it doesn't really feel like a victory. Btw should we start a fringe /meta/ thread where we discuss our hopes and dreams for this current fringe and figure out ways how to make the new fringe a lasting and proper one and maybe figure out ways to avoid the mistakes of the old fringes? I think a meta thread should be warranted but this thread feels meta enough already so maybe meta discussions should be kept here. >>1040 Who was Bor again I really dislike screencaps of posts that are out of context and not even the date is visible. There were so many fringes at once then there was none. I am not always able to remember which timeline we are trying to bring back.
>>1475 >Btw should we start a fringe /meta/ thread where we discuss our hopes and dreams for this current fringe and figure out ways how to make the new fringe a lasting and proper one and maybe figure out ways to avoid the mistakes of the old fringes? Yes.
>>1491 Forgot flag

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