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/Pajeetmaxxing General/ - how to yoga Anonymous 05/10/2024 (Fri) 23:49:55 No. 906
Greetings, sirs! Are you tired of your mundane existence as a regular human? Do you yearn for a higher plane of existence—one that involves chanting Sanskrit mantras, wearing colorful turbans, and mastering the art of chai brewing? Look no further! In this guide, we'll explore the mystical path of Pajeetmaxxing, where you'll transform into a bona fide Indian yogi without ever leaving your studio apartment. 1. Yoga Poses for Instant Indianness: - The Curry Cobra: Lie down, raise your upper body, and hiss like a cobra. Bonus points if you can smell imaginary spices. - The Turban Tree: Stand tall, wrap an invisible turban around your head, and sway gently in the breeze. Channel your inner Guruji. - The Bollywood Backbend: Arch your spine dramatically while humming a catchy Bollywood tune. Extra points if you can lip-sync to "Jai Ho." 2. Chanting Mantras (Even If You Don't Know What They Mean): - Om Namah Shivaya: Repeat this sacred mantra until your neighbors question your sanity. It means something profound, but who cares? It sounds cool. - Hare Krishna, Hare Rama: Chant this while waiting in line at the grocery store. People will assume you're a spiritual guru, and you might get discounts on lentils. 3. Dress Code: - Kurtas and Lungis: Swap your jeans for a flowy kurta and pair it with a lungi (a wraparound skirt). You'll instantly feel more enlightened. - Bindis and Mala Beads: Adorn your forehead with a bindi and drape mala beads around your neck. Congratulations, you're now a walking temple. 4. Food and Drink: - Chai Mastery: Brew chai with mystical herbs (read: regular tea bags) and serve it in clay cups. Sip slowly, contemplating the universe. - Paneer Enlightenment: Consume copious amounts of paneer (Indian cottage cheese). It's the secret to unlocking your third eye. 5. Spiritual Jargon: - Karma Points: Accumulate karma points by doing good deeds. Redeem them for a free trip to Varanasi (or a discounted yoga mat). - Third Eye Activation: Rub your forehead vigorously and claim that your third eye is now open. You'll see things—mostly dust particles. Remember, dear aspirants, Pajeetmaxxing isn't about cultural appropriation—it's about celebrating the absurdity of life. So, roll out your yoga mat, strike a pose, and embrace your inner Pajeet. Namaste! 🙏 --- Disclaimer: Actual results may vary. Side effects may include increased chai cravings and an inexplicable urge to dance at traffic lights. 😄🌟
Indians are the niggers of the internet.

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