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Elden Ring Gameplay Trailer Until Elden Ring releases, please only use the dedicated thread for any news, trailers, leaks, etc.

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Firelink Nameless Board owner 02/18/2021 (Thu) 03:09:50 No. 1
Welcome traveler Feeling chatty? Stop by the camp awhile. Fire's always lit. Either way, Prithee be careful.
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Banner specs are 300x100px max 1MB file size CSS will be worked on soon. I was thinking more comfiness over any meme type shit. Will try to match FromSoftware aesthetic though. Feel free to offer any suggestions.
>Don't have no fun allowed Mark tier moderation, just remove spam if needed >Games in the soulsborne genre that aren't made by FROM (Nioh, Hellpoint etc.) should be considered on-topic. as long as it's not indie pixelshit. Those would be my only real suggestions. Also the spoiler pic could be Filianore's egg since that's like an in-universe "spoiler" concealing the true state of the world.
>>4 I like the default anon name, but don’t be surprised if you find me rp as a hollow. >>5 Agreed, though I’m not opposed to the shitty indie soulslikes. If we have a general soulslike thread for recommendations I see no issue. Good idea for spoiler, my vote is for a fog mist or illusory wall. What do you think?
>>5 Yea, I'm not trying to get in anyone's way, just the basics for now. 1 : No spam 2 : Spoiler NSFW content. 3 : Board meta belongs at Firelink (Edit: Actual spoilers should be spoilered too, but I'm not going to edit anyone's posts other than my own.) >the spoiler pic could be Filianore's egg I love that. >>19 >I’m not opposed to the shitty indie soulslikes. If we have a general soulslike thread for recommendations I see no issue. My thoughts exactly. >for spoiler, my vote is for a fog mist or illusory wall. I love this too. When css is set, I'll work on something.
Edited last time by from_bot on 02/20/2021 (Sat) 22:13:28.
Board's looking good.
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>>21 Thanks bro G-gotta have it ready before the new eldenring trailer r-r-right anon? The one that's r-right around the corner? spoiler test YOU DIED test
Edited last time by from_bot on 02/20/2021 (Sat) 02:36:26.
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liking the css and fonts BO
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>>59 ty! It's all finished for now.. Hmmm.. Mmmmmmm.. zzz..
>praise the sun
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>>113 If only I could be so grossly incandescent!
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>>21 >>59 I'm still debating whether or not to add a custom scrollbar or cursor. But I mostly cringe when I see sites that do that, so my gut's telling me not to fuck with it. That, and there's still an issue with a bottom scrollbar always being present in threads, and it doesn't look right horizontal. But if you'd like to try the scrollbar I'll have the css updated here: https://controlc.com/187637da When not on the board just add a "/*" on the second line to disable it. It won't work on firefox, but firefox has a nice scrollbar already. Feedback welcome. Also, pinktext. Which is coziest?
>>123 >Also, pinktext. Which is coziest? 2 or 3
>>123 Orange is nicer imo 3 would be my pick
>>5 >>19 Are there any of the 2D Souls inspired games that are any good? >>123 I like 2 because it's not as bright as 3.
>>129 Salt and Sanctuary
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Hey OP is there any chance that Elden Ring news / trailers / leaks could be contained in the Elden Ring thread until release? I'd like to keep using the board but I also want to go into Elden Ring as blind as possible
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>>143 Yea I would like all of that contained there as well. But, I don't want to delete any posts that aren't against the rules. I will add spoilers to any files that need them, just tread carefully and take evasive action when you think you see/read a spoiler. For everyone else, you can report a spoiler that isn't marked as one, and I will spoiler it when I can.
(291.20 KB 964x898 explorer_XqRHPrTleR.png)

Flag test Custom flags have been fixed, having no flag selected will not show a location flag anymore. I also added some bloodborne and sekiro flags. Fake buttons? (((OK))) (((Cancel)))
Edited last time by from_bot on 03/10/2021 (Wed) 03:53:43.
>>178 Oh I like this idea.
<which color did you end up going with?
(((test))) ///test\\\

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