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Elden Ring Gameplay Trailer Until Elden Ring releases, please only use the dedicated thread for any news, trailers, leaks, etc.

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Challenge Runs Nameless 02/19/2021 (Fri) 23:08:33 No. 38
What's your proudest achievement from playing any of the dark demon games? best challenge runs? hardest rule set to follow? most fun run?
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For dark souls 3 it was a soul level 1 run but with +0 weapon upgrades. It was interesting but kind of like a more tedious version of a normal sl1 run because the fights would take that much longer. The real value came when I got to ng+ and could summon randos at the high wall and watch them get btfo by the level enemies/ for dark souls 1 its pic
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I did an arcane build in BB and I managed to beat Chalice Dungeon Amygdala with nothing but A Call Beyond.
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>>38 >proudest achievement winning a bet for how fast i could beat ds3 >hardest rule set to follow? ds2 ladle only >most fun taking my time with first playthrough
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Has anyone ever gotten to max soul level in any of the games? A part of me wants to try it just so I could use every weapon and spell together but it also seems like it would be super autistic to grind up that far.
>>57 I haven't but I did max out one of my stats in Bloodborne once. >>57 >A part of me wants to try it just so I could use every weapon and spell together but it also seems like it would be super autistic to grind up that far. Don't most of the stats end up soft capping at some point?
>>101 yeah I think most soft cap at 40, with things like faith and int having a harder soft cap at 60. But that's still a ridiculously high level character so at that point you might as well go the whole hog. in for a penny.

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