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Elden Ring Gameplay Trailer Until Elden Ring releases, please only use the dedicated thread for any news, trailers, leaks, etc.

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(654.49 KB 995x701 84646095_p0.png)

(1.60 MB 320x320 Kuro's rice ball.mp4)

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Official Sekiro Thread Nameless 02/18/2021 (Thu) 08:57:29 No. 6
HOW MY BLOOD BOILS! Post all your Wolf and Wolf accessories here. Will we ever get a sequel? Or another DLC? A proper one this time.
(181.14 KB 950x1400 ssdt-shinobi-prosthetic-arm.jpg)

(98.80 KB 1150x820 ssdt-kusabimaru.jpg)

(114.77 KB 1200x930 ssdt-mortal-blade.jpg)

(128.16 KB 1100x800 ssdt-sabimaru.jpg)

(178.45 KB 950x1400 ssdt-flame-vent.jpg)

Also I'm going to dump concept art.
(160.05 KB 950x1400 ssdt-loaded-shuriken.jpg)

(137.99 KB 1030x920 ssdt-loaded-axe.jpg)

(147.22 KB 950x1400 ssdt-loaded-spear.jpg)

(201.54 KB 930x1440 ssdt-loaded-umbrella.jpg)

(144.32 KB 1100x960 ssdt-mist-raven.jpg)

I never quite understood how the loaded spear was suppose to function in game. Specifically I couldn't figure out where the shaft came from. As it turns out the head of the spear is hollow and so is the shaft. It kind of actuates out like those plastic flashlight lightsabers only in reverse.
(159.05 KB 1100x920 ssdt-divine-abduction.jpg)

(124.13 KB 1100x770 ssdt-shinobi-firecracker.jpg)

(112.54 KB 1100x750 ssdt-finger-whistle.jpg)

(147.89 KB 1260x820 ssdt-prosthetic-tools.jpg)

(211.87 KB 1230x1230 ssdt-environment-art.jpg)

(155.69 KB 950x985 ssdt-moon-view-tower-exterior.jpg)

(726.56 KB 1356x1920 1584716125.jpg)

(1.12 MB 2712x1920 1584716125-1.jpg)

(1.25 MB 2712x1920 1584716125-2.jpg)

(174.47 KB 1050x1280 ssdt-owl.jpg)

(163.32 KB 1000x1460 ssdt-owl-concept.jpg)

(142.29 KB 1100x1000 ssdt-owl-younger.jpg)

(164.52 KB 950x1240 ssdt-owl-draft-concept.jpg)

(184.15 KB 950x1450 ssdt-divine-dragon-concept.jpg)

(110.01 KB 800x900 ssdt-blackhat-badger.jpg)

(141.38 KB 1140x880 ssdt-shinobi-assassin.jpg)

(159.73 KB 1100x1060 ssdt-brown-nightjar.jpg)

(167.55 KB 1000x1230 ssdt-lone-shadow.jpg)

(167.55 KB 1150x820 ssdt-snake-eyes-cannoneer.jpg)

(179.67 KB 1100x1100 ssdt-red-guard-dual-katanas.jpg)

(110.30 KB 1100x830 ssdt-red-guard-dual-kodachi.jpg)

(175.23 KB 1200x900 ssdt-okami-leader-shizu.jpg)

(145.72 KB 1170x890 ssdt-palace-noble.jpg)

(156.35 KB 950x1470 ssdt-giant-straw-doll.jpg)

(145.92 KB 1200x830 ssdt-great-colored-carp.jpg)

(205.27 KB 1100x900 ssdt-demon-of-hatred.jpg)

(125.62 KB 1100x850 ssdt-rock-diver.jpg)

(151.16 KB 1100x940 ssdt-armored-warrior.jpg)

(150.64 KB 950x1300 ssdt-isshin-the-sword-saint.jpg)

(192.32 KB 950x1400 ssdt-isshin-ashina-young.jpg)

(136.24 KB 1000x1230 ssdt-isshin-ashina-concept.jpg)

(399.32 KB 2560x1440 gun saint.jpg)

Note that Isshin's pistol is slightly less ridiculous as it is a miquelet lock and not a matchlock.
I'll just keep posting things from my Sekiro folder for a while. You know I find it odd that Japanese fiction keeps using kunai as throwing weapons when in reality they weren't typically and that bo shuriken were a thing that actually existed. I've also heard that ninja didn't typically carry shuriken and that was actually more of a samurai and ashigaru thing. Then again given the broad classification of who could be counted as a ninja that might be moot anyway.
I also really appreciate the design of the loaded axe in this game. It actually looks like something that would function much better irl than say Bloodborne's hunter's axe.
Thanks for all these. So much little details in From's concept designs.
>>36 Even the sake bottle designs are well detailed.
(149.43 KB 830x1000 ssdt-art-book-cover.jpg)

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(233.54 KB 900x1270 ssdt-ashina-castle-reservoir.jpg)

(217.18 KB 1260x710 ssdt-dilapidated-temple.jpg)

I'll add to these.
(248.22 KB 950x1350 ssdt-divine-dragon.jpg)

(192.51 KB 900x1230 ssdt-corrupted-monk.jpg)

(140.04 KB 810x1000 ssdt-desiccated-corpse.jpg)

(166.73 KB 1100x590 ssdt-blazing-bull.jpg)

(108.20 KB 1100x890 ssdt-headless.jpg)

(171.34 KB 1260x860 ssdt-guardian-ape.jpg)

(224.84 KB 1200x940 ssdt-infested-seeker.jpg)

(184.29 KB 900x1260 ssdt-sculptor.jpg)

(181.34 KB 900x1220 ssdt-sekiro-as-the-sculptor.jpg)

(159.56 KB 1260x535 ssdt-story-art.jpg)

(145.87 KB 1100x870 ssdt-long-arm-centipede.jpg)

(182.86 KB 1000x1400 ssdt-mibu-villagers.jpg)

(197.05 KB 1000x1155 ssdt-sekiro-draft-concept.jpg)

(119.07 KB 1100x820 ssdt-seeker.jpg)

(131.31 KB 930x1270 ssdt-kuro.jpg)

(125.17 KB 950x1380 ssdt-kuro-concept.jpg)

(98.60 KB 950x1500 ssdt-kuro-draft-concept.jpg)

(131.43 KB 1050x1250 ssdt-kuro-the-divine-heir.jpg)

(195.09 KB 900x1120 ssdt-shinobi-promo.jpg)

(225.30 KB 1308x1000 80304673_p0.jpg)

How would you rate and rank the individual combat skills? The skills I'm talking about in no particular order: Learned Arts Whirlwind Slash Shadowrush Ichimonji and Ichimonji: Double Ashina Cross Nightjar Slash and Nightjar Reversal Praying Strikes and Praying Strikes - Exorcism Senpou Leaping Kicks and High Monk Acquired Arts Mortal Draw Floating Passage Sakura Dance One Mind Dragon Flash Bonus Round 1 Mushin Arts Shadowfall Spiral Cloud Passage Empowered Mortal Draw Bonus Round 2 NinjutsuWhy the hell are there only 3 ninjutsu techniques in this game? Bloodsmoke Puppeteer Bestowal
The worst part of the game is the level design. It's obvious they hired some rookies and taught them the "See one part of the level from another part of the level" thing and that was it. Still, the levels were enjoyable up to the Fountainhead Palace. That place is seemingly designed to annoy you. Other than that it's my favourite FromSoft game.
>>219 I really don't get how you feel like the areas don't fit together.
>>219 >That place is seemingly designed to annoy you. You're supposed to be stealthy, like a ninja. Fountainhead is my favorite area in the entire game.

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