/funkg/ - Friday Night Funkin Board

Gettin' freaky on a Friday night, yeah!

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META Anonymous 07/30/2022 (Sat) 14:43:37 No. 1
META thread Board also welcomes /exeg/, /utg/ and other rhytm games And the ones in /trsh/ too
Edited last time by Anon8l on 08/01/2022 (Mon) 12:39:40.
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Learn how to customize the CSS on this board and make it look like /funkg/'s logo >purple >green >red >light blue
(302.15 KB 2048x1382 Base.jpg)

Kill yourselves.
>>21 Aight, im on it
>>24 check the board/admin settings for it
how does one become janny here?
Does this place not have a floating reply window? I don't wanna have to scroll up every time I wanna reply
>>33 Go on the settings or something
>>34 Oh shit it works now. Huh.
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So modfag, what's the stance on NSFW?
>>21 Ok i tried with this one, do you like it or i change it?
>>39 needs more purple
>>39 Kinda fancy, reminds me of old skating rinks
>>41 Gonna see that later >>32 You need to make an account
Edited last time by Anon8l on 07/30/2022 (Sat) 15:44:57.
>>45 Guess i’ll make an account and become a janitor here
>>46 Aight, when u do that put here your username to add you. Im gonna start making banners
>>48 ok
>>48 funkgoot, add me also, here's a banner
>>51 Done & Done
>>52 thanks
maybe a custom spoiler image would be nice
hello, i'm the BO of >>>/digi/ wanna be partners? I can add your board to my board message for starters.
>>64 Uhhh, you had better ask Anon8I
>>63 Incoming! >>64 Sure pal!
Edited last time by Anon8l on 07/30/2022 (Sat) 17:19:35.
>>64 your board has a cool custom CSS, can you make one based on>>21 for /funkg/
>>67 >>66 It has been added! >>68 I can try editing yours if you want me to, just give me some pointers and I can mock up something. If you want to modify any of the ones I've made, check out >>>/tw/17 or https://8chan.moe/digi/custom.css (For my board's CSS, feel free to modify it)
>>72 Sure thing, give me some time. I'll play around with some stuff.
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>>71 >>72 Sample the colours from the logo maybe an animated gif of girlfriend on the speakers in the corner
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>>63 Custom Spoiler has been added, gonna do more later, rn im kinda busy >>71 Ey thanks! Added too =)
>>37 Well anon, this is a NSFW board so is pretty much allowed! (Also sorry for the late response, i dont see this reply till now)
Edited last time by Anon8l on 07/30/2022 (Sat) 17:40:55.
>>82 based
>>84 Is soyjak shit allowed or?
>>73 implement this background if you can does custom css contain music?
>>89 Anything is allowed while it doesnt break Global Rules >>90 Sure, let me search how to do it Not CSS but JS, gonna ask if they can allow it for this board
custom icon flags?
>>91 Any updates so far?
>>92 Sure, what do you have in mind? >>97 I requested it on Global META, im waiting for their response.
>>99 base game icons, all of them.
>>99 You should include this as the default music: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/976686 If it’s Christmas, play any of the week 5’s songs instrumental - if possible, add the snowing effect from 4chan. If it’s Halloween, play the Spookeez instrumental with a Skid and Pump gif in the background
I did a little tweaking here and there https://a.uguu.se/rEtyCTvT.css try applying it and see what you like, sorry i'm currently playing some vidya so i can't do much more rn
Also go to Rizon IRC and join #8ksux to talk directly to the admins and other BOs. Much faster than meta board
>>105 Can the owner add this?
>>105 >>107 Done, thanks for this anon
>>107 >>108 You are welcome anons.
Is there a way to include the fnf font?
>>110 you can see how the css works and check that there are two new fontface family rules added so add a new font-family to say innerpost and it will display it for that specific part of your CSS, or you can add new fonts yourself by creating new fontface rules and uploading said fonts to >>>/res/, our resource board for BOs.
>>112 Can the font specifically for this be in the style of the logo’s text
>>113 Yes, just look for it online, upload the .ttf to >>>/res/ and edit the CSS to add a new fontface rule pointing to it like this [code]@font-face { font-family: muff-full; src: url(/.media/8c7162c28d1fd20e52ae488b20086d2148baebe64f2d9c48831817f7161fe4ca7); }[/code] then modify [code].boardHeader #labelName { color: white; font-family: muff-empty; font-size: 300%; text-shadow: -2px 2px 1px #ff6c7d; }[/code] and replace the one I put with yours
>>114 whoops, code text isn't enabled but you should get the gist of it, if you can't do it yourself just post the font here and i'll try to do it myself
should the anonymous post font be in the phantommuff font?
>>118 here you go*
(170.48 KB 641x453 1659153264711560.jpg)

>Board also welcomes /exeg/, /sthg/ and /utg/ Bad idea m8
>>118 >>119 thanks
>>118 >>116 Many thanks anons!
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Can someone fix the wide /v/-tan banner, many thanks in regards
>>125 I´m on it, re-sizing and making banners, is taking some time so thanks for patience >>120 Right, /sthg/ already has /fast/, im gonna see if they want to be our allies instead
Edited last time by Anon8l on 07/30/2022 (Sat) 19:45:23.
>>125 >>126 It's a very large picture #bannerImage { max-width: 30%; height: fit-content !important; } So max-width is set to 30%, it can be changed to 100% but that would require resizing your pictures, I strongly reccomend leaving height as I did since it won't shrink your banners.
>>104 Can't for this and the music
>>129 >*wait fuck
I hope you don't mind but I did a little extra tweaking to your OP since it needed a backdrop https://a.uguu.se/ltKTGjXg.css
>>134 What's in it?
>>135 An update for the CSS >>134 Thanks anon
You should probably include all of the banners from Vs /v/
>>138 i dont have the vs. /v/ mod, can you share it anon?
Any updates so far?
>>143 Im currently making banners Still waiting for answer for custom JS
>>144 Link to your post?
>>>/site/6446 I also made a reply to become allies with /fast/ but no answer
testing for swf flash support
>>148 Holy fuck we need a /flash/ thread
>>148 testing an swf from Newgrounds itself
>>148 >>150 We might need to work on this.
>>151 It’s playable, holy shit. atleast on my iphone
>>106 Owner, you should try IRC
>>152 how's webms lad
>>155 they're good
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Banners from Vs. /v/ mod so far
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(19.21 KB 300x326 oh god no.jpg)

>>1 >/exeg/, /sthg/ and /utg/
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>>160 There are still some left so im still working on that, some of these are in really low quallity so tell me if i should ditch those or not
>>162 Specifically Banner 9 and 10 >>154 Nah i dont want to bother roots, they will answer when they can
Any ideas of what to add, Owner-kun?
>>168 Yes, rn im adding banners, and later i will do some adjustments in the CSS, add custom flags (base game icons) and music in the board, but first i have to wait for CustomJS to be available for the board
flags when?
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/digi/ has a custom cursor, so we should too.
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Last Vs. /v/ banners added
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>>177 This one was re-sized >>174 When JS is available for the board >>175 Sounds cool, what should be a good cursor style?
(5.27 KB 1131x68 Screenshot_1.png)

Congrats anons, our board is top 7
>>178 bf microphone?
We've made it, /funkg/entlemen.
(2.96 MB 400x224 Ethereal.gif)

This will never last. See you all.
>>183 >he doesn't know
>>183 See you tomorrow.
Rad board theme faggots.
>>147 Owner-kun, wake up! You've got a reply!
>>207 https://8chan.moe/site/res/1651.html >This feature is currently disabled. Soon, you'll be able to request custom JS be activated for your board. You can leave that request here. You should try and request it here as well.
Make it so if you click on GF, she does her cheering animation from Week 1
(736.91 KB 702x656 Cheer.gif)

>>209 Get rid of the speaker
(2.10 MB 1200x1200 Schizo Mode.gif)

>>211 No, but seriously where are you?
>>211 >>212 >>207 Im here anon, hi
>>213 any updates?
>>214 I got a reply from one root, saying he was going to tell Codexx to activate customJS for the board, so now we just have to wait, maybe is available in a couple of hours Still i sended a reply too in >>208 and /v/ Meta thread. >>209 Honestly i dont know if that is possible, gonna ask if /digi/ BO can help with that
Edited last time by Anon8l on 07/31/2022 (Sun) 11:47:07.
>>215 Oh, nice. Can't wait
>>215 So, is it possible to play customJS music over specific threads like stickies and such?
>>217 Sadly no, is possible to reproduce music but only for the board, but not put specific music for threads, still you can listen to them in threads too Also, i got a reply from /fast/ (sthg) BO, so maybe we become partners
Edited last time by Anon8l on 07/31/2022 (Sun) 12:08:16.
>>218 ok >Also, I got a reply from /fast/ (sthg) BO, so maybe we become partners nice work
>>224 Making banners, sadly /exeg/ doesnt have a logo Still waiting for JS
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>>1 Done with the banners, tell me what do you think
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These are some good banners
Uh, owner-kun? you still there?
>>280 Here, whats up?
>>281 Go to >>>/res/ to upload your cursor
>>282 It should be the fnf arrow
>>283 I asked /digi/ BO if he can help us with that
Got banned from 4cuck for posting the /funkg/ IRC screencaps.
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>>290 Damn you too uh, welcome aboard
>>291 >got a shorter ban than me UNFAIR!!!
>>293 In fact is the same length, but mine was yesterday At least we have this comfy home
Still don't totally understand what's going on on their 4chan general. Did they really banned you from /vg/? what happened or what did you do?
>>295 posted IRC screencap and faggot mods banned me
>>295 In my case i put the link in the vg thread for this second home and banned me for "spam"
Alright good news we finally have custom JS for the board, i made a thread for the /funkg/ radio if you want to participate Now, i will start with the custom icons
does clicking on GF do the special animation?
>>327 No, we dont know if that is possible so i have to ask for help in /site/
Y'know what'll be cool? When you click on a thread or successfully reply to a post, it plays the freeplay sound effect when you select a song in the game
Is there a CustomJS that allows you to play the browser version of Friday Night Funkin' on here?
>>329 >>331 >>332 Im gonna ask these questions to roots
flags when???
>>338 On it
>>340 I like this. This board has only existed for a few days and you're putting in a lot of effort to make this work out. Cheers anon.
>>341 Thanks anon, i hope more people use this place in the future, for now is a bunker if something happens. Well i added all the base game icons, and the ones in the Vs. /v/ and Vs. Sonic.exe mod, and added a code so the icons are more bigger in post, and one to preview them when making a thread.
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>>348 For some reason the image was not posted
>>362 currently the site is under downtime.
>>363 Nice
I'm shocked at how high quality this board looks, good radio too
what happened to the custom fonts?
>>369 8chan's shitting the bed, they're still here.
I've been summoned to this thread for something cursor related.
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>>371 Hi, thanks. What we want is a cursor based on these notes, that changes when you click or is above a link, like the one in /404/ And also, you know if is possible to change her when you put the cursor above her? like >>210
Radio's having issues now, plays for a second or not at all before stopping and refusing to play any further
>>372 >you know if is possible to change her when you put the cursor above her? I would be surprised myself if such interactivity could be done. >What we want is a cursor based on these notes, that changes when you click or is above a link, like the one in /404/ That's doable, I'll see what I can cook up with.
>>375 Ye it happened to me before, refresh the page and tell me if it works again >>376 Thanks!
(152.91 KB 150x195 End Result.gif)

(777.70 KB Speakers Removed.zip)

I removed the speakers, frame by frame. However, there needs to be some refinement in her hair so that it doesn't look poorly. When I originally put the frames together, she hardly had any movement so I sped it up by 540% to see a noticeable effect. Some modifications should also be made to slightly exaggerate her figure so that she looks more 'life like' if you will.
>>378 Eyy many thanks anon, is really good! Now all we need is to see if is posible to do this interactivity, an anon from /site/ says is posible but he doesnt remember the css to do it Also >>376 Bro, do you manage JS? Is possible to add a sound effect when you do a reply?
>>379 I kind of got the interactivity working to where she'll change and go back to her idle animation, but it's too sensitive as it is not locked to the bottom right position where she is. She'll change when you hover the mouse inside the browser and this board. Here's what I did in CSS [code] body { font-size: 100%; color: white; background: #200f2c no-repeat; background-image: url(/.media/8082093db97fbd8a6dd8f432f319f52ae773bdeefc2a7ce0a5268c17de8612286.gif), linear-gradient(45deg, #200f2cbd, #200f2cc4), url(https://8chan.moe/.media/858334e92ac1231f6b696ae2235013389e63e2a41d486cb30af8a87a6f0252e50.png); background-repeat: no-repeat, repeat, repeat; background-position: bottom right,top, bottom; background-attachment: fixed, scroll, scroll, scroll; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; } body:hover { font-size: 100%; color: white; background: #200f2c no-repeat; background-image: url(/.media/81c02aa7a1a48d4e6ee7ad4892b0e1e1529e428ca787182bd592e14a7301f0037.gif), linear-gradient(45deg, #200f2cbd, #200f2cc4), url(https://8chan.moe/.media/858334e92ac1231f6b696ae2235013389e63e2a41d486cb30af8a87a6f0252e50.png); background-repeat: no-repeat, repeat, repeat; background-position: bottom right,top, bottom; background-attachment: fixed, scroll, scroll, scroll; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; } [/code] It's a more ghetto way of getting interactivity. Might work better with JS. >Bro, do you manage JS? No just CSS. >Is possible to add a sound effect when you do a reply? From what I searched around the net, it should be doable. However, there doesn't seem to be a solution for a CSS-only trick, most seem to point towards JS to get the desired sound. I sadly can't help on the JS side, but I can still make the custom cursor for you.
>>383 I see, gonna ask if someone can help with that JS. Hmm strange, when i implemented that in the css it conflicted with the background, i had to change it back, idk why that happens Still really thanks for your help anon, the cursor would be really cool
>>384 I probably messed something up in the code I posted earlier. This should work as it did on my end, moreso just to see the ghetto interactivity results. Copy + paste the code into the custom.css in your browser up to line #352. body { font-size: 100%; color: white; background: #200f2c no-repeat; background-image: url(/.media/8082093db97fbd8a6dd8f432f319f52ae773bdeefc2a7ce0a5268c17de8612286.gif), linear-gradient(45deg, #200f2cbd, #200f2cc4), url(https://8chan.moe/.media/858334e92ac1231f6b696ae2235013389e63e2a41d486cb30af8a87a6f0252e50.png); background-repeat: no-repeat, repeat, repeat; background-position: bottom right,top, bottom; background-attachment: fixed, scroll, scroll, scroll; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; } body:hover { font-size: 100%; color: white; background: #200f2c no-repeat; background-image: url(/.media/81c02aa7a1a48d4e6ee7ad4892b0e1e1529e428ca787182bd592e14a7301f0037.gif), linear-gradient(45deg, #200f2cbd, #200f2cc4), url(https://8chan.moe/.media/858334e92ac1231f6b696ae2235013389e63e2a41d486cb30af8a87a6f0252e50.png); background-repeat: no-repeat, repeat, repeat; background-position: bottom right,top, bottom; background-attachment: fixed, scroll, scroll, scroll; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; }
Change Funker to '/funkg/entleman''
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>>388 Strange, it still doesnt work, i tried with replacing and just copy-pasting but it not worked Also a funny thing with just copy-pasting is that if i put the cursor over the web borders it shows the backbroung, strange >>388 Done
>>383 >(https://8chan.moe remove this part, only leave /.media onwards
Since when were we partnered with /ss/?
>>397 Is not a partner, I will remove the board after some time Also, /fast/ BO said to wait some weeks before being an ally with us.
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Third time's the charm. I don't know why I keep pasting the nonworking cursor links. I was unable to get the animated cursors working in either gif or apng format, so here is how they would've worked. Nonetheless, I have made the arrows still work as custom cursors. I have posted the sources at >>>/res/406 Just simply copy and paste the code into the CSS. html, *, hover, #postingForm th { cursor: url(/.media/8106a29d339051fbd7de49586548db7eaa4c841ebf0ea958cae57cd983aaf11b2.png), default; } a, .embedButton, select, .divRefresh input, #postingForm button, #qrbutton { cursor: url(/.media/82f2ee2bd6a139d04e6fa4f250669d9c1ac761726dcc290dafae3c45db5152800.png), progress !important; } label, img, .hideFileButton { cursor: url(/.media/834504cb43a85c0b66709deb0017a89e6aaafd9fa1ec06ac97ffd874df302509f.png), progress !important; } #dropzone, #dropzoneQr { cursor: url(/.media/882fa9213ad0b741943fa529c7cb56826ae8fb4628dac53cb350cefc704655a75.png), progress !important; }
(125.98 KB 778x445 LET'S FUCKING GO.png)

(629.00 B Cursor Fix.txt)

Saw the message about the cursor not working. Try copying the code from the attached txt file & replace the old one in the CSS file.
(2.71 KB 96x79 Screenshot_24.png)

>>404 Thanks bro, i put it and now it works, but sometimes it doesnt work like when you put the cursor over the "more" button. Also, tried what you say on >>393 and still dont worked
What happened to the background and GF?
>>406 Something must've accidentally broke in the code. I think I got them restored to the right state. Copy and paste the contents to a CSS, the usual. I notice it breaks when the quotation marks inside the image source urls are deleted
>>408 >>407 Thanks!
OMG interactivity is working, yeaaah!
>>410 Guess there's nothing left to do with the theme now that it looks like everything's been put together.
>>412 It seems not, thanks anon!
make it so if you say OMORI it filters to I'm trans btw, forgot to mention
>>452 Done. I'm trans btw, forgot to mention
Hey guys have you heard of
test I'm trans btw, forgot to mention
(126.71 KB 1317x992 Bf headphones.png)

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>>265 When this images gonna be in the banner?
Damn this place is a ghost town. Too bad too cause this is a really nice looking board, I like the Reply button bopping.
Nice CSS A shame this board doesn't get used much.
>>472 >>473 Well it is a bunker after all.
4chan is freezed

Quick Reply