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Hey. This is the furry board. We'll see how this goes, alright? Sister-Wives of /fur/: 【Comfy】|【Vidya B】|【Fast】|【404- RIP】

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Furry LOL Thread #2 Toshiaki 01/14/2022 (Fri) 01:43:29 No. 4174
LOL Link to old thread: >>48
And, once again, we have a spammer using spambots, and once again, when I report, the mods give me warnings instead of putting down the bong and the Fleshlight for thirty seconds and doing their jobs. >>9387 >>9390 More things I've added, since a bit of new material has been created that is being used to spam. I have found that, as with the other material, automatically hiding all posts containing any of these strings greatly improves the signal-to-noise ratio. /pampers/i;boards:trash;op:no /loli/i;boards:trash;op:no /zoomshit/i;boards:trash;op:no /You shouldn't be here/i;boards:trash;op:no /I hate newfags/i;boards:trash;op:no /just let it die/i;boards:trash;op:no /kill yourself/i;boards:trash;op:no /shitworm/i;boards:trash;op:no /newnig/i;boards:trash;op:no /zoomchimp/i;boards:trash;op:no /shitworm/i;boards:trash;op:no /newnigger/i;boards:trash;op:no /zoomape/i;boards:trash;op:no /zoomerchimp/i;boards:trash;op:no /we should end/i;boards:trash;op:no /Endemic to any conservative ideology/i;boards:trash;op:no /this thread fucking sucks/i;boards:trash;op:no /bussy/i;boards:trash;op:no /little human boy/i;boards:trash;op:no /little boy/i;boards:trash;op:no /Pedoslut/i;boards:trash;op:no /fuck(|s) little boys/i;boards:trash;op:no /used goods/i;boards:trash;op:no /amerimutt/i;boards:trash;op:no /amerishart/i;boards:trash;op:no /parasite/i;boards:trash;op:no /pamps/i;boards:trash;op:no /you are cancer/i;boards:trash;op:no /you don't belong here/i;boards:trash;op:no /raised by crackheads/i;boards:trash;op:no /cells within your body are dying and degrading/i;boards:trash;op:no /crimes and revolutions are occurring/i;boards:trash;op:no /the entire universe marching towards a collapse/i;boards:trash;op:no /it's time that is wasting you/i;boards:trash;op:no /chronophages/i;boards:trash;op:no /time to cry/i;boards:trash;op:no /influx of people/i;boards:trash;op:no /Web 3.0/i;boards:trash:op;no /nerdom/i;boards:trash;op:no /all-consuming monoculture/i;boards:trash;op:no /distortion and erasure of the original/i;boards:trash;op:no /Rome didn't fall in a day/i;boards:trash;op:no
[Expand Post]/That atmosphere is gone/i;boards:trash;op:no /It's \/hmofa\/ver/i;boards:trash;op:no /How long have you been here/i;boards:trash;op:no /who told you about this general/i;boards:trash;op:no /nuhmofa/i;boards:trash;op:no /adolescent worm(|s)/i;boards:trash;op:no /You are not supposed to be here/i;boards:trash;op:no /You are not welcome here/i;boards:trash;op:no /zoomer/i;boards:trash;op:no /maggot/i;boards:trash;op:no /you are nothing/i;boards:trash;op:no /I see right through you, filth/i;boards:trash;op:no /newnigger/i;boards:trash;op:no /Your mother will die in her sleep tonight/i;boards:trash;op:no /Nobody will miss you/i;boards:trash;op:no /What a massive shithole/i;boards:trash;op:no /you begin the process of dying/i;boards:trash;op:no /a cancer inside each of you/i;boards:trash;op:no /your body is breaking down/i;boards:trash;op:no /time is unstoppable/i;boards:trash;op:no /you will all die/i;boards:trash;op:no /rot and die/i;boards:trash;op:no /let this place rot and die/i;boards:trash;op:no /o9nrlj/i;boards:trash;op:no /8accpx/i;boards:trash;op:no /Updating the Gabby Filter/i;boards:trash;op:no /hmofa is dead/i;boards:trash;op:no /this is a shitpost general/i;boards:trash;op:no /this is now a shitpost general/i;boards:trash;op:no /sloppy seconds/i;boards:trash;op:no /pampers/i;boards:trash;op:no /loli/i;boards:trash;op:no /zoomshit/i;boards:trash;op:no /You shouldn't be here/i;boards:trash;op:no /I hate newfags/i;boards:trash;op:no /just let it die/i;boards:trash;op:no /kill yourself/i;boards:trash;op:no /shitworm/i;boards:trash;op:no /newnig/i;boards:trash;op:no /zoomchimp/i;boards:trash;op:no /shitworm/i;boards:trash;op:no /newnigger/i;boards:trash;op:no /zoomape/i;boards:trash;op:no /zoomerchimp/i;boards:trash;op:no /we should end/i;boards:trash;op:no /Endemic to any conservative ideology/i;boards:trash;op:no /this thread fucking sucks/i;boards:trash;op:no /bussy/i;boards:trash;op:no /little human boy/i;boards:trash;op:no /little boy/i;boards:trash;op:no /Pedoslut/i;boards:trash;op:no /fuck(|s) little boys/i;boards:trash;op:no /used goods/i;boards:trash;op:no /amerimutt/i;boards:trash;op:no /amerishart/i;boards:trash;op:no /parasite/i;boards:trash;op:no /pamps/i;boards:trash;op:no /you are cancer/i;boards:trash;op:no /you don't belong here/i;boards:trash;op:no /raised by crackheads/i;boards:trash;op:no /cells within your body are dying and degrading/i;boards:trash;op:no /crimes and revolutions are occurring/i;boards:trash;op:no /the entire universe marching towards a collapse/i;boards:trash;op:no /it's time that is wasting you/i;boards:trash;op:no /chronophages/i;boards:trash;op:no /time to cry/i;boards:trash;op:no /influx of people/i;boards:trash;op:no /Web 3.0/i;boards:trash:op;no /nerdom/i;boards:trash;op:no /all-consuming monoculture/i;boards:trash;op:no /distortion and erasure of the original/i;boards:trash;op:no /Rome didn't fall in a day/i;boards:trash;op:no /That atmosphere is gone/i;boards:trash;op:no /It's \/hmofa\/ver/i;boards:trash;op:no /How long have you been here/i;boards:trash;op:no /who told you about this general/i;boards:trash;op:no /nuhmofa/i;boards:trash;op:no /adolescent worm(|s)/i;boards:trash;op:no /You are not supposed to be here/i;boards:trash;op:no /You are not welcome here/i;boards:trash;op:no /zoomer/i;boards:trash;op:no /maggot/i;boards:trash;op:no /you are nothing/i;boards:trash;op:no /I see right through you, filth/i;boards:trash;op:no /newnigger/i;boards:trash;op:no /Your mother will die in her sleep tonight/i;boards:trash;op:no /Nobody will miss you/i;boards:trash;op:no /What a massive shithole/i;boards:trash;op:no /you begin the process of dying/i;boards:trash;op:no /a cancer inside each of you/i;boards:trash;op:no /your body is breaking down/i;boards:trash;op:no /time is unstoppable/i;boards:trash;op:no /you will all die/i;boards:trash;op:no /rot and die/i;boards:trash;op:no /let this place rot and die/i;boards:trash;op:no /o9nrlj/i;boards:trash;op:no /8accpx/i;boards:trash;op:no /Updating the Gabby Filter/i;boards:trash;op:no /hmofa is dead/i;boards:trash;op:no /this is a shitpost general/i;boards:trash;op:no /this is now a shitpost general/i;boards:trash;op:no /sloppy seconds/i;boards:trash;op:no
>>9659 Spam is a global issue. Globally report spam.
>>9659 Sorry. That pasted twice and I didn't notice until after I posted, and I don't know how to delete posts on this board. Here, have some cute and funny art I found.
Yet more material to add to the text filte, if anyone's still alive here. /new Sarah just dropped/i;boards:trash;op:no /What a garbage general./i;boards:trash;op:no /here's more Sarah/i;boards:trash;op:no /tourist/i;boards:trash;op:no /I hate this general/i;boards:trash;op:no /Call me schizo/i;boards:trash;op:no
>>4174 >>4149 >literal mental illness girl check out >>9665 huh
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the meme lives on
>>9680 >mental illness girl wdym?
Years ago a furry going by Radioardilla gave me shit because he felt he had to butt-in on someone else's business. I blocked the stupid fuck. He messaged me on another site, his MUH FREEDOMS fag panties in a twist, threatening to rape my mother for blocking him. He's gotten 2 of my reddit accounts banned this year as well because I found him there & told him off. the FREEZE PEACH assholes sure can dish it out but can't take it, can they? Fuck his freedoms. Someone pass along to him that if I ever bump into him in person he'll wish he'd never instigated shit with me. The first amendment doesn't mean someone has to listen to you being a psychopath nor is blocking your worthless shit a violation of the first amendment(none of you have ever read it anyway). He virtue signals leftist ideas on line but he's clearly a Retardlican motherfucker who thinks he's important, despite the fact the only fame he'll ever have is a 2-3 sentence obituary someday. Same for Acorn, jesie, Devilduk & especially that fat piece of Republican shit Kayla-Na.
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>>9721 >He virtue signals leftist ideas on line >he's clearly a Retardlican LMAO Either this is coping gone wrong, or straight up schizphrenia. >who thinks he's important, despite the fact the only fame he'll ever have is a 2-3 sentence obituary someday Look at all this projection!
Ah, joy. Someone in a /trash/ general anthro thread has spent the last several days spamming loli porn (violation of 4chan general rules 3A and 3E, also /trash/ rule 3, also happens to be a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1466A, though that one is only enforced sporadically, arbitrarily, and capriciously against people for whom the Feds have a hateboner), and I just got a three day ban for reporting it. Meanwhile he's continuing to spam lolis. I guess you have to laugh. Do you suppose the spammer is a 4chan mod himself? In spite of it all I do enjoy imageboard culture. I keep trying to remember that on some imageboards, all the mods seem to have departed years ago. There was one I won't name or link, for obvious reasons, where I saw a number of boards flooded with what appeared from the thumbails to be genuine CP. I guess it's possible that it was AI generated, or whatever, and I don't really want a closer look. I ain't clicking that shit, nigga. I reported the spam, and even put in "global" reports that supposedly get more attention. There is no response at all, just the sound of electronic crickets chirping. On the one hand, no one's done anything about it. On the other hand, at least I didn't get banned for reporting CP spam, so maybe the place has that much going for it.
4chan's mod team is really on the case tonight. It looks like I'm not the only one who caught a ban for reporting the ongoing loli porn spam. No, I will not repost the image he is linking. Use your imagination. Because I am terminally online, and online at a terminal, there are times when I wonder whether some 4chan mod, who resembles a Cobson soyjak--don't let anyone tell you physiognomy isn't real--is doing both the loli spam and the bans.
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Found on the overboard, as is. LOL
>Grandstand about trannies and pedos on a site full of trannies and pedos >Get image banned >Make this the next day, the flags merely being swapped >Get surprised there's pushback for grandstanding about trannies and pedos on a site full of trannies and pedos by said trannies and pedos If you like Bachri's stuff, better save it now before he gets banned or spergs harder and nukes his gallery. I know I am.
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>>9865 Me and my boner had a giggle.
This gave me a chuckle. If it isn't obvious, no, it isn't a real Kickstarter. https://files.catbox.moe/so2bc5.mp4 Pic completely unrelated.
>>9876 >If it isn't obvious, no, it isn't a real Kickstarter. It's based on this: https://vimeo.com/54078582 Which WAS a real Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lagamespace/la-game-space-a-place-for-re-imagining-video-games
>>9896 It took me half a minute of looking to realize it's not actually Perfect Cell (♂︎) drawn as a girl.
Hello /fur/, I am a representative of the "Elect President Trump for 2024" campaign. I have come to your humble site to ask for your support. If you are not aware, President Trump announced during the CNN(TM) presidential debate on 6/26 that he will provide his voters with their own furry dog girls if elected. Can we count on your support to help his campaign and win this election?
>>9898 Based.
>>9898 Oh my god this is some massive milker boobies. fuck yeah I want to SMASH HER
>>9898 I'm going to create a fake identity and vote twice now.
>>9903 >more freedom TITS oh baby
If the fandom isn't so pro-pedophile then why do those who hate pedophilia end up so hated by the majority?
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>makes MAGAmergate pedophiile racists seethe with the mere mention of his name >he refused to defend rapist Zaush because of morals >lives rent free in the heads of the shittiest people in the fandom >refuses to "enrich the world" with free art because bending over backwards to make stuff without compensation or gain from it IS a waste of time >popfurs be made because he didn't blindly hype them for having a pile of watchers, despite most of them being poor quality artists who got a fanbase because of porn, most of whom will be broke when AI replaces them >doens't believe in "God" aka Santa Claus for retarded adults "Woke" is not the insult you think it is. Your tears are very delicious.
>>9767 Probably they have a backend bot that automatically delivers bans when there are too much people reporting spam, otherwise I don't see why they would ban people reporting the spam instead of the spam.
>>9908 >>9909 Do YOU know what it is, though!? Also, (((BLM))) is a social/cultural Marxist lie. Pride Month is a modern corporate nonsense meant to pander to people as a mask. >>9863 the ""Progress flag"" is full of nonsense and downright unnecessary. Truly Cultural Marxist Bullshit.
I sure do love these entertaining lulzy posts.
>>9913 Such is the nature of the LOL thread.
>>9914 I don't know why this made me giggle but it did.

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