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Hey. This is the furry board. We'll see how this goes, alright? Sister-Wives of /fur/: 【Comfy】|【Vidya B】|【Fast】|【404- RIP】

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Fur Lounge Thread Toshiaki 10/02/2022 (Sun) 17:51:15 No. 6679
A casual place to discuss furry stuff. Please enjoy~ For furry retardation, memes, and general shitposting please enjoy the furryLOL thread >>4174
>>9453 >Spent entire day ripping a single paytreon Is the paytreon importer still broken, then? >Beastars Season 3 On the slim chance you haven't, go finish the manga in the meantime. It's a crazy ride. >we're all gonna make it, bros Words to live by. >>9454 Deponia. It's a funny game, where the writing treats the adventure game protagonist like the massive dick he is during gameplay. On that point it's a bit like Mystery of the Druids both were made by Germans, really makes you think. I dropped Druids over some of the bullshit puzzles, but so far Deponia has been pretty fair with hinting puzzle solutions. There's still a few "why doesn't this work" moments, but the only time I've used a guide so far is to make sure I didn't need a certain pot anymore and thus didn't accidentally softlock myself. >>9464 >implying vore is more NSFW than mpreg I don't know what to tell you. >>9465 Most vore content on the internet is fetishistic in nature, though. For every Grimm's fairy tale I assume there's dozens of unabashed fapfics out there.
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>>9468 Ask me how I know you use Twitter and/or would fit in better there than here?
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>>9470 You're posting mindless gotchas that fit in a 140 character limit, I'd say you're a perfect match yourself. Never had a twatter account in my life, by the way. Don't pretend to play board police when you're a newfag who's desperate to fit in.
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>>9474 That's all you've got to say for yourself?
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>>9483 Since you're asking so nicely: I did nothing wrong. You're mad because you couldn't follow a conversation.
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>>9491 That's rich. Follow along if you can, it's only 3 parts. >>9464 >>9468 >>9470 While internet people regularly disappoint me, could you try just a little. Believe me I'm perfectly willing to call you a dumbshit. However I'm getting tired of having to constantly hold that note with every interaction I have.
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>>9493 >it's only 3 parts <he can't remember more than three posts worth of context You're not exactly the sharpest stick in the mud, are you? >Believe me I'm perfectly willing to call you a dumbshit I believe you. It's the best you can do. >However I'm getting tired Yeah, this must be the most mentally challenging conversation you've had in weeks. Have a video to calm you down.
wat do?
>>9507 shitposting
>>9507 Would.
>>9453 >>9455 >>9457 Have you tried Caveduck: https://caveduck.io/ <Beastars Season 3 when? I'll save you the trouble and just advise that you're better with the story having ended at the part where Legosi is expelled.
>>9513 >he doesn't enjoy the descent into autistic madness that follows The part where Legosi dresses up in drag to beat up women was ahead of its time.
Baked some cake as a gift today. I substituted some ingredients and after trying it thought I messed it up completely, but in the end I just needed to let it cool and a strew on the cinnamon I forgot to add.
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>>9513 Is the search engine broken or something? No matter what I type in, or tags I enter, NOTHING ever pops up! I have the NSFW filter turned off and none of my extensions seem to be blocking the page. Any advice so I don't have to scroll through mountains of animu humanshit for a website that has no pagination? Please help.
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For anyone browsing this thread who happened to miss out on some of Driek's stuff the last few months, here you go; https://pixeldrain.com/u/7Rqb11Ay New cougr updates; https://pixeldrain.com/u/4YHJtjf2 Happy St. Paddy's month! <3
>>9529 It's scuffed and there isn't many furry characters to bang
When will Biden make furry girls real?
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>>9534 When the last white man is dindu'd, when the last chick becomes a wine aunt, and when the last tomboy is trannified, only then will he realize the need for furry waifus.
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>>9546 You lead Joe Biden, make Joe Biden listen to your wise shaman word. Joe Biden refuse we revolt.
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https://mega.nz/folder/4vNgBYAI#UkO7F6hJA_6Nq8rB4IL7dA Hope everyone had a good Easter! And no, this isn't a joke. April fool's is a shit holiday. It's a historical mistake that should've never happened. Hope you find something you like. Take care <3
Woof, woof! New Cougr pack is here; https://pixeldrain.com/u/ZUiazRb5
>>7040 Update on this since image posting is finally working again. The guy trooned out ("goes by she" now) and deleted / hid most of his old artwork even going so far as to remove all his old videos from his Youtube account. He still hasn't done anything about his Weasyl which still says he's male, heh. He now goes by "Holihowls" on twitter and twitch and trying to make himself super SFW despite occasionally posting raunchy stuff like attached.
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danbooru search
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https://mega.nz/folder/93FiST6I#IVWrc-hEawim0Q_neoTmkA As usual. Enjoy the content. Don't ask me to buy you anything. There MIGHT be more updates this month, who knows. Stay tuned.
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Mutant Alley: Dinohazard 2023.12-1 Windows; https://pixeldrain.com/u/VpxADf4F Mac (VR not supported); https://pixeldrain.com/u/Mbee56iB Manifest; https://tailsup4tyranno.itch.io/mutant-alley
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https://mega.nz/folder/lmNgULLY#2_J6iVe94D1Ng4VHcfS81w A brand new stash! Just in time for corporate-sponsored pride month(TM).
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Here's the exveemon, ophion, and Harxos OC models all by jugger, and they're all at the highest tier so everything's included: https://pixeldrain.com/u/c55LCdmd Some textfile with info: https://pixeldrain.com/u/gK8iUPR9 Source: https://jugger.gumroad.com/ Use the code "AlienCyborg" to get an 80% discount on all models; expires on the 22nd of this month.
jugger's Cthugha model; https://pixeldrain.com/u/8ydrukbS
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>>9902 >3D models of Protogen and ExVeemon Gimme dat
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https://mega.nz/folder/1r8FBTBD#H-fVXoj-38b6EvCRrriR2g New monthly stash, as usual. Enjoy the free content! Have a good 4th of July!
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