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Hey. This is the furry board. We'll see how this goes, alright? Sister-Wives of /fur/: 【Comfy】|【Vidya B】|【Fast】|【404- RIP】

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Toshiaki 05/12/2022 (Thu) 08:17:47 No. 5258
How did the "open and accepting" myth start? Most furries are hate-filled assholes who rage against and obsess over anyone who doens't agree with them. Popufurs will ruin anyone who disagrees with them. Anyone who has a moral code is all but booted out. "Free speech" basically doesn't exist because if you say even one thing someone else gets offended by you are a pariah. All the furry sites are run by wannabe fascists known to ban people who they don't like even if rules haven't been broken. Pedophilia is rampant, if anyone openly speaks out against it they're turned against by the masses. The only reason furry cons don't erupt into mob fistfights is because you're too afraid of jail to carry your internet rage out in person. You're really a bunch of intolerant dicks, honestly.
>>5258 idk they liked and accepted gays online at a time when fagbashing was still widely socially accepted, and that reputation stuck
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Probably in the earlier days of the fandom/community. I wasn't around in the early days, but from what I hear it started out in a similar niche to science fiction communitie- >you're too afraid of jail to carry your internet rage out in person. You're really a bunch of intolerant dicks, honestly. lol sure
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>>5258 A lot (if not all) of the early members of the PROTO-furry fandumb were nerds, a few ghey. And nerds were always historically put upon. So, naturally, the unspoken Rule 0 was "we don't bully here". Of course, there is the simple fact that humans are hypocrites, and just because you were bullied does not mean you are not a shit person capable of the same thing and worse. And of course, the far left that is trying hard to "own" Furry now, is nothing but individually weak collectivist thugs. Fagoneer is one of them. That was my serious response, feel free to troll.
>>5258 >you're really a bunch of intolerant dicks but OP you yourself are intolerant of pedophilia, as you just said. doesn't that make your whole point invalid? i know, you're gonna say >but its pedophilia! the worst thing ever! the rules that i just said should apply universally do not apply to this one thing because! and that makes you a hypocrite, like every other faggot in this forsaken planet. but its fine you see, thats just nature. might makes right and if the ruling power of the world wanted it to be normalized then it would be just like within the furry fagdom, the rules are as they are because a higher power (im not talking about magic here, im talking about higher in the hierarchical sense) allows it to, namely, the left. my point is, you're a niggerfaggot that should learn how the world really works.
>>5417 Why is this "Let me school you, naive child, on how the world REALLY works" monologue always comes from frustrated failures? Also, if might makes right is the sole principle of "the universe", then I can just kill you, Mr Pedo, and not bother with an explanation. Pray to Darwin I don't come across you IRL.
>>5423 scawy
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>>5423 >Also, if might makes right is the sole principle of "the universe" your thinking is too narrowminded. might DOES make right, but its not as simple as comparing the might of me vs you, there's the might of groups, the might of tools, the might of wealth, etc. >hurr pedo evil i kill u yeah see, you're shielding yourself in the might of public opinion. you're fully aware that in a physical fight between a pedo and a non pedo the population will be on the side of the non pedo and probably help, which makes the nonpedo side stronger, hence might making right. you wouldn't threat murder if you were in a minority group faced with a force larger than yours. truth is always what the majority of the population/the strongest want to believe in, even if its not objectively truth. >why does this always come from frustrated failures because happy successes don't need to think about these deeper concepts of logic and morality, you've already won so you just go through life enjoying your victory without much need for deeper thought. also calm down janny, im just pointing out the hypocrisy of the whole "you're intolerant dicks!" line. going through this branch of reasoning was necessary to do so, but thats about it. OP is a faggot, picture unrelated.

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