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GamerGate Radio

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#OPRepopulate Val 05/17/2016 (Tue) 16:30:50 Id: fa84b1 No. 323816
It has become regularly obvious that many people feel tired and uninterested in gamergate lately, mainly because of the slowness, if not stillness of the activism it might imply. Sending emails doesn't seem to cut it for them anymore; aside from not being enough, it looks as if it doesn't get anyone as fired up or involved as before. I BELIEVE IT COMES FROM A LACK OF ACTIVE POPULATION Twitter drama is retarded, and sadly it is the only source of activity in the quietest days of the tag. Faggots like ralph keep using it even to shit on it or in hopes that they will finally receive attention, when they deserve both contempt and spit. An efficient solution would be to reassemble and discuss your hopes, disappointment or joys. It is about what has been accomplished and what needs to be done to ensure gamergate does end. For what our opposition doesn't seem to gather, is that all of us would love for this ordeal to finally end; but it cannot until the complete system we are going through doesn't get fixed and cured from ideologues, pseudo-intellectuals and narcissistic sociopaths. >BRING FRIENDS BACK You have met with many along the way I am sure; if they appear to have left or grown disinterested, talk to them about their presence still being appreciated. Remain polite and friendly; keep examples of the still current air of bullshit gawker media and their buddies are forcing upon everyone; showcase victories, and establish new hope; give them a chance to merely stop if they so wish, but remain open to show them their "bad times" were anecdotes more than any actual genuine mindset. >USE THE TAG #GamerGate, like #TorrentialDownpour, got abused by bots and selfish cunts who wanted the attention brought back to themselves; take the tag back. As soon as you talk about games journalism, whether positively or negatively, use the hashtag; do not overtly spam it, for example when having a twitter conversation that requires several tweets, don't go crazy and use it in every single one; still never lose an occasion to do it whenever possible; browse the tag itself, tweetdeck or private lists allow for very easy looks at it; create if necessary a secondary account that you can shill here or on other GG forums to RT and like anything you believe is worth spreading. >VISIT YOUR NEIGHBOURS As lame as it can be, reddit remains seemingly the heart of the action. Much more prone to drama than 8chan, it can be brought back to action and thoughtfulness if helped correctly. The same can be said of Voat (although the main GG hub is trampled by goons) or even twitter. Make friends and remain friendly; do not associate with obvious shills and invite others to do the same; make a unique account on each forum instead of several, for replying to yourself would discredit every single one of your posts; don't hesitate to "gift" things like upvotes or likes or whatever else, as dumb as that might sound, to posts you find sensible; be motivational, helpful, eloquent and well-informed; do not forget to visit other places that aren't dedicated to GG, and calmly and without sperging out about it, mention its values or goals, and invite newcomers to seek information right. >PUSH We need your help, and that means we need everyone's. Remind people that they are both welcome and important; tell anyone losing courage that it is fine to take a rest, but that you're hoping they'll come back with a new bite; always see the positive outcome of all situations; have fun and be fun to have around yourself; if needed, keep old victories or MAYMAYS handy to share; be willing to apologize or be self-critical; remember wise words like "trust but verify" and other clever idioms; don't hesitate to teach their values.
>>324730 Sadly, he looks like an insecure guy, and if I were gay, I'd only fuck someone I could suck more often than babysit.
>>324726 >I stopped following GG like more than a year ago. Ok. >then proceed to show previous statement is not true at all >I'm so sorry that this is what happened to you. No you're not. You love it. The same way some bluehair neopuritan buys a copy of BeaverHunt every month without fail and labels all the problematic contents. Fact is you fucking love it. You love the holier than thou thrill that you feel is naughty and forbidden to you. Underneath the shallow "dissapointment" virtue signalling, you are not bothered. You're hot for it.
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>>324728 >questioning Islam >racist
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GamerGate was co-opted by well-meaning but naive individuals who wanted to focus less on the ethics and corruptions aspect and more on public perception and trying to convince staunch, hardline SJW's that "not all of us like gore, smug anime faces, etc." I loved it when GamerGate was less about giving a fuck what the Literally Who's and their AIDS-riddled cronies thought about us and more about engineering a scorched Earth campaign that has Gawker sputtering on fumes today. Truth be told, the phantom of GamerGate is now the Internet's Boogeyman, much like Anonymous was pre-2007 Chanology faggotry. You'll always have a place in my heart. There were some epic breads and mighty keks, but in the end, people get tired of arguing and egos and bullshit and just plain move on. I don't hold it against anyone for staying with it this long but the spirit it started with isn't the spirit it has now, and that's perfectly ok. Cheers, anons. I still root for you.
Why are we talkking about alt right nonsense? The only people repeat the only people who I see actively push the alt right nonsense are ralph and his gang and the revoltards who somehow think they can turn a # into an alt right hangout when those morons can't even articulate what altright is without sperging,also the flames are dying out sadly it was bound to happen sooner or later,I will continue to keep a close eye on this board and help out anyway I can.
>>324812 It's just a retarded shill who came in and thought he'd totally get so much attention from it. Disregard the idiot.
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>>324742 >I loved it when GamerGate was less about giving a fuck what the Literally Who's and their AIDS-riddled cronies thought about us and more about engineering a scorched Earth campaign that has Gawker sputtering on fumes today. Same here, I havent been around here in a long while because I got tired of the faggotry about tumblrtard cunts who nobody knows or cares about The last straw was when nobody, literally nobody wanted to join the operations anymore. Sure, shitposting about dumb faggots is fun but at the end what you get? nothing, but with operations and digging you get to rekt those faggots IRL and make them pay for the shit they did by destroying their scams and revenue source Talking about anita or zoe doesnt do shit, but outing them for the illegal crap they are in could potentially change everything We went from being chanology-era anonymous to reddit levels of autism
>>325235 >>>/revolt/ if you have no reason to be here, go away
>>325238 You seriously giving me that shit? how about recognizing the fucking problem instead of being a bitch? I'm not the one gossiping about shit-tier ghazifags all day like you idiots do, I was the one saying we had to contact people like the koch brothers who wanted to get back at SJWs, and what happened? that a guy like that, Peter Thiel, took the initiative and bankrolled the gawker trial Admit the fact that both this board and revolt have been aimless for over a year now, if it wasn't because SJWs are so retarded they kill eachother there would be no victories to speak of Shit even the chanology fucks would protest at scientology locations, what are we doing as of late? FUCKING NOTHING, that's why people are leaving you retard
>>325239 The only thing I'm reading in your posts is projection, anon. Perhaps "you're only gossiping about ghazi shit" is not what happens but the only thing you notice and might give a shit about. I'll give you the fact that gghq is pretty much dead indeed, but that's because everybody else went to other places instead. Maybe if you stopped following burnouts and revolttards you'd notice. Quit using twitter as your barometer for gamergate's liveliness. Faggot.
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>>325235 >>325239 >but with operations and digging you get to rekt those faggots IRL and make them pay for the shit they did by destroying their scams and revenue source >what are we doing as of late? FUCKING NOTHING . . . or you could post info you've dug up.
>>325238 >>325249 >namefagging >being a cunt when people disagree with you good job driving people away, shitfuck.
>>325259 8chan might not be the right place for people like you, anon.
>>325274 The fact that you are using an anonymous image board as a place to wave your dick around and feel good about yourself suggests that maybe your mom should be limiting your screen time more, li'l buckaroo.
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Less arguing more posting shit from your gg folder i got a fuckton of shit but due to 8chan fucking up i can only post one image at a time The people are still around they just do most of their shit away from the #'s its not like you have to tag in a # evry single time you want to tweet anyway Think you can get this to run at the same time as the anniversary make it a dual strike
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It's shitty but I made a small picture from the latest Based Mom video on gamergate. My tweet if you wanna fart it https://twitter.com/TheFrenchCritic/status/745723859773624320
>>324252 >>324254 Cute, the moment going after Big Media is suggested the Shills come in with the sliders.
>>324813 >implying shill namefags have power here.
>>325274 To be fair, namefagging is pretty frowned upon on here. A while back someone explained it by saying that having a name or tripcode basically turns this place into a regular message board. From what I recall, trips were okay if you were say, proven to be part of the industry or something and had contributed something useful rather than just verbal diarrhea.
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the people that namefaged on the reg were aytists and they all got banned rather quickly mostly for being unsalvagable shitposters who decided not to be useful to anyone. Val at least tries and that's about it Is this still a thing or is this going to the pile of abandoned ops?
>>325473 Not abandoned. Not exactly. This was part of what sparked the idea for the big anniversary thing, and its still growing. If you want to draw more attention to this specific #OP, tweet about it and get people talking on Twitter.
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>>325274 >Thread is literally about bringing more people in >HERP DERP YOU DON'T BELONG HERE >>325259 is right. You're fucking annoying. It's bad enough having to deal with obnoxious SJW pricks without adding your faggotry into the mix.
The right killed GG when they decided to push their shit onto us, using us as a platform. Nobody will ever take us serious again, not even the right, we are nothing but a convenient tool to them, we used to have the truth on our side but trust but verify seems to be a thing of the past now. I'm reasonably active but when i completely disagree with most of the shit posted in the name of GG my morale take nosedive and i very much doubt i'm alone in thinking that.
>>325695 >The right killed GG Yeah I'm petty sure that didn't happen. Nothing fucking killed GG, the SJWs learned to stop talking or are now focusing on other things.
>>323857 I endlessly regret not friending Liefschitz before he got dumped and went private on twitter, and later Chelsea & Randi during profile changes, and now recently with Kiva Bay ripping off kikestarter and cancelling the Feminist Deck.
>>324742 We will call upon you again when the time is right. You will know us by our sign. Rest, to fight again in some distant battlefield.
>>325697 If you can't see it you are fucking blind.
>>325707 Such a riveting and infallible argument! Fuck off, you can't even provide proof let alone say something that makes sense.
Bumping this dead thread for an important reason. https://8ch.net/pol/res/9046643.html GamerGate's spirit as metamorphosed into a greater meme. Here's your reason to Repopulate.
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>>329801 I am extremely okay with this. The only minor disappointment is that they didn't just ask us first. People would jump at that shit, especially on /v/.
>>329802 I believe they are all ready conversing on /v/ but the /pol/ thread seems to be Ground Zero right now. If you've got diggers on call, now would be a good time to flash the bat signal. We've got cattle to slaughter.
>>329801 >>329802 What in the fuck does this have to do with ethics in video game journalism?
>>329827 Tearing down their idols read: sources of their bullshit, when it can be done by #GG's playbook, is never a bad thing anon.
>>329827 Nothing indeed. This is about how internet shitstorms operate in general. Anonymous, OpPayback, GG, Trump, PG.. Fun and exciting at first shit gets done, reinforced by streams of rank and file. Then it implodes on itself. The legion's gone, and so are the leaders, waiting for next thing to resonate. Why keep looking back anon, do you miss caturdays and chocolate rain? Like those SJWs who occasionaly coopt skeletons in the style of 'Anonymous are against SJW cause X'? That's not how we roll. Creative destruction is the only way to avoid stagnation. Yes, I know it's sometimes important to stay focused, but it is simply not practical with leaderless internet mob.
>>329801 Archive link since that thread is 404ed: http://archive.is/Vq8eV Though the OP in that thread doesn't seem to understand how laws regulating charities work. But that's hopefully change in the half month since that thread.

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