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GamerGate Radio

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Ruling today in Toronto social media "harassment" case Leader of GamerGate 01/22/2016 (Fri) 08:31:56 Id: 28819c No. 313324
https://archive.is/6SzmT >The outcome of what's believed to be the first criminal harassment case in Canada involving Twitter will help set the tone for how the courts and society navigate the nuances of online interaction, observers said Thursday. >A verdict is expected Friday in the Ontario Court of Justice trial of Gregory Alan Elliott, a Toronto man facing two charges of criminal harassment over his dealings with two local women's rights activists on Twitter. http://www.freedomoftweets.ca/ >If you live in Toronto, you've almost certainly seen Gregory Alan Elliott’s art. He is a prolific street artist and graphic designer known for producing motivational artwork. His work has been featured by the Toronto Star. >In November 2012, Elliott was arrested and charged with criminal harassment after arguing with several activists on Twitter. He didn't threaten or endanger anyone. All he did was argue. >As a result of his detention and trial, Greg has accumulated nearly one hundred thousand dollars in legal fees. He has been prohibited from using computers and the Internet and forced to leave his job. >Gregory Alan Elliott lives in Toronto with his four sons. He is currently awaiting the final verdict in his trial.
I really don't think justice will prevail here. Not where Canada is concerned. It's a country so cucked by feminists and Muslims, not to mention RDDB's.
>>313328 Depends on the judge really. Judges tend to not be as full of bullshit because they re older, but then again this is Canada we're talking about, the laughing stock of North America.
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>>313328 >>313329 This case should have never even reached the courts, it's fucking stupid. But hey, Canada.
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https://twitter.com/Lauren_Southern/status/690552281205493760 NOT GUILTY LET THE SALT FLOW I'M DECLARING A DANCE THREAD
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Good news, problem glasses cunt lost, and this actually sets a legal precedent for free speech in Canuck Land, something that is more rare than the rarest Pepe. http://www.therebel.media/not_guilty_gregory_alan_elliott
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This is great news. Do any Canadafags know if he can now file a countersuit to recoup his legal fees? Not sure if it works the same as in the US.
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That bitch's face right now. Oh i'm laffin
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>Stephanie Guthrie >this is your home now
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>>313349 WASD to move around.
Common sense prevailed. Not guilty. http://www.scribd.com/doc/296325188/2016oncj35
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>>313361 Holy shit, that fucking kike beak.
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>>313366 >>313367 >>313368 oh such delicious salt, it nourishes me. I require more, however!
LOL, such self-awareness. Can't take the bantz
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>>313366 >>313367 >>313368 >>313370 >>313371 Beautiful. Keep it flowing.
Remember folks, the CBC is neutral
Just so you remember…
>>313376 >>313375 What's the CBC? If I knew I forgot.
>>313378 Canadian Bullshit Corp.
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>>313375 Someone didn't read the court documents!
The burning stupid
Of course… https://archive.is/0WRfC airport's law?
Canada is an endless pool of fail
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>>313388 But that's what the court docs state and they determined that by cross-examining her own fucking statements you fucking canuck
>>313382 somebody tell her that "unarmed does not mean innocent" and that there should be no outrage over trayvon martin, mike brown, etc. being shot. might need a stopwatch to see how long the block takes.
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>>313392 >her name is pringle I miss Gordon
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>>313387 lost my shit nearly choked on my coffee thanks /pol/
Someone just took a gender studies course
>>313394 Are they already eating eachother?
>>313366 The crazy people are self identifying. Good.
Reminder that useful idiots are dangerous
>>313370 Robert Day is a fucking huge cuck. His girlfriend is a psychopath
>>313396 >tweeting dictionary definitions at Strong Black Women Who Ain't Need No Man someone will be skipping her "it's not my job to educate you" tweet.
>>313387 Not just Airport's Law, ORD's Law.
>>313403 Or YYZ's Law.
wtf is this shit?
Good source of salt though. Will lick again
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(unrelated saltiness) Fucking Buzzfeed Canada is just a bunch of crybabies whining isn't it
one more from this B
>>313410 just remind them that their beer sucks and krispy kreme donuts are better than tim hortons donuts.
>>313395 There is a /pol/ thread on this too. For mature audiences only. >>>/pol/4664678
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>>313415 It almost makes me want to get the full "play" of their shit screamsinging or whatever they call it, just to get some more potential quality clips
https://archive.is/UGxDB If only we #STOPGAMERGATE2014'd
>>313386 I just can't take this anymore. He argued with some feminists on Twitter and these cunts are talking bout him like he's a serial rapist. If these people were grown in pods, I would not be surprised honestly.
>>313418 https://archive.is/XmF7O >I know how this got to trial (friends with police and Ms. Goldenberg) and I filed an LSUC complaint. They wouldn't do anything, so I sent my concerns to the judge. I don't trust TPS, and they even tried to intimidate me. So The RCMP is now involved…
Lawyer nerd?
>>313396 Wrong think is violence! No we're not authoritarians at all!
>>313419 >Feminist Stephanie Guthrie demands criminal charges against man who dared criticize her twitter posts: When asked in court to point to a single tweet the man had made to make her fearful she sighed "That’s not how feelings work. They develop over time." WTF? I want a video of that sigh SO FUCKING BADLY!
>>313401 dictionarysplaining
>>313422 >prosecution >appeal uh.
>>313427 >more stress sighs than Wu and CWC combined
>>313426 White knights and SJWs want double jeopardy for anyone who disagrees with them. And gulags.
…the fuck? https://archive.is/dQ0TK#selection-467.0-467.366 Prosecuting attorney broke down in tears. Is the cult of SJW spread like a flu?
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Yes, you do…
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We organized guize
It was the MRAs! I have a Buzzfeed article to prove it!
hahahaha, this guy is a cow
Canada confirmed for safe space
Jesus Christ. I've never seen so much salt. This is another GamerGate 9-11.
So he plans to block every free speech support on twitter?
Toronto, the other San Francisco
MRAs: Liberal Canada's Red Scare
>>313388 >no threats >victim >>313409 also, fuck me when did "taking responsibility for your own actions" become "victim blaming"? >>313432 SCARED TO TWEET
>>313450 I'd be scared too if I was a feminist and Karen Straughn lived in my country.
>>313450 >VICE
>not guilty I do not trust this. Is there some kind of appeal process the psycho bitch can abuse? or is that only for defense? I am not a lawyer, let alone a canadian lawyer. But I am a pessimist, so I doubt this situation will have a happy ending.
>>313456 Yeah this is probably going to drag on, from what I can tell Guthrie is Valkenburg-tier awful.
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Read through the case. You can download it here: http://www.canlii.org/en/on/oncj/doc/2016/2016oncj35/2016oncj35.pdf Took three screencaps of it so you can read for yourself. >Ugh is now in Canada's court system.
>>313408 >knot in my stomach I thought only Nyberg could take a dog dick that deep
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>>313430 "Stronk woman prosecutor don't need no man" *starts crying when loses case* GAE: U sad? >>313450 >Red Scare Based on evidence declassified by the CIA decades afterword of the people investigated by the House Un-American Activities Committee; Joseph McCarthy's fears over Marxist infiltration of the Mass-Media were completely justified; as we are seeing the results of that with this very fucking trial. The Cultural Marxist influence here IS REAL.
>>313461 >Based on evidence declassified by the CIA decades afterword of the people investigated by the House Un-American Activities Committee; Joseph McCarthy's fears over Marxist infiltration of the Mass-Media were completely justified; as we are seeing the results of that with this very fucking trial. >The Cultural Marxist influence here IS REAL. HUACfag here There's a name for this declassified evidence, dipshit. >What are the Venona Transcripts?
>>313430 She got her LawPro bill.
>>313463 >mouse pointer in nose Jeez, it's Steph Guthrie, not Laurie Penny
>>313462 I fucking know that, but the way you guys present into, while factual, sounds tinfoil-y to normies. You guys tend to data-dump in a "tl;dr"-way, when the "breadcrumb trail" technique would work better.
>>313440 It's herding cats, not organized. They live in the Toronto bubble and really believe their own bullshit.
>>313351 lost his job over this, and money, so I suppose yes if the complaint was carried off by the plaintiff herself if the prosecutor carried it… then its gonna be hard as it would basically mean suing the court. though I read the charge was criminal harassement, was it a civil suit or criminal
>>313458 >ugh I was at that meeting. I wrote the letter to the judge. Owen and Audrina interviewed me. The woman was torquing it for publicity and victimbux. I also know where a LOT of bodies are buried in Toronto media.
>>313471 Don't be a tease, dish!
He harassed! He's no hero! GG! GG!
>>313477 You've been warned: Do NOT associate with this man!
This mentality pisses me off, I have to admit
>>313479 You don't understaaaand, anon. All white people are racist!
>>313481 >tweeting "sarah you are a pedo" is an instant account suspension
>There was standing room only in the court Friday the judge announced the verdict. A group of supporters around Guthrie and Reilly heaved a few loud sighs of disappointment when judge said not guilty. During a break in the verdict — which took over three hours to read — supporters gathered around both women, sharing long faces and longer hugs. -a recent addition to this article https://archive.is/n1U2k
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>yfw this tweet provides the first example in human history of someone being triggered to death
>>313478 >back off due to the cancer, but there is literally nothing you can say to complete that sentence which isn't you being a horrible person. Glad to see aGG is still alive!
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>>313478 >>313487 >"TB is slowly dying of a terrible form of cancer… BUT HE'S NOT ACTING MEAN TOWARD AN INNOCENT MAN WITH THE WRONG POLITICS!" It sounds even WORSE in-context
>>313474 Okay. I've been around for many years and this is not the first internet fight I've had. Previously I was a DUDE WEED PR guy and we did a fuckload of effective work. So basicially when I saw this was proceeding to trial, I remembered that there was a meeting where I made a joke about GAE and everyone groaned, not scared at all, like an audio eyeroll. I was also a law student at Seneca College at the time. So I wrote to the Law Society of Upper Canada . They blew it off, and then I wrote, now this is important, an amicus curaie letter to the judge as a law student. Absolute immunity from libel, sent it to Blatchford, it was reported. It slowed down the trial and shone a spotlight on the feminist crazy. There is more but I can't get into it right now.
>>313502 I've met most of these people in person and really are the stereotypical goony beard men from SRS.
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>>313502 >google cache Anon, what the fuck are you doing? Either link directly or provide an archive.
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>>313390 Women are always the victims. No exceptions, even if she was the one who started the altercation.
>>313392 Or they could just be paranoid. Everything happens for a reason but that doesn't mean the reason is rational.
>>313515 >No exceptions Except for anti-feminist women, who are on the very bottom of the social justice caste system
>>313518 Oh right, I forgot. Us anti-feminist wimminz have internalized soggy knees
>>313518 Fucking Canada…I mean Cancuckistan
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>>313392 Whatever happens to all these #s people make that only last for about a day?does it get autodeleted because no one really wants to use it anymore.
>all this salt from cucks and rainbow haired dykes not getting their way and putting a man in jail for disagreeing with feminits Good fucking god. It's like these people are all literally nothing but a bunch of spoiled children that are throwing a tantrum because they didn't get their way for the first time.
>>313531 Amygdala hijack.
>>313338 >>313339 This Thread needs more dance gifs Here are more dance gifs I just don’t have the energy to put up with idiots on twatter,they makes me wanna punch kittens
>>313432 why do feminists hate the gaes
>>313545 I think you mean the GAE agenda
>>313545 Because they are bored and have nothing better to do with their time.
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>>313432 I suggest another kind of helmet.
>>313545 >>313545 Because they are bored and have nothing better to do with their time.
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Just watched this video and it's a huge morale boost. She mentions GAE near the end, but it's all golden
>>313550 Not safe enough. It needs to be chained to the safe room
>>313372 This faggot is a statist censor… and one of the women did the same thing he sued for! http://canadiancynic.blogspot.com/2012/08/this-is-way-lawsuit-ends-not-with-bang.html
>>313382 Google "@septembrea @amirightfolks" pulls up a lot of interactions between the two. Why should anyone care what she thinks.
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>>313371 That tone is "If you can't handle the bantz, turn your computer off FAGGOT."
>>313565 Yeah, it literally is a clique of friends.
>>313546 >>313545 they're definitely against GAE rights
I've noticed something about the feminists talking shit about the Gregory Alan Elliott ruling. They have more to say about this than all the rapes going on in Europe.
Q. You knew that … you knew personally that Gregory Elliott was responding to defend himself? A. He’s entitled to defend himself to the world, but not to me. Q. Okay. A. He’s not entitled to an audience from me, Mr. Murphy. Q. Okay. And that’s what it comes down to, would you agree with me, that you don’t believe that Mr. Elliott is entitled to defend himself to you? A. To me. Yeah … no, I don’t believe he is. Q. Right. Okay. No matter what you say to or about Mr. Elliott, agreed? A. There were a lot of people who backed me up on what I said about him, a lot of people, Mr. Murphy. Q. Two of whom are … A. Two of the dozens, yeah. Q. Two of whom are the complainants in this case, right? A. Yes. Yes.4 By tweeting to, and about, Mr. Elliott – but yet at the same time demanding that Mr. Elliott not respond to her – it appears as though Ms. Guthrie had expected that the Twitter Rules would apply to everyone except her. Or handing over "evidence" that Elliot was a pedophile. Q. But by the time you met Detective Bangild, you already testified to this, you were aware that she was either 18 or 19, agree? A. Yes. Q. Right. Good. So not really trying to help out Mr. Elliott when you’re not mentioning the fact it’s actually an adult, right? A. My position wasn’t really that I wanted … I was not trying to help Mr. Elliott. Q. Right. A. He was stalking me. So no, I wasn’t trying to help me. I wasn’t trying to harm him unduly, but I was not trying to help him and I was not trying to … yeah. Q. Right. In your view handing tweets alleging Mr. Elliott’s a pedophile without correcting the officers receiving them, is not trying to harm Mr. Elliott, right? A. Wasn’t trying to harm him, no.
>>313587 Q. Okay. Quote, “Blaming the majority of normal hashtag men for hashtag rape is wrong.” A. Mm hmm. Q. “Rapist are not normal men. They’re crazy. Why not blame the mentally ill”? A. Yeah, really. Q. “Hashtag TBTB”. A. Mmhmm. Q. Now would you not agree with me that that’s a … that’s a pretty good point? A. Are you kidding me? Okay, first of all I have no idea what the relevance of how valid a point it was, has to the case, Mr. Murphy. But second of all, that is garbage. Q. Okay, tell me … A. I know lots of normal men who have raped. I have been raped by men you would call normal. So … I have no idea what you’re talking about. And also, how is it relevant whether it was a valid point? Who cares? >It is submitted that Ms. Guthrie’s demeanor during her viva voce evidence on this point was extremely confrontational, volatile and aggressive. Counsel submits that when Ms. Guthrie was asked “that’s a pretty good point?” she banged her fist on witness box and answered in a very loud voice: “Are you kidding me?” This is important, it is submitted, because it demonstrates Ms. Guthrie’s ability and willingness to aggressively defend herself and her political/philosophical positions. >Counsel further submits that at many points during cross-examination, Ms. Guthrie asked rhetorical questions and displayed disdain for any suggestion that Mr. Elliott had ever uttered/tweeted anything valid on any subject. Ms. Guthrie’s rhetorical questions “And how is it relevant whether it was a valid point? Who cares?” confirms that – as far as Ms. Guthrie was concerned – it did not matter to her whether or not Mr. Elliott’s contributions on Twitter were valid political/philosophical comments. No matter what the content of Mr. Elliott’s tweets, Ms. Guthrie allegedly believed that his comments betrayed Mr. Elliott’s obsession with her. Counsel submit that if Ms. Guthrie truly believed that Mr. Elliott was obsessed with her, personally, such a belief -on the evidence before the Court – cannot be considered reasonable. For whatever reason, Ms. Guthrie was completely unable to view Mr. Elliott’s tweets through the lens of valid, political commentary/opposition. Any feelings of fear that Ms. Guthrie allegedly felt were the result of Ms. Guthrie’s irrational conclusion that Mr. Elliott was obsessed with her.
>>313383 i loved way harder at this then i should have
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>>313553 Jesus, was she raised in Sub-Saharan Africa or something? Ten seconds in, already five lip-smacks. i'm happy for you, but if you're gonna do a public speech, learn to fucking speak publicly.
Not dance gif but toast.
can't dance without music
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Thanks everything!
>>313552 SJWs are salty as fuck
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semi-related. fucking white knights and rabid feminists prove their stupidity day by day. they love definitions when it suits them, and screech when verdicts don't go their way.
He's still 90k in the hole, couldn't work for 3 years and out of a job now and has no legal recourse against this woman. All for disagreeing forcefully with her on twitter. Meanwhile she gets nothing except publicity for the further professional victimhood she'll undoubtedly launch from this. It's not a victory. Canada, get your fucking shit together.
>>313629 >He's still 90k in the hole, couldn't work for 3 years and out of a job now and has no legal recourse against this woman It seems unfair that he cant counter sue in a civil case to get his money back at least. That is the normal process in my country when someone loses money and reputation due to a frivolous accusation of a crime.
>>313366 >you might get called a white knight >it pales in comparison to an average woman's day online LOL
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>mfw this entire thread The butthurt is absolety majestic to read.
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>>313607 >Directed by: Hideo Kojima
>>313410 Buzzfeed Canada is a good site.
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>>313657 for wiping my ass with
>>313588 >I know lots of normel men who have raped no you don't you lying cunt. And no you weren't. Normal men don't rape.
>>313642 >violent I can't even react
>>313407 >wtf is this shit? It is the postmodernism aspect of Marxism which the political left has fully adopted. When you can change the definition of any word at any time, such as changing the definition of violence or harassment, then you essentially have control over the perception of reality. Remember how LW1 and LW3 went to the UN and tried to convince them that cyber violence (CyberVAWG) was real violence and should be punishable by law?
>>313427 This is why ted fucking sucks now They literally let any fucker to talk there Its all about connections, not what you got to say >>313430 Manipulative bitch at its finest
>>313594 'ello ghazicunt, are you butthurt because unlike you she's pretty and has a real vagina?
>>313716 >This is why ted fucking sucks now >They literally let any fucker to talk there >Its all about connections, not what you got to say isn't it TEDx, which that's kind of the point of it? Sam Hyde did a TEDx.
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>>313719 Weird Twitter or feminist trolls? Goes to show trolling goes on everywhere.
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>>313328 Don't worry, in the future Canada will end up as a caliphate country and women will be turned into property. Islam isn't just a legitimate patriarchy. It is an uncompromising theocratic organism in which Canadians will either convert and get their balls back or be killed.
>>313719 Can he now sue judge for slander or something?
>>313604 >>313603 Who is this artist? This shit is hilarious and very well done.
>>313384 >>313382 "Public intellectual"…so fucking pretentious. I mean you can fap to yourself in a mirror and say that until BUT ONLY MY SIDE AGREES WITH ME SO THUS IT SMART. If I tell you to go fuck yourself, your definition especially with Steph's case would be consider harassment which is also equally as fucked. But violence? Violence is inducement of physical harm, god damn. Be an actual intellectual by reading the damn transcript of the trial itself. Take the patience to read that dry shit but you can't. Fuck intersectional feminism. They are one sided and bordering on evil.
I posted this on reddit…my post did not show up and shortly there after my password was changed. Weird. Something that has been bothering me: https://twitter.com/greg_a_eliott is the fake account that was used and essentially pivotal to the whole harassment part. The prosecution did not make a claim of indecent exposure based on this tweet: https://twitter.com/greg_a_eliott/status/234730343247265793 which would of been a sure fire way to win points. To make matters worse, these harassing tweets remained up for years even though they are in clear breach of twitters policy. They remained up, and are still up and are still linked to by some of the press to smeer him. Something fishy is up here. Also the woman in the background of this pic: https://twitter.com/greg_a_eliott/status/234725155534958592 looks very, very familiar for some odd reason. Someone should really look into this.
>>313426 The Crown is allowed to appeal an acquittal in Canadian law, though they have much less leeway in doing so than a defendant.
>>313444 She is correct, in that Canada does not have anywhere NEAR the kind of legal protections for free speech that the US does. Section 1 of the Charter (our version of the Constitution, essentially) allows all subsequent rights and freedoms, including freedom of expression, to be suspended when deemed necessary for the "public good," and there's plenty of precedent for hate speech laws already. Not saying it's good, but it's true. Though, if anything, it just strengthens our position because it means that the Elliot case wasn't "harassment protected by free speech" it was just straight up "not harassment."
>>313454 Aw shit. I know him. Wouldn't have pegged him as a koolaid drinker.
>>313389 she's probably one of those "black europe" types who think anyone tan or in low light is a nigger.
>>313737 yeh bro sum1 needs 2 do sum investigative meme journalism 4 ethixxx te hlolszercaust http://alligator-sunglasses.com/post/1653938869/hey-grandma-can-you-do-me-a-favor wowe dank
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Gosh who'd have thought?
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>>313587 >Q. You knew that … you knew personally that Gregory Elliott was responding to defend himself? >A. He’s entitled to defend himself to the world, but not to me. '. . not to me.' I thought this had been made up. They are absolutely barking mad.
>>313754 They believe themselves to be gods.
>>313754 >>313755 It looks like the best thing that could happen was to get them into the court, just to show how deluted they are.
>>313727 Nah. His defence lawer did a demolition job on her accusations and the Judge pretty much hi-fived them. He was less than sympathetic to the harpy, so if anyone's gonna get sued it's probably the bitch herself.
>>313754 These people are insane. They're not going to seek help, and knowing that they are protected by those goddamned "progressive" is not reassuring. "No, you're not insane, it's society that is insane and needs to be more tolerant: your modus operandi is sort of like a ritual, so killing people is your religion, #NotAllSerialKillers" "Jeb is babysitting my child, I wish society was as open as me when it comes to religion #NotAllSerialKillers" You get the idea.
>>313754 >"Not to me" Holy shit the entitlement! The privilege!
>>313485 Crazy women self-identify, film at eleven.
>>313737 Holy shit that's Paisley Rae, the one fucking the detective who they had to drop from the case. There is already an open complaint against Goldenberg at the Law Society of Upper Canada.
>>313740 He used to LIVE with Guthrie, dude.
>>313756 Yeah, especially give the police collusion. GAE can sue Toronto Police and MAG as well now.
>>313774 That could be Heather Reilly too. I dunno, all landwhales look alike.
>>313755 I'm starting to think feminism entirely evolved out of insane women have a divinity complex.
>>313386 I've yet to see any fucking evidence from these retards.
Holy shit, all this salt ITT
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>>313791 more like crazy women with too much self loathing or solipsism to change who they are. >>313324 >>313751 and the Canadian court is filled with idiots. http://www.genuinewitty.com/2016/01/23/court-ruling-makes-serious-mistake-judging-gregory-alan-elliotts-character/ >trolled by a fake twitter profile with one T in the name
>>313811 >oops one L in the name.
>>313380 the least of the turbocunt's supporters say things which fit the definition of harassment much more than what the guy ever told to or about her >>313386 >all this evidence >>313387 yes! >>313402 >the internet is real pic related
>>313389 The photo of Elliot shows a smug, punchable face, while the picture of Guthrie is posed, well lighted, and artistic. The photo editor who chose the photos clearly wanted readers' sympathy to lie with Guthrie and not with poor Elliot.
>>313828 Well its not like he doesn't deserve to look smug.
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>>313435 Jesus Christ, I wish my life was so easy that I could actually think this sort of bullshit is a "struggle", that they're a "pioneer".
>>313629 It's a Pyrrhic victory at best. His reputation might never recover, and he'll never get those years back. But at least, since his case set a precedent, this shouldn't be able to so easily happen again.
>>313843 >It's a Pyrrhic victory at best. His reputation might never recover Are you kidding? He's a bargain basement Banksy, he'll be commissioned for murals out of sympathy for this.
>>313476 Can I say that as a fan of both Steven Universe and Undertale (Fan, not fanatic mind you) It sickens me to see these assholes using those avatars.
>>313997 Apparently. According to feminists, rape is the only method by which humans are capable of reproducing.
>>313687 >postmodernism We need a new word for this. anti-modernism is what it is. It is a reversion to primitive tribal thinking.
>>314051 >Guys we need to replace existing words with new words. Nope. A bunch of retard using the post-modern line of thinking is still post-modernism (I'm surprised you didn't go for "reverse modernism")
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>>313416 It's okay Steph, we'll just get enough liquor into yards so the shakes stop.
LAWSUIT TIME https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20160125/16314233415/judge-free-speech-case-over-twitter-fight-apparently-fooled-parody-account.shtml >We just reported on a good ruling in Canada that threw out a criminal (yes, criminal) harassment case over what appeared to be a somewhat ridiculous Twitter spat. As we noted, basically no one came out of the spat looking particularly good, but to argue that such a spat should be criminal seemed ridiculous no matter how you looked at it. In the ruling, the judge did find that the tweets sent by Greg Elliott were harassing, but that it wasn't criminal because of the circumstances, including the fact that it was a public discussion and many of the tweets involved Elliott trying (perhaps aggressively) to defend himself against attacks against himself. However, as the very first commenter on our post pointed out, and which other reporters have now reported as well, at least one of the tweets that the judge pointed to as an example of Elliott's aggressive language actually came from a parody account.
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Check this out. https://archive.is/gaUDF
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>>313463 Could not resist.
>>313528 >does it get autodeleted because no one really wants to use it anymore Does what get deleted? The hashtag? That's not how it works. You can create a hashtag out of anything, for any reason. All anyone has to do to find results for that hashtag is search under it.
>>313719 Imagine if the fake twitter handle used Russian Cyrillic letters. That would have been a bitch to catch.
>>313828 He's smiling on his, goes a long way in helping likability.
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Now this is interesting. https://archive.is/66TGh >Jian Ghomeshi wasn't the first CBC HR failure
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>>314187 SJWs always project. https://ca.linkedin.com/pub/david-demchuk/6/741/45 >David Demchuk >Manager, Employee Communications at CBC >Toronto, Canada Area >Public Relations and Communications >Current >Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
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>>314073 You Canadafags are obligated to crash this, document it and deliver your harvested salt back to us.
>>314365 It was in 2012. That was where they joked about GAE and proved they were lying bitches.
>>313376 That second tweet… it's not like paying your cable TV fee or buying a movie copy. Game reviewers financing development of a game or personally financing a game dev is the same as a movie reviewer helping finance a movie to then review it, or pay a director's bill and then give his work public exposition. It's COI, simple as that, or full corruption
>>314452 >It's COI, simple as that, or full corruption This crop of "journalists" see PR and news as the same thing. Into the trash it goes.
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The sonicfag weighs in.
>>313415 My favorite thing about this is the one in the purple dress looks just like the one 'comedienne' who had a beef with Milo for calling her 'darling'.
>>313384 Call her what she is: a nigger with a clever hipster feminazi shitcunt disguise, you guise.
>>313440 I GET IT NOW. They're fucking nuts. Absolutely fucking bonkers. You know what "organized harassment" is really a term for? "Gangstalking." I'll let you kids punch that shit into YouTube and watch as mind == blown and the circle of paranoid insanity completes.
>We have received unconfirmed reports that Ms. Stephanie Guthrie is working, today, at the "White Ribbon Campaign". http://archive.is/eb6tV
>>314674 >"Gangstalking." Like what she did to the sonicfag in Sault Ste. Marie. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=gang+stalking Gang stalking is a form of community mobbing and organised stalking combined. Just like you have workplace mobbing, and online mobbing, which are both fully recognised as legitimate, this is the community form. Gang stalking is organised harassment at it's best. It the targeting of an individual for revenge, jealousy, sport, or to keep them quite, etc. It's a psychological attack that can completely destroy a persons life, while leaving little or no evidence to incriminate the perpetrators."
>>314674 >>314674 The irony is that SJWs regularly and openly participate in organized harrassment.
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https://archive.is/DjQCi >It appears that the Globe and Mail allowed Team #Unfuckwithable take yet one last shot in the real-life facepunch game of Gregory Alan Elliott’s three-year ordeal. But it wasn’t only a shot at Elliott, it was a shot at the newspaper’s credibility. I learned to read newspapers using the Globe back when I was a child, the paper had a special place in my heart because of that- I feel betrayed. https://archive.is/b0KxJ >In 2012 I wrote a story criticising Star columnist Antonia Zerbisias for promoting another unrepentant G20 convict. I didn’t know her reputation back then, turns out she’s a vicious creep who likes to play dirty. Antonia responded by threatening to include me in a story about Internet stalkers that featured Elliott. A couple weeks later I had an unexpected meeting with Gregory Alan Elliott, he didn’t seem like the monster Zerbisias tried to frame him as. Antonia’s temper tantrum was my primary motivation for investigating Elliott’s case- I really must thank her one day. http://neer-do-well-hall-of-infamey.blogspot.com/p/stephanie-guthrie.html >After the Stephanie Guthrie offense and the allegations of a conspiracy up to and including the Office of the Attorney General of Ontario, can one be faulted for assuming that things are NOT better, NOT safer, for straight men? How about they are going 'straight' to fucking hell with a day coming, if it ain't here already, when men are second class citizens in Ontario?
COMPLAIN Prosecutors name is Marnie Goldenberg https://lawsocietytribunal.ca Law Society Tribunal  Suite 402 375 University Avenue Toronto, Ontario  M5G 2J5 Telephone 416-947-5249 Toll free 1-800-668-7380, ext 5249 Fax 416-947-5219 Email General inquiries:  tribunal@lsuc.on.ca
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Wow, are there connections to her at the NP and they have to do damage control?
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A textbook.
>>313328 >Muslims Get rekt, uncle /pol/!
>>315304 His lawyer should chat with the editor. They are literally revised every year >tfw I made it into a textbook one time too for internet shit, but under my handle
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>>313812 It's ELLIOTT! TWO "L"s TWO "T"S FOR I AM THE DEADLY DUPLICATOR! Sorry, couldn't help myself.
>>315298 Not fucking surprised. NAPO decided to hire a new "feminist editor" her first decisons? Dump disqus for facebook, force all sun news papers to get rid of comments. And…then the stories started going to shit. The only thing redeemable at NAPO is their editorial section(most of the time). And it's the same at G&M and TorStar. And these stupid fuckers are still wondering why their readership is dropping.
>>316849 "you get two of everything!" "you think two of something is too much and two of other things is not enough?!"
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Now the sister is in on it. They're both nuts. Can you say DADDY ISSUES
>>316863 Coyne walked when they forced him to shill for Harper. It's dead, Jim.
>>317365 >literally >go die in a fire >sexist >actual >adorable Millennials aren't just scum, they're uncreative scum.
>>317380 I'd love to take this princess into a burn unit with her two kids crisped and see if she says that.

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