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GamerGate Radio

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insulting Anita offends pro-GG? Leader of GamerGate 02/09/2016 (Tue) 23:21:56 Id: a85bcf No. 315662
Why does this image offend you so much, for simply calling out Anita for being the piece of hatemongering, fascist trash she really is?
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That comparison is more of an insult to David Duke than it is to her. He actually works and produces content.
>>315663 KKK detected. David Duke is a nobody that serves no purpose. Most of his content is stolen and he's a fascist fuck. He's identical to Anita.
>>315662 >Why does this image offend you so much Because it doesn't? The only thing in there that isn't true is that Sockpuppet wants to exterminate anyone different then her. I doubt she really gives a shit about SocJus past the fact that playing to it nets her a lot of victimbux. Dammit Hotwheels, let me post.
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>>315665 >KKK >Having any relevance in [THE CURRENT YEAR] Schlomo please, you're kvetching again.
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>>315662 I don't even know who David duke is mang,you thread needs more context context nigger not just slapping some people together and making a single line post
le ebin troll thread implyings everywhere. 1/10 OP you tried, and before you retort, no, insulting Anita does not insult "pro-GG"
>>315668 Yeah he's ex-KKK. For strategic reasons. >>315679 Former bigshot in KKK. Nazi. Addicted to face lifts.
It doesn't. I'd just say this though: insulting just for the sake of insulting is the same as dropping spaghetti. It's what angry feminists do. Making a case, insulting in a way that you red pill people, that's an intelligent thing to do.
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>insulting Anita offends pro-GG? …It does? It's sure the first I ever hear of it.
>>315662 I dont know who David Duke is so Im going to assume you meant Daisy Duke. The reason why we like Daisy Duke is because she wears those small tight jean shorts. Anita has never worn anything like that. If she did, we would give her more slack.
>>315668 >>Having any relevance in [THE CURRENT YEAR] They just had black panthers on the superbowl so why not have the KKK too?
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>>315662 Do you know how I know you're from plebbit, OP?
>>315662 >Ebin troll with one of /pol/s fave figureheads It's sad when trolls have to do this with their time. Go play some vidya.
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>>317388 >>317388 Hitler dubs checked. That Tommy Sotomayor video is great. He starts agreeing with Duke more and more as the conversation goes on. It's almost better than Duke BTFOing Alex Jones during their debate.
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>>315662 >Anita … fascist OP (like many millenials) doesn't know what a fascist is. Far left, con artist? Sure. But not a fascist. Get off 8chan and read a book on WWII.
>>317458 A lot of people conflate authoritarian with fascist, since fascists were, until the SJW uprising, the leading authoritarian movement on the planet.
>>315862 So.. we're supposed to know about some specific former kkk/nazi for some reason?
>>317608 >>317458 Anita wants governments and corporations to be in complete control of the lives of ordinary people. That was one of the main pillars of fascism. So its not surprising people are saying she is a fascist. Most of these SJWs are.
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>>317632 Kinda hard to imagine someone being on the chans who hasn't heard of one of the swarmfags favorite heroes.

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