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GamerGate Radio

boosting morale with CRINGE! Leader of GamerGate 02/24/2016 (Wed) 04:40:39 Id: e17530 No. 317298
so I came across this cringe vid on youtube and it got me thinking. we need a good morale thread to remind us of what kind of idiocy we're fighting against. so here we go, ITT: post any cringe videos of SJWs and corrupt journos you can find and let's point and laugh at their idiocy to boost morale. this can be anything from instant karma to cringey behavior caught on camera and anything else cringe worthy. I'll start us off with an SJW getting arrested for trying to pull her Tumblr logic with a cop trying to do his job.
>all the rights of a US citizen without following any of their laws This shit's still funny.
this kill my side
This one is embarrasing.
>>317298 How many times has the thought of calling a mental hospital ever crossed his mind? She's completely hysteric. >>317318 Persecution complex and paranoid. "social justice" is a cancerous disease perpetuated by insane people.
>>317318 that's just sad and pathetic to think the mail man of all people is stalking you. honestly this vid makes it look like she is stalking the mail guy. so double dose of crazy here.
Brace yourselvelves for the stupid, it's time for some feminist propaganda cringe!
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>>317323 > that match was slaughter, we fucking raped the other team unacceptable use of rape diminishes severity of meaning makes rape acceptable > I was raped by my family, they did things to other people that made me reflect on what a slag I am proper usage of rape woman made to feel fear or shame is new definition is good because while it hurts actual victims who are usually too poor and unconnected for rich old white women to care about it allows unattractive pampered girls to continue getting attention and Munchausen gratification until the word losses its social stock Have some more new words
>>317318 Yep. Insane (sage because not adding much) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL79CpiRN8papRyenMEq30g
Here's some cringe for all 20 of you who are still in this board: Feminist Bruce Lee
>>317318 >the mailman was in my apartment complex at the same time as me >AND he's parked near where i live >obviously he's stalking me Do SJWs think mail appears in your mailbox by magic?
>>317397 I'd say they objectify people and reduce them to a function, after a while they ignore entirely the cause to any effect. Then you get wonders like #KillAllMen, because who needs mail and garbage collecting, right?
…………………………………………………. Make….it….stop……… kill Disney Kill disney Kill Disney
>>317480 That was embarrassing. And i thought that adults trying to appeal to edgy kids was some 90's thing.
>>317526 Bump. We need more morale threads.
(1.31 MB 480x270 Muh-pronouns.webm)

>Major Nelson: This is Evan. She is one of the young ladies… >Evan: No, I use they pronouns. >Major Nelson: Pardon me? >Evan: I use they pronouns. >Major Nelson: They prounouns? OK. So Evan is one of the folks who worked on this game. Sheee, she's a game developer… Continues to ignore retarded pronoun bullshit, lol!

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