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GamerGate Radio

(41.44 KB 500x350 g8an satan.jpg)

What happened to G8an Satan? Veteran Leader of GamerGate 05/06/2016 (Fri) 07:32:29 Id: e0251b No. 323387
So, After not watching him for a while I just tried to look up G8an Satan, only to find that everything from his channel including the channel itself is completely gone. Was there some drama there, or did he just vanish?
This faggot hangs out with bnf and triangles on their streams so maybe you might ask them on twatter for his wheareabouts.
wasn't dank enough so I deleted it
>>323387 see >>323399 He's a triangle. I personally never had an issue with him but he was there in those chatrooms.
>>323399 What is bnf and triangles? Not at all joking. I don't know what that is.
>>323455 #burgersandfries is an IRC channel on the Rizon network that has now become a boogeyman. The triangle shit was just some ironic illuminati shitposting that happened on twitter for a while that may have become a little more than ironic at some point or another.
>>323387 He's now known as @savagememes on Twitter.
>>323523 oh, I was wondering why the fuck that account was following me
yeah, he was the leader of the triangles.
>>323456 you should all swing by BNF for some banter. would do you well to air out the moths in your heads -t some j rando halfop in that channel

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