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GamerGate Radio

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Fake 3d soldier? Gawker Media's Creditor 06/12/2016 (Sun) 22:10:22 Id: 486e48 No. 325000
I saw this "photo" in a news story about the shooting in Orlando… doesn't it look like some still renders of a virtual 3d soldier guy i saw in the last few months? i tried to find them but can't. Some kind of NVidia demo of a guy looking really almost exactly like this in riot gear. but the FACE seems to be the same. Anyone else remember this?
>>325000 Weak bait. Just because video game companies try to make their graphics as realistic as possible, because they copy press images like this one, doesn't you should change your residency in tinhatsville. Besides… if a game company made this image it would b more browner, bloomy, and there's no grit/lensflare effects. Also, sad waste of repeating digits. May kek have mercy on your soul.
He looks like he's going for a stroll in Fallujah
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Did this police department raid a spec ops Iraq storage storage locker?his emblem says Sherif but he looks more like he steped straight out of a place fresh off iraq or some other hellhole He's got so much fucking gear on him just to put down a crazed shooter,then again due to the frequency of mass shooting its a given
And here come the blame vidya for shooting at a night club for literal faggots to give each other AIDS while rubbing against each other in sweaty degeneracy. As if a shooter who also happens to be a muslim needs vidya to go on a shooting spree
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Polygon Editor so you know its trash
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>>325005 >As if a shooter who also happens to be a muslim needs vidya to go on a shooting spree >videogames are haram due to the games having representations of people in them >faggotry is haram despite Fundamentalist Muslim for man and boy asshole (women are for making babies men are for pleasure), but they aren't gay they just fuck other men and boys (consent optional) "ISLAM ISN'T THE PROBLEM BLAME GUNS AND VIDEOGAMES"
>>325004 Essentially, yes. With the Iraq war winding down, the military had a ton of gear they didn't want to keep in mothballs, so they flogged it to police departments. The funny thing is, supply lines being what they were, front line soldiers didn't have anything like this stuff.
>>325032 Not really. Blame Bush/9-11 and the WTO protestor shits. After the WTO riots in 1999, there was a push in major cities to beef up their police forces in the event of further WTO-esque riots by way of getting police outfitted with military grade riot gear. When 9-11 happened, Homeland Security started the process of offering grants to local cops to give them government money to beef up their police force gear "to fight terrorism". This led to big and small town police departments all running to get Homeland Security cash, to buy all of the tacticool gear many police chiefs and swat commander unit leaders, had lusted over for years but could not afford on a small town police department (or big city police department) budget.
>>325004 The Bush and Obama administrations have been giving away tons of tactical gear to local police departments. They claim it's to protect SWAT teams from mass shooters and terrorists, but cynics see it as another step to a militarized police and a police state. >>325005 I'm kinda amazed that no one's really been blaming vidya this time around. I guess FOX is too busy talking about gays and Islam.

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