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GamerGate Radio

Bro Team leaking AGG chat logs Veteran Leader 08/25/2016 (Thu) 02:51:27 Id: 6949b1 No. 326955
https://gaming.youtube.com/watch?v=STkJAOHLMzs 100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100
Where the fuck did he get these from these go back to 2014
>>326955 nice digits I was going to make a new thread but you beat me to it, whelp here's the full logs: https://sli.mg/a/GgUrrS make with the digging
Brote's livestream
>>326959 Is there a text file/pastebin of these logs?
How do we know these are legit
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>>326966 Ian Miles Cheong (who participated in the chat at the time) has vouched that they are real.
Ian "Nazi" Cheong has proved himself truly Aryan today.
I need a collection of all these logs. Holy shit.
Do we know who leaked them? Was is Izzy after the he got put on blast from the Mombot thing?
>>326971 It was Ian Miles Cheong. Fucking read.
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This isn't all of them, but here are some of the frequently seen names on the logs. Drinternetphd = Zoe Quinn, pic related Alex Liftschitz Rob = Rob Marmolejo/UnseenPerfidy (the Crash Override Network member who was outed as a creep) Dan Olson - https://twitter.com/FoldableHuman Chris Kluwe - https://twitter.com/ChrisWarcraft Dina - https://twitter.com/PetiteMistress 'Sarah' Nyberg - https://twitter.com/srhbutts Peter Coffin - https://twitter.com/petercoffin Charloppe = 'Charlotte' Danowski, Nyberg's boyfriend (Twitter was deleted today: http://archive.is/4SsGT) SF - https://twitter.com/SFtheWolf Secret Gamer Girl - https://twitter.com/SecretGamerGrrl David Gallant - https://twitter.com/davidsgallant/ Randi Harper - https://twitter.com/randileeharper Remy - https://twitter.com/slimgiltsoul Tesseract - https://twitter.com/Tesseraconteur Ian Miles Cheong - https://twitter.com/stillgray Katherine Cross - https://twitter.com/Quinnae_Moon Athena Hollow - https://twitter.com/athenahollow izzy Galvez - https://twitter.com/iglvzx/ Veerender Jubbal - https://twitter.com/Veeren_Jubbal
>>326973 Sorry, bro, but where am I supposed to find that. This thread? Because this thread only confirms that Ian confirmed the legitimacy of the leaks, not that he leaked them. see: >>326967
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>>326975 I don't know if it was ever confirmed, but speculation is on Ian since he left the aGG clique and was active during the logged chats. However, the Tesseract seen in the logs got burned by them a few months ago. http://archive.is/st9Yp http://archive.is/epAeN
can you give a recap of the events and what we know?
>>326976 Interesting, my bet's on Danowski, but I see I'm not blocked by Tessaract (besides Ian, I'm still in the autoblocker that the clique is using).
>>326974 > Tesseract - https://twitter.com/Tesseraconteur Tesseraction? https://archive.is/1DmNf > I did as NekoArc asked, and later, an SRS by the name of Tesseraction on IRC proceeded to manipulate me into editing the SRSSucks post into the stupid Brd spam that followed. Tesseraction would later emotionally abuse me until I distanced myself fully from them. Over the course of 2013, I tried reaching out to greenduch and my friends in SRS, and they labeled me a stalker, a monster, a fiend most horrible.
>>326981 >Laurelai Bailey It really is a small world after all. https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Laurelai
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>>326973 Would a journalist leaking a private chat be unethical? Not that I care since it's exposing sjws, but I'm just wondering if they can use that against him.
>>326986 >(1) It's not Cheong who leaked the logs, but he did verify it. By doing so he's more ethical than false accusations.
Can we actually get a link to the logs themselves? As complete as possible? Or are we stuck with the youtube video?
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>>326988 Someone made a sli.mg album https://sli.mg/a/GgUrrS
GethN7 wrote a thing "GamerGate: The Modern Day Watergate, With Zoe Quinn As Richard Nixon" https://www.allthink.com/1605320 https://archive.is/OmcZZ
>>326974 some of those twatter accounts are abandoned like jubbal's who hasn;t tweeted anything in months
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They talking about taking down 8chn there guess i now know why hotwheels got kicked off every single pay platform known to man and had to rely on butt coins. They wanted a cripple to go to prison because he dared host us on his site i'd dare say they wormed their slimy tentacles into moots shriveled cock which is why he kicked gg of his site
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https://twitter.com/Ryulong Blocked protected mode and i think he's using the gg autoblocker. wow now thats a combo if i ever saw one
>>326981 Good catch. I see Remy was addressed as Stephen multiple times in the logs, so it's highly likely he is StephenAtWar. (Odds are he posted links to his own tweets like the others did, easily confirmable if we get the raw logs) StephenAtWar = Tesseraconteur, he changed his Twitter handle at some point. http://archive.is/CzluG http://archive.is/bLeFn Looking into the lead you found, Tesseraction does appear to be Tesseract, a Tesseraction Twitter mentions SomethingAwful and ShitRedditSays plus talks to ZQ, Nyberg, and others from the logs. https://twitter.com/Tesseraction >>326996 The DoubleDlagon kind of sperged the fuck out when he got his Wikipedia ban and people were laughing at him. It's been protected since January 2015 and it's not surprising he is using a Gamergate block list. http://archive.is/RCrrt
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>>327000 >StephenAtWar That's the guy that turned on Zoe/CON, isn't it?
>>327001 Indeed. See (although I incorrectly matched him to Tesseract here): >>326983 Looking into that Tesseraction twitter (he uses that name in multiple places including as his SA and reddit accounts), he was a shitbucket involved with SA and ShitRedditSays and a constant presence on the SRS IRC. Tesseraction appears to claim to be trans (meaning MtF transgenders represent about half of the anti-GG inner cabal) and he almost certainly has connections to Laurelai, NekoArc, Cogsdev, RobotAnna, etc. I'm not sure how they all ended up as ZQ's closest associates, I presume through prior contact on SomethingAwful or ShitRedditSays.
>>327002 Messed up my links, meant to link to this. >>326976
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>>327002 fug, I didn't see that post. Here's the tweet that made me remember his name, though. http://archive.is/pWpxS
KiA just posted a completed log made from screencaps of the Brote stream. https://i.sli.mg/a8dgJJ.jpg
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FYA This is Devin Faraci's He's a manchild manlet. He's a small time attack dog for the social justice crowd,runs some literal who blog/news website has a problem with putting his foot in his mouth so be sure to archive his tweets before he deletes them
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Remember when journals were too lazy to fact check and posted this as a legitimate story ah good times good times
Hi, >>>/irc/ here! These logs are covering a lot of time and I can already imagine how talkative AGG is. If some digger needs a template for a thread with all the relevant quotes, you are always free to copy the format.
>>327015 Remember when he took a photograph from @masterninja and said 'this is the face of a mass-shooter'? Fun times.
>>326996 90 followers. Supremely sad
Chelsea is doing surprisingly well pretending this doesn't exist by not acknowledging them, same with the Rob sexual harrassment via her anti-harrassment org. Would be a worthy goal to get her to somehow be forced to admit these claims are out there against her
>>327037 why would anyone want to follow a guy who spends all his free time editing a wikipedia page and complaining about a #
Arthur chu mentions goons he probably doesn't even know what a goon is. http://archive.is/9lV5k The goonlord answers him odd?how did he even know about chu's tweet? http://archive.is/zSKB2
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https://twitter.com/CrashOverrideNW only 94 tweets last tweet was in march Does anyone even run that thing anymore? Oh the irony when i compare the chatlogs to the website
>>327052 sad thing is it's just enough under the radar to keep the scam going. Twitter is leaking revenue, bombing its stocks and shaming its investors, yet they have the money to PAY FemFreq to do nothing, and FemFreq in turn pays Zoe to do nothing, and the money stops there; CrashOverride agents are volunteers sucking Zoe's clit and doing occasional work & shitposting do get invited to her parties, convention spots and spending sprees. Twitter, like Gawker, gives absolutely zero fucks about how its subordinate groups under its umbrella act, so it needs to be torn down at the billionaire Silicon Valley or Wall Street level. The nice thing is, it's easier for us to dig and find a angel investor/aristocrat that has the influence to act at that level on our behalf than Zoe's. We just want to see something specific burn, not maintain a parasitic latch on an ongoing meal ticket. FIND THE NEXT THIEL, Find a rich twitter stockholder that we can get to fucking FIRE some people and shut some bullshit DOWN. There has to be some roman senator we can appeal to.
>>327038 As usual, it appears she whinged about it on the locked Primeape account while not saying a thing on the main account. Pic related, she did this with the Heat Street interview of Eron Gjoni, too. Unfortunately it's hard to say if these replies are about the chat log leaks or the negative reaction to the VICE video (or something else entirely), as both happened on the same day, but I screen capped the ones that were sent to her around the time the logs were leaked.
Will this hobble the MSM in the process?
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>>327068 And instantly we now know that all this time, all the complaints about Dina? We were right.
How do they not know what? He keeps saying that. There's a lot of shit they could be oblivious to? What is he specifically asking? Over and over and over again. How do they not know? How do they not know? Dude. The fuck?
>>327069 >and sjw game is bad >mn9 is a bad game AHAHAHAHAHAHA
>>327072 How do YOU not know?
>>327080 I worked a 13 hr day doing industrial installation. On 4 hours sleep. Then hit the gym for mad gains, got home and could barely lift my fork to my fat fucking face, let alone chew and swallow. My brain is on a slow gear at the moment. And thanks to these leaks, and apparently a second round, my mind is full of fuck.
>>327072 >how do they not know they are being hypocritical
>>327085 I figured that might have been it. With the five other things I figured. They don't know because that's how unaware and unconcerned hypocrites are. Fuck I'm exhausted. And 45 min left of first video.
August has been a great month fresh OC back to back happening sj twitter getting wrecked its beginning to look alot like christmas
>>327000 >>327002 >>327004 According to Ian, "Tessaract" in the chat logs is SJWIlluminati/SJWReptilian.
broteam is the best ally
Cross linking with: >>327075 Being Brote's work is pretty chaotic, I'm happy to have this thread specializing in yucking it up about what he does, or breaking down/verifying important things in chat during livestream says. Main discussion about the leaks themselves should go in the CON thread IMO. But I'm not a mod. And they stickied both.
>>327034 Yes, that format would be useful, please drop by >>327075 and explain. Sorry for double post mods. >>326988 The whole damn thing: http://pastebin.com/AvLCEYmc Don't assume anything will stay up. Not even the archives. Download it onto your own machine as .txt files. The password on the Mega doesn't work, but you can still get it from each pastebin/archive. Alternative download: FULL LOGS http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=00225189621021751293 Password: is7X8ThzzMC7CL2VtAvd
>>327149 I skimmed through because i have seen this shit before she's doing that "its your fault things didn't work out im going to fuck randos to get back at you i won't tell you whats wrong because i don't know myself" Eron's a damn fool who should have cut her off the second she started pulling this shit. NEVER STICK YOUR DICK IN NARCISSISTIC CRAZY ATTENTION SEEKING WHORES
>>326996 His tweets are protected.
Backup link of all logs combined for ease: https://archive.is/xZRpO
Whilst we're at it, here's CON's last scandalous leak, archived: https://archive.is/xYesn
Don't know why this isn't linked for more collaborative conversation, but: https://8ch.net/v/res/10519063.html
These chatlogs sure are revealing, but what do we do with them? Do we dig through and see if we can tie any of them to fraud? Because it seems like there'd be something here to tie Crash Override Network to some illegal shit.
>>327190 /irc/ here again. You can copy us and go through the logs day by day, line by line.
I downloaded all files/pics/vids from every link in the logs, can we publicly archive aswell? Repost from v The thing you have all been waiting for, the CON-Skype-Leak It's about 850.000 lines or a little over 50.000 words in size and is from 22-12-2014 to 05-01-2015 There are original 3 files: - The main Skype channel with all of them (the biggest) - And two smaller "Serious Chats" with smaller groups As well as one file with the highlights we found from all 3 logs ```No hacking was involved in obtaining these logs. We were approached by a former member and combed them for info & redacted dox.``` Here are the highlights we found: - Randi Harper of Online Abuse Prevention Initiative doxed a Facebook group in the chat. CON (partnered with Twitter-Support) members celebrate and discuss how they can get people fired. - Katherine Cross of Feminist Frequency praises Harper for doing this. - CON members discuss that one of their goals is to make it so "GamerGaters" are fired and never find work again. - In one particularly egregious case, they reported a disabled purple heart recipient for nothing other than disagreeing with them. - CON lied about the involvement of Rob Marmolejo (@UnseenPerfidy), who was recently accused of having sexually harassed up 20 women, while working for CON. - CON lied about the involvement of Israel "Izzy" Galvez (@iglvzx), who was recently shown to be associated with known trolls and who was just recently exposed as party to the failed doxing attempt of Twitter user @mombot. - Confirmation that Wikipedia Editor Ryulong was involved with the group as he edited an article highlighted by Quinn within 2 hours of being contacted. - They regularly engage in harassment, trolling, dogpiling and other things they claim to combat. - Photoshopping people into embarrassing photos, targeting people for personal grudges, threatening violence on people should they ever meet, etc. - CON operates as a secret society that issues "burn notices" on members who talk about it. This is the list of names with their Twitter handles (the ones were able to get): - Remy @StephenAtWar - Athena Hollow @athenahollow - Ian Cheong @stillgray - Izzy @iglvzx - Rob @UnseenPerfidy - Peter Coffin @petercoffin - drinternetphd @UnburntWitch - Chris Kluwe @ChrisWarcraft - Tesseract @SJWIlluminati - Charloppe @Nibelsnarfabarf - Dina @petitemistress - SecretGamerGirl @SecretGamerGrrl - Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts @srhbutts - SF @sfthewolf - live:riotarms: @knifehorse - Quinnae @Quinnae_Moon - Dan Olson @FoldableHuman - Veerender Jubbal @Veeren_Jubbal - Alex Lifschitz @alexlifschitz - David Gallant @davidsgallant - Faruk Ates @KuraFire - Annie Kelly @AnnieKNK
[Expand Post]- Arthur Chu @arthur_affect - Ross ??? - nicholas.boterf ??? - Lars Flyger ??? Main chat Part 1 Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/Ds8ffjbC Archive: http://archive.is/G2531 Main chat Part 2 Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/4m7Eifgk Archive: http://archive.is/zhuD5 Main chat Part 3 Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/i4CqJ18T Archive: http://archive.is/iRR4f Main chat Part 4 Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/pCa5QdB4 Archive: http://archive.is/hXGRb Main chat Part 5 Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/Dnshjygc Archive: http://archive.is/RIUi7 Main chat Part 6 Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/XUcNkgWu Archive: http://archive.is/gKMzL Main chat Part 7 Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/ms6dJDrs Archive: http://archive.is/2h0dG Main chat Part 8 Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/hsmLfEek Archive: http://archive.is/zFazS Main chat Part 9 Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/RuzQ8rSx Archive: http://archive.is/as22v Main chat Part 10 Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/gc47UJKy Archive: http://archive.is/d2eWz Serious chat (short) Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/emCc8aDN Archive: http://archive.is/kqGOm Serious chat (long) Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/8uRrd3EY Archive: http://archive.is/3J6Dg Highlights Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/QkfLCA8m Archive: http://archive.is/eBVCb 7zip of all files: https://mega.nz/#!lsMz3DxQ Pw: is7X8ThzzMC7CL2VtAvd
>>327209 I'd say this board is OK. Just remember to report off topic and raids. Info analysis here: >>327075
The latest CON leak shows they were editing Wikipedia pages to fit their narrative: https://archive.is/lbVd7

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