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GamerGate Radio

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Proof Revolt used spambots to attack Torrential Downpour Veteran Leader 09/12/2016 (Mon) 15:57:32 Id: 08bfee No. 327886
Looks like @MEGATRON_1488 (CthuluGames), @WildGooseAbuse and @AgoristArtist were behind the spamming of #TorrentialDownpour. Many of the bots share the personalities of their creators/purchasers, and several of the bots link to what appears to be MEGATRON/CthuluGames's ebay store. And if you look, MEGATRON deleted nearly ten thousand tweets in the past month alone and scrubbed the bots twitter accounts as well. Even MEGATRON/CG's profile says "controller of many bots." It's possible they are all controlled by MEGATRON_1488 and he is trying to frame AgoristArtist and WildGooseAbuse. Keep the hell dig going and expose them. @MEGATRON_1488's Ebay Store: https://archive.is/sHUxd @MEGATRON_1488 (formerly "CthuluGames"): >https://twitter.com/WallOfWeirdness >https://twitter.com/CthulhuSentMe >https://twitter.com/BoardgameBlitz >http://archive.is/hOP3Z >https://twitter.com/FoodPicsForYou >https://twitter.com/Hi_Hi_Hi_There >https://twitter.com/MuchWowShibes @wildgooseabuse: https://twitter.com/goosejenner & https://twitter.com/goosejenner >https://twitter.com/GooseQuest >https://twitter.com/ChooChooseU @AgoristArtist: https://twitter.com/AgoristArtist >https://twitter.com/Emperors_Finest
Spambot's Ebay Store: "10% of sales go toward charity." https://archive.is/sHUxd#selection-553.0-553.31 MAGATRON'S Bio: "% of my profits go toward charity" http://archive.is/iKbKj#selection-997.55-997.112
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These guys say they are part of /pol/ but half the time they do provocations with no value. Makes you wonder if Alex Dipshit is paying for these bots.
Some pretty damning stuff.
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I have two accounts on Twitter. @goosejenner and @wildgooseabuse. I only have two because one of them is shadowbanned. I don't browse /pol/. I got linked to here by some idiots accusing me of botting shit. I don't have bots and wouldn't know how to set one up even if I wanted to. I still don't even know what TD is. Keep your GamerGate tism to yourself and drink bleach. Lily Feng died like a bitch. Just setting shit straight. Kthxbai.
>>327891 They aren't from /pol/. Most likely a D&C attempt.
Megatron denies that goose and agorist are involved with this. What evidence do you have that they participated in this, OP? http://archive.is/zwnxw
>>327900 Thanks for clearing that up. Keep us informed if you hear anything.
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>327886 These guys are Ralphs closest Acolytes one of em is a bwc troll goose and the other is probably an aytist. This shit was an open secret back in the day of TD,since these are Trolls/chronic shitposters i doubt you should take anything they sa seriously and automatically assume the worst Good luck though on your search for the truth Anon keep digging at them perhaps you will strike Gold Seems like we got their attention anyway
Not WildGoose again. I never like the guy. Me (Looks at Torrential Downpour): Brain breaks at by Ralph's buddies' spambots.
This is Agorist Polwright. My god I haven't been to this shit half reddit website in ages. You morons are the most autistic children I have ever seen. I utterly avoided Revolt because they are infected with pure autism, but where I avoided y'all for being beta you appear to be EQUALLY fucking autistic. My sides have been ripped away by cosmic forces of pure kek. This is the most cringe-fucking-schoolyard conspiracy theory I've been blessed to witness. What the fuck is going on in your DM groups that you are SO FAR off? Thanks for the laugh.
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>>327902 "Denies" … I didn't deny anything about them being involved. They were never involved, end of story on that. And in fact, I never denied anything to begin with. Took a month for people to piece this together the first time. And it's now mid-sept… you fags are wayyyy late, this shit was discussed ad nauseam long ago. Fact of the matter, TDspam was only an exercise… but all the finger pointing & conspiracy theories fed me with lulz while I learned. Especially getting called john kelly and marxist-globalist… Drag out those old boogiemen and ride huh? lol Moved on, you all should go outside and kiss your lawn before a waggon rolls up. >>327922 Have fun figuring out whatever the fuck you're talking about. I literally have no tweets in TD. Haven't touched it in months. Purged the accounts because all that TD shit (and I mean SHIT) was useless weight. Humorous you pedos still post to it, figured you all would of got tired of circle jerking by now, but I guess people(netscape) have to drum up controversy for youtube shekels some how. Thanks for the autistic trip down memory lane PS - paying for bots? pffftt LMFAO
>>327925 >>327943 Look at all those frightened spergouts. Scared? You can't hide behind Ralph forever, trolls.
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>>327925 We are anonymous expect us. You should clean your room more often
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This is hilarious goose is totally gay for Ralph now and i thought the gook rene was wedged firmly on Ralph's cock,looks like he has some competition.
>>327943 >you>you>you>you>you>you>you>you>you>you >look at me projecting But we're talking about me… sweety I want to hear about you. Don't worry, I tottally believ you're insincere and easive not-quiet-a-denial. I totally support you current live-stile and think you are beautiful, brave, and strong for coming out.
No wonder why KiA backlisted Ralph's site, says don't post his stuff unless ya archive it.
>>328083 Archiving sites in general is just good practice.

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