>It's not fucking muscle in the other pics though
It clearly is, specially in
>He's clearly taken a "fetishizing 2D results in 2D becoming 3D" position, and sees the push for "Uuuuuh THICCER" in both 2D and 3D as one and the same.
Re-read that post. He's saying that BBW/fatfags abuse the "thick" meme to post content that clearly surpasses the limits of "thick" and considers them annoying fags. He never mentioned "fetishizing 2D results in 2D becoming 3D", you did.
>This board is locked for posting.
wew, although isn't like all the pedos disappeared. They went back to /b/ the moment kazu was fired and the board got a BO who allowed pics of children (aka like two weeks after /hebe/ was made).
Doubt it. /hebe/ was only the excuse to cut all ties with 8moe, but even before the pedo drama many users and even some staff resented this place because Mark was a volunteer (although only on /v/), and some of them still think he is a global mod or admin. Others hate Acid for not banning pedos on sight, accepting Mark's shekels in exchange of /v/alestine and because how he behaved on Fatchan, and hate these threads for being /b/-lite and an exception to all of Mark's rules.
>The board still exists.
Maybe not for long, depending on who gets to have it.
>The administration still defended its existence
The administration locked the board the moment news about its abandonment began to spread. It's obvious they want it gone as much as many others.
Click the little square icon above the pic, the one that looks like a triangle between two horizontal lines.