They all taste like ass and you'll just feel sick and tired after eating them.
Only reason those brands
"food" chains are successful is because Americunts are retarded low iq consumers or are too desperate and poor so they need to eat something cheap because of our rush to work vain attempts to avoid rush hour traffic culture as a result of our shit infrastructure that is the polar opposite of what Japan or the Netherlands has. Because of this most adult men and woman don't have breakfast at home with their families anymore, it's rather sad actually... Maybe if the
(((Federal Reserve))) didn't inflate the US dollar to high hell we could have functional family's again instead of being tax slaves essentially.
If you want a good reasonable priced burrito wrap go to Red Sombrero instead, it's like Taco Bell only it won't give you diabetes and diarrhea afterwards, plus it actually tastes good. Also healthier if you care about that stuff, as for burgers and what not just go to a real restaurant or grill the burgers yourself over some charcoal and a cheap portable camper grill.
Depends on how they want to do that. I'd be fine with a giant tarps being flown over forests and more importantly coral reefs. Could be a safe easy solution but the autocrats in charge don't want that. They want to instead rationalize why we
"need" to nuke the sky above because they're fucking insane.
>da rush uns are BAD they have to be WATCHED because they will do BAD things
Is it irrational keep an eye on a foreign army in something as strategically valuable as a military based with lots of valuable information being passed through reguarly? What if someone manages to place a
"bug" when they aren't being watched carefully? I figured that was just common fucking sense regardless of the nation your inviting.
>ignore all of NATO and Israel
What about my post implies I'm pro ZOG-bot? I figured the whole caring what happens to Julian Assange thing made it clear I'm not. I'm just not interested in worshiping Putin either even if I agree with him on a few issues like Syria for example.
A lack of reading comprehension land lazy strawman green texting isn't an argument anon.
clear netnigger
I'm very lazy, do I need an account to archive shit? I'd do it more often if it was easy.
A bunch of retarded cannon fodder who think their sacrifices will mean jack squat.
>(((Microcock))) corporation desperately trying to make their dying franchise relevant again
Meh, I hope it's a huge failure. It was wise of Bungie to jump off that sinking ship, to bad they'll be sucking
(((Soyny's))) limp soy filled dick instead now.
I'm indifferent to it all at this point, hope for the best but expect the worst.
We're all meaty flappy Honkers now anons.
I can't enjoy sexy classic Arabian attire because Link made it mainstream and I'm a huge contrarian faggot, at the very least I'm getting sick of that design from seeing it to much. Archery is always a sexy skill though.